Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Ask The Gang 101 ❯ Lets get started ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
hey people. i'm back with a new story. it's gonna be an ask the gang, but this time my friends r gonna be in it. well lets start it shall we.
shadow: me kome: courtney faith: andrea kira: jenny
shadow: i'm startin a new one!!!!
inu: not again
shadow: sit!!!!!!
inu: owww. how the hell can u do that wench?!?!?!?!
shadow: kagome added on to the spell rememeber???
inu: damn
shippo: haha.
inu: 'hits shippo on the head' shut up runt
shippo: oww!!!!!! kagome, he hit me again!!!!!
kag: inuyasha SIT!!!!!!!!!
kome: 'walks over to inu shaped hole' so thats y shadow warned us never to make kagome mad
kira: 'shakes head' shadow said he was stupid, but i didnt think he was that stupid
faith: i dont want to know what that feels like
miroku: 'takes kiras hand' will u bear my child??
kira: 'smacks miroku across the face and sends him into a wall' no way in hell pervert!!!!
sango: 'walks over to kira' not bad. couldnt of done better my self
kira: thanks
sesshomaru, hiei, and kurama walk in and see miroku laying against a wall and inuyasha in the floor.
sesshomaru: what'd the idiots do now???
shadow: hey guys. lets see, inuyasha hit shippo so kag sat him, and miroku asked my friend kira to bear his child so she smacked him almost as hard as me
kurama: 'walks up behind me and shakes his head' they truly r idiots
everyone but inu and miroku: yep

well thats all for now. i'll bring in more characters in later chapters. now r&r or else i wont write any more. u can ask me questions in ur reviews or u can e-mail me at demonchick_2@msn.com. later people.