Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ What is love? ❯ What is love? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

What is Love?
Written by Girl1055
Pairing: Yami/Mai
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or anything even remotely related to it as much as I wish I did. If I did, the ending would have been A LOT different.
Mai grabbed her usual purple jacket and exited the apartment she had been living in for 5 years of her life. The street was barely lit by street lamps, but the full moon rose high in the sky, luring the waves towards the shore, perfect night for a walk.
Maybe it would help her get over the loss of her boyfriend.
It had been two long weeks ago. She had turned on the news one morning, only to find a news report that made her blood run cold.
“At about 3:30 this morning, a car lost control on the road and flipped into the river, drowning the driver. The car was pulled out of the water by a crane donated by Kaiba Corporation and the driver's identity was confirmed. His driver's license read Joey Wheeler, recent graduate of Domino High. He was 18 years old, and a biotopes confirmed that he was indeed drunk when the accident occurred. The police have arrested -------- and -------- for selling him the alchahol……….”
She had immediately ran to her room and sobbed on her bed, wondering why he would do this too her. Why he had been drinking in the first place…He knew few well that he was underage, and she told herself it wasn't her fault.
Yet…. It was…
He had been upset because of their argument, and that's why he hand drank….
Which brought her to the present, trudging down the sidewalk with no destination in mind, feeling particularly miserable.
She was a fool. A fool for finally believing in love. Had she really even loved the idiot? Probably not for all she knew. She finally came to a conclusion.
She would never know, she had never been taught what love was. Never experienced it enough herself to find her answers.
She snapped out of her musings when she realized that she was standing on the pier, overlooking the lake….
The same lake that had killed Joey.
A fresh wave of tears threatened to consume her, but before she could even let one tear roll down her face…
“Mai? What are you doing here?”
She gasped in surprise and whirled around to see Yami, wearing his usual leather outfit, and looking not even the slightest bit tired even though it was close to 11.
“I should be asking you the same thing.”
He merely smirked and came to stand beside her, leaning on the railing and staring at the waves that crashed upon the shore in a never-ending rhythm.
“I often come down here. It's my thinking spot.”
She nodded and also leaned on the railing, “I couldn't sleep.” She then let her eyes drift to the sparkling water that looked so beautiful. Yet she knew better. It was deadly.
“It's hard to believe that something so beautiful, can be so…so…”
He merely nodded in response. Even though he had never experienced what she was going through, he understood the pain of losing someone close. After all, he had left his entire TIME PERIOD behind in order to stay here. To stay with Tea, but then…
She broke his heart.
He was strong. That's what she had always admired about him. She finally decided that she could trust him.
“Sometimes I wonder, what could have been. He was too young! Why? Why him? Of all people that could have been killed that night why did it have to be Joey Wheeler!?”
There was anger in her voice, and bitter sadness and regret.
He nodded, “I know. However, do not dwell on it. Do you think this is what Joey would want? For you to tear yourself apart over him?”
She finally let the tears flow from her eyes, not even pausing to wipe them away.
“It just…I just…I had never known love before, and then, when I finally found it, it was stripped away from me! Am I destined to never be happy!?”
“Enough. Everyone has a chance they just have to believe. I know you will find love, just give it time.”
“Yami, what is love anyway?”
He started. “Wha…?”
She was looking the other way, obviously embarrassed, “Well, I was curious that's all…”
He smiled gently at her, soothing her with his strong yet compassionate voice, “Love is many things. A small tug on your heart, a fierce longing, the desperate need just to be with that person. Sometimes it's the realization that sometimes you can't always be with that person, yet you care for them unconditionally anyways. I believe, that nobody finds love in his or her first try. In order to appreciate it more, you have to lose your first love. Then, when the second one comes, you cherish them with all your heart. That Mai is love.”
She stared at him in absolute shock, understanding and peace dawning on her.
“So, sometimes loving someone means letting them go and moving on?”
He nodded again, finally turning to look at her. “Joey's stay wasn't as long as we would've liked, however, he taught you what love was, and you should cherish him forever for that. Joey will always hold a special place in your heart, even when your heart beats again for someone else. Only when you realize this, will you be able to love again.”
She slowly wiped away her tears and uncharacteristically hugged him, “Thank you Yami.”
He let a small smile surface on his face, wrapping his arms around her. “You're welcome Mai.”
They stared at the moon together.
Two hearts joined as one…
Beating for the other.