Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Flames of Love ❯ In Which There is Much Explaining ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Flames of Love 12:
In Which There is Much Explaining
Author's Notes: Good evening boys and girls. Here is the semi eagerly awaited squel to the stories A Ghostly Love one of my DBZ stories, and Demon Beloved one of my Yu Yu Hakusho. So it would be a good idea to read those two stories or else you will be so lost. The URL's for those stories are
A Ghostly Love: http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=1015512
Demon Beloved: http://www.fanfiction.net/read.php?storyid=738534
Also this story takes place one year after A Ghostly Love and five years after the end of the Yu Yu Hakusho story. I did not know what age Shura was at the end of YYH so I am guessing on the age. So without further ado I present 'FLAMES OF LOVE'!
Hiei sat on a beam that resided above the strutcure of the hideout. He was too busy trying to place the female whose voice had made him stop firing. The female had been beautiful very very beautiful. Her white hair shimmered like starlight in the sun and her silver eyes held a kindness and a wisdom in them. An image flashed through his mind about them in a tree with her straddling his waist and the of them kissing. He felt a passion for the white haired beauty rise in his chest. He wanted her for himself, he wanted her for a mate, and he would kill anyone that got in the way between him and his goal.
"Hiei," came the voice of Babi-sa.
"What?" asked Hiei scornfully.
"The woman you think of is the Fire Demon Princess the Fire Demon Nymph. The female Panthera she is yours, she should be yours. If you want I can give her to you after you help me take over the worlds."
"Give her to me?"
"Yes you can have her all to yourself I am very generous to my loyal subjects. All you have to do in return is kill the Ruler of the Kais he seeks to have her for his own. You mustn't let him have her Hiei, he'll ruin her she deserves to be with you. For the sake of her purity you must save her from the Kai. He wants her for himself Hiei you must not allow that to happen. Now go and save your prize."
Hiei's eyes glowed dangerously the thought of someone else touching what was his made his blood boil with rage. The Fire Demon Nymph was his by right and no one had the right to have her. She was his and only his, turning to get permission from Babi-sa and recieving it Hiei ran out the door and searched for any trace of the woman and her companions.
Baa moved out of the shadows and turned to look at her mistress.
"Are you sure that was wise mistress?" she asked. "I mean pushing him into seeing her might lead to him turning on you."
"Relax Baa," said Babi-sa waving her hand in dismisal. "I just gave him a reason to remain loyal to me. I promised him the female if he helped me to take over the worlds."
"And he believed you?!"
"Of course he did even under my control the man is still slightly obessed with the half-breed. I just gave him a reason to be even more obessed with her."
"If he finds out that you really mean to kill her then he might not be pleased."
"I have no intention of spilling her blood, I plan on twisting Hiei's mind to kill her."
"Very clever mistress."
"I kno w soon we will destory everything and my father and brother will be avenged and the little half breed will not be able to stop. They will be destoryed before their powers awaken."
"Indeed my lady."
"Pi-Pic-Piccollo," stuttered Gohan. "You can't reproduce sexually I mean your.... your asexual. Aren't you?"
"You haven't told them?" asked Trista.
"It is kinda hard to explain," muttered Piccollo blushing slightly.
"Amazingly you had no trobule showing me," said Trista matter of factly.
Piccollo coughed several times before turning to look at the others wondering how they were reacting to the conversation. He then heard a soft sound like a baby's and turned to look back at Trista in her arms was a baby resting on her shoulder was a pheonix. The baby had the body of a namekian female, however unlike all nameks she had hair the same color has her mother's and when she opened her eyes they were a dark red. He could sense great power coming from her. He smiled and gathered the child in his arms.
"Everyone I want you to meet our daughter Flute," said Piccollo raising the child up still wrapped in her blanket for the others to see.
"Okay um Piccollo think you can explain how she came into being?" asked Goten.
"Aren't you a little old to be learning about the birds and the bees?" asked Trista.
"That's not what I meant?!" shouted a panicked Goten.
Trista couldn't help but laugh at the young man, "I know but it was just to hard to resist. Yes Picollo-kun explain to them how you aren't asexual."
"Look several years ago before I was even born and when Kami was well young," said Piccollo. "There were two types of nameks one type is asexual the other is not. The latter was made up of both female and male genders."
"So why were there only males only planet namek?" asked Bulma.
"Because after Kami came to Earth something happened and it destoryed all of the nameks that reproduced sexually. Now has most of you know I am part of Ma Junior who is the darker half of Kami."
"But if Ma Junior was part of Kami who wasn't asexual and all the females were destoryed on Namek how come your here?" asked Yuusuke.
"If you would be patient then I will tell you," growled Piccollo. "Anyways when my "father" was fighting Goku and lost to him then he saved himself you could say and spit that out in an egg. I was in the egg."
"So your kinda like a clone of this Ma Junior person?" asked Kuwabara.
"Exactly so like him and Kami I am not Asexual and am the only male namek that is Asexual."
For a moment Piccollo said nothing but kept staring at his daughter. The proof of his and Trista's love for eachother. It was at this moment that he knew how Son Goku had felt when Chichi gave him Gohan and Goten. It most be the same thing that Krillian had felt at the birth of Marron. Perhaps this was even what Veggitta had felt when Bulma had given him Trunks and Bra. Then again it was also what Gohan must have felt at the birth of Pan. Pride paternal pride for the child he held and pride for his wife for giving him such a gift.
At that moment he saw it, the reason why Panthera and Hiei were so much in love. The reason the other worlders were so in love with eachother whether it was a Demon or not. It was that reason they needed to be together and then in one moment of decsion he decided on something. He understood he finally understood. He looked up and caught the eyes of the girl Panthera.
"I understand," he said softly. "I understand now and I will do everything in my power."
The young woman smiled and bowed slightly in thanks and understanding.
Piccollo nodded once he had told her that he understood. He knew that he could be killed for treason. But he udnerstood and indeed he did understand he understood everything now.