Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yu-Gi-Oh've Got Mail! ❯ Apparently a Killer Tomato ate Curse of Dragon's sister ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Steeple333: Yeah, I guess so *begins to sing "Small World" from Disney- apologies if you hate that song* Actually, the girl BEWD started out being named Chihiro, but I changed it because it sounded like I was implying incest with her brother -_-; And I thought Tiamat sounded nice, and it had a nice mythological origin, so...

And a big thank you to everyone who reviewed!

Yu-Gi-Oh've Got Mail! Part Four

Point in time: Starts off at end of fifth episode, extending to end of sixth (Yugi vs. Mako).

From: Hikari [curse_of_dragon090@kaibacorp.net]
To: Elaine [lady_of_faith018@kaibacorp.net], Alexander [baby_dragon002@kaibacorp.net], Brendan
[flame_swordsman030@kaibacorp.net], Geoffrey [giltia_the_knight049@kaibacorp.net], Haku [blue_eyes_white_dragon02@kaibacorp.net], Kaiser [rude_kaiser001@kaibacorp.net], Ryuunosuke
[so_called_lord_of_dragons@kaibacorp.net], Sapphire [blue_eyes_white_dragon04@kaibacorp.net], Tiamat
[blue_eyes_white_dragon01@kaibacorp.net], Black Jade [red_eyes_black_dragon001@kaibacorp.net], Clytemnestra
[harpy_lady081@kaibacorp.net], Helen [harpy_lady080@kaibacorp.net], Macha [harpy_lady082@kaibacorp.net], Dar
[serpent_night_dragon@kaibacorp.net], Angela [shining_friendship023@kaibacorp.net], Morgan [magician_of_faith016@kaibacorp.net], Ailill [celtic_guardian007@kaibacorp.net], Aoibheann [mystical_elf010@kaibacorp.net], Mahaad [pharaohs_servant@kaibacorp.net], Michael [fierce_knight_gaia006@kaibacorp.net], Tani [koumori_dragon012@kaibacorp.net]
Subject: Re: To pass the time... a survey
DIRECTIONS: Copy this message, change the answers to your own, and send it to everyone you know (including the person
who sent it to you). It's not like there are many more interesting things to do around here ;)

Took the liberty of sticking in another question. Just for the heck of it. Nyeer.

Full name? Hikari Kenshin

Nicknames? Kari, "Damned Dragon" thanks to Michael

Duelist? Yugi Motou

Eye color? Red

Hair color? (if applicable) Dark gold, I guess

Any tattoos? If so, describe them. No, Mahaad's wised up.

Place of birth? Same as Tani

Siblings? A small army of brothers

Favorite flower? Caltrop

Favorite color? Red

Favorite season? Summer

Favorite food? Meat

Favorite thing to do? Do you know me at all? Annoy Michael, of course! :)

What makes you angry? Little insects that cheat

What annoys you the most? Little insects that duel

Do you believe in an afterlife? There had better be!

Who do you look up to? Elaine, for putting up with Michael.
I know I'm going to miss her/ A tomato ate my sister....

From: Elaine [lady_of_faith018@kaibacorp.net]
To: Hikari [curse_of_dragon090@kaibacorp.net]
Subject: Survey

Oh my! I didn't know it was so bad. Please don't annoy Michael anymore.

From: Mahaad [pharaohs_servant@kaibacorp.net]
To: Hikari [curse_of_dragon090@kaibacorp.net]
Subject: Michael Gaia

Please attempt to refrain from provoking Michael. We have to put up with it, too. He has now departed for parts unknown. I suppose you would be happy about this event, even though you are fusion partners.
I will always be the Pharaoh's servant

From: Hikari [curse_of_dragon090@kaibacorp.net]
To: Mahaad [pharaohs_servant@kaibacorp.net]
Subject: Re: Michael Gaia

I know he's departed. I do have eyes.... are you kidding? If he's gone then just who am I going to bother?

P.S. Oh, and it's for parts known. I bet he'll be turning up at Elaine's deck shortly.

P.S.S. It has just been conclusively proven that I can kick ass quite well without him, thank you very much.
I know I'm going to miss her/ A tomato ate my sister....

From: Mahaad [pharaohs_servant@kaibacorp.net]
To: Hikari [curse_of_dragon090@kaibacorp.net]
Subject: Re: Michael Gaia

I suppose asking you not to mention that to him when he comes back would be comparable to asking Ailill to grow wings and fly. Nevertheless... it would be definitely appreciated.
I will always be the Pharaoh's servant