Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Yugioh The College Years: The Different Story ❯ Chapter 8

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"A perfect breakfast, Mrs. Hutchins." Pegasus delicately patted his mouth with a napkin. "Give Jean-Claude my complements. I see his skills have only improved."

"Perhaps if you came around a little more often, he'd have more chances to impress you," the housekeeper said archly.

"OOOooo, to the heart!" Pegasus laughed. "I'll take it under advisement, I promise."

"Don't worry, Mrs. H.," Joey said as she passed him, "food like dat, it's a crime not t'share. I'll drag Peggy down here for ya. Course, I'll need a little something afterwards to build my strength back up..."

"Is all you think about your stomach, Joey? I'm beginning to wonder where you put it all." Mai teasingly poked him. You eat like you have a small army in your back pocket."

"If I may..." Yami stood, tucking a hand into his front pocket. The others quieted down. "Here is what I suggest. Joey, Mai, Tèa and I will go in first. According to the publicity flyer from the Chamber of Commerce--" he held up a small brochure-- "the casino has a public area with a cafe and some small shops at the very front, with a dueling arena and game arcade to the left and the actual gambling to the right. We will simply take a seat at the cafe, perhaps order something light to eat.

"About 15 to 20 minutes after we've entered, Pegasus will walk in. This is his home town, someone is bound to recognize him. When the crowd starts to gather, it will, naturally, attract our attention. Joey can 'catch sight' of Pegasus and work himself up into issuing a challenge. We then proceed to the arena and give them what they want to see."

"And meanwhile, Bakura, uh, Ba-Khu'ra and I slip in the back?" Tristan said.

"Yes. Hopefully so. If we're lucky, the casino workers on the floor will be too busy keeping an eye on the crowd we draw to worry too much about the outside. There are certain to be concealed security cameras on the outside, however--"

"However," Ba-Khu'ra broke in, "I think those security cameras can be fooled easily enough." He tapped the Ring significantly.

"Do not overtax yourself," Yami warned. "The Ring was not meant to conceal, but reveal."

"I'm aware of that. But all I need is a few seconds' distraction to get us past the cameras' arc of vision. There IS no such thing as a true 360 degree field of vision for a fixed mount camera. They will be set to overlap one another's fields, but if we move quickly enough we can manage, I think. The trick will be getting the door to open, and that is my field of expertise." He looked at Tristan with a smirk. "Just make sure you don't fall behind."

"Don't worry, I'm going to stick to you like glue," Tris promised. "Anyway: after that, we hit the service corridors. Every big business like this has 'em, so the employees can move around out of sight of the public. We find the security room, take out any personnel there, and use their own monitor system to look around for any sign of Yugi."

"I can't stress to you how important it is that we move as quickly and quietly as possible, Tristan. Our chief weapon is surprise. We are outnumbered, therefore we cannot afford to make a stand."

"I gotcha, Pharoah."

"Once you DO know where he is, the more dangerous part begins. You and the Thief must somehow find a way to liberate him."

"Wish I was going with ya, bro," Joey told Tristan.

"You've got a job to do. We'll be fine. Trust me."

"When we have found Yugi," Ba-Khu'ra finished, "Pegasus will let you know. He will be keeping constant tabs on us all with the help of the Millenium Eye. When we have completed our portion of the mission, the Duel will end and we will all make our respective ways out of the casino."

"Let's hope it goes as planned." Mai shrugged a shoulder. "Murphy's Law, you know, anything that can go wrong will."

"Yes. But luck has often been on our side, and in a sense this is a temple to the fortunes." Yami smiled wryly. "Perhaps today we will please the fates by tempting them."


L'Roi Des Jeux.

The sign over the door said as much, in an elegant swirl of neon surrounded by arabesques. The exterior of the building itself suggested the Middle East, and from somewhere hidden speakers broadcast music just barely at the level of normal hearing. Carefully selected tropical flowers by the arched entrance filled the air with their perfume, a heady scent that spoke of far-away places. It might almost have been something out of the 'Arabian Nights'.

Inside, the lingering traces of sandlewood and cedar washed over anyone entering, and the dim coolness of the place banished the hustle of the street outside. It took one a moment to let the eyes and ear adjust, for even though there was a busy arcade on one side and a casino on the other, the walls were so constructed to help baffle sound, giving the building a feelilng of distance, of calm, like a still pool of water.

But still waters, so they say, run deep.

Down the very center of the building, dividing the two sides, ran a double row of small shops and cafes, with twin fountains spanning the space between. The whole thing was designed to suggest an oasis of civilization and pleasure, and it rather succeeded, as a whole.

"Beautiful," Yami murmured, taking it in slowly.

"I'LL say." Tèa clasped her hands, delighted. "Have we got time for a quick shopping run...?"

"NOW who's gotta one-track mind? I don't wanna ever hear anyone complainin' about me and food again." Joey smiled at Mai. "How ya holdin' up dere?"

Mai smiled back. "Not bad, all things considered."

"Never thought I'd be walkin' around a classy joint like this with a lady like you on my arm. I feel like Cinderella-- though I guess in my case it oughta be 'Cinderfella', huh?"

"Why, Joey, you surprise me. I didn't know you liked Jerry Lewis movies."

"Yeah, a few of 'em. Mostly I like Hope an' Crosby though, da Road pictures."

"Really." Mai studied him. "That's a little before your time, you know. My time too."

A casual shrug. "American Movie Classics on cable, what can I say."

"What else do you like to watch?" Mai paused, a little thoughtful look on her face. "Come to think of it, what else DO you like to do? I've never seen you outside of a tournament, so I have no idea."

"Dueling, but then you could kinda figure dat one out, like ya said. Old movies-- yanno, da film noir kinda stuff, 'Key Largo', 'Kiss Me Deadly', dat sorta thing-- but some of the old comedies too. Oh, yeah, and mysteries. I love a good mystery. Dere's dis one, it's kinda both, you ever heard of it, 'The Thin Man'?"

"With William Powell and Myrna Loy? Joey, I LOVE that movie!"

"Yeah? No kiddin'! Maybe you could, yanno, come down t'Jankenpon some weekend, we could rent some movies an' watch 'em..." Joey looked down, suddenly bashful. "I know it ain't exactly the kinda high-life you're used to, Mai, but--"

"Hey." Mai reached out, turned Joey's face to hers. "Maybe I get enough of the 'high-life' every other day of the week. I'd like that. You name the weekend, I'll bring the popcorn." She laughed a little. "You're full of surprises, aren't you, Joey? I never would've imagined."

And I didn't, she mused as they strolled along the walkway. You're so different than all the other men I've met, Joey. You're a tough guy, sure, but under that tough you've got a heart as big as a mountain. Maybe... maybe it's about time I started spending a little MORE time finding out about Mr. Joey Wheeler.


Outside, a small group of people wandered down the sidewalk. In a moment where there were perhaps a few less people in sight than usual, Ba-Khu'ra touched his chest gently-- well, touched the invisible Millenium Ring, rather-- and closed his eyes. Forget us, he thought. You see no one, nothing, pass on. It's not important. You see without seeing. You notice nothing. We are no one you wish to remember.

And everyone else on the street besides them... saw nothing.

"Now," he whispered. He and Tristan darted down an alleyway between the casino and another building, some kind of restaurant or specialty shop apparently, and pressed up against a wall, scanning down its length. Tristan nodded towards a barely visible door near the very end of the alleyway with a small box of some type beside it. "I think that's your mark," he whispered. "Can you keep us shielded while you pick it?"

'Tell him yes,' Bakura said. 'And let me handle the Ring.'

Ba-Khu'ra had the grace to sound startled.

'You'll need to concentrate on the lock, but are two people in this body, just as there are two people when Yugi and Yami are around. I think I can manage to keep up our concealment, if you'll let me. I know I don't have your expertise at using a Millenium Item, but what have you got to lose?'

...Very well, if you think you can, try.
Ba-Khu'ra bent himself to the task of getting the door open, ignoring the ghostly hand resting around the Ring. When the lock popped open, he motioned Tristan inside, then slipped after him and reached for control of the Ring. To his surprise, Bakura yielded readily. That... was well done, he admitted grudgingly. I hear no alarms, no one commenting on our disappearance.

'Thank you. But, you know, I'm rather surprised you let me do as much as I did.'

The smirk dropped off Ba-Khu'ra's face momentarily. We are, as you've pointed out, in this together. And while I am the more experienced in using the Ring, you are the one who is ultimately more familiar with this world and its ways. Perhaps it is time I taught you the Ring's powers, against the day that I am somehow constrained from doing it for you. The next words nearly choked him, but he added, There was a time when I would never have dreamed of doing so, but things are different now. I can accomplish more if I have your willing cooperation, rather than having to struggle to restrain you.

'I see... thank you, Ba-Khu'ra.'

The Thief snorted. Thank me when we SURVIVE this.

Meanwhile, Tristan was flat against the wall, looking up and down the hallway they were in. Reminds me of Pegasus's castle, he thought and half smiled. Man, that was a wild ride. Okay. Focus, Tris. Places like these have a whole rat's nest of service corridors-- thank you, Security Officer Mike Morris, for inviting me to take a tour of the mall AFTER hours. Playing D&D in a deserted mall, yeah, that's good training for a career of breaking and entering.

Point is, if we're careful, we can get anywhere inside this building that we need to without the customers knowing a thing. And, hopefully, the big guy.
"Ba-Khu'ra," he hissed out of the corner of his mouth. "Hear anything?"

"No," the equally quiet whisper came back.

"Okay. I'll take the front, you take the back-- and keep an ear out for anyone sneaking up on us."

A slight chuckle. "Trusting soul, aren't you, putting me at your back? But I agree. You should be able to handle anything in front of us. If there's too much trouble, however..." Ba-Khu'ra drew his deck, holding it firmly in one hand. "Then remember to step aside."

"Don't count me out of that game either." Tris glanced back at Ba Ku'ra significantly, one hand reaching into his trench and bringing out his own deck. "I might have a few card tricks, too."

Ba-Khu'ra raised an eyebrow. "Oh, VERY good. I seem to've underestimated you for the second time. You're quite full of surprises, aren't you, Tristan Taylor."

Tristan met Ba-Khu'ra's gaze squarely. "When my friends are in trouble? Depend on it. Which you should also remember."

The other boy simply nodded. "Shall we?"


Yami trailed after the others, staying at Tèa's shoulder, looking around. Of course he'd seen game arcades before. Yugi loved to visit them, particularly with Tèa, and watch admiringly as she played DDR. He enjoyed that as well-- she was the height of nimble grace when she danced, he thought. And many of the games were fascinating to play. With Yugi's spirit united with his, he could understand and enjoy so much...

Now he simply felt uneasy. Irritable. 'Grumpty', as Yugi would put it.

He drew close to watch Joey and Mai at the toy machine, the sense of something improper growing. After watching his friend try and fail several times, Yami scowled. It isn't quite fair, this machine, he thought. There IS a chance of winning, but only with the best of fortune. A smirk spread over his features. Well then. He surveyed the rest of the arcade. This once I think will teach its owners humility, having the odds for once being perfectly even...

The Eye symbol on the Millenium Puzzle glowed oh so faintly, invisible in the glow of the games beside them.

And people began to rack up high scores all over the room. Numbers tumbled, bells rang, strobes flashed. Yami laughed lightly, feeling better than he'd felt for many days, looking at the excited young faces surrounding them. He tucked a hand casually around Tèa's waist and gave her one of his slow smiles as the claw dropped a plushie Harpie Lady down the chute into Mai's waiting hands. "Perhaps I should try to win YOU something," he murmured.

Startled, Tèa looked at him, then blushed. "Um, if you wanted to..." she peered through the glass. "Maybe-- oh, could you try for the Dark Magician Girl? I've liked her ever since the Virtual World. I don't think I would've won if she hadn't helped me out."

"As you desire." He took his place at the controls.


The faintest sound overlapping from the casino echoed through the corridor, seeming to originate from an open doorway about halfway down on the lefthand side. From the right of the T-junction, a television could be heard, the channel set to some anonymous sports channel. Ba-Khu'ra closed his eyes briefly, the better to concentrate and sort out the sounds. "A lounge, I think," he whispered. "For the guardsmen of this place to relax between their shifts."

"Yeah," Tristan added. "I'm getting a little smell of fast food Probably someone warmed his stuff up in the microwave. So.. that would make that... the first security booth," and he nodded to the left. "They're probably watching the casino floor."

"That will do." Ba-Khu'ra slipped around the corner and crouched. "I will immobilize the guards." He eased down the hall in a crouch, pausing to peer cautiously around the jamb of the door. A smirk surfaced as he saw the four men, all concentrating on an array of tiny screens that were constantly flicking up new scenes. Now then....yes. He gripped the Ring. It wasn't made for this, but for the short-term it would do. "You, closest to the door," he breathed. "Make an excuse and come to me."

The nearest guard stiffened slightly, then stood up. "Gonna grab a soda," he said. "Be right back." He stepped out and stood to attention, eyes blank. As soon as he was clear of the room, Ba-Khu'ra laid his will on the other three to hold them still and silent. It was harder than he'd expected; it was all he could manage to keep the four men under control. If only I had the Millenium Rod... he gritted his teeth, feeling himself about to lose the mental tug-of-war.

A translucent hand laid over his and the struggle eased, as Bakura lent his will to the task. 'Now, hurry!'

Standing, Ba-Khu'ra turned to his controlled captive. "Go in and knock out your fellows," he ordered. "Then find a secure room or closet and lock yourself in. Make sure you cannot unlock it again."

"As you command," the guard mumbled, and did so. Ba-Khu'ra watched him walk off down the corridor, then dragged an arm across his forehead, relaxing. "The guardpost is ours. I trust you can manage these machines."

"Give me a second." Tristan sat down and studied the control panel. "I think... yeah. This looks a lot like the system Mike, uh... oh hell. I had a friend once who ran security in a shopping mall. He took me back into the office there once, showed me how the system worked. This board looks like an upgraded version of his. As long as you don't ask me to do anything too fancy, I should manage." He flipped through the camera views. "Where do we start?"

Ba-Khu'ra leaned over to look at the screens, frowning. "The problem is, he could be almost anywhere. You must remember, we are speaking about Yugi's soul. His BODY is in the game arcade. It could be almost any object at all that's holding his spirit. I would wager though that it's something small and probably crystal or gemstone of some type. It is easier to make a soul trap out of such a thing. Even one of Pegasus's soul cards, which are the size of a Duel Monsters card. But those were created with Shadow magic, so I doubt Diaz will be using a card. Far more likely to be a crystal of some type, as I said."

"Bet it's in plain view though," Tristan said. "I mean, c'mon. Diaz likes to show off, we've already got that, right, the name of the casino? So, it would probably give him his jollies to have Yugi somewhere that he-- I mean Diaz he, not Yugi he-- could walk past him or by him or around him every day. Maybe even somewhere out of the floor of the casino or arcade. Kind of like the purloined letter thing. Nothing's better hidden than when it's in plain sight. And think about it, too-- he probably gets off on the idea of knowing there are people all around Yugi, and the poor kid's unable to make anyone know he's there." Tris's eyes narrowed. "Which, if I'm right, is an even bigger reason to just rock Diaz's world. I hope I get a chance to punch the guy right in the gut."

The sleek silver sedan pulled up just at the curb, the driver immediately getting out and handing the keys to a parking attendant. "DO be careful," Pegasus said, "I just had it waxed." He threw a languid glance at the front of the casino. "Oh how quaint. It's positively Moroccan."

He glided in, pausing at the entrance to survey it casually, letting the crowd--and the employees-- get a good look at him. Through the murmur of the crowds he caught the undercurrent of thoughts:

Wow, who's the looker--

That's a Rolls out--

Is that Maximilian Pegasus?

Isn't he dead?

Maximilian Pegasus? Here?!

Pegasus zoomed in on that thoughtline immediately, casting the others aside.

It IS Pegasus. I better call the boss, upstairs.

Pegasus smiled, knife thin and coolly amused. Yes, yes, little man, call 'the boss', by all means. Let him know a particularly nice prize just walked in off the street. The more eyes on me, the better. Simultaneously he reached out again, fishing for a particular set of minds--one set in the arcade to his left, and one somewhere to the rear of the building--found them, and 'whispered' to them:

The festivities may now start.

In the arcade, Yami raised his head. "I believe we are set."

"Yep, dat's my cue." Joey sauntered towards the door, Mai in tow. "How's about a soda, Mai? Hey, what's dat, over by the door?"

"Don't know, looks like a crowd of some kind." Mai stood on tiptoe, craning her neck. "Well, well, we DO have distinguished company. It's Maximilian Pegasus."

"PEGASUS?!" Joey's face turned stormy. "That rotten no good playboy? Sorry, babe, but I gotta bone to pick with that weasel." He stormed out into the crowd, pushing his way through. "Yo, Pegasus. YO! RICH BRAT! C'mere a second!"

Hearing the voice, Pegasus turned and arched one brow mildly, looking Joey up and down. "My, look at the... interesting people the wind sweeps in around these parts," he drawled. "Joseph Wheeler. The ALSO-ran in Duelist Kingdom." Reaching up, he tugged the strings of his tie loose, gently sliding it to and fro as he smirked.

"I'll 'also-ran' you, ya loser! Remember, my pal Yugi beat you so bad you ain't been seen in public from dat day to dis! But I guess I'm lucky ya showed up." Joey sneered. "Cause now I gotta chance to prove who's da REAL also-ran here. I challenge ya to a Duel, RIGHT here, RIGHT now!"

"Feeling lucky today are you, hmmmm? Well I suppose it's possible your luck might've turned for the better. Your Dueling skills certainly haven't, I'm sure. But if you're so eager to humiliate yourself, who am I to deny you the chance? I'll just apologize to Kaiba next time I see him for taking away his favorite whipping boy." Pegasus tied the string tie again with a low chuckle. "I accept your challenge."

"Fine by me. Dere's a Duelin' Arena right over dere." Joey pointed. "Bring it on, Smarm-meister."

Pegasus stepped lightly up to the Dueling platform, shuffling his deck as he watched Joey take the place across from him. He was a little surprised to find his hands shaking just perceptibly. Three years, he mused. Three years since I touched these cards.

Well, I suppose we're all wondering the same thing, aren't we. Have my Dueling skills atrophied because I relied too much on the Millenium Eye? I certainly didn't hold my own against Kaiba last time we played.

I'm excited, yes. I love this game. That hasn't changed.

But do I still have what it takes to Duel?

He tossed back his hair idly, using the motion to cover the quick glance around. Everyone there: Tèa, Yami, Mai. We're starting now, he 'said' for the benefit of the more distant team. Good luck, Joey... don't go TOO hard on this poor old man, I'm likely to be rusty.

And with that, he narrowed the Eye's range, keeping tabs on Ba-Khu'ra and Tristan, but shutting out Joey's thoughts.

Win or lose.. I will do this on my own.

"Let's begin, shall we?" he purred aloud. "Hmmm, what to do, what to do... I suppose I'll just play Red Archery Girl, in defense mode.. oh, and THIS card," he added, setting something in the Trap/Magic Zone. "And I'm done."


"See anything?"

"I see a great MANY things. If you mean 'do I see anything of the sort we're seeking', no."

"Fat lot of help you are." Tristan chewed his lower lip. "Wait. Wait a second. Back on the island, you said you tried to locate Yugi?"

"Yes. And it didn't work."

"Try looking for what's HOLDING his soul. Doesn't that count as a different object?"

Ba-Khu'ra stared. "...All right," he said, "NOW you impress me." Immediately he seized the Ring. "Millenium Ring, reveal to me the location of the object that holds Yugi Motoh's soul."

Instantly the pointers lifted, pointing above and ahead of them.

"That's good, right?" Tristan asked, watching the Ring react.

"In a sense. The object IS here, above us somewhere. But the Ring cannot clearly determine the exact degree left or right of us."

"Still narrows the search." Tristan thumbed a different set of switches. "Let's check the upper floor now."

As the cameras panned across the top floor of the casino, they picked up a long circular walkway, almost a landing, that ran all the way around the top interior of the building. Various pieces of art were placed here and there, along with low benches placed so that people could if they wished sit (or kneel) on them and look out over the entire floor of the establishment, watching the action.

Suspended from the ceiling itself was a huge stained-glass reproduction of a Mucha print, a young woman wreathed in filmy robes, one delicate hand outstretched to hold a globe that floated just above her palm. There was obviously a skylight just above that let in the light to make the stained glass an ever-shifting array of color--

especially the globe, which seemed almost to glow with a light from within.

"There!" Ba-Khu'ra almost shoved Tristan forward into the controls as he leaned in, one finger jabbing at the screen. "That!"

"Great! Now, gedoffame," Tristan said in his best Joey imitation. "You realize we've got a whole new set of problems? How do we get to it? We might be able to get someone up there if they stood on my shoulders-- MIGHT-- but I can't tell from here how thick that glass is or how well it's set in the frame. I'm gonna guess it's pretty lightweight, or its own weight would've made it crack in the middle by now. If it IS glass. Might be plexiglass for all we know."

Ba-Khu'ra kura moved to the other side, also studying the picture intently. "I don't think it's plexiglass, whatever that is. It has the luster of true glass. You are correct about the thinness, in order to decrease weight the glass would have to be thin. I doubt the glass itself would support any of us. The frame might, though. Or perhaps it lowers so that the glass panes and the skylight above it can be cleaned."

"One thing, we need to get moving again. We don't know when the next shift's supposed to show, and if they get here to an empty room-- or worse, a room full of us-- the alarm goes up." Tris tapped the monitor. "Let's see if we can get up there and take a better look at the thing. That might help us figure out how to reach that snowglobe Yugi's stuck in."

The duo hastily exited and headed down the hallways. Twice they had to duck into hiding as a few of the casino workers came down the hall, but fortunately none of them continued towards the security station. At last they reached a door marked 'Upper Level' and eased it gently open, finding themselves alone (for the time being) on the circular balcony.

Cautiously Tristan peered over the edge, then looked again, this time in fascination. "Whoa, check it," he said. "From here you can see the whole floor of the casino. Even the dueling arena. Looks like things are just starting to heat up a little."

"Why don't you keep an eye on the crowd and let us know if anyone appears to be looking this way," Ba-Khu'rakura suggested. "I don't think they will, most gamblers tend to be rather focussed on the game, rather than their surroundings." He swept back his bangs and looked up some 15 feet to the stained-glass display. "Your shoulders will not serve us here. That is further up than it appeared." He idly drummed his fingers on his deck, thinking. "I wonder if it's warded."

"Can't you use the Ring?" Tris asked.

"That is not the Ring's purpose. However, I can do ONE thing, now that we are this close." Gripping the metal circle, the Thief focussed on it. "Millenium Ring, reveal to me the location of the soul of Yugi Motoh."

One pointer immediately swung up to point straight at the glass display, slightly to one side.

"That confirms it. He's up there. It MUST be that crystal inset."

"So we just have to get it down." Tris swept his gaze over the casino floor again. "Uh, problem. We've got suit sign. There are a whole lot of Italian gangster extras moving through the crowd towards the arcade side. "

"What?" Ba-Khu'ra joined Tristan at the railing. "Damn! Those men in black?"

"Yep. Looks like security to me. Something must've gone wrong. Maybe the guards we took out have to report in every so often, and when they didn't it alerted our pals down there something was up. I think we need to get Yugi out of there and get ourselves back together with our friends muy pronto, as the banditos say." Tristan gazed at Ba-Khu'ra. "Any smart ideas? Maybe a ladder in your back pocket?"

"No, sorry." Ba-Khu'ra laughed slightly. "I am of the opinion, though, that this is what even the Pharoah would qualify as an 'emergency'. Therefore--" he drew a card off the top of his Deck. "Man-Eater Bug! Get up there and retrieve the globe from the glass. Carefully! Don't shatter either object."


The black-clad group of men quietly surrounded the Dueling Arena (well, not quite surrounded it-- they were trying to be subtle, so there were just four of them actually at the ring, one to each corner). As soon as they were in position, the leader spoke quietly into a walkie-talkie. "Ready."

At once the Dueling Arena flickered, flickered again.. and died. Groans came up from the crowd.

"What th-?" Pegasus glanced around, saw the security men, and swallowed hard, trying to keep a mask of annoyed surprise on his face rather than the brief panic he'd felt. "Excuse me, but what is the meaning of this?! We are in a Duel here. This is inexcusable! "

"Sorry, Mr. Pegasus," one of the suited figures said respectfully. "We've been having some problems with the power system on the Arena lately. I'm sure the owner would like to offer his personal apologies to you and your opponent..." the man looked across the arena at Joey. "It isn't often we have Duellists of your caliber here, and we are sorry. If you'll just follow me...?" he extended a hand towards Pegasus. On the other side men were moving in toward Joey, Tèa, Mai and Yami.

"Wait a second here! I ain't going NOWHERE with you bozos." Joey whipped around on the man nearest him. "Your boss wants ta apologize t'me? Dunno why I should bother t'accept it anyway, if you guys knew dere was a problem with the machinery ya should've closed it down if you couldn't get it fixed. I just bet you ain't even told KaibaCorp dis hunk a'junk's on the fritz, have you? Is dis thing licensed? Is it even supposed to be IN here?!"

He had the satisfaction of seeing the guard break a sweat.

On the other side, Yami was also glaring down a security guard. "I am not involved in this," he said firmly. "Nor is my companion." He put an arm around Tèa and drew her a step closer, as much to protect her as to remind himself to keep his temper in check. "Your employer's apologies by rights belong to our friend Joey, it's true, but I fail to see why you are troubling the rest of us to drop what we're involved in and come with you."

The guard swallowed quietly. "Ah, sir," he began, and cleared his throat. "You ARE Yugi Motoh, aren't you? You're a very respected Duellist, sir. I'm sure Mr. Russio simply wants to pay you his complements as well as apologize. This is very bad form--"

"Indeed it is." Yami's eyes narrowed. "You have begun to annoy me."

Upstairs, Tris leaned over to look towards the arena and cursed softly. "Don't see anyone headed for the stairs," he muttered, withdrawing again. "Guess they haven't figured out we're here yet. --This may wind up as a 'rescue everyone else' as well as a 'rescue Yugi' moment."

Well, well. That's really fairly amusing. The Pharoah needing a mere Thief's help.

'It is NOT amusing!'
Bakura shot back, indignant. 'I'd rather get us all out of here without any trouble.'

That doesn't seem to be an option any more.
Ba-Khu'ra folded his arms and smiled cruelly. Time to try things MY way.

Bakura also folded his arms--at least, his inner self did, as he stood across from Ba-Khu'ra on the featureless 'landscape' of their shared mind. 'Absolutely not. I shan't have you setting our Duel Monsters loose on those men.'

And why not? They won't hesitate to use whatever force they need on US you know.

'Because... because doing that makes us no better than them.'

ARE we better than them?
Ba-Khu'ra raised an eyebrow. You and I?

'Maybe YOU aren't but I am, by God.'
Bakura clenched his fists. 'And I say no. Not unless there absolutely isn't ANY other alternative.'

Ba-Khu'ra laughed soundlessly. How do you intend to stop me?

Bakura swallowed, hard, then clenched his fists. He'd never been one for confrontation, much like Yugi. But if the littlest Motoh could stand up for himself...

'So can I.'


'If you won't listen to reason, you'll listen to force!'
Bakura shoved, mentally, spiritually, as hard as he could.

And opened his eyes, wondering why his fists were hurting, and realizing he'd clenched them so tightly the tips of his fingers were white.

"Hey, you okay?"

With a weak little smile, Bakura gave Tristan a nod. "Yes, I am," he said. "For the first time in a long time, yes. Thank you, Tristan."

Tristan gave him a puzzled frown; started to say something; grabbed Bakura by the upper arms. "Bakura?!"


"Great to see you, lousy sense of timing."

'What are you DOING!?!' The scream almost deafened Bakura. 'IDIOT! Release me at once!!'

Bakura gave Ba-Khu'ra a stern look. I TOLD you I wanted my life back. I meant it. From now on this is an equal partnership. We work together, we live together, we cooperate with each other, and you, by Heaven, will LISTEN to me. I am sick and tired of being the facade you hide behind. I'm over being your excuse for anything you don't want to get caught at. I will be heard, I will have a say in what we do, and I will be free to do as I please. Have we an understanding?

'Bakura, I'm warning you-!'

HAVE we an UNDERSTANDING? If not, you know, I'll just let Diaz's men catch up to us and he can HAVE the bloody stupid Ring!

'You wouldn't...'

Try me.

Ba-Khu'ra was silent for a heartbeat. Slowly he started chuckling, then laughing out loud. 'How absolutely entertaining. Tristan isn't the only one I underestimated. Took you long enough to find your backbone, didn't it, my Light? All right. You win. I agree to your terms, since I have little other choice. This could turn out to be quite interesting. Now, will you let me out so that we can get on with the rescue?'

How about you just tell me what to do?

'Hm! Where is the trust in that?'
The Thief waved a hand, still chuckling. 'Be it as you will.'

"Come on, Tris," Bakura said, shaking his head a little. "Let's see what we can do to help the others. But first..." he held up a hand. "Man-Eater Bug?"

The Duel Monster made a faint chirruping sound and nodded, scrambling over the wall to the ceiling and out across the glass, which swayed a bit but didn't crack. One clawed hand closed gently on the globe inset into the panes, tugged on it. With a sudden *click* that sounded like a gunshot to the nervous pair below, the globe popped free. Holding it carefully, the Man-Eater Bug swarmed back down and handed the Sphere to Bakura. "Well done," he said, and patted the smooth carapace.

"Okay!" Tristan gave Bakura a thumbs-up. "So let's--" he was cut short by the sound of a door opening behind them. "Ut-oh...."

"Ce qui sont vous faisant?!" a voice demanded. "What do you up here?!"

"Junon," Bakura said, grimly.


Max's mind raced. Should we-? No, too risky. To Yami he 'said', We can't go with them.

I agree.
Yami gave Pegasus the tiniest of nods. There are too many cards face down. We don't know what Diaz is hiding to use on us. Here, we have the advantage of being in plain sight. Unless he's very desperate or very foolish-- neither of which he strikes me as-- he won't try anything with us but the mundane while we're in public view.

All right then--
Pegasus huffed and folded his arms. "Well, if your employer wants to apologize to me, he can just come down HERE and apologize, where everyone can see it. I'm the wronged party, I expect a little professional consideration and courtesy."

The security chief bit his lip. It was beginning to look like Pegasus would be a problem. Moreover, they were beginning to attract just a little bit too much attention. His orders were to round up the Duelists quietly, and this was turning into anything BUT quiet. "Mr. Pegasus, I'm afraid I have to insist--"

"INSIST, is it? First you offer us a substandard piece of equipment to Duel on, then your employer wants to whisk us off to avoid the public humiliation of admitting his error in judgment. No, I think not. No. I'm no longer interested in you or your employer's apologies. I'm leaving, and trust me, I'll make sure that the public knows exactly how poorly prominent members of society and professional Duellists are regarded in this establishment." With that Pegasus stalked down off the dais.

A gloved hand closed on his free arm. "I'm very sorry, sir," the security chief said softly, "but you're causing a scene, now. Please come with me. ALL of you." He swept a glance round as his men stepped closer, seemingly to help steer the others through the crowd.

Yami took that chance to pivot, arms coming up, and lashed a foot into the stomach of the guard nearest Tèa. The man grunted and reeled back. "Tèa, Mai, quick, get to the emergency exit and open it. I don't care how." He fell back, spun, and somehow managed to wind up near Joey, facing the opposite direction, ready to take on anyone coming up from Joey's blind side.

Joey felt Yami's presence at his back and half-smirked. "I hope they taught Pharaohs to fight dirty," he muttered out of the corner of his mouth. "I don't think dese guys are gonna play fair, yanno."

"No, I wasn't taught to 'fight dirty'." A smile quirked the corner of Yami's mouth. "I was taught to win." As one of the guards made a grab for him, he slammed a forearm up under the man's chin and into his throat, followed by a knee to the gut. As soon as the man doubled up, he turned, all but diving into the crowd. "Joey! This way! Hurry!"

On the other side, a bit of color on a table ahead caught Pegasus's eye and he snatched it up, twirling the pool cue around like a staff. A well-placed blow to the side of the knee took the security chief's feet out from under him. Dropping the cue, Pegasus shoved a couple of onlookers who were gaping at him out of the way to make room for him. It was a little rougher than he'd wanted, but this wasn't any time for niceity. Quickly he scanned the crowd, the Eye letting his vision pass through the other people and home in on Yami and Joey. It looked like their attackers were momentarily off-balance. Tèa and Mai-- yes, over there, making for one wall. He plunged in, fighting his way towards them, since their current position left him a bit closer to the girls than to the boys.

Behind him, the security chief struggled to his feet. "GET THEM!" he bellowed, flushing with anger-- these, these KIDS and that limp-wristed society prick were making him and his men look like fools.

"Out of my WAY!" Tèa slammed her hip into one of the suits and scrambled past him, holding a hand back to Mai. "I hope these things aren't locked!"

"It shouldn't be, that's against the law," Mai panted. "It's probably just stiff from not being opened very often. Help me--" Together the two girls pushed at the locking bars. With a groan the doors popped open and a high warbling filled the air. The crowd in the gaming hall immediately started looking around nervously, not sure what the siren meant, but knowing it wasn't a sound effect from one of the games.


Junon advanced on Bakura and Tristan, one hand held out. "Donnez-moi la sphère, sil vous plait," he said. "The sphere, please, give."

"In your dreams!" Tristan charged Junon, shoulder down, in a perfect full-body football block. It didn't knock Junon off his feet-- the size differential was just too big-- but it DID send him stumbling to one side, leaving the door (for the moment) unguarded. "GO, BAKURA!"

With a leap, Bakura cleared Junon's prone form and onto the staircase. "Tristan, come on! I'm not leaving you behind!"

Tristan darted out and slammed the door behind them (thank God, it opens out) and looked around hastily. A combination trash and cigarette bin caught his eyes, and he grabbed it, jamming it up under the knob. Might hold a few seconds. Then he joined the headlong flight down the winding main stair into the ocean of people, vaulting the last few feet of the bannister to get ahead of Bakura. "One side! Coming through!" he bellowed, and put 3 years of playing high school football to good use as he shoved, blocked and otherwise plowed a path through the now-restless patrons.

Behind him, Bakura hastily tucked the globe into his shirtfront and glanced around, noticing a dark-suited figure coming in at Tristan's side. He fumbled for his Deck, grabbed a card at random. Please, Heart of the Cards-- YES! "Change of Heart!" he shouted, holding the card in the enemy's direction. "You must obey one command from me. Do what you can to keep your comrades from catching us, without fatal force!"

A brief glow surrounded the security guard and he froze, then turned, throwing himself at a cluster of other casino personnel who were trying to cut the pair of them off.

"Nice move!" Tristan called over his shoulder. "This way! I think I can see Joey and the others!"

Just ahead, Joey shoved attackers away left and right, fighting to clear a path. "You okay back dere, Yami? I think we're makin' progress! The door's just ahead!"

Yami gritted his teeth and concentrated on keeping up with Joey. Yes, he'd been trained in the arts of physical combat-- but that was 5000 years ago. Moreover, he was hardly the largest or brawniest of men. But he was quick, and that was enough, for now, to give him the advantage. A gap in the crowd; one last hasty leap; and he half-fell against the wall by the fire exit. As soon as Joey, Tristan and Bakura joined them, Yami waved a hand. "Out, now!" he ordered, and ran out into the alleyway.

"This way!" Pegasus called, "the sedan's down there!"

At the same moment, shouts of "stop!" and "you folks hold it RIGHT THERE!" confirmed the fact, as a second group of security guards rounded the far corner and bore down on them. Still out of reach, for the moment... but gaining fast.

"Think fast, we're in trouble!" Mai yelled.

In one move Yami was on his feet and drawing a card. "SWORDS OF REVEALING LIGHT! Pin my enemies in place!"

"HARPIE LADY SISTERS!" Mai screamed beside him. "Distract the ones he misses!"

A chorus of startled yelps sounded as the bright blades rained down from everywhere and impaled clothes, ends of pants, shoes (barely missing feet) and anything else that would hinder the security guards. Those that dove out of the way ducked and scrambled for cover as the Harpie Ladies dive-bombed them.

"Man, I hope like HELL that this thing can move, for all I bet it handles like a pregnant cow," Tristan said, slinging Bakura bodily into the backseat of the car before diving into the driver's seat himself.

"Well, I don't know," Pegasus said, clambering over Bakura, "but I assume since I paid enough for this beast, it had better be capable of breaking the speed limit at least twice over." Yami and Tèa were right on his heels, as were Joey and Mai.

"Are we all here?" Yami said, taking a hasty headcount. "Yes. Good. Tristan, go!"

The Rolls screeched away from the sidewalk, narrowly missing getting clipped by a DHL delivery van, and shot into traffic.

"Buckle in, everyone," Tris said, after a hasty look in the rearview mirror. "Just in case they decide to turn this into an auto chase. Think we've got a pretty good lead on 'em though. I'll take a few turns at random, then we'll cut back over to the main drag and get out of here. Pegasus, you'll have to play rear-seat co-pilot."

Bakura scanned the street behind them as well, saw no sight of immediate pursuit, and immediately collapsed against the seat cushions and fanned himself with one hand. "Good heavens, that was close. Somehow I never thought going to college would lead to a criminal career."

"Not criminal," Yami said. "Only taking back that which belongs with us already." He drew Tèa close for a moment, pressing his cheek to her hair. "You're all right?"

"I'm fine."
Tèa gave him a shaky smile. "You looked pretty tough back there. I almost felt sorry for the guards."

"Please tell me we got what we came after," Mai asked, trying to be flippant and failing. "I don't want to have to go through that again, assuming the local police even let us back into a casino for the next ten years."

"I believe we did." Reaching into his shirt, Bakura sighed with relief. "Still here." He withdrew the sphere and held it up. "This belongs to YOU, I think, Pharoah."

Yami reached out to take the globe from Bakura with both hands. As soon as his fingers brushed it, it lit up even more brightly, tiny sparkles in a slow waltz through the air around it.

Pegasus looked at the globe and winced. "Like looking into the sun," he muttered. "There's a great deal of mystic energy wrapped up in there."

"It's not.. it isn't Shadow Magic, I don't think," Bakura said.

"Mm, no, it's not. It looks like some form of High Magick to me. --By that I mean what most people consider 'magic' to be," he added, for the benefit of the others. "You know, mysterious incantations, elaborate diagrams on the floor, old men in funny robes. Though in this case I'm sorry to tell you the incantations and whatnot have a definite purpose and a definite effect. This is REAL magic, of the kind that was once practiced thousands of years ago. But as to what KIND exactly, I can't say. I'm scarcely an expert on anything but Shadow Magic."

"Magic, schmagic," Joey snorted. "Save da mystical explanations for later. How do we get Yuge outta dat thing, huh?"

Yami blinked. "I... I don't know," he said.

"Nor am I," Pegasus admitted. "I'm not at all sure it'd be safe for either myself or Bakura to try to pull Yugi's soul out of there. The crystal might shatter, and if it did all kinds of nasty things could happen."

Yami closed his eyes a moment, frustration welling up. So close! And yet a wall between us I cannot tear down. He glared at the crystal as if willing it to reveal its secrets to him. "Yugi..." he whispered. "Aibou..."

The crystal flared like a miniature sun in his grasp. For a moment the air in the back seats of the sedan seemed itself to turn to light, washing over them all. Then, with a single note like a chime, the crystal shattered, its shards falling harmlessly to dust. For just a moment, they all saw it, framed in the air; a figure that was both the true source of that light and made of the light itself, wrapping translucent arms around its older self, comforting, welcoming.

(I'm here! I'm right here!)

The light winked out, and as everyone's vision cleared, they realized that something had changed.

The slender form seated by Tèa had changed position-- curled up against her, now, one fist tucked under his chin, eyes shut, a small smile on his lips as he slept.

Yugi Motoh was home.