Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yu-gi-oh! Prank of the century ❯ Making Kaiba’s life miserable! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yu-gi-oh! Prank of the century part 4
The beginning of making Kaiba's life miserable! part 2
Ryou: Hey, you're dressed as Mimi! ^.^
Me: *Turns to Joey* At least some one notices!
Joey: *Mutter mutter mutter!*
Me: Did you all bring the stuff?
Everyone: Yup!
Joey: And who are you two supposed to be?
Yami: I'm Normal punk guy #1
Yugi: And I'm Normal punk guy #2
Joey: What da?
Mai: Wow! How did you do that to you're selves?
Yugi: What do you mean?
Mai: I didn't know that your hair could go down!
Yami: It didn't, you'd be surprised at what 5 pounds of hair gel can do to a person!
Mai: Oh.
Me: Ok, now we need to make a plan!
Duke: I got the blue prints to the mansion.
Yami: How'd you of all people get those?
Duke: I have my ways!
Me: Ok, before we start, there is some one else who will be joining us.
Everyone: Who?
Me: *Points to girl* Her.
Tristan: Cool! You got Sango from Inuyasha to help us!
Me: Not quite! That's Mei_lynn, she's only dressed as Sango!
Everyone: Oh.
Me: Ok, let's make our plan now.
Yami: Ok, First we should do the Mansion makeover inside first, phase A because that will take longer, T.P ing is faster, so we should do that last.
Everyone: Ok!
Yami: *points at Seto's room door* So Joey, Mai, Melody, and Ryou will enter here and makeover his bedroom, boobie traps and all!
Me: *Points at a security room* While Yami, Yugi and Mei_lynn, enter here were you three make sure that no one in there tries to inter fear or tries to go wake up Kaiba. There are a lotof security guards in there, some fighting might be needed, but be careful not to wake anyone up!
Ryou: *Points at the computer room* When we are all busy doing our stuff, then Tristan and Duke go in here and implant the viruses into all of the computers, make it as quick as possible!
Yugi: *Points at the living room* Then we will all meet back here then head out side for phase B.
Mei_lynn: When outside, we should split up into groups of two so we cover more ground except for me, I'll have to go alone, we have an odd number, so for the rest of you, the pairs will be
Yami & Yugi,
Joey & Mai,
Ryou & Melody,
And Tristan & Duke.
Duke: Then me, Ryou and Melody can do a little makeover on the out side to mach the inside of his room.