Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With This Knife-songfic ❯ With This Knife ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

With This Knife

~blah~ song lyrics

(me no own, you no sue)

The boy shivered underneath the weight on top of him. Deep brown eyes stared back into his and pierced his soul. The smile on the face of the other was sickening. It made his stomach turn and he could almost feel the vomit rise in his throat.

"P…Please…," he begged. The other chuckled and shook his head as if he had no emotion. In fact, he probably didn't, at least no human emotion.

~I let myself fall into a lie. I let my walls come down~

"Poor thing," the other said, "you still haven't learned, have you?" With that the other ran the long, bloodstained knife he was holding in his hand along the boy's face, leaving a trail of blood behind it.

"Yami.." the boy whimpered, "please…" Bakura sneered.

"Why should I?" he asked, his voice velvety smooth. He didn't wait for an answer and ripped the buttons off Ryou's shirt with the knife. Ryou didn't struggle. He would get beaten even worse for that. Instead he lay completely still beneath his evil, yet strangely beautiful yami.

Bakura traced his finger around the line of blood that framed his light's face. Slowly, he lifted his finger to his lips and tasted the sweet blood he so craved. His eyes glimmered with anticipation as he began to lightly press the knife against Ryou's chest, watching the blood lightly trickle out of the cuts he made.

~I let myself smile and feel alive. I let my walls come down~

Ryou squirmed as he felt his warm blood elegantly decorating his pale chest. He saw how Bakura looked when he beat him. He could almost see….love in his eyes. Love for blood and pain and suffering. As much as Ryou hated to admit it, he was in love with his yami. Despite the torture and the abuse, he loved him. So many times before he had tried to rid his mind of such thoughts, but to no avail. A piercing pain in his chest made him cry out. This pleased Bakura more than anything, Ryou's screams and cries of pain. He loved how he had control over him, how only he could make him scream in such a way.

He dug the sharp tip of the knife further into the boy's chest, watching him buck beneath him, screaming. The blood flowed freely out of his wound and tears welled up in Ryou's eyes. He wouldn't let his yami see him cry, not again. Bakura saw crying as a sign of weakness and only tortured Ryou more for doing it.

~No matter how I try, I don't know why you push so far away~

Bakura smeared the blood along the boy's porcelain chest with his finger. He stopped at the hem of the boy's pants and replaced his finger with his tongue. Slowly, almost teasingly, he guided his tongue up the boy's stomach and to his chest, feeling him shiver beneath the warmth and wetness of it. Ryou gasped slightly as his yami began to suck gently at the open wound. A mix of pain and pleasure filled him.

~You wrapped your hands tight around my heart and squeezed it full of pain~

The first few times Bakura had beaten him, he thought for sure that he would rape him too, but to Ryou's surprise, he never did. He just toyed with him, teased him perhaps. This confused Ryou immensely. His head whirled and his eyes started to grow heavy from loss of blood.

Bakura noticed this and slapped the boy hard across the face.

"I'm not finished with you yet," he said angrily and sliced the knife across Ryou's stomach. Ryou let out an ear-piercing scream and writhed beneath his Yami. Stubbornly, he tried to push Bakura off and got another slap to the face, this one knocking him out.

Ryou opened his eyes slowly and adjusted to the light that streamed through his window. He tried to sit up, but was overcome with a paroxysm of pain. He looked down to see crimson seeping through his nightshirt. He carefully rolled onto the floor and made his way to the bathroom. He grabbed the edge of the toilet seat and very slowly pulled himself up, trying to ignore the pain in his abdomen. Bakura's last cut had gone deep, deeper than ever before. He looked into the mirror and winced at his reflection. A long, slender cut outlined his jaw. He cursed himself for ever letting Bakura do this to him. He thought he should be stronger and stand up for himself, but he never did. He let Bakura have his fun for one reason and one reason only. Love.

~With this knife I'll cut out the part of me. The part that cares for you~

Ryou picked up a washcloth and softly dabbed the cut on his face. He then took off his nightshirt and put it in the sink, filling it with cold water to get the stain out. He turned shirtless out of the bathroom and walked back to his room. He stood there for a moment deciding which choice to make today: Go to school and force himself through lots of questions and pain and then come home and get beaten badly, or stay home in bed and maybe get let off a little easier and only be beaten a little bit. He chose choice two and lowered himself onto the bed, almost immediately falling asleep.

Bakura opened the door to Ryou's room slowly, not wanting to wake him. He walked over to the bed and gazed down at the sleeping boy. Hair all disheveled and face red. So innocent, so pure. He hated it. He knew the boy loved him, but he wanted to know why. The feelings he felt for Ryou were…different. It wasn't love, but it wasn't hate. It was almost a numb feeling.

~With this knife I'll cut out the heart of me. The heart that cares for you~

Ryou's eyes fluttered open and peered at the emotionless Bakura. Bakura looked down and stroked the boy's cheek gently.

"Sleep now," he said softly. Ryou was confused. His yami was actually being nice to him. His heart leaped in anticipation. Maybe he really did love him. Nonetheless, Ryou did as he was told and shut his eyes.

Bakura turned and walked out of the room wondering where the sudden onset of kindness had come from. He despised it. It made him sick to his stomach. He quickened his steps and shut the door behind him, this time not caring about Ryou's slumber. He hurried down the stairs and fixed himself a drink. He hoped the boy wasn't rubbing off on him, but most of all, he hoped he didn't feel anything for him.

~I can't believe the way you took me down. I never saw the pain~

The clock on the wall struck five and awoke Bakura from his napping. He looked groggily up at the clock and cursed it for making such racket. It continued to make its loud clangs and noises when Bakura took off his shoe and threw it at the time keeper, making its sounds come to an abrupt end. He chuckled to himself and nodded happily.

"That'll teach you," he muttered under his breath. He maneuvered his way into the kitchen, his eyes still full of sleep. He stumbled into the island in the middle of the kitchen and felt something sharp poke his side. The knife he had used yesterday lay on the tile in front of him, still covered with Ryou's dried blood. He smirked and picked it up gently, as if it were a fragile creature. He washed it thoroughly in the sink, making sure that it shined. He wanted tonight to be special. He had something different in store for him now.

~Coming in a million broken miles, like poison for my veins~

Ryou stirred in his bed and looked at the digital clock to his right. The red digits read 5:15. He sighed and sat up slowly. The pain in his abdomen had subsided slightly, enough so he could at least walk without wincing with every step. He walked over to his dresser and pulled out a clean shirt. He thought he must've looked horrible in pajama pants and a white dress shirt, but at the moment, he didn't have the strength to change it.

He trudged slowly down the stairs, being careful not to make any loud noises for fear of awaking his Yami who usually napped around this time, due to being drunk. Ryou saw the white hair above the rim of the couch and sighed heavily, not wanting his Yami to be awake. Reluctantly, he proceeded with his steps, knowing he'd soon regret them.

"Ah. Ryou. I see you're awake," said Bakura, not even turning around to acknowledge the boy. Ryou grunted back to him a yes and headed for the kitchen.

"Not so fast," hissed Bakura and grabbed the boy's shoulder, spinning him around so he could see his face. Bakura's eyes shimmered with something different than Ryou had ever seen. Bakura slowly let his finger fall along the boy's chest. Ryou knew what Bakura wanted. He wanted…him. The nightmare Ryou had always had was now coming true.

~With this knife I'll cut out the part of me. The part that cares for you~

Bakura pulled the knife from behind his back and thrust it into Ryou's side, savoring every scream and whimper he made. Ryou crumpled to the floor in a heap of blood, clutching his side. He looked up at his smiling Yami and glared.

"Why?" Ryou asked desperately, "Why when I give you so much do you hurt me and torture me? All I ever do is love you and care for you. Why?" Bakura eyed his light suspiciously, taken aback by his gust of defiance. He didn't answer. Instead he picked up the weak body and layed it on the couch. He ripped off the boy's shirt and stared intently at the wounds from yesterday, pleased with his work. He pressed the knife under Ryou's chin and guided it down his chest slowly, stopping just before his belly button. The long line of scarlet seemed to call to Bakura. He greedily lapped up the delicious liquid and licked his lips seductively.

~With this knife I'll cut out the heart of me. The heart that cares for you~

He let his hands travel down to Ryou's pants and pulled them down ever so slowly. He looked lustily at the almost naked teen and grinned. Ryou turned his head away, ashamed of himself. Bakura fingered the hem of the boxers and pulled it back, letting it snap against the pale skin. Ryou sat up and pushed the former grave robber off him.

"I'm sick of this!" he yelled, "I give you everything and you appreciate nothing! You are a horrible person, and yet, I love you. You don't even care. You only care if I don't cry out in pain when you cut me!" With that, Ryou got off the couch and picked the knife up off of the coffee table, while Bakura just sat bewildered, looking at him.

"This is what you want, isn't it?" Ryou asked, pointing to the knife. He raised the sharp blade to his wrist and slit across it.

~The hate and the fear, the nightmares that wake me up in tears~

"What the hell did you just do?!?!" Bakura screamed, jumping off the couch. Ryou switched the blade to his other hand and slit across that wrist too. He watched as the blood flowed out of his slaughtered wrists and reveled in the fact that he felt no pain. His eyelids started to grow very heavy and he fell backwards, dropping the knife.

~The nightmares and the hate, and the fear, the nightmares that wake me up in tears. The nightmares and the hate~

Bakura raced over to the youth and cradled him in his arms. He knew Ryou couldn't be saved. There'd never be enough time. Ryou's eyes closed, and for the first time in his life, Bakura cried.

(I know it's short, but I hope you like it. Not too good at writing, but I try.)