Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yugioh Dating Game ❯ 5 reasons why you should ph34r Anoka. ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Yugioh! Dating Game

By Bilbo-san and Legolaslover123



Bilbo-san: *sneezes and coughs like crazy* Gah! I hate this cold!

Lonu: *looking rather high* Hate is a very strong word to use..

Legolaslover123: What's with him?

Bilbo-san: two words: happy pills..

LL123: O_o; Er, k?

Producer: Show is starting in 20 seconds get in there and spread the love!

Both: YES SIR! *rushes off*

Random voice: This is the Dating Game!

*disclaimer appears in screen*

Disclaimer: We own nothing! We only own the plot and the random cameo of Bilbo-san's older brothers. That is all. Oh yeah, this is not your usual dating game fic. We don't ask the readers (er, viewers) to vote, we plan ahead. That, everyone wins...er, I mean, the Dating Game continues to exist.

*Bilbo-san and LL123 enter stage*

LL123: Hello, all! And welcome to the Dating Game!

Bilbo-san: *has about 20 tissues surrounding her* X_x *sneezes*

LL123: GAH! UNCLEAN! *crosses fingers*

Lonu: @_@ Happy Happy Joy Joy..

Bilbo-san: -_-;; Anyway, we now have a winner, I think.

Yami: Meep! What did I do to deserve this?!

Yugi: *in audience* I forced you to get on this for punishment after that stupid vacation to the Ranma 1/2 universe! *gets splashed by cold water and turns into a girl* Who did that?! Was it you?! *glares at Mokuba*

Mokuba: Er, no, it was him! *points to Shadi*

Yugi: You shall die! *whips out mallet and chases him out of studio*

Mokuba: Hehe, sucker. *puts empty bucket back in a plot hole*

Bilbo-san: That was random.

LL123: Sure it was! And I'm married to Davey!

Bilbo-san: O_o; You are?!

Nina: didn't you know that? She put her name on his arse.

Davey: x_x;; it still hurts.. x_x

Everyone: -___________-;

LL123: And Jade!

All: O_O;

Lonu: Ah, love! So beautiful! *sniff*

Bilbo-san: Did you catch my cold? *sneezes*

Lonu: No! I want a Chipwich though..

Bilbo-san: That's it, no more happy pills for you!

Lonu: MY HAPPY PILLS! *hides*

LL123: DR.PEPPER HERE I COME! *rushes off to get some*

Bilbo-san: HEY! GRAB ME ONE! *sneezes*

Yana: You know, you should see the doctor for that..

Random Person: I'm a doctor! *does random doctor stuff* Just use nasal spray once a day and Zyrtec T! *rushes off*

Bilbo-san: *shudders* I hate stethoscopes..so cold and stuff..oh well. *takes the Zyrtec T* GASP! I'M CURED! *nose starts running* >_<

Nina: Oooh! There is a booger shaped like Davey!

All: Ew! X_x

LL123: *appears out of nowhere with soda* WHERE?!

Yami: Erm, who is the winner?

Bilbo-san: Good question. *pauses* 'cuse me, I need to get more tissues. *walks off leaving big pile of tissues on floor*

LL123: uh...spill on aisle 4!

Everyone: -_-

Lonu: My, this place is a mess! *whips out a giant vacuum cleaner*

Yana: That looks like Bilbo-san's older brother's vacuum..

Lonu: Erm, I borrowed it.


Tim: HEY?! Where did my vacuum go?!

Jason: Why are you looking at me for? I didn't take your *bleep* vacuum. *sighs angrily and goes back to playing Xtream Legends: Dynasty Warriors 4*

Tim: -_-;

Lonu: *appears out of nowhere*

Tim: O_O; Humpy?! I thought you were dead!

Lonu: O_o; I'm not that psycho momma hamster you call a pet! *whips out vacuum* Here, now shut up about it! *jumps into plot hole and disappears*

Tim: *looks at pile of Dr. pepper cans near computer* Mom was right; this stuff IS bad for me. Oh well! *takes one out of mini fridge*

**Back to where we are**


LL123: Who?

Hammie: Er, wrong anime, Bilbo. -_-;

Bilbo-san: Oh. *shrugs* And the winner is: Anoka!

Yami: *falls over*

Anoka: *drags Yami to the door* Come on, our date is starting now! BWAHAHAHAHA!

Yami: Help me..

*doors close as they leave building*

???: WAIT!

Bilbo-san and LL123: huh?

*Mokuba rushes to the stage*

LL123: Er, why are you here?

Bilbo-san: MOKUBA! *attempts to pounce but gets hit by tranquilizer*

Mokuba: Anoka is going planning to do something to Yami!

Yugi: *does not look concerned* She told me already. It's not going to harm Yami to visit a chicken farm.

Mokuba: Chicken Farm? I thought she was going to harm him or something.

Yugi: You worry too much.

Mokuba: *splashes hot water on him*

Yugi: *blinks*

Mokuba: Strange, I thought it would make you care that Anoka might kill Yami..

Yugi: You are one strange little kid.

Mokuba: HEY!

Bilbo-san: Cameras are following Anoka and Yami as we speak. Besides, we implanted a shock chip if Anoka decides to kill Yami. We do that to all contestants anyway.


Anoka: Hey, look! An arcade!

Yami: They have Dance Dance Revolution! YES!

*both run inside*

*ten minutes later*

Anoka: *hums Itsumo Itsudemo*

Yami: Erm, dear, you can stop that now..

Anoka: But it is so addictive!

Yami: -_-;

???: Hey you!

****First, a commercial!****

Yugi: *drinking Mr. Pibb*

Random Voice: Drink Mr. Pibb. You know you want to!

*a clip of a Hypno toad from Futurama appears*

RV: *as the toad sits there* Drink it now!

Yugi: Yes, master..*whips another Mr. Pibb out of nowhere and drinks it*

***Commercial 2***

Coming soon to a Fanfiction.net near you:

It happened when they were young

4-year-old Mokuba in an arcade: Seto? Mommy? Daddy? Where are you? *sees his brother following someone* Onni-chan, where are you going? *follows*

Seto (as a ten year old) *in some random building*: Listen, jerk, let us go!

Remember, they will never will be here for you forever

Man: *smirks* There is a bomb somewhere in this building that will kill everyone and that includes you three. My boss's orders, not mine.

Mokuba: *listening in the air ducts* O_O


Don't miss "Loss of Innocence" by Bilbo-san

*Rated PG-13 sign appears on screen*

Seto Fangirls: NO! THIS WILL NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY! *chases Bilbo-san with pitchforks*

****Back to wherever we are****

Bilbo-san: @_@ Yes, master, I will drink the Mr. Pibb..


Bilbo-san: *blinks* Huh? Oooh! Look! A voodoo doll! *tapes sign on it that says 'cheating boyfriend who is dating my sister's best friend'* Hehehehe..

LL123: Do I want to know?

Bilbo-san: *whips out a needle*

LL123: Maybe screaming at him will help?

Bilbo-san: *blinks* I never thought of that! *whips out a notebook to write down whatever she thinks of*

Nina: Uh, there are rabid Seto fans outside planning to kill you both for the last commercial.

Bilbo-san: -_-; Might as well go out there and spoil the ending for them..*rushes off*

LL123: Back to the date!


Yami: Johnny? What do you want now?!

Johnny: It seems that I should have beaten you in our last duel and walk away with Tea. I find you with another girl!

Anoka: First of all, I was originally his wife way back in ancient Egypt, blah blah blah.

Johnny: *blinks* So he's cheating on you?!

Anoka: He didn't know I still existed. Now, if you don't mind, you are interrupting our date. *whips out a sword with spikes at the end of blade*

Johnny: O_O *runs away screaming like a sissy girl*

Yami: You scare me now.

Jean-Claude*: Hey you!

Anoka: -_-; Just where do these people come from?!

Yami: Uh, that's not Mai, you so-called movie star!

Jean-Claude: I will take that as an insult. *turns to his Ninja body guard* Should I kick their arses now?

Ninja: Erm, I wouldn't do that for the woman has a sword..

Jean-Claude: Oh. *runs away screaming*

Yami: WHY IS EVERYONE DOING THAT?!! *realizes Anoka has a sword* EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *runs away*

Anoka: HEY! GET YOUR ARSE BACK HERE! *chases after him*


LL123: erm...oo...kay... *takes a big gulp of dr.pibb*

Bilbo-san: ...-_-; damn commercial *takes a drink of Mr. Pibb*

Everyone: -_-;

Mokuba: *has drunk his 21st can of Mr. Pibb* @_@

Seto: Ack! He's hyper! HIT THE DECK!

Bilbo-san: But we don't have a deck..*sees Mokuba jumping around* Oh..

LL123: *as Hyper, her OC* Mmmm..soda..

Yana: Oh no! He's about to hug a random author in the audience!

Random Author: Eeep! *takes out anti-hyper character spray* Eat broccoli, fiend!

Mokuba: *hisses* No! Not the broccoli! *hides*

Bilbo-san: Let's get back to the date, shall we? *dodges flying broccoli* WE'RE GONNA DIE!

LL123: *running around catching the broccoli* Yummy! ^_^

***back to date***

Anoka: *somehow caught Yami in a net* Sorry, about that dear. ^^;

Yami: Can you please put that thing away?

Anoka: Sure! *whips out a suitcase marked 'Hammerspace in a case' and drops the sword in there*


Balmung: *also passes them* Come on! We need to talk!

Sora (.hack//sign, not KH): HEY, FRUITYPANTS! I wanted to talk to him!

Balmung: -_-; Oh great, it's the player killer..

Anoka: O_o; I say we should go this way..*points to a Pizza Hut*

Yami: Oooh! Pizza! Let's go!

Anoka: Yeah!

Elk: *follows them as Sora and Balmung argue over him* What would Mia say?


Mia: Erm, k?

**end daydream**

Elk: *sighs*

**In the Pizza Hut**

Yami: Hey, they still have the Chicago Dish!

Anoka: *Homer Simpson voice* Mmmm..Chicago Dish..

*ten minutes later*

Anoka: So full..

Yami: So am I..

Elk: *sitting next to them* Then can I have the last slice?

Yami: Where did you come from?

Elk: Erm, I'm hiding from some dude with wings. I swear he's trying to hug me and stuff..

Anoka: Might as well get my sword out..

Elk: You're a blademaster?

Anoka: The what now?

Balmung: *enters the restaurant* Elk! ^_^

Elk: Eeep!

Anoka: Hey, you! Leave the little kid alone, you pervert!

Balmung: No one insults me and gets away with it!

Yami: Why don't you guys duel outside?

Anoka and Balmung: That's a great idea!

Elk: -_-;

*Anoka and Balmung are out in the parking lot with swords ready*

Yami: Begin!

Anoka: *powers up* LIGHT..

Elk: O_O

Balmung: *charges*

Anoka: OF..

Elk: *to Yami* Is this legal in a duel?

Yami: There are no rules. I think I'm reliving my days in Egypt again..-_-

Anoka: DAWN! *twirls around and shoots a beam from the sword*

Balmung: Eeep!

*ten seconds later*

Balmung: X_x Ouch..*is all charred*


Yami: I think I know why I married this woman now..

***fades out***

LL123: So..how was the date?

Yami: I like it!

Anoka: I feel it has fixed our marriage! *glomps Yami*

Yami: Just like old times..like the time you "accidentally" froze that annoying ex-girlfriend of mine. Erm, can you let go of me now?

Anoka: ^_^; Sorry dear!

LL123: So why is this kid in a dress still here?

Bilbo-san: *twitches*

LL123: What's with you?

Bilbo-san: ELK-CHAN! *tries to glomp Elk but he moves to the left*

Elk: This is one strange dungeon. I'll be going back Mac Anu now. *Gate outs*

Everyone: O_o;

LL123: Join us next time when we try to find a guy for my OC, Hyper!

Lonu: Or you shall face the consequences! *twitches*

Bilbo-san: *sees Yami and Anoka making out for no reason at all* Hey, get a room!

Anoka: Sure! *drags Yami offstage*

Bilbo-san: -_-; I DON'T MEAN LITERALLY!

Yami: *from backstage* Party pooper! Erm, dear, why do you have the whip out? No..no..NOOOOOOOOOO!

All: O_O;

Yami: Mommy!

Bilbo-san: *sneezes* X_x

***Fades out then a clip of Hypno Toad appears***

Random Voice: This episode was brought to you by: Hypno Toad. CLICK THE REVIEW BUTTON I SAY!

Reader: @_@ Yes master..*clicks*



*-There was an episode where Mai duels Jean-Claude who wanted to marry her for some reason that I forget now.

And now: A message from the authors

Bilbo-san: *sitting at her computer, watching the new episode of Mazinkaiser* Hello, I'm Bilbo-san, I would like to *glances at the TV* say that the next 'episode' will be in sometime in January for we are currently *stares at TV* *snickers* Poor Kouji..erm, where was I? Oh yeah, we both have to face the evils of the research paper and the midterms..which is in also in January. O_o;; *logs onto AIM* *glances at TV* STUPID CABLE THING! IT LOCKED UP ON ME AGAIN! I MUST SEE IF KOUJI SAVES SAYAKA AND SURVIVE THE BARON'S PLOT...*cries*

Yana: O_o; Your otaku-ness scares me more, Bilbo..

Bilbo-san: I didn't ask you!

Yana: Maybe you should have a Happy Pill..


LL123:*is staring at davey pictures* ::drool:: uh.. hi-hi! ^_^:; um.. this is MY little author's note thingie..as my buddy bilbo-san plainly put..Thou salt be any updates till January... I blame the teachers.. -_-; plus midterms..eeeeee..i dread midterms.. + PH33R them tooo.. x_x;; I'm in smarty pants english plus we just started on our research paper..new teacher too..eh..well..STOP INVADING MY PERSONAL SPACE! O_o; *ahem* We have decided to take turns writing out the plots. This one was written out by Bilbo-san. *sweatdrops* STOP CRYING ALREADY!

Bilbo-san: *stops crying* GASP! I just got my inspiration for The Insane Random Fic of DOOM (TIRFOD) back! PARTY! *dances like a loon*

Hammie: I think it's the nasal spray..ITS GOING TO KILL US ALL! *runs off screaming*

Bilbo-san and LL123: Sayonara and remember to press the review button thingy!

*clip of Hypno Toad appears again*

Bilbo-san: Must..drink..more..of..Mr. Pibb..