Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Vacation Time ❯ Vacation Time ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

—Rizu's writing a yuri fanfic? What's the world coming to?! Whatever, dude…this fanfic features my favorite yuri couple of Anzu and Shizuka - and amazingly I spelled Serenity's Japanese name right, I hope. Yay for me. This one-shot was done before The Model Romance…yes I do intend on finishing that, but I couldn't stand seeing this fanfic not uploaded. So here it is…
—Girl/girl fluff and love-making so you are warned. I just wanted to try a yuri fanfic, but it's the readers' decision. If you guys want me to stick to yaoi, then please tell me. But if you think I do well with yuri writing, then say so. Don't be afraid to speak your mind. Need I remind everyone that I am 19 years old…I won't be offended by your comments - good or bad. - Just quit reminding me about my other fanfics! I'm trying to finish them, honest!!!
“I'll go check in at the desk, big brother.” Shizuka said. Joey looked up as his little sister walked into the lobby.
“Don't talk to strangers, sis!” He called out.
Shizuka sighed heavily as the automatic doors slid closed behind her. I know Joey's looking out for my well-being, she thought, but I don't want to be a little kid anymore. I feel like one only because everyone treats me that way. Well, at least…almost everyone. Shizuka blushed slightly.
She remembered that Anzu had always treated her like “one of the gang.” Never like a little kid that needed to be pitied or handled delicately. I miss Anzu, Shizuka thought. Her heart stopped when she approached the lobby desk and saw—of all people—Anzu just starting to walk away from it.
Anzu saw Shizuka and smiled. “Hi Shizuka! What are you doing here?”
“Just…going on vacation with my brother.” Shizuka said, feeling her cheeks warming.
“That's cool. I'm just here by myself. I heard this resort had so many great luxuries. They have this big swimming pool and a fantastic spa. Oh and their best place is their hot springs. I can't wait!” Anzu clutched her wheelie suitcase. “I so needed a break form all those dance classes in New York.”
“You go to New York now?” Shizuka asked with a heavy heart. She had hoped Anzu still lived in Domino. Domino was a hell of a lot closer to where Shizuka lived than New York.
Anzu nodded. “I go to the Manhattan Dance Academy. It's a great place and I write to my friends every day.” She suddenly covered her mouth and gasped. “Oh Shizuka, I never sent you any sort of postcard or letter.”
“It's okay.” Shizuka gave her a little half smile. She put her hands on Anzu's shoulders. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as she felt her palms touch the older girl's smooth shoulders. “I forgive you.”
Anzu smiled back. “I have an idea. Why don't all three of us have lunch together?”
“Okay. What's your room number?”
Anzu checked the card key she held. “Room 414…cool, I'm on the fourth floor. I'll bet it has a balcony with a great view.”
“We can meet later at one.” Shizuka said. She had high hopes of seeing Anzu again.
Anzu nodded and walked away. Shizuka watched her walk towards the elevator. She felt her groin start to heat as she memorized the swaying way Anzu walked. The older girl was so light on her feet and so perfect for dancing. Her beautiful brown hair had gotten longer since the last time Shizuka saw her, but her blue eyes were just as perky and cheerful as ever.
Shizuka shivered when her eyes fell on Anzu's clothes as the older girl pushed the “up” button for the elevator. Her body was perfectly curved and her red, sleeveless shirt showed off her shoulders and the curve of her breasts so perfectly. Her black, mini skirt came down to mid-thigh and was especially tight around the rear area. Shizuka felt her stomach turn and hurried to check in at the desk.
“There you are, miss. You have Room 436.” the clerk said, handing Shizuka the card key.
“Thank you very much.” Shizuka said and went to meet Joey, who was just now carrying their suitcases inside. “We'll have to take the elevator, Joey. Our room is on the fourth floor.”
Joey sighed heavily. “They couldn't pick some place closer to the ground.”
Shizuka led him to the elevator and they caught one before it could close, although Joey accidentally got his foot caught in the door and Shizuka had to help him pull it back inside. Once they got to their floor, Shizuka and Joey walked down the hallway to find their room. Her eyes suddenly caught the number 414. Anzu's room!
“Joey, guess who I ran into in the lobby?” Shizuka said. “Anzu!”
“Say wha? Anzu's here?”
Shizuka nodded, smiling. “She wants to meet us for lunch at one o'clock.”
Joey shrugged. “Sure why not.”
Joey and Shizuka met Anzu at the hotel dining room at 1:00 sharp. Anzu paid for the meal and all three of them talked, joked and laughed. Shizuka stayed quiet mostly and focused on Anzu. She was scared to admit that she felt more than just friendship with Anzu. She was afraid to confess her feelings too. Shizuka didn't want Anzu to think she was disgusting. Is it wrong to love another girl, Shizuka thought.
A small clang brought her back to reality. Anzu's fork lay near Shizuka's seat. Both girls leaned down to pick it up, but bumped heads. They sat up again, rubbing the spot where they hit each other's head.
“Ow, sorry Shizuka.” Anzu said.
“It's okay. I'll get your fork for you.” Shizuka replied. Anzu protested and leaned forward to get the fork too. Shizuka grabbed it first, but when she pulled up, she felt her elbow accidentally brush against Anzu's breast. Shizuka blushed at how soft the accidental touch had been.
“Thanks Shizuka.” Anzu took the fork from her and put it down on the table. She looked around and called for a waiter to bring her another one.
After lunch, Joey and Shizuka went for a walk to explore the resort grounds. Anzu wandered off to check out the pool. After wandering around for fifteen minutes, Joey and Shizuka finally found the pool. Shizuka's eyes widened when she saw Anzu lounging in a pool chair. Her bikini was cyan colored and the top could barely hide her bosom.
Shizuka gulped as her wandered inch by inch over the older girl's body. It was damp indicating that Anzu had been swimming. Joey saw his sister was turning uncontrollably red in the face and asked if she was okay.
Shizuka snapped back to reality and looked at her brother. “Yeah Joey?”
“I asked if you were okay, sis.” Joey repeated.
“Oh yeah.” Shizuka bit her lip and asked in a timid, “Joey, if you really care about someone as more than a friend, should you tell them?”
Joey's eyes widened at such a question. “Uh…well…why do ya want to know, Shizuka?”
“I was just wondering…”
“Well, yeah. You gotta tell the person how you feel. Otherwise, how else are they gonna know?” Joey answered.
Shizuka smiled and hugged her brother. “Thanks Joey. You're the best.”
Shizuka put on her bathing suit and headed up the stone steps behind the pool and towards the hot springs. Joey had gone to the arcade room and Shizuka left him a note telling him that she would be back soon. Shizuka needed to think in peace about what she wanted to do. Part of her was saying that she ought to follow Joey's advice, but part of her was extremely reluctant. What if Anzu rejected her?
Shizuka entered the women's changing room and peered out at the spring. It looked so inviting with the steam floating up from the water and clouding the air. When she saw no one else, Shizuka wrapped a towel around her waist and walked over to the spring. She stepped in carefully and gasped as the warm water pooled around her. Finally she gave a contented sigh and proceeded to get her hair wet.
“Shizuka?” came a familiar voice.
Shizuka sat up and saw Anzu coming into view. Shizuka's already flushed face turned even brighter red as she lowered herself to her neck in the warm water. Anzu still wore her bikini, but it was covered by a towel. “Hey Shizuka. Isn't the hot springs great?”
“Y-Yes…” Shizuka said softly as Anzu at beside her.
“Something wrong?” Anzu asked.
“Oh nothing.” Shizuka said, relaxing a little and drawing herself back up again.
She couldn't help but stare at Anzu from the corner of her eye. Anzu's wet hair clung to the back of her neck. From how the older girl was sitting, Shizuka could just see the top of her cleavage. Shizuka absently touched her own breasts. They were still developing and Shizuka was fifteen years old. Soon she would be a teenager, but Anzu was at least eighteen or nineteen. She'll be too mature for a little kid like me, Shizuka thought sadly.
Anzu looked over and saw Shizuka hanging her head and crying. Anzu blinked and asked, “Shizuka, what's wrong? Why are you crying?”
“I'm just a little kid. I'll be a little kid.”
“That's not true.” Anzu wrapped her arms around the younger girl's shoulders. “You're mature.” (Author: fat chance! No mature person cries like a baby)
Shizuka sucked in her breath as she felt her body against Anzu's. “Anzu…” She looked up into the older girl's blue eyes. Shizuka's heart stopped when Anzu brought her lips down to touch hers. Shizuka shivered, but allowed her hands to stroke the older girl's sides.
They pulled away from the kiss and stared at each other. “Shizuka, I...”

”Anzu, is it possible for two girls to love each other?”
Anzu pulled Shizuka close and brought their lips together again. Shizuka gasped, opening her mouth slightly. Anzu's tongue slowly made its way into the younger girl's mouth. Shizuka moaned quietly and let Anzu's tongue caress the inside of her mouth. She shyly touched her tongue against the invading one and started to fight with it for dominance.
They released each other form their lip lock in order to breathe. Shizuka felt the heat of groin getting very uncomfortable. She jumped a little as Anzu ran her hands up and down the girl's sides. Shizuka pressed her body against Anzu and let out a sigh as she felt the older girl caress her thighs.
Shizuka giggled when she felt lips nipping at her earlobe. Those same lips moved down her neck very slowly. Anzu moved between lips and tongue down Shizuka's neck. She pulled away suddenly making the younger one look at her sadly. Anzu smirked and pulled Shizuka from the hot springs.
“Where's Joey?” she asked quietly.
“In the arcade room, why?” Shizuka asked.
“He'll be there for a while.” Anzu said. She pressed her mouth against Shizuka's ear and whispered, “Let's go to my room.”
Shizuka removed Anzu's towel and stared in awe at the older girl's perfect body. “Yes please.” Anzu smiled and they both went back into the women's changing room and Anzu grabbed her things before they left the hot springs.
When Shizuka entered Anzu's room, she immediately closed the door behind her. Anzu took her hand and sat her down on the bed. She then hurried back over to the door and locked it, then turned off the lights. Shizuka fidgeted with excitement and a slight discomfort. Anzu walked back over to the bed and sat down next to Shizuka.
“If you don't want to do this, I'll understand.”
“I want to, Anzu, please.” Shizuka said. She gave a little squeak as Anzu gently laid her down and kissed her again, pushing her tongue into Shizuka's cavern. Shizuka wasted no time in kissing back with passion. She wrapped her arms around Anzu's neck, pulling the older girl down more. Shizuka relished in the feeling of their chests so close.
Anzu broke the kiss and maneuvered Shizuka's head to the pillows. She caressed the girl's sides and massaged her inner thighs. Shizuka jumped when Anzu ran a hand quickly over her breasts. Anzu smiled and pulled the straps of Shizuka's bathing suit down. She kissed and nipped at the girl's shoulders as she continued to pull the bathing suit down, exposing the nearly developed chest.
Shizuka gasped as she felt Anzu cupped each breast in each hand. Anzu leaned down and kissed at the hollow of Shizuka's neck. Shizuka moved her hands up and down Anzu's back as the older girl massaged her hips. She found the tie to the top of Anzu's bikini. She undid the top and threw it off to the floor. Anzu giggled sweetly and sat up, straddling Shizuka's legs.
Shizuka was breathing heavily as she gazed upon Anzu's perfectly round, rather large breasts. Anzu smirked and put Shizuka's hands on them. Shizuka jumped a little and she looked at the older girl's face. The expression was full of lust and seemed encouraging, so Shizuka squeezed them experimentally. Anzu hissed and Shizuka tried to move her hands away, but Anzu kept them in place.
“Do it again, Shizuka.” Anzu whispered. Shizuka did and Anzu moaned through closed lips. Shizuka giggled and traced around Anzu's nipples. Anzu flipped them so Shizuka was on top. Shizuka ran one hand down Anzu's stomach. It was in-between flabby and muscled. She kept the other hand on Anzu's breast, adoring how soft it felt.
Anzu laughed when Shizuka ran a finger around her navel. Shizuka laughed too and ran her hand back up to Anzu's breast. She squeezed them again and nuzzled the flesh between them. She couldn't get enough of how good to felt to touch Anzu like this. Anzu rubbed her hands in circles around Shizuka's back. Shizuka suddenly pulled her head up when she felt Anzu's leg pressing against the flesh between her legs.
“Want to…be on…top again?” Shizuka forced herself to speak as Anzu moved her leg back and forth again Shizuka.
Anzu flipped them again carefully removed the girl's bathing suit. Then she undid her bikini bottom. Shizuka realized they were both completely naked and she never felt so grown up and so ready for something like this. Anzu smiled when she saw Shizuka completely relax. She brought her lips down to meet the younger girl's stomach. It still had some baby fat to it, but it was so silky soft, which turned Anzu on even more.
Shizuka held back a moan of pleasure as Anzu kissed her way up to in-between her breasts. “Anzu…” she breathed as she felt a wet sensation envelop one of her forming nipples. Anzu licked and nipped gently at her breast and moved on to the other. Shizuka gasped and arched her back a little as Anzu's tongue moved all over her chest. Shizuka finally moaned loudly as Anzu sucked at her breasts and bit the flesh between them.
She moved her chest up to Shizuka's face. “Now you try.” Shizuka flicked her tongue over one of Anzu's nipples to see what would happen. The older girl groaned happily. Shizuka enclosed the nipple in her mouth and suckled like a hungry infant. Anzu moaned and clenched the bedsheets. She was sweating and breathing hard when she felt Shizuka nip at the peaked nub. Shizuka licked her way to the other nipple and gave it the same treatment. Anzu arched her back, giving Shizuka better access.
When she was satisfied with the younger girl's work, Anzu grabbed Shizuka's breasts and massaged them gently. Shizuka moaned louder and ran her hands around Anzu's hips and clutched at her ass. Anzu lowered her hands down and spread Shizuka's legs again. Shizuka bucked her hips at what was to come.
“You'll like this.” Anzu whispered in her ear. She dipped her tongue inside that ear as she slipped a hand in-between the girl's legs and rubbed her hand against the sensitive flesh that was there. Shizuka gasped and wanted to push Anzu's hand away, but the feeling was so good and so wonderful that all she could do was buck her hips into the touch. Anzu sped up the rubbing and leaned forward to bury her tongue inside the younger girl's mouth. Shizuka began to thrust her hips in rhythm with Anzu's rubbing.
When she felt Shizuka's orgasm approaching, Anzu stopped and withdrew her hand. Shizuka stared at the older girl with glistening eyes. Had she done something to upset Anzu? She could only hope not. But Anzu only smiled and put her head down in-between Shizuka's legs. Before the young girl could ask what was happening, she gasped and bucked her hips sharply as she felt the warmth of Anzu's tongue poking inside her. Her juices flooded out and Shizuka moaned as she felt Anzu tasting them.
Shizuka bucked her hips again as Anzu's tongue roamed inside her. Anzu brought her head back up and licked her lips. She made little love bites across Shizuka's hips and stomach. Anzu took one of Shizuka's hands and moved it up in-between her legs. Shizuka gasped as she felt how hot this place was. Anzu released the girl's hand and it stayed put. Shizuka started rubbing in much the same fashion as Anzu had, but with tense, shy movements.
Anzu threw back her head and moaned. “Oh yes…ohhh…Shizuka…”
Shizuka found that she liked hearing Anzu moan her name. She wanted to hear it again so she made her rubbing more vigorous and faster. Anzu moaned louder, but didn't say her name. Shizuka suddenly flipped them and alternated between rubbing and massaging the flesh between Anzu's legs. Anzu bucked her hips wildly as Shizuka's movements got faster. The younger girl bit down on one of Anzu's nipples and finally the older girl screamed, “Shizuka!”
Shizuka felt Anzu's juices shooting out onto her hand. She leaned down and licked at Anzu's folds. Anzu spread her legs farther to help give Shizuka better access. Shizuka sat up and crawled over beside Anzu on the bed. They held each other, panting and sweating. Anzu kissed Shizuka with clumsy passion, tasting herself on the younger girl's lips.
Anzu nuzzled Shizuka's neck and said, “No one can say you're a little kid anymore.” Shizuka giggled quietly at the thought and yawned before falling asleep in Anzu's arms.
—Whoa! I wrote that? Interesting…I don't think there are many yuri fans out there, but just read and review if you want to. It's my first girl/girl fanfic, but that doesn't mean you have to give me reviews like: Omgz! That was disgusting! You suck! - First of all, that's just childish. I want reviews that at least look like they written by adults. Secondly, I want honest criticism…none of this bullshit about how yuri isn't even that good, because I've read some good yuri stuff before. That's all I have to say.