Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Worlds ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wishing Worlds

Summary: Set during the battle-city storyline Yugi has another run-in with Marik but this time he only wants to talk- until Yugi makes a wish and finds himself in quite a different world. Will he be able to find his own way home without Yami helping?

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-gi-oh! Or the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" so please don't sue me- you'd only win a stack of blue post-it notes.

Ok I just want to make one little note before I start. It's about the story plot…

Yugi <stares with wide amethyst eyes at his puzzle, bending his head to one side and shaking the golden pyramid in wonder> It can grant more than one wish?

Marik <smirking at the spiky-haired youth as he holds up his millennium rod smugly> No fool, only my item has been given this awesome power to grant wishes!

WeirdtheNorn <sighs at both of them> Look, I'm sorry but neither of your millennium items can grant wishes ok? Only Yugi's could for that first episode, one wish. I just needed Marik to have this power for the story. And I'm taking away the power now.

Yugi <nods sadly>

Marik <cackles in amusement and aims millennium rod at author> You'll never take my awesome power away, mortal! I wish for a rock to fall from the sky and crush her!

<Continues waving millennium rod as nothing happens>

WeirdtheNorn <sighs> Ok on with the story! Please review and tell me what you think after.

Chapter 1

Yugi reached down to tug frantically at the metal bands around his ankles.

"This isn't fair and you know it Marik. You want my puzzle you have to fight me in a duel!" Yugi yelled at the current possessed goon of Marik. The man stood smirking at little Yugi holding his puzzle just out of the boy's reach.

"I have no intention of taking your puzzle this time little Yugi. You're free to have it back when you leave." Marik said.

"But then why did you bring me here?" Yugi asked thoroughly confused.

"To talk. Your pathetic friends won't let me come near you." Marik scowled.

"Talk? I don't want to talk to you Marik. You're evil. You hurt people and you don't even care. Now let me go, this conversation is over." Yugi said reaching for his puzzle.

"Not so fast little Yugi," Marik said, pulling the puzzle above his head, "I haven't brought you here to brag or threaten. I came here to help you."

"Help?" Yugi laughed. "Why do you want to help me?"

"Because I can see the terrible plight you've been placed in and I want to help." Marik stated.

"Terrible plight? You're the only bad thing to happen to me." Yugi said.

The Marik drone shook his head sadly. "You are such a naive youth little Yugi. You don't even understand when you're being used."

"Enough of this nonsense Marik." Yugi declared.

"I feel sorry for you Yugi. Your friends use you, your yami controls your body, and you don't know any better." Marik teased.

"My friends would do anything for me Marik." Yugi declared. "And Yami only takes control when I let him."

"When you let him or when you ask him to. You hide behind Yami in all your duels. You're too scared to fight by yourself. The first thing you asked for when you woke up was where's your better half. Face it you're a scared little boy whose only claim is that he contains the spirit of a brave man. Your friends are only friends with you to share in the glory of the Pharaoh. No one cares about poor little Yugi." Marik sneered.

"You're lying. Tea was my friend even before I met Yami." Yugi said.

"She found you cute. However her fickle devotion now remains with your other half. You're just a puny wimp that the others feel sorry for." Marik said.

"No I'm strong too. I've fought my own duels." Yugi argued weakly.

"You stopped Yami from doing what he had to do to win. Your weak heart is the only reason he hasn't stopped me yet. For that reason I'm willing to help you." Marik declared.

"What, you're gonna take Yami off my hands?" Yugi asked bitterly.

"No fool. My millieum rod grants wishes. Like your puzzle. If you ask I'll let you see what would happen if you weren't around." Marik said.

"You'll get rid of me?" Yugi asked in horror.

"I would never do that little Yugi. I just want you to prove to me that you're right. Show me that your friends need you more than anything. Show me they won't celebrate your demise." Marik said.

"But I don't know." Yugi said dropping to his knees.

"Would you prefer I let you go back to your friends? Let you go give up once again little Yugi? I'm just trying to help." Marik said.

"I know." Yugi said, bowing his head, tears dripping down his face. "Ok Marik do it. I'll prove you wrong."

"My pleasure little Yugi." Marik said with a smirk as a yellow light surrounded the youth and he dropped to the ground, unconscious.

"I win." Marik laughed cruelly throwing the puzzle into the air. The door to the warehouse then flung open and Yugi's friends ran in. "You're too late fools. The naive youth is already gone." Marik cackled.

Joey ran up to Marik's mind slave and tackled him to the ground while Tristan picked up the millieum puzzle and placed it back on the silent youth. Tea removed the metal bands from his ankles and together with Mokuba laid him on the ground.

"Is he gonna be ok Tea?" Mokuba asked worriedly when Yugi didn't open his eyes.

"I don't know Mokuba." Tea said honestly.

"What have you done to him Marik?" Joey demanded angrily.

"I simply pointed out the truth. The naïve fool actually believed you all cared for him. I made him see reason. Now he's living it out." Marik cackled, the disturbing sound echoing in the large empty room as everything else went silent, including Yugi's friends who were too shocked to respond.
