Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Under Control........or not ❯ Falling For You ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4……………Falling For You


Yami walked into the palace he and Jordan lived in. Mai was waiting for him.


"What do you want Mai?" Yami sighed.


"You nearly lost her there you know. You need to watch her more closely Yami or you'll lose her." Mai said floating around him.


"What do you care Mai? Why do you care what happens to Jordan?" Yami frowned.


"What makes you think I don't care? You know I didn't make you fall in love with me Yami, I can't mess with free will you already had feelings for me." She moved closer to him so that their lips were an inch apart.


"Mai…" Yami leaned forward and kissed Mai, needing to be closer. Mai ran her hands up Yami's strong arms and up around his neck. Yami put his hands on the back of Mai's head and pulled her head back slightly and deepening the kiss further.



Marik walked up behind Jordan and ran his finger seductively down her arm.


"Marik…" She whispered.


"Yeah…" He whispered into her ear.


"Don't ever risk your life like that again!" She yelled at him, Marik jumped back and smiled.


"I couldn't bear to lose you." She said as he pulled her in close.


"But I couldn't bear to lose yo…" He was cut off by a soft kiss.


"I know Marik." She whispered against his lips.


"I love you Jordan". Marik kissed her full on the lips.


"I love you too Marik, I really do". She kissed him again. They decided to go back to Jordan and Yami's palace.


They walked in on Yami and Mai making out in the lounge room.


"Yami? Mai?" Jordan was totally shocked at what her brother and Mai were doing. They jumped at the sound of Jordan's voice.


"Uh Jordan this is not what it looks like" Mai said quickly.


"…" Jordan ran outside. Marik followed her.


Mai and Yami looked at each other. "She'll get over the shock soon; she really misses having Serenity around". Yami looked at the polished floor.


"Jordan are you Ok?" Marik asked as he caught up with Jordan at the beach.


"Yeah I'm fine I was just really shocked." She smiled weakly.


"I just think the shock right now is too much for you seeing as only an hour ago you nearly died, you don't look so good." Marik said as he caressed her cheek.


"I'm fine Marik, really it's just Mai and YAMI" She laughed. "Last time I talked to Yami about Mai he hated her, and now he's in our lounge room making out with her with barely any clothes on." She looked into the horizon at the gorgeous sunset.


"You don't think Mai got to him do you?" Marik asked.


"No she can't do that" Jordan sighed, she suddenly felt out of breath. "I wish my mother were here, I miss her so much" A tear fell down her face, her legs gave way and she fell to her knees then passed out.


"Jordan!" Marik rushed to her side.



Amy_Lee: End of chappie…..^. ^ It's a little weird doesn't make much sense I hope I can make sense of it soon….