Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Unbelievable Connections ❯ Rare Hunters and Helicopters ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! However, I DO own Marissa, Keline, Symari, and Joseph.
Chapter 13------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------
Battle City progressed as tournaments do - Some won, some lost. While most were defeated at sometime or another, a select eight earned their place in the finals. Their paths crossed in momentous duels, some more than once, save for a lucky few. The lucky few that hid in the shadows, that is. As expected, many duelists who lost were quite upset, disappointed, and angry with themselves and their opponent. But none could be more aggravated and sorrowful than a teen named Keline Magentos. Outside, he appeared to be unconcerned. Inside, however, he felt feelings of turmoil.
“I thought Marik told you not to worry about it,” Marissa would say.
“Yeah, but I still failed him…” he would sadly reply. Then she would sigh; exasperated.
Of course, they tried to remain in locations away from Yugi and his friends, which became easier after Keline hacked into Kaiba's duel disk tracking system. Still, they had to keep on a lookout for the non-duelists in the group. For now, they walked in crowds and alleyways in order to stay in the shadows.
Yet, at times, their presence was required…
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A certain, arrogant CEO walked along the streets of Domino alongside a 5000-year-old pharaoh, coats flapping in the breeze. Reluctantly, Seto Kaiba had agreed to assist Yami in finding his friends. Unfortunately, the duel disk tracking system was somewhat delayed, causing Joey to appear to be at the aquarium's water show, when in reality he had already up and left.
Thus, the two adversaries strolled the sidewalks in confusion. Yami tried calling Téa's cell phone, only to discover that she - and perhaps the others - were in more danger than he thought. Suddenly, as he came out of the phone booth, he spotted a familiar face.
“Symari!?” The questioned pre-teen, who was glancing around a shop window several yards away, turned his head around to face Yami's direction. His light brown eyes widened, but Symari stayed still as the two duelists approached him.
“H-hi…Yugi,” he greeted, faking a smile.
“Who're you?” asked Kaiba, raising an eyebrow.
“I'm Marissa's brother, Symari Millennium.” He held out a hand, but Kaiba refused to shake it. Symari frowned as he lowered it back down, muttering an incomprehensible word.
“Symari, I have some questions for your sister,” Yami stated, interrupting the shared glares. “Could you tell me where she is?”
The Albino shook his head and shrugged. “Sorry, but I don't know where Rissa is either. And don't even bother asking about Keline.” Yami appeared skeptical, but Kaiba seemed downright angry at this response. He grabbed the boy by the shirt collar and lifted him off the ground. “Hey!”
“But you must know how to at least contact them, right!?” Kaiba growled in his face.
“Kaiba! Put the boy down!” the Pharaoh ordered, but he was so rudely ignored.
“So what if I do? Why should I tell you?” Symari simultaneously retorted.
“I'm sure you know as well as I do that they have my duel disks,” answered the CEO of Kaiba Corp., rather indignantly. Before the kid could reply, however, another voice entered the scene.
“Do what Yami says, Kaiba.” Three heads turned - one rather difficultly - to see an Egyptian figure with cold, black eyes; his brown hair and purple cape billowing in the wind. And not just any purple cape, no - the signature one of the Rare Hunters.
`Wait a second - he's a Rare Hunter!?' both Yami and Kaiba thought in unison.
“Keline!” Symari shouted in surprise.
“What did you just call me?” asked Yami, unable to believe his ears.
Keline snorted. “Yami…That's your name, isn't it? If you're expecting me to call you `my Pharaoh,' don't,” he warned, “You're no pharaoh of mine.” He turned to glare at Kaiba. “Now, you are going to put Symari down. Or am I going to have to make you?”
“Hmph!” Kaiba laconically replied, releasing his grasp without care. Symari fell to the ground with an “Oof!” and a wince, but sat up easily. “I don't see why I have to listen to you -”
Smirking a confident, evil smirk, Keline pointed to behind the group. “Because of that.” The sound of a helicopter's whirring blades filled their ears. As they turned their heads yet again to glance behind them, Kaiba's eyes shot open wide. There, dangling from a rope, was none other than Mokuba Kaiba.
“Help me, big brother!” he pleaded, while said brother refaced the young Rare Hunter.
“You let him go this instant!” he shouted, not only to be heard above the noise, but for intimidation as well. Unfortunately, intimidation was futile against Keline Magentos.
“If you wish to save Mokuba, and your friends, then both you and Yami will meet a couple of my fellow Rare Hunters on the roof of that building in exactly one hour.” As the helicopter flew away, Mokuba beseeching Kaiba's assistance, Keline pointed to a many-floored mall not too far away. Then, he held out his hand to the boy sitting on the ground. “Come on, Symari.”
“I don't think so.” Symari tried to stand up, but was stopped by a black shoe on his sleeve. “He's coming with us. After all, he hasn't answered my question yet.” Shooting a glare downward, Kaiba crossed his arms.
No, he's coming with me.” Despite Symari's worried appearance, he bravely yanked his sleeve from out of Kaiba's “grasp” and ran away from him before he could extend even a hand to grab the boy's arm. Keline smirked again. Then, another helicopter descended from the sky, lowering a rope ladder. The two friends held on tight as it flew them away.
“Keline finally appears and we miss our chance…” Yami muttered angrily, sighing.
Kaiba snorted in irritation. “For once, you and I have something in common,” he said. “We both need something from that freak.”
“He might be strange and confusing, but he's not a freak.”
“Just like the girl who fell through the ground?” Mocking sarcasm dripped from his voice. When Yami didn't reply, Kaiba continued. “See you in an hour, Yugi.” With that, he stalked off to Ra-knows-where.
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Approximately two-and-a-half hours later, three duelists stood atop a tall building with a roof made of four glass panels. One of these panels had broken, thus dropping a Rare Hunter called Umbra into the depths bellow. Now, Seto Kaiba had the other Rare Hunter by the shirt collar; Yami stood not too far away.
A deep, evil laugh emitted from Lumis' mouth. “Oh, and one more thing, Kaiba…” he began, reaching into his cloak and pulling out two duel disks, “Keline wanted me to give you these.”
“But how did you get a hold of these!?” demanded Kaiba, snatching the contraptions out of Lumis' hands. Laughing maniacally, the possessed Rare Hunter collapsed onto the glass roof (after Kaiba let go, of course). Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a Kaiba Corp. helicopter (A/N: Hey, there sure are a lot of helicopters in this chapter, huh? :P) descended from the sky beside Yami and Kaiba. Mokuba stepped into view, placing a relieved look on his brother's face. “Mokuba!”
“Téa helped me escape, but she's still at the docks,” the kid explained, lowering the ladder so the other two could climb up. “We have to go save her!”
“I know,” Yami agreed.
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{After the Yami/Yugi vs. Joey/Marik duel - You know how it goes, right?}
“Turn on the lights.”
Seconds later, bright lights revealed a massive stadium - virtually empty, save for a blimp, two Kaiba Corp. employees, and the Kaiba brothers themselves in the center of the stadium floor.
“What's wrong, Seto?” asked Mokuba, slightly worried.
“I thought I heard something,” answered Kaiba. However, his unease was soon lost when he spotted six figures coming forth from an entrance. Six figures known as Yugi, Joey, Téa, Tristan, Duke, and Mai. While some of them tossed insults back and forth with Kaiba, three other finalists appeared one by one: Ryou, Marik, and Odion. Of course, everyone but the last two either knew or soon discovered Marik as Namu, and Odion as Marik. Then, without waiting for the eighth finalist, Kaiba proceeded to explain the location of the finals as being on Kaiba Craft 3, instead of this stadium. Thus, they all boarded the blimp - a few with a little difficulty - and made themselves comfortable.
Meanwhile, three more individuals were approaching the blimp, one with a duel disk and eight locator cards, one with a haunting past, and one with the power to use the Millennium Key…and perhaps more. Ishizu showed the Battle City Final referees her locator cards, and even though they nodded in approval at her, they refused to admit the other two.
“You will let these two pass,” she ordered calmly. Roland raised an eyebrow.
“How can you be so sure?” he wondered.
“I have foreseen it.” In their stupor, the judges could not stop Ishizu, Keline, and Marissa from walking right onto the blimp.
Five minutes later, Kaiba Craft 3 took off into the night.