Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Yami and Ryou Show ❯ Yami and Ryou's Premiere Episode! ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

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This was a fan favorite in FF.net under AnnyJTV, so I'm going to run a trial. If I get five reviews on this thing, I'll continue it. There are still commercials here, but there's only one each break, so don't worry about it. BTW, you can request our next guests if you really want to. From here on out, it's Yami and Ryou's thing, so TTFN and I hope you enjoy! ^_^


The Yami and Ryou Show


Ryou: Konnichiwa!

Yami: Um yeah whatever he said.

Ryou: This is the first real showing of our program! Oh, I'm so excited Yami!

Yami: ^_^ Good for me, then!

Ryou: okay, then!

Yami: And if you were wondering, or if you're extremely baka, Ryou and I are your hosts.

Ryou: No need to be rude.

Yami: Yes there is.

Ryou: -_-0

some voice in the audience: Yami sucks!!!

Yami and Ryou: O_o;;;; Who was that?

*camera turns around to reveal Bakura((dundunndunnnn!!!))*

Bakura: Me, you stupid um stupid-headed uh pervert!

Yami: *to Ryou* Your darker half isn't that much darker is he?

Bakura: I am very evil and dark! See? *rips off his shirt revealing his new tan and causing some girls to faint in the audience*

Yami: *covering Ryou's eyes* I meant darker as in personality.

Bakura: Well, that's why you're stupid!

Ryou: Can we get Malik's yami in here?

*Yami Malik((Mallie)) is thrown at Bakura, knocking both of them out*

Ryou: That's not quite what I meant-

Yami: But, hey, it worked! Moving on, our guests today include the Anime Idol finalists, the beautiful actress/model Hagiwara Mio, and the debate of the day will be "Who's cuter? Ryoga in human form, or Ryoga in P-chan form?" Vote at our website and at the end of the show, we'll give you the result!

Ryou: But first, a commercial break!

@@@@commercial break@@@@

You must watch the hottest, new soap opera about a Hope Fairy, a boy, and a hentai!

Doubt, the Hope Fairy, loves Kikuno and at the same time, a hentai-thought-prone girl named Ecchiko is after him! Who will win this love/lust tug-of war? And why is lust even here when Kikuno and Ecchiko are only 14?! Let's not even discuss Doubt's age. Anyway, catch it on AnnyJTV at 3:00pm every weekday!

@@@@end commercial break@@@@

Ryou: Welcome back!

Yami: It was only one commercial so that couldn't have been too bad.

Ryou: Now it's time for our first guests, the Anime Idol finalists, Kouga and Shampoo!

*fans scream in the audience while the finalists walk out*

Ryou: Welcome to the show, guys.

Shampoo: It pleasure being here.

Kouga: What she said only with better grammar.

Yami: What's it like being considered a sex symbol by people you never even though existed?

Kouga: ^_^ Well, at least, even if I lose Kagome to Inuyasha, I'll always have a back-up!

Shampoo: No one ever take place of Ranma!

Yami: We are big fans of the show, you know.

Shampoo: Lot of people say that, you big stars so it mean more.

Yami and Ryou: ^^;;;

Kouga: *to Yami and Ryou* She's such a suck-up, don't believe a word she says! You can never trust a cat, I always say!

Ryou: O.o;;

Yami: ¬_¬;;; cat?

Shampoo: Cat? Where? *looks around*

Kouga: They're baka, too.

Shampoo: Cat is no baka!

Kouga: What are you gonna do? Turn into a kitty and try to meow me to death? Hahaha!

Bakura: You tell her! No cat's gonna push you around!

Mallie: Um, Bakura? We worshiped cats back in Egypt.

Bakura: Oh really? You know I've always been taboo-ish anyway.

Mallie: *rolls eyes*

Ryou: Ignoring those two, can we get back to the subject?

Shampoo: *angrily* Yes.

Kouga: ^^ Heh, this is fun.

Yami: Do you mind if you perhaps sing a song?

Shampoo: We allowed sing only on Anime Idol.

Kouga: Yeah, it's a drag. We can't sing anywhere else unless we get written permission.

Ryou: Hmm Yami, did we get that?

Yami: I don't think so.

Ryou: *asks the co-producer, who just happens to be Pegasus((O___o;;;))* Hey, do we have their written permission?

Pegasus: Let the frog eat his cake! It is his circumcision, after all! Ohohohohohoho!

Yami: We need a new co-producer.

Ryou: How about we just bring out our next guest, the beautiful Hagiwara Mio!

*Mio walks out and the audience cheers*

Yami: Hello, Miss Hagiwara!

Mio: Hi.

Ryou: We heard about all your new productions.

Mio: Oh, really?

Kouga: Who hasn't? I mean, come on!

Yami: *deeply annoyed by the Anime Idols* Can you tell us about your new commercial?

Mio: Certainly! Well, it includes a wonderful young actress by the name of Sana, and she is such a doll, even if she is a bit temperamental. But anyway, the commercial is about a new clothing line by the Kappa's Cucumber Co. I had such fun on the set!

Shampoo: Acting easy?

Mio: Not always.

Yami: Um, Shampoo? I think me and Ryou are the hosts of this show, if you don't mind.....

Mio: The Kappa's Cucumber Co. is worn by many famous singers and movie stars-

Ryou: Including moi!

Shampoo: What is "moi"?

Ryou: ^^;;

Yami: Well, we've had plenty of fun today. That concludes this preview of the Yami and Ryou show! I hope this show is continued for a few more episodes!

Ryou: Oh, don't forget, Yami! The results of the "Ryoga- Cuter as human or pig?" question was astonishingly close! Separated by only 4% of the votes, it turns out many people think Ryoga is cuter as a human than as a pig due to the fact that as a human, he's actually boyfriend material. What those people who voted human don't know, Ryoga is easier to catch as a pig AND easier to get into bed, as Miss Akane shows us in Ranma 1/2.

Ranma: Akane is NOT a like that!

Ryou: We didn't mean it that way! Look! *points to a manga of Ranma 1/2* See? He can actually fit into her bed!

Shampoo: My Ranma! *glomps Ranma*

Ranma: *knocked out*

Yami: We hope you enjoyed the show!

Ryou: see ya again next time on-

Both: The Yami and Ryou Show! Bye!


Vote if you want another episode! I hope the later ones are better than the first.... TTFN! ^_^