Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / X/1999 Fan Fiction / Princess Prince Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ One Weird School ❯ What the Hell?!!!?!?!??!?!?!? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A slim blond girl entered the school and looked around. At first, there seemed to be no one that she recognized. As she kept looking around, she got a weird, gut-feeling about this. Something was a bit... wrong.. here.

"Heya," she heard a voice say as something tapped on her shoulder.

She turned around to meet the violet gaze of a boy. He had a long chestnut braid that must've gone down to his knees. He was cute, anyway. Behind him was a blond with the prettiest blue eyes, and a dark-brown haired, cobalt-eyed boy who stayed silent.

"Nani?" She blinked as she looked at them. They were all...strangely familiar. "..Where have I seen your faces before?"

The three looked at eachother and the blond boy blinked and raised his brow.

"...You've seen us before? Are you quite sure? I don't remember seeing you... Maybe it was someone else?" He looked thoughtful before turned to the cobalt-eyed one. "What do you think, Heero?"

"Hn," was all he got as an answer.

"Heero? That name sounds... familiar... somehow." She paused and blinked, then something came to her. She set down her backpack and unzipped it, and pulled out some sort of Japanese magazine. Flipping through a first couple of pages, she pointed to a picture of five fifteen year olds on the page she had turned to. "There! Chang Wufei, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Rabera Winner, Trowa Barton and Heero Yuy! I knew you guys looked familiar! You're the G-Wing boys!"

"Woah! We look like cartoon characters!" Duo blinked and pointed at Heero's picture. "Haha... look at that glare, it's totally perfect! What talent someone must have to be able to draw that!"

Heero glared at him and gave another small "Hn.".

Duo nearly collapsed with laughter while Quatre continued to study the page carefully. She handed him the magazine and he began to read the article about the Japanese anime cartoon. He soon handed it back and looked stunned.

"Wow, that's... the first time I've ever seen myself as a cartoon. But Duo's right, Heero, they did make you look genuine," He smiled slightly and then looked thoughtful. "Or, as genuine as a cartoon can look... besides, I don't think they could ever get your glare *that* perfectly."

Heero sent a glare to him, as well.

"So, now that you know us," Quatre smiled gently at the girl. "What is your name?"

"Oh! My name, of course. How could I be that stupid!" She laughed. "My name is Kumiko Atsuko Hashimoto."

Then a sudden yell made them all turn to look at a black-haired boy who was following a brown-haired girl.

"Come on, Keiko, I need to copy your homework!" The boy pleaded.

"Yuusuke, you've copied my homework for a long time now and I'm getting sick of it! Do your own homework from now on!" She glared at him.


"ENOUGH, YUUSUKE!" She yelled and ran off.

"..Hey... is that... Yuusuke Urameshi?" Kumiko blinked and looked through her magazine until she reached the page about an anime she'd seen a few times called Yu Yu Hakusho. "That is him! See!"

She handed the magazine to Quatre, who studied the boy and then the magazine and finally nodded. "She's quite right, again. This is interesting... perhaps there are more of these people running around in school?" He looked to Duo. "What are the odds?"

"Ah, I'm not the technical one--that's Heero--but I'd say they're pretty low," He grinned. "Even the better. That means this school's one in a million, eh?"

"Mm," Quatre nodded. "Fascinating."

"..Uh... huh," Kumiko was too busy watching as Yuusuke and Kuwabara met up. She wondered vaguely if... "AHA!"

"Eh?" Quatre and Duo looked over at her, but she was staring at a certain red-head who had walked down the hall.

"Ah, Kurama. What, is he in here too?" Quatre asked, his brow raised slightly. She just nodded. "...Yes, he is quite popular with the female crowd. I think it's the rose he's always got."

"I think it's the shy attitude. Everyone likes the cute mysterious one," Duo smirked and eyed Heero. "Even some of the lesser males like the dark and mysterious types... Hehe..."

"Or maybe it's the way he acts like a stupid Onna," Wufei--who had just walked up--commented. Everyone--including Kumiko--turned to look at him. She stopped and her eyes got huge. Wufei's brow was immediatly raised. "What?"

She stared at him for a few moments with a delighted look shining in her eyes before she tackled him and hugged him happily. "Wu!! I always knew you were real! I told myself that you would be so awesomely cute and happy and...and!"

Wufei's eye twitched as Heero smirked, Quatre contained his laughter and Duo burst out laughing. A brown haired boy approached, smiling faintly when his eyes set on Wufei's admirer. "Love, are you having a few problems?"

"Trowa!" Kumiko shrieked and launched herself off of Wufei. She watched Trowa for a moment, then got a completely adoring look on her face. "You two are lovers?! Ahhh, I knew it! You're all so bloody perfect!"


Duo groaned. "The party is now over. Please exit the building in fashion, and pay no attention to the blond twit who tries to get in the door. That is all." He mumbled and leaned his head on Quatre's shoulder, pouting.

"Hiya!" A blond girl with flowers in her hair and a pink and white dress came over. She looked past everyone and smiled at Heero. "Hiya, Hee-chan. You didn't call me last night and I got worried so I decided I would look for you extra hard today and spend more time with you so I could make up for last night's deduction in our developing relationship! Whaddaya think?"

The blond blinked open her eyes to notice that Heero had begun walking away silently. She blinked a few more times before she actually began to understand what he was doing. "...Heero???"


Duo shook his head. "I feel bad for him... extremely bad."

"I couldn't agree with you more, Maxwell." Wufei rubbed his temples with his fingers in aggravation.

"I'll agree with you, as well." Quatre nodded.

Trowa was completely silent.

"What did you do with him NOW, Ayeka?!"

A purple-haired and a blue-haired woman turned the corner, seeming to be arguing about something very strongly.

"I did nothing to him, you're the hussie that continues to influence him! Maybe that's the reason he's late!" The purple haired girl turned to glare at the blue haired one. "It's your bad influence, Ryoko! I will not have Tenchi being influenced by you any longer, you space demon!"

"Aww, how cute. Look, Miss Stuck-Up-Princess, Tenchi is not yours and I REFUSE to let him choose you over someone like me, so just BUGGER off, will ya, Ayeka?!" Ryoko glared at Ayeka, who looked offended and stormed off in a huff. "Well, there goes another unfortunate five minutes spent with her when I could've been finding Tenchi.."

"Ryoko!" Kumiko grinned and waved her hand spastically. "Ree-yyyooo-kooooo!"

"Hmm?" Ryoko blinked and looked over. She noticed Kumiko and smiled sweetly."Ooo… Hiya, kids! Now what's up?"

"Nothing! Heya, I think we have the same home room… Hee, want to walk together??" Kumiko smiled happily and bounced up and down spastically. "Huhuhuhuhuhuh??"

"Hmm… sure! Lets go find Inuyasha first, though! He owes me something." Ryoko giggled to herself cheerily. "Then we can go to Mr. Yukiora's class."

Kumiko nodded and turned back to Wufei, Duo, Quatre and Trowa. "I'm going with Ryoko! Bye, guys!" She waved happily and skipped off with Ryoko.

"…Well, now that that's over," Wufei rolled his eyes. "Trowa, I suppose maybe that we should get to Mrs. Okinawa's class before she decides to take attendance early."

"Sounds good," Trowa nodded and then the two bid their good-byes and went on their way, hoping they weren't late.

"Yea, Mrs. Akakoto will be PISSED if we're late!" Duo laughed to Quatre, and they, too, were on their way to class.


"So, Ryoko, where exactly IS Inuyasha..?" Kumiko looked at her new friend skeptically and the blue-haired woman looked back at her.

"Well, I've been following him for a while, and he's most likely to be… Right there." She stopped on the path outside and pointed to a tree that was planted in the middle of campus. A silver-haired boy with dog ears was sleeping in the tree comfortably. Ryoko giggled funnily. "Lets wake him up, shall we?"

Kumiko nodded happily and the two approached the tree with quite ease; Inuyasha never noticed them until it was too late. Ryoko punched the tree with a surprising amount of strength, and the silver-haired boy fell out of the tree and onto his butt.

"OW! What?! Grrr.." Inuyasha looked around before he looked up and saw Kumiko and Ryoko. "Oh, Ryoko…"

He paused and stood up, rubbing at the back of his head, laughing nervously. Ryoko smiled sweetly at him and Kumiko just stood there calmly.

"Hey, Inuyasha… I couldn't help but wonder if you have the five dollars you owe me…?" She fluttered her eyes lovingly at him, and he immediatly looked more imitated than he probably should have. "..Hmmmmm?"

"Uh… Heh-heh… Yea, Hmm.. let me see…" He dug into his pocket for a moment, before pulling out a crumpled American five-dollar bill and handed it to Ryoko. "There you go… Hey, what time is it?"

Kumiko looked at her watch. "Seven-twelve AM… Hmm… class starts in fifteen minutes!"

"Aaaaaaaaaugghh…" Inuyasha slapped his forehead. "C'mon, we might as well get there… you won't like how Mr. Yukiora is when you're late."

"Eurr…" Kumiko laughed uneasily, and then nodded. "Mm."

Ryoko, Inuyasha and Kumiko began their trek across campus, looking around for a moment before Ryoko pointed to the closest building.

"That's the gymatorium… so Mr. Yukiora's class is in… that building!" She pointed at two buildings over, at one of the classroom buildings. It was another few minutes before they were all inside of the building and walking up a flight of stairs as fast as possible without hurting themselves.

Kumiko checked her watch. "Ohhh, damn! We have less than ten minutes…!"

"Ah, no worries!" Ryoko grinned and they darted into a hallway. "C'mon, it's just down the hall here…"

"Five minutes," Inuyasha mumbled and they turned a corner into another hall. This hall had several classrooms branching off of it, and Ryoko dragged them into the third classroom on the right-five seconds before the bell rang.

They sighed heavily and took their seats, trying to get their heart beats back to normal.

…It was going to be a VERY long day, indeed.


"Hey, Hiei, can I have your pudding?" Kuwabara laughed and looked at the short, black-haired man with an extremely stupid grin on his face.


"Aww, c'mon… it's not like you'll eat it anyway!" The red-head made a grab for the pudding.

"Touch the pudding, and you die, Ningen." Hiei glared his infamous glare at Kuwabara, who froze and screamed.

"He's scaring me again!" Kuwabara whined and ducked behind a beautiful blue-haired girl who was sitting next to him. "Hide me, Yukina!"

"Hiei, that's not nice.." Botan shook her finger at him, but he just glared at her in return.

Meanwhile, Heero was growling like a psychopath as Relena continued giggling and babbling on exactly like the brainless twit she really, truly was.

"Oh, wouldn't that be romantic?? Yes, lets go to Aruba for our Wedding! It'll be so fun, don't you think, Heero?? Hmm? Heero, why're you glaring and growling like that?" She seemed to just notice the look on Heero's face. "Heero, you're scaring me…"

"Oh boy…" Duo rolled his eyes and mumbled under his breath. "I wouldn't blame Heero if he goes psycho and tries to kill her…"

"Hmm? What did you say, Duo??" She turned on him, her brow furrowed. "Duo, you're being rude! Heero, I demand you get rid of him right now. I am your fianceé, Heero, get RID of him!"

"Relena, I wouldn't…" Quatre began, a tone of warning in his voice, but she turned her glare onto him.

"Quatre, I'm surprised! You and I grew up in the same kind of conditions, and you won't even back me up when this stupid…stupid… STREET RAT insults me?!" She pouted. "Heero, get rid of the both of them! …Well, Heero, what're you waiting about?!"

"Relena… really…" Quatre stressed his voice for emphasis.

"Heero!! …HEERO!"


"Heero, dammit!"

"RELENA SHUT THE HELL UP!" Heero growled and grabbed her by the neck, forcing her up against a wall roughly. "Shut… the fuck up. …Leave Duo and Quatre out of this. And I WILL kill you, if you continue to annoy the FUCK out of me. AND WE ARE NOT ENGAGED, DAMMIT."

"…H-heero.." She whined pathetically.

Heero's eyes were of stone when he pulled out his gun. "Shut. Up."

Her eyes grew wide, and she 'eeped', but went silent. He glared and pocketed the gun calmly, sitting down next to Duo with a slightly …tense… aura.

Everyones' eyes were on Heero as he calmly resumed eating, but the entire cafeteria watched the brown-haired boy with shock and tense silence. It was almost…scary. Heero was completely oblivious to it… Or, if he did notice it, he didn't show any emotion about it-how strange.


Kumiko pouted and pushed the food on her plate around with her fork. Ryoko seemed to notice this, and looked at her questioningly.

"'Miko, what's wrong? There's something wrong, isn't there? You aren't even EATING!" Ryoko asked gently, blinking slightly.

Kumiko smiled faintly and looked up with slight hesitation.

"Ah, it's nothing, Ryoko, I guess I'm just not hungry, that's all…" She laughed uneasily.

"Hmmm… okay, if you say so… I'll take your word for it," Ryoko smiled and went back to eating her ramen.

Kumiko went back to pushing her food around with her fork. Her eyes were narrowed slightly in focused thought while she zoned out from the world.

…If this is a school where anime characters are real, then how did they become people in animes…? …If all anime is real, then does that make vampires and witches and demons real, too…? …This is so confusing…

A/N: Ahahah! I win! O.o Okay, I own absolutely NONE of these freaking characters -except Kumiko, of course, because she's a self input-so don't sue me or anything… hehe… ^^; How did you like it, eh?? I hope you liked it, because if you didn't, then I'm a sad little person… yes I am. O.o;;;;; Hee. Please review? Plleeeeease? PLEASE?!??! *whine* I'm a sad little monkey, and I won't make anymore chapters if you continue to ignore my happiness. O.o;;;; Hee. Next chapter, I'll add more people from these animes/mangas: Pokémon, Digimon, Tenchi (all series), Inuyasha, X/1999, Princess Prince, and OTHERS! If you peoples have any animes to suggest, please put them in a review. I'm open to any suggestions, just as long as you supply me with the information on the character, or the information is easy to find. Hehe… thanks. I love you all…HEE!!!! LOVE! LOOOOOVE! Melty Love, melty love, melty loooooooooove, melty love, melty love, melty looooooove, melty love, melty love, melty loooove, melty love, melty love, melllltttttttteeeeeeeee loooovve…
