Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Two Worlds One Destiny ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Two Worlds One Destiny

Chapter Six


Summary: "Seto don't do this!" He shouted. With a few hand strokes, a portal opened, he was shoved in. The portal had opened in an alternative realm landing him with another Yugi and Atemu.


"Either you have betrayed Protegere and joined Deorc or you have somehow manage to find Mokuba shrunken by the accident and brainwashed Yugi. Tell me which one then I'll go sound the alarms, but I'm sure either one would infuriate Seto very much."




Senso no Seikai


"Atemu! Wake up!" a frightful voice shouted frantically. "Atemu!"

"Uhh... ahh..." Atemu groaned as his eyes strained to open. The world spun around him nauseatingly before he turned to his side and curled up in an attempt to regain his equilibrium and stop himself from hurling.

"Oi, daijoubu ka?" Atemu strained his eyes open again before his blurred vision slowly cleared. Mokuba hovered above him with his hair cascading over his shoulders. Two lockets dangled from his neck.

"Mokuba?" Atemu sat up with the raven-haired boy's help. "What happened?"

Mokuba blinked in confusion. "You don't remember?" He said in a panic.

Atemu closed his eyes for a moment before everything rushed back to him. "I remember... but where's Koryu?" Atemu asked.

Mokuba looked down and placed a hand on one of the lockets before starting, "I don't know. When I woke up, he was gone." Mokuba tightened his grasp over the locket. "It's all my fault. If I didn't run in, this probably wouldn't have happened," Mokuba bit his lower lip. Crying is a sign of weakness, though his brother allows him to cry if he wishes to, he does not want to.

Atemu rested a hand on top of Mokuba's head, before reassuring him with, "It's alright Mokuba; I understand." They were in a parking lot of some sort. "But for now, it's more important to get home." He noticed a troubled look on the raven haired boy's face. "We can get home, don't worry."

Mokuba shook his head. "No, it's not that." His hand grasped tighter to the locket.

"What is it?" Atemu gently urged.

The younger boy's face scrunched up in discomfort. "It's easier if you saw it yourself." He said before hauling Atemu up and dragging him towards the edge.

It turned out they were at Kaiba Corp's research dome at the hillside behind the city. When Atemu caught sight of the city, his eyes narrowed. More then half of the buildings were damaged beyond repair. It seemed like no one bothered with the city's maintenance. The concrete sidewalks were cracked; the streets were filled with potholes and the light posts' glass were crack with missing light bulbs.

"So this is Koryu's world." Atemu murmured as he grasped onto the fence. The only building that seems to be in better conditions was Kaiba Corp, but even that building has seen better days.

"Look over there." Mokuba pointed. Atemu turned his attention towards the pointed area. Patrol cars were all over the place; driving from one place to another.

/Yugi, what do you think about this?/

/_Mou `static' boku._/ Atemu placed a hand to the puzzle.

/Aibou?/ He questioned, but there was no response. /Yugi?/




"Something's not right," Atemu mumbled.

"Huh?" Mokuba turned to him with a questioning look.

/Why can't I hear Yugi?/ He wondered. The puzzle still felt warm; meaning Yugi has not completely left him. /Maybe interference because of the change of realm/ He wondered.

"Atemu?" Mokuba questioned.

The pharaoh shook his head. "Nandemonai." He said before turning to the younger boy. "We need to find Koryu. If we're going to get home, we'll need the millennium items of this realm."

"Un… But where are we going to look for him?" Mokuba asked.

"But Hane-Kuriboh is my aibou!" Both Atemu and Mokuba turned towards the direction of the voice.

The two looked at one another before nodded and headed towards the direction to investigate. The two kept themselves close to the wall and away from visibility. However, they did glance out from the side and noticed two people standing there. One was a boy in a red uniform and the other was a girl in a white and blue uniform. Both had a strange duel disk strapped to their arm.

"Why are you keeping that thing!? The traitor killed Mokuba-sama!" the girl shouted furiously. The boy kept the card out of her reach. Mokuba blinked in surprise at hearing his name.

"But Hane-Kuriboh didn't do anything! I'm not letting you rip him up!" he shouted as he backed away from her reach. "Asuka! Snap out of it! Even if you rip up Hane-Kuriboh, he won't come back!"

"Demo… Mokuba-sama..." she whispered before her hands slowly dropped to her sides.

The boy sighed in relief before returning the card to his duel disk. "Asuka, nothing's going to change the fact that he's not here anymore. Let's go back, the sorting isn't done yet and I want to see what who the new recruits are for Osiris Red. It's not the time for us to be emotional now. If anything, we should use this pent up energy to fight against Deorc," he said.

"I... guess you're right," she sullenly replied. "I have to see the recruitments for Obelisk Blue. The girl ratio had dropped greatly since the last battle."

/Has things really gotten this horrible in this world? What have I-no, what has the pharaoh of this world left? Would it happen to our world?/ Atemu thought fearfully for the wellbeing of his home world.

"What are the two of you doing out here?" The two hiding quickly turned towards the familiar voice before their eyes widened.

"Head Commander Honda!" the boy shouted in surprise before both he and the girl saluted.

"I thought you two were supposed to be watching the sorting. You two are head officers! Act like one and do your job. We don't have time to waste! Deorc has already taken over Africa and the Americas! If they take over anymore land we'll be finished!" he snapped. The boy quickly bowed.

"Gomen nasai! We'll return to our duties now sir!" the boy said before saluting again.

/Different, everything is so different./ Atemu thought.

Hiroto stood with power and authority. The jokester that once poked fun at Katsuya was no longer there. In his place was only a military official. His attire consisted of desert camouflage pants and jacket, along with a black wife beater under it and a pair of heavy battle boots. On the breast pocket was a badge acknowledging and confirming his position and authority. He jacket was worn the same way Atemu would when dueling. However, it was his eyes that drew the attention of the younger Kaiba.

"Honda-" Atemu quickly covered his mouth surprising the boy to struggle slightly. A scar was over the left eye of the brunette, sealing it shut.

"Who's there!?" the commander bellowed. "Come out. If you have snuck in here you would know the place is already surrounded. It'll be impossible for you to leave without alerting them."

/Shimatta, if we don't go out, Mokuba is going to get hurt, but if I go out, things are going to get complicated./ Atemu thought as he looked down at Mokuba. The boy was amazingly not frightened, instead he gave a nod to Atemu to urge him to do whatever he wanted. Staring at the younger boy's eyes for a bit longer he released a long sigh and looked away.

"Last warning-" Atemu stepped out before he finished. The only usable eye of Hiroto widened along with the two youngsters by his side.

"Yugi!" the girl hissed. "I should kill you for what you did to Mokuba-sama!" she roared, but before she was able to do anything, Hiroto had swiftly grabbed her shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze to the pressure point. Her eyes widened at the contact and hastily closed as she lost consciousness. The boy quickly caught her before she fell.

"Judai, take her inside," Hiroto ordered.


"Just do it," he snapped. The boy nodded before picking up the girl and running inside. Once they were gone Hiroto kept full attention on Atemu. "Whatever you're planning leave the students out of this. I don't know how you got pass the wards, but if you're planning to go any further..." he allowed the threat to linger. Atemu has yet to speak. "Why aren't you talking Yugi?" he hissed.

"I doubt anything I say would get through to you, but I have one thing to tell you." he said as Honda's eye narrowed in suspicion. "Koryu is still alive. It's just the matter of finding him."

"What?" Hiroto droned dangerously. Though, he looked calm and collected, though his eye told a different story.

Atemu released a breath. "He was sent to me after an accident. I believe if you asked Kumi-san, you would get a better detail of the story."

The brunette glared at him suspiciously. "Why should I trust you?" Hiroto asked.

"You can call Kumi-san if you wish to. I will do nothing. I would hand you my items as well, but I'm not sure how I would affect me," Atemu replied.

"Items?" Honda cautiously before he noticed the tauk. "Sennen tauk..." he looked at Atemu's face again. "What did you do to Rebecca?"

"Nothing, this is Isis's tauk. I have asked Malik to lend it to me." Atemu answered.


"Isis and Malik have died three years ago." Hiroto said as he pulled out a gun and its safety hatch.

"Honda yamero!" Mokuba shouted as he ran out and stood defensively in front of Atemu.

"Mokuba! What are you doing!?" Atemu snapped.

"Atemu, do you even know how dangerous a gun can be!? If you get shot you will die!" Mokuba retorted.

"M-Mokuba?" Hiroto said in surprise and confusion. Mokuba turned to Hiroto using his body as a shield for Atemu.

"Honda, this isn't Yugi! This is Atemu! Can't you see the difference!?" Mokuba snapped. Hiroto took a second to regain logic to his mind, raising his gun again.

"I don't know what you're playing at Yugi. Atemu returned to his world three years ago and that Mokuba clone is convincing, but it won't fool me, he's three years too young," Hiroto said readying to pull the trigger. Atemu quickly pulled Mokuba behind him despite the younger boy's protests.

"Hiro, yamero." Hiroto's finger stopped its pressure on the trigger, but he had not lowered his gun. "Koryu is safe and back at HQ."

"Demo..." Hiroto was unsure.

"Just go calm down your subordinates. They'll start a panic uproar in the sorting ceremony. I'll handle our visitors." Hiroto reluctantly draw back.

"You better not try anything while you're here or else," Hiroto threatened both Atemu and Mokuba before leaving. Atemu released a slow breath that he had not known he had held. However, he had not known where their savior was. Though, he could probably identify who it is by voice alone.

"I didn't expect to see you again... pharaoh." Mokuba quickly turned around as foot steps approached them. Atemu slowly turned before he noticed the white hair clashing with the dark outfit.

"Bakura..." Atemu started, but he stopped when he noticed the scar on his face and the cold eyes. "Tomb raider."

"Both incorrect," the albino man said. "I haven't been called by either name since I've joined Protegere. They all call me Necro." He glanced down at Mokuba; the raven haired boy quickly hid behind Atemu. An amused smirk briefly touched his lips before disappearing. His attention turned back to the pharaoh before him. "What are you doing back here and why do you have a younger copy of Koryu with you?"

"Koryu did not tell you?" Atemu asked. Necro closed his eyes and released a sigh before continuing.

"I lied to Hiro. Koryu is still missing."

"Then how-" Atemu was briefly cut off.

"I would recognize you even if you turned into ashes," he growled. Atemu was taken aback by the hostility emitted by Necro. "What are you doing back here? Haven't you done enough damage by leaving? Are you back to cause more?"

"Chigaru." Atemu shook his head. "It was an accident that brought me and Mokuba here. Koryu had fallen into our world. I never left my Yugi... demo..." Atemu frowned. "I can't contact him for some reason. There's a static connection."

Necro stared at him with cold indifference before turning around. "Follow me, Hiro will notice that I lied. It won't be safe for you to stay here." Necro said as he walked towards the parking lot again.

"Ba-iie, Necro, can you tell me what happened here?" Atemu asked, unmoving from the spot where he stood. "When we met with Koryu, he hadn't mentioned much with the exception of the existence of Deorc and Protegere." Mokuba glanced up at him questionably. Koryu had actually told them more... what is he getting at? Necro only halted for a brief second before turning around. Atemu was not surprised when the albino man lifted a gun to him.

"If Koryu had mentioned Deorc and Protegere, I don't doubt he has mentioned about the members of Protegere. The brat hasn't finish training. Withholding information is one of his weaker points," his face passive, his arm steady and the gun aimed at a vital organ. "I'm in no mood to play around." Atemu only stared at him for a few brief seconds before turning away in laughter. Both Mokuba and Necro stared at him. "Nani o okashi?"

Atemu's eyes drooped as a faint smile reached his lips. "I'm just laughing for you. It seems that this world and its events stripped you of that ability." He replied sadly. "I don't doubt Kaiba is worrying dreadfully for Mokuba and I'm not just talking about the one here. I'm talking about the one back in my realm. You are familiar with realms are you not?" With a snort, Necro lowered his gun before returning it to the hidden holster in his sleeves.

"Anyone having access to the Shadow Realm should know that very well. If not, I would have drilled it into their pathetic brains when they were given the ability to do so." Necro said before smirk reached his lips.

"If you were the tomb raider, I would take that literally, but since you're also Bakura at the same time, I'm assuming that is slightly less excruciating, but unbearable none the less," Atemu spoke with certainty.

Necro's lips quirked up in amusement before he turned around and started to walk, but stopped briefly to inform them, "Just follow me, I'm sure a certain someone would be highly amused and irritated by your current presence in this world more then me."

Atemu and Mokuba followed without a question as he led them to a car to leave safely out of this recruiting vicinity.


His head was pounding when he came too. "Ah... Itai," he groaned as he raised a hand to his pounding head and sat up.

"So you're awake, I should go tell Tenma-sama," a woman said before she stood up from her seat and walked towards the door.

"Tera-san matte, ugh..." he groaned again as he fell back.

The woman named Tera stopped and turned back. "What is it? You know I don't have time to baby sit you. If Tenma-sama didn't ask me to watch you, I would be off fighting sen ni hyaku-yen-san," she crossed her arms as she sighed.

The young man she was talking to burst into laughter. "You still insist on calling him Mr. 1200 Yen? I thought the price on Jounochi's head have raised to at least two billion yen by now," he mused.

She snorted, "To me, he will always worth that little. I don't know how he gets all his shit luck! It's irritating," she grumbled before staring straight into his violet eyes. "You've been unconscious for an hour if that's what you're wondering."

"Ah... Sou ka?" he whispered softly running a hand through his short hair.

/Yugi `static, static' Aibou/ He flinched at hearing the voice before cautiously looked around the distant, sterile room.

The woman Tera noticed his sudden change in posture. "Is something wrong Yugi?"

"I thought I..." he shook his head, "Nandemonai, I'm just probably hearing things."

She raised an eyebrow before dropping her arms to her sides and sighed, "I better tell Tenma-sama you're awake."

"You do that, I'll-"

She sharply cut in, "Don't think about returning to work. Tenma-sama will be greatly infuriated if you worked in this condition. Maico called half an hour ago and she'll be here to watch over you. Don't make me send my vampires after you," she threatened before leaving the room.

The Yugi of this world sighed as he leaned back into his pillows before he allowed his eyes to wander down to the bulge under his covers. Tiredly, he pulled his covers aside to reveal a deck box strapped to his thigh, very much like Mai's during the battle city tournament. Hesitantly, he flipped the lid open and pulled out a deck of cards. The first card was Dark Magician; his eyes were cold and unrelenting. He continued to flip through his cards before he stopped on the companion card, Dark Magician Girl. His eyes narrowed as he felt himself see red; with an annoyed growl he threw his cards across the room with much fury.

The door opened before an elderly woman rolled in, in her wheel chair, she noticed the mess Yugi has caused in the room. She gave a grandmotherly smile before speaking, "Throwing a tantrum again, I see."

Yugi gave a faint smile before responding, "Gomen, Maico-san," he sighed again, "I'm not feeling too well."

"It would be so... After all, I heard from Tera that you fainted on them," Maico said as she wheeled over to Yugi's bedside and clasped her hands over his hand and patted it motherly. "Are you feeling slightly better, dear?"

"If he's not then he's staying out of research and missions until he's better," a man responded.

Yugi and Maico looked over to the speaker before the short young man sunk down in his bed. "Tenma-sama," he whispered weakly at seeing them man. The man glanced at the room and noticed the cards scattered amuck the room. Yugi attempted to look away from the man's piercing gaze. "Gomen," that was all Yugi was able to say.

"I hope that is not all you can say Yugi," the man Tenma spoke calmly, his voice oozed with masculinity, power and authority. Yugi looked away guiltily. He calmly walked closer to Yugi before gently catching his chin with his elegant hand and tilting the young man's head up so that he would see the amethyst eyes the younger man possessed.

Maico noticed the fear and guilt in Yugi's eyes before glancing up at the man, "Tenma-sama, I'm sure Yugi is tired from getting sick. Maybe you should let him rest a bit more before you start questioning him?" she asked softly.

Tenma broke eye contact with Yugi briefly to glance at the old woman, but he returned his attention back to the younger man shortly after. "I only let you off so easy, Yugi, is because of how compassionate Maico is for you. I expect you to return in full health by the end of this week," his hand slipped away from its place under Yugi's chin; his fingers only lingered on the smooth skin for only a brief second to send chills down Yugi's spine.

"Tenma-sama," Maico protested, but Tenma raised a hand to cease her complaints.

"Yugi, you are aware if you're not well by then..." Tenma allowed his words to linger. Yugi's eyes hardened as he nodded in submission. "I am glad you understand," he turned to Maico, "Please take care of him then."

"Hai, Tenma-sama," Maico replied as her worried eyes watched Tenma leave the room and back to Yugi clenching his fists at his sides.

"Chikuso..." he gritted through his teeth, "CHIKUSO!" he roared pounding the bed. Maico only sadly watched on as Yugi suffered alone.


Mokuba followed behind Atemu, grasping tightly to the helms of the pharaoh's jacket. They were walking in darkness with only Necro's glowing ring as their only source of light. "Where are we going?" the young Kaiba asked fearfully.

Necro let out a cold chuckle before replying, "I'm sure the presence of the two of you will bring some amusement."

"We're not clowns," Atemu responded coldly, but Necro only grinned.

"I'm sure you aren't pharaoh, but you do need to meet with the others if you are to return to your own world," an amused grin plastered on Necro's face as he continued, "Besides, I'm sure there's a few Protegere members dying to see you."

Atemu kept a firm hand over the puzzle, something about Necro's words were not reassuring, "Are we going to see Kaiba?"

"We'll have to see about that," Necro said before they finally stopped. "Here we are." They have stopped at a dead end.

"Atemu?" Mokuba tugged on the older boy's shirt.

"Daijoubu," Atemu whispered patting the younger boy's shoulder.

"Oi gaki! Open the gate," Necro shouted; both Mokuba and Atemu stared at the white haired man curiously as pounded his fist into the wall.

"I heard you the first time and stop calling me a brat!" a familiar voice snapped out, however, it was much older then they have last heard it.

"Atemu, you don't think that's..." Mokuba trailed off as the wall Necro was pounding, glowed and split open. At the opening stood a young man with aqua-green hair and deep, sea-blue eyes; his hands were pocketed in the white slacks he was wearing. His attire was similar to the boy and girl from the research dome except with a white overcoat. Mokuba's eyes widened at the familiarity of the young man. "Noa..."

"Hn?" the young man turned to Mokuba, but not before he noticed Atemu. Unlike the three people they have met in this world, the young man did not pull out any sort of weapon on them; instead, he turned to Necro, "Either you have betrayed Protegere and joined Deorc or you have somehow manage to find Mokuba shrunken by the accident and brainwashed Yugi. Tell me which one then I'll go sound the alarms, but I'm sure either one would infuriate Seto very much."




An amused grin reached Necro's lips, "Unfortunately or fortunately, it's neither." An eyebrow rose. "Where's Hakuryu?"

The aqua-green haired man glanced over to Atemu and Mokuba before replying, "He's with Recca in the war room, but I advise you to not go there until they're done. You know how Recca is when he's in war mode."

"So, the saicho finally let the sadistic out to play?" Necro gave a sadistic smirk of amusement. Mokuba backed away and hid behind Atemu. "Is anyone else there with them?"

"Not that I know of. Hakuryu sent everyone else out on patrol," he chirped with a bright closed eyes grin.

Necro only stared at the grinning aqua-green haired man for a bit longer before a sweat dropped formed behind his head. "Kami, if everyone is out on patrol, why are you here?" he asked darkly.

Kami opened his eyes; his smile was different, "That's because I'm special," he cackled, but his eyes was not as playful as his act, "I was ordered to stay behind to reinforce the barriers. If what Hakuryu said was true and Yugi really has a hold of the puzzle, we're in dire need of a better barrier. After all, this one we're using right now is one of his designs."

"I see," Necro muttered under his breath. "Would you need any help with the barrier?"

Kami closed his eyes again as he gave another warm smile. "It will not be necessary. After all you still have guests to attend to," he sighed. "But do come to visit me sometime today, I need to upgraded your weapons. It was fortunate that Yugi never looks through my work while he was here," he smirked, "Or we would be in trouble."

"As if we aren't already in trouble," Necro muttered.

Kami let out a chuckle before turning to Atemu and Mokuba. "It's a pity that we have to cut our conversation short. Maybe we'll talk again sometime over lunch?" he closed his eyes with a warm grin before raising a hand to bid farewell, "Ja'na!"

"Uh... Ja..." Mokuba managed to reply as he watched the older boy disappear. Kami was probably in his early twenties.

"Mendokusei," Necro sighed.

"Necro," the albino man turned to Atemu, "was that Noa Kaiba?"

"Hm?" Necro raised an eyebrow, "Why are you surprised?"

"He... never mind, I'll ask another time," Atemu murmured, but Mokuba didn't think the same way.

"Noa's alive here right?" He asked.

"Alive? You mean..." Necro trailed off when Mokuba looked down. Necro turned around figuring Noa must have died in Mokuba's world. "Let's go see Hakuryu."

The small group of three walked down the metallic halls of the base in silence. Mokuba was quiet, stuck in his memories of Noa. Atemu was silence in worry for his partner. Necro would sneak a glance on the two every now and then.




The halls shook; Mokuba fell onto his knees and Atemu fell into a kneeling position. Necro let out a stream of profanity before steadying himself with the wall.

"Kuso, don't tell me it's an attack," Necro muttered under his breath before he realized something, "That came from the war room!" his eyes widened, "HAKURYU!" The albino man pulled out a gun and dashed towards the war room.

"Necro, matte, what about..." Atemu trailed off when he noticed Necro wasn't paying attention to him.

"What do we do?" Mokuba asked.

Atemu let out a sigh, "I guess we have no choice but to follow."

The two quickly ran after the albino man, as quickly as their legs would allow them. Just as they turned around the corner the sound of safety hatches was pulled back. They stopped and raised their hands in submission. When they had a good look over who was holding guns at them, their eyes widened.

"Eh? Seems like we have guests, Hakuryu," the blonde said, twirling the millennium rod in his hand and rested it on his shoulders. On his face was an arrogant smirk, but his honey brown eyes flickered danger in them. He was clad in red and black uniform.

The other ignored the blonde's comment, "A pleasant surprise... Wouldn't you say?" the deep and husky voice hasn't changed much between the worlds, except with a stronger lace of maturity and masculinity added to it. The millennium eye glinted at the left socket where his let eye used to be. His attire no longer has his signature trench coat; in its place was a black, long over coat that was a great deal warmer and heavier, with armor.

"Jounochi-kun... Kaiba..." Atemu whispered in shock.





Chigaru: It could mean "no it's not" or "it's different" I heard this term being used in both situations.

Sou ka?: It can be used as confirmation "Is that so?" or you can use it like that.

Chikuso: Not sure if I placed this down in the translation yet, but I'll do it anyway just incase, "Damn it" the most popular profanity word other then kuso, shimatte and some other stuff.

Saicho: Boss, Bakura uses this during the beginning of the Egyptian arc when he kidnap (coughs) Mokuba. (A/n: Man, this kid gets kidnap too often, it's redundant)

Mendokusei: Troublesome, (a/n: I finally sounded it out... Damn Shikamaru)


Name Translation:


Necro(Bakura/Ryou): I think it means dark... or something. I'm not entirely sure myself, but I chose the name for his when I thought of a mix of Bakura and the Tomb Raider.

Kami(Noa): People would often confuse this with god. True, Kami is used as god in Japanese, but when it's used as a name, it just means divine.

Recca (Jounochi Katsuya): I think this meant raging fire... I'll have to recheck on that. My mother read the kanji writing and said it's something similar to raging fire. I'm horrible to Chinese translation. I'm slightly better with Italian or Latin based languages.

Kumi (Mai): Braid or drawn together... I don't really like the meaning of the name nor does it suit Mai much, but I just like the sound of it... -.-0 so sue me for just liking the sound.

Hakuryu(Seto): White Dragon, I would find this very suitable don't you think? I was thinking Blue eyes or something, but HCG (High Crystal Guardian), has already taken it.

Koryu (Mokuba): Little Dragon, if Seto is the white dragon, doesn't his little brother deserve to be the little one?




You're all probably quite furious with the onslaught of new characters and before you decide to dislike them, I'm here to tell you they're not my characters. All of them belong to Kazuki Takahashi. They all appeared in either Yugioh Genex, the new series right after Yugioh ended, or Yugioh R the alternative manga series, where it starts off at the end of battle city and continues onto a different direction. I'm know I'm a bastard to mix three different things together, but I like using a freakishly large amount of characters in a story.

Just so you won't get confused who's from where, I'll give you a lengthy detail that'll probably bore most of you... Nah, I'll be nice. Basically, the girl and boy that Atemu and Mokuba first met are from Yugioh Genex. The boy is named Yuuki Judai and the girl is Tenjoin Asuka. They're in the dueling academy or as I say it, lousy Harry Potter replica with only duel monsters instead of magic. Ok, ok, don't kill me for insulting Harry Potter! Yeesh, you people are grouches! In this story, I turned the dueling academy into Seto's military recruitment base. The original storyline have dorms such as Orsiris Red, Obelisk Blue and Ra Yellow. Judai is in Orsiris Red and Asuka is in Obelisk Blue girls' dorm, but in my story, those are the military groups. There's going to be other characters coming out later, so be on a watch out for what colors they wear.

Now, let's move onto Yugioh R. The characters of Yugioh R are basically almost everyone in Deorc, notice the word almost. Tenma Yakou is the main villain of Yugioh R that took over Industrial Illusions. I'm not entirely sure of his part in the story, since the manga is still fairly new and they only talked about stealing Anzu's soul and they have to go save her... Ah who cares that much about her anyway? The character that was by Yugi's side when he woke up is named Tera Mukuu, she's one of the duelists he had to go through in order to save Anzu. The Mr. 1200 yen jig is when Katsuya asked how much does he worth if she defeated him instead of Yugi. Obviously, he didn't worth as much as Yugi; she uses a vampire deck. As for the lovely grandmother Maico Katou, she's actually one of my favorites out of all the people Atemu and Katsuya have to go through. This character is quite amusing and unlike the other characters she's quite kind and understanding, but she still gave Atemu a run for his money when they dueled; she uses a forest deck.

Alrighty, onto characters in dept! (dryly) Isn't this fun? Just kidding. First character up is Head Commander Honda Hiroto! Like every other alternative character, he has faced the dark times of war and the scar over his eye is a great proof, although the scar itself will serve as part of the story later on. He's in charge of the main military giving him authority almost over everything. However, he's very loyal to Hakuryu and Protegere, so Hakuryu wouldn't have to worry about traitors and concentrate on other matters. Unlike the cannon world, Hakuryu's trust on Hiroto and Recca are much greater then Seto with Honda and Katsuya. Thus, makes him more then slightly different then Seto.

Since Commander Honda took up a whole paragraph, I'll give Noa a paragraph too! You're wondering why he's here since he obviously died-twice. This is an alternative world after all, if Yugi can betray them, why can't Noa be alive? I rarely see any stories with Noa in them. In this world, Noa Kaiba did not, I repeat, DID NOT DIE. He'll have his own chapter later to tell his side of the story with full details, but for now, you'll just have to keep with these little minor details. Since he's alive you're wondering how he suddenly disappeared. Well, I can tell you he's not a computer with capabilities of appearing all over the place with holograms. If you haven't noticed, he's older and maybe around Seto's age. After all, Seto was only adopted shortly after his death in the cannon world. The reason for his ability to disappear is his access to magic. No, it's not shadow magic. There's more then one type of magic in the world and I refuse to stick to only shadow magic in Yugioh... However, I wouldn't go as low as using silver millennium magic from Sailor Moon... (shudders) Creepy adolescent girls in fukus. Nope, not at all, Noa has a median to help him use magic. However, what the median is, you'll have to see in the future chapters... But I'll be nice and give you a hint... although the hint only helps people who play Final Fantasy the RPG... oh well, there's the hint.

Onto Yugi of this alternative world... Aw crap, I forgot to give him a name... (shrugs) I'll make one up in the next chapter. (A/N: Boku wa no baka!) Now let's continue with Yugi; he seems very temperamental in this chapter with the tantrum he threw. However, you must have also notice how he reacted towards all the people who have came into contact with him. Tera is an acquaintance, thus he acts civil and mutual towards he as most people would do in society. With Maico, you'll notice the warmness in his character. I made him betray Protegere not his own personality. Unlike most writers, where they would make the traitors psychotic and heartless, with a reason and some without; I'm trying to go for a psychological approach towards Yugi's reason for betrayal. When he spoke with Tenma, he replied with full respect, this purpose is to show his complete submission to the man. And no, he's not being controlled; this is out of free will on his part. I would like to elaborate more on his character, but there are still some more things I want to explain before the explanation gets too long.

Where oh where did Koryu go? That will be answered in a few chapters. More importantly, let's move on with Necro, Hakuryu and Recca. Necro has shown a few strange expressions that don't seem to suit Ryou and Bakura completely, but this purpose is to show the merging. Calling Noa a brat is going to be explained later since Noa obviously is around Seto's age and it's not completely suitable for him. Near the end of the chapter, he was very concern for Hakuryu. That itself will have a chapter of its own. (A/N: NOTE There's going to be a lot of flashback chapters in the future) Hakuryu's reaction is perfectly normal, since he's exposed to the darkness of war. However, it's just too tempting not to make him act so coolly while facing someone that is a potential enemy! I still trying to keep his cannon personality in there, but this is what I can do for now. Now, with Recca! He seems playful so far, but he's not one to be trifled with. Tera has mentioned the difficulty in fighting him due to his "Shit luck." That's the only thing I refuse to change about Katsuya's alternative persona, but there's other things that I kept, more on that another time. In this world, he's very close to Seto... not in the way more yaoi fans like myself, would love, but more of a comrade that you can trust your life with. I'll have to stop the explanations here because it's getting to be a page long. If you want more details or specific questions you can email me and I'll give you better answers.




Dragna Vey: I'm glad you given my story a chance even with your horrible experiences. I thank you for your kind comments.

Asdflkjh: I'm not going to change the complicity of this story because you dislike it. If you have any specific questions about parts you don't understand I can explain it to you. This story is aimed for a dark and more serious matter then most other stories would tend to hit. If you like less complicated and more humorous story, I have Love's Game... if you don't mind homosexuality and enjoy the thought of Seto being kidnapped onto a cruise.

C.M Aeris the Queen of Insanity: Anata wa medokusei no hito de! Boku wa iie daisuki na!


A/N: I thank all the people who took the patience in reading and reviewing. I'll try to update again, but I have a lot of work to do. I hope you will stay with the story despite the long amount of times I need in between updates. This chapter is not thoroughly proof read and there's probably some grammar mistake or typos, please tell me if you find any.