Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yu-Gi-Oh Behind The Scenes! ❯ Devastation and.....even more Devastation? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Episode 3: Devastation and…..even more devastation?

A small little phuff sound came from the bomb, along with a small puff of smoke. Everyone in the room blinked and looked to the bomb with puzzled look. Yugi's mouth was hanging open when he saw that the bomb was a dud.

"Weevil! Get your ass over here!" Yugi yelled.

Weevil stumbled over to Yugi and looked to what was left of the bomb.

"Explain yourself, Weevil." Yugi folded his arms and tapped his foot on the ground.

"Strange….I hooked it up properly and it I made extra sure it wasn't a dud. I don't know why it didn't set off when you pressed the button."

Everyone stood there as Weevil examined the bomb.

"The hell?"

Yami blinked when Weevil pulled out Pepsi stuff out from the hollow bomb. Mutters filled the room.

"There is only one person who did this," exclaimed Yami.

He turned and pointed a finger up to the sky.

"Eh?" said the writer. "What are you looking at me for?"

"Don't play innocent!" growled Yami. "We all know you love friggin Pepsi."

"No kidding, Sherlock," grumbled Jounouchi. He was wrapped up in many bandages and he was sitting in a wheel chair.

"Ehehehe," giggled the writer. "That was a life or death situation, Jounouchi-kun."

"Life and death my ass! And don't call me Jounouchi-kun!"

Jounouchi started to flail his arms and legs madly in attempt to get out of his chair. He stopped after hearing and feeling his bones snapping. Yami grimaced.

"Didn't that hurt?" he asked.

"…..Hospital……." Jounouchi choked out.

"That's what you get!" beamed the writer.

"You know….your cruel." said a sober Honda that was leaning against the wall.

"The hell?" said the puzzled writer. "You are suppose to be drunk! You're not allowed to be sober!"

Suddenly, a Budwiser trunk drove into the studio and ran over Anzu who was trying to limp over to Yami.

"Aie!" screamed Anzu before the trunk flattened her.

"Your sober life ends here, Honda." said the writer with a grin.

"Beer!!" Honda cried happily. He bolted after the trunk and flailed his arms happily. "Wait for me! I can't stand this soberness life! Take me back to the bikini land!"

Sweat drops slid down everyone's head as Honda chased after the trunk that was speeding up to get away from Honda; they are scared of him.

"Faster Henry!" screamed the truck driver in the passenger seat. "He's gaining on us!"

"I can't! It's a Chevi!" Henry cried.

"Beer! Beer! Beer!" chanted Honda. He leaped towards the truck and latched onto the bumper.

"Ahhh!!" screamed the truck drivers.

Henry slammed his foot down on the break, causing Honda to fly forward and smack his head into the back of the truck.

"Ow…..Anzu…..frying pans belong in the kitchen, not in your hand." said Honda. He fell off the truck and landed onto the ground with swirly eyes.

"Idiot." mumbled Bakura who was hiding up on the railings. "Now to take care of business."

Bakura jumped down from the railings and landed near Weevil and Yugi. Yugi flailed in surprised while Weevil innocently whistled.

"Hands up, alien." ordered Bakura after pulling out his gun. Everyone in the room threw their hands up.

"Not you, idiots! Haven't I told you that before?" barked Bakura. He then placed a hand against his temple. "Right….I erased their memories."

Everyone put his or her hands down once again and stared at Bakura. Weevil was slipping away from sight as Bakura was talking to himself. He stopped when he heard Bakura's gun click. He turned just in time to have Bakura's gun pointing at his forehead.

"And where are you going? You have a date with old Betsy here."

Weevil gulped.

"Hey wait!" cried Yugi. "You can't kill my partner in crime!"

"What he said!" said Weevil and quickly took his place beside Yugi.

"We are friends to the end!"

"Damn straight!"

They grabbed each other's hands and got sparkly eyes as they looked each other.

"….That isn't right…." said Yami. "Weevil and Yugi pairing….not friggin right one bit."

"The hell are you going on about?" asked the director with a smirk on his face. "I thought that you hated Yaoi."

Yami panicked and jumped back.

"When the frig did you get here?"

"I was always here, baka. So what is this about pairings, eh?"


Yami looked away with his hands behind his back. "I don't know what you are talking about."

Yami made a frightened face when doujinshi books fell out from behind his back. Steve looked down and smirked; they were doujinshi about him and Yugi.

"Don't know what I am talking about, huh? Then what are these?"

Steve reached out to pick one up, but Yami kicked his hand away.

"Touch those and I'll make you wish you never saw them." growled Yami.

"Ohhh, someone has the hots for Yugi?" taunted one of the workers.

"What about me?" asked Yugi. "What are you guys going on about?"

"….I'm leaving now…." whispered Yami. He gathered up his doujinshi and fled towards his trailer.

"The hell was that about?" said Yugi.

Everyone in the room smirked at Yugi's stupidity.

"Aie!" squealed Weevil. The sound of a gun shot echoed in the studio.

Everyone turned to see a dead Weevil alien lying on the floor, body twitching.

"Annoying aliens, too many of them lately." grumbled Bakura as he reloaded his gun.

He turned to see everyone's shocked expression and Yugi looking as though he is going to cry.

"My…….partner……" sniffed Yugi.

"Eh……you won't…….remember..…" started Bakura as he searched through his jacket pockets for his mind eraser. "Any…..of…...what the hell? Where did the blasted thing go?"

Bakura perked his head up at the sound of Honda's giggling. He then could see Honda pressing the button on the mind-erasing device over and over, right in front of his eyes.

"Ohhh, lots of colors." giggled Honda.

"Ahhh!!! Stop wasting it you fool!" cried Bakura. He dashed over to Honda quickly. "That is not a blinding device! How the hell did you get that anyway?"

"Oh? This is yours? Ok, here you go." Honda tossed it high into the air. "I found it up on the railings, I thought someone didn't want it."

"Nooooooo" said Bakura in a slow motion voice.

In slow motion, everyone turned his or her head to see Bakura running towards his device that was falling to the ground and reaching his hand out to catch it.

"Ugh, I hate slow motion moments," complained the writer. "Time to speed things up!"

Everything suddenly happened in a flash. Bakura was on his knees near his broken device, Honda was unconscious; the device hit his head and knocked him out, and people were flattened to the ground from the sudden speed up.

"Damn you!" yelled Bakura. "Why! Why!! WHY!!!!!!"

"Because the slow motion thing is getting old." replied the writer.

"No kidding," said all of the people who have experienced the slow motion moment.

Bakura was looking at his device with tears in his eyes, Yugi was looking down at Weevil with tears in his eyes, Jounouchi was looking helplessly up with tears in his eyes; no one called him an ambulance, and Yami was in his trailer with tears in his eyes.

"Oh for the love of god, you're all wimps." said the writer. "I guess we'll end the show for now, till you guys toughen up."

"Why….why did this have to happen?" sniffed Bakura.

"If only they truly knew…." said Yami as he rocked back and forth on the floor of his trailer.

"Oh well, time to find a new partner." said Yugi as he pulled out a phone book, turned to the yellow pages, and looked under "Partner's and Sidekicks" section.

"…..ow" said Honda.

"…..…That was a very delayed reaction, Honda." said the writer.

Will Bakura's device ever be repaired? Will Yugi find a new partner in crime? Is Yami really into Yaoi? Will someone call poor Jounouchi an ambulance?? Who was behind the sabotaging of Yugi's bomb of destruction? Will Yugi find a new partner? And will Anzu ever be ok?

The answer to Anzu's question is, no. Find out the rest of the answers in the next Episode of Yu-Gi-Oh Behind the Scenes!

**Well, there is episode 3. I'll try to write more in episode 4 when I get more funny ideas. I hope this one didn't bore you ^^'. **