Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Chained To You ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Sorry MM readers, something funky happened with the dialogue in this chapter. It uploaded fine to FF for some reason! Thanks for the head's up Purplebabe...

Chapter San
Scene: The town of Akaso, Makai.

She's a bigger fool than I thought...

Yoko cursed the miko as he pulled on his cloak, putting up the hood and covering his ears. It wasn't that cold, but he didn't want to be recognised. He had to find her, and fast, before their secret was revealed.

He half expected to find her lost in the forest, but the plants told him she had passed through three hours before. He felt both shocked that she had been gone for so long, and surprised that she had managed to make it through the forest alone. He advanced on to the town, wondering where she could have possibly gotten to. By now, all the public houses were closed, and the place was deserted and quiet. He walked through the dark streets, but her scent was difficult to find, with the storm brewing. It wasn't until he passed a closed restaurant that he caught a slight whiff of her, on the door coverings. Although she smelled of neko to everyone else, he knew her real scent, and so could detect it under the surface.

Yoko stood outside the now closed restaurant, thinking. She wouldn't have went in for food, he was sure. The wind howled again, causing his hood to fall, and he turned to the direction of the desert.

Surely, she wouldn't have tried to attempt...?


The only places still open were in the pleasure quarter. Yoko was well known there, but that wasn't the reason for his visit tonight. The usual doorman, Saito, a red kitsune, bowed as he approached.

“Yoko-sama, welcome...”

“I'm not coming in, Saito. I need a pitcher of water, quickly,” Yoko said quietly, passing the kitsune some silver coins. Saito, clearly surprised at the request, passed through the cloth awning. He returned with a bamboo flask and passed it to the bandit.

“Do not tell anyone you have seen me,” Yoko said as he took the flask, “It will be worth your life, if you do...”

“Understood, my Prince,” Saito bowed. He watched the silver kitsune disappear into the distance, and immediately cleared his mind of whom he had seen.


Once out of sight, Yoko removed a silk scarf from his pocket. He tied it around his nose and mouth. Taking a test breath, he left the flask where he could find it later, and proceeded to the desert.

The storm was in full throttle. Yoko could see the swirling sand clouds, twisting and diving like dancers. His sense of smell was completely blocked by the wind and the cloth pressed to his nose and mouth, and he couldn't pick out a figure near by.

Damn girl. She better be alive, because this time I am going to kill her...

Raising his hood once more, Yoko ran into the sandstorm, avoiding the main gusts, but unable to escape the solid rain of sand. Luckily it couldn't stick to the silk and mainly slid from his clothing as he dodged and ducked, but his eyesight was severely hampered by the grit.

He ran lightly, scanning the ground and desert ahead the best he could for the miko. He knew if she had fallen, the sand would have swallowed her, and she wouldn't be found until after the storm had subsided.

The task seemed impossible. The kitsune was able to breathe through the cloth, but he could barely see a thing. The wind was so strong his eyes watered, and every so often a handful of sand would sting them. He was about to turn back when he spotted a black huddle down below, in one of the dips. Cursing, Yoko carefully slid down the incline.

Words were useless- the wind whipped them away before they even formed- so Yoko didn't waste his breath. He knelt down, removing his scarf, and could tell by the sudden smell of her fresh blood that she was still alive.

Unsure whether to be relieved or disappointed, the kitsune threw the scarf around the miko's head. He coughed as the sand began to attack his mouth and nose, and wondered how the girl was conscious. He scooped her up, and could tell by how her body grew heavier that she had just fainted.

Taking a run, Yoko pounded up the hill, and sprinted straight. It was easy to get disorientated in the sandstorm, but the kitsune knew which way was home.


It took half an hour to get out the desert, and when they finally reached the town, the kitsune could feel himself tiring. It didn't help he had reached the end of a busy day and had been drinking. Yoko spat several times, trying to rid his saliva of the horrible bitter taste. He relocated his flask, taking gulps of water while he hoisted the miko over his back.

He removed the scarf as he walked back to the castle ground, but the girl was still out of it. She hung limply over his shoulder, and he was glad she was so light. The bandit sneaked past his own castle guards, a little disappointed at how easy it was, and reminded himself to re-train them personally. Once inside the grounds, Yoko wondered what the best thing to do with the miko was. She was completely covered in sand, and her hair was literally like a bird's nest.

“May as well wake her up and clean her up at the same time,” Yoko observed, and grinning a little at getting his revenge, he threw her into the stream.


Kagome had been floating, flying with strong, hot winds beating her clothes. Suddenly, she fell, hard and cold, and couldn't breathe once again. There was a gurgle in her ears, and she could hear her heartbeat pounding like a drum. The miko instinctively opened her eyes, and the blurry shadows told her she was under water. Frantically she clawed her way to the surface, gasping for air, her lungs burning both with fire and ice.

She wiped at her eyes frantically, as something was irritating them and blurring her vision. The weight of her yukata was pulling her down, and Kagome finally woke up properly.

“Nannnni???” she cried, dragging herself through the stream back to the grass. “How on earth did...?”

The words died on her lips when she saw the youkai in front of her. The silver kitsune stood, with crossed arms, a smug look on his face.

“You!! You...bastard!” Kagome wheezed, before suddenly retching water and sand. The kitsune watched in amusement.

“Is that the way you speak to the one who just saved your life, miko?”

“Saved...saved?? I nearly drowned!” Kagome coughed, slumping to the ground as her legs gave out. She tried to wring out her long sleeves, but her fingers were weak and cold from the water. She shivered pathetically, her hair sticking to her face in clumps.

“It was a small punishment, considering you tried to run away.”

The miko blinked, looking up at Yoko in the moonlight. Dammit. So I did. And now I'm back here, at this stupid castle.

Kagome fumed silently for a few moments, before realisation hit. “Wait. The sand storm. I couldn't breathe. You mean...you came for me?”

The kitsune shrugged. “You're wearing the clothes of my castle servants. I couldn't have your identity found out by another.”

The miko laughed hollowly. “Oh, of course. That's the only reason. I'm surprised you didn't just strip me and leave me to die!” Kagome lay back on the grass, completely exhausted. The cuts from the nettles and sand were stinging on her face, feet and arms. She felt light headed and frozen, and unable to move.

“I am assuming you are not going to apologise, or thank me?” the kitsune asked, standing near her head. The girl's eyelashes were fluttering as she lost the battle to sleep.

“Mmm. No...” Kagome murmured.

“What an irritating thing you are!” Yoko scoffed, too tired himself to be angry. Then, to his annoyance, the girl feel asleep.

Am I so non-threatening that she can pass out in front of me, again, after what she has done?

The kitsune's thoughts were interrupted when Kaoru appeared, breathless and sobbing.

“Oh master, you found her! Thank you so much!”

Yoko watched in disbelief as the neko hanyou knelt on the ground, crying over Kagome's sleeping body.

“I told you to watch her,” he commented.

“I'm sorry! I promise to never let her out my sight, Yoko-sama!” Kaoru begged, bowing to the ground.

“If it happens again, it will be both your heads,” the kitsune spoke. “Now, find her some dry clothing or my efforts will be wasted, and put her to bed. I will decide on her punishment in the morning.”

“Hai, Yoko-sama!” Kaoru effortlessly hoisted the girl onto her back, and carried her into the castle.

The kitsune watched them, his scarf still clasped, forgotten, in his hand. He sniffed it, and recoiled.

Now it smells completely like her. It'll need to burn it.

Yoko stuffed the scarf in his pocket, and headed to the castle to retire for the night.


Kagome's mind and body were completely spent by her experience. She awoke thirsty, hungry and shivering. The dormitory was empty- the servants had left their beds many hours ago. The miko sat up quickly, immediately wincing at the stiffness in her body. Kaoru had dried her off and changed her into her white sleeping yukata, and had wrapped her hair into a towel. Kagome ran her fingers through the mass of damp curls, knowing she must have caught a chill despite Kaoru's care. There was a covered bowl on the low table near her futon, and Kagome almost cried with joy when she pulled back the cloth and saw the steaming miso soup. She scoffed it quickly, not caring that it burned her tongue and the back of her throat.

“I'd savour that, if I were you,” came a familiar voice. Kagome lowered the bowl, licking her lips as Bancho stalked into the room.

“I'm sorry I overslept...” The miko apologised half heartedly.

“Save it!” Bancho barked. “The master has informed me of your little escape last night. You'll be fasting for two weeks as punishment, and be lucky it isn't any more!”

“T-two weeks?” Kagome stuttered, the miso soup churning in her empty stomach. “B-b-but...”
Humans can't survive that long without food surely? But I'm sure hanyou can...


Kaoru bowed down in front of the Silver Prince as he reclined on his throne, examining his claws.

“Please, Yoko-sama. I know it is none of my business and it is not my right to be making such an observation...but master, two weeks is too long for a human. Kagome is struggling as it is to preform her tasks as a hanyou...I'm afraid she will grow weaker and reveal her secret...”

Kaoru's voice was muffled as her face was pressed to the tatami, but Yoko caught every word. He yawned haughtily.

“What do you suggest then? That I let her off without punishment?”

The kitsune's words hung in the air lightly, yet there was a dangerous glint to his tone. Karou trembled. She knew the master's anger was simmering below the surface, but she had to do something. The other servants had been told from the beginning that Kagome had been used to pay part of a debt- by whom was not for them to know. Hanyou could be traded in the same way as cattle in the human world. They had to fight to be free. Yet the other servants would soon realise something was not right if Kagome became so weak that she could not preform the simplest of tasks.

“No. Of course, having disobeyed you, she should be punished. However...perhaps in an other way? I am only thinking of yourself, Yoko-sama. If it is revealed she is a human...”

“Punished another way, you say? Very well.”

At this, Yoko stood, and Kaoru raised her head to follow his movements. He took a rose from his hair, and the very action made the neko-hanyou gasp.

“I had thought I was being gentle on her, by simply depriving her of food. However, if you believe this to be too severe, perhaps a quick whipping is the kinder option.”

Kaoru pressed her forehead to the tatami once more, trying to conceal her tears. There was no way she could face Kagome after that. At least she could sneak her food. She couldn't, however, take her blows for her. And the miko would take much longer to heal than a hanyou.
Having made this decision, Kaoru bowed three times.

“Forgive me master. You know best. Please forget I ever mentioned it.”


It would have been better if I had died in the desert,  Kagome thought to herself. She had only missed lunch and supper, and her stomach was already gargling and groaning. Mortified and embarrassed, she kept herself away from the meal times and caught up with the chores she had missed. The servants were back to avoiding her, as if she was cursed. She could only imagine what they thought of her now. Even Kaoru kept her distance, a pain visible in her grey eyes.

After everything she's done for me, I betrayed her...

Kagome promised to herself she would apologise personally to Kaoru. She was yet again borrowing clothes, as her drenched yukata still hadn't dried from her dip. She was sniffing and coughing too, and could feel a headache pulsing dully at the base of her skull. Still, she was allowed to drink at least, and took the liberty of making herself a hot cup of tea and sitting on the veranda while everyone else ate.

You've got yourself in some mess this time... the miko reflected. Sadly, she looked up at the stars- similar to those she had watched in Edo.
If only I knew you were somewhere out there, Inuyasha. I might get some strength from that.
Kagome let herself day dream, imagining Inuyasha charging up to the castle, sweeping her off her feet as always, and knocking the smirk off Yoko's pretty face.


A naturally optimistic person, Kagome refused to show her pain to others. It would have been too easy to lie in her bed and refuse to get up, but she didn't want to give Yoko the satisfaction.

I'll show him. I'll show them all how strong I am!

The first three days she developed a routine of avoiding mealtimes and keeping herself busy. It was all too tempting to sneak food when no one was looking in the kitchen, but she was smarter than that- she knew Bancho would be able to smell it from her breath.
Kaoru caught the miko having a coughing fit as she tried to hang wet linen outside, the wind battling against her slowly thinning frame.

“Kagome-chan!” Kaoru took the heavy sheets and bedding from the girl with one hand, and touched her on the back with the other. “Are you okay?”

Kagome tried to reply, but the cough was hacking now, choking her words and causing her to sink to her knees.

“Kagome!” Kaoru helped the girl up and back into the castle, fetching her water and sitting her down. “Drink, you'll feel better!” The neko-hanyou urged.

The miko sipped, feeling the cold liquid catching in her chest. Kaoru shook her head, taking in the girl's pale, shining face.

“I can't bare to watch you like this!” Kaoru exclaimed.

“I'm fine, honestly,” Kagome smiled, touching the girl's arm. “The wind just took my breath away, and the sheets were so heavy. Thanks for helping me.”

On the fifth day, Kagome was struggling. Her willpower and stamina were extinguishing. She knew if it wasn't for her cold she would be managing a lot better. She was shivering one minute, then burning up the next. The miko shook as she took a tray laden with food to the bandit's quarters. Even though it was early in the afternoon, they were rowdy and drunk. She was mainly unnoticed as she placed the dishes on the table. Her hand hovered over the rice, the fish, the sweet buns, wishing she could reach out and cram them into her mouth.

“Kagome!” Kuroune was suddenly by her side, startling her and making her knock soy sauce over her arm.

“Oops, clumsy!” the koumori youkai laughed, and pretended to lick the sauce from her wrist. As his face was close to her skin, he suddenly blinked. Her blood smells so weak?

“Kagome, what's up?” he asked, as she moved away from him.

“Nothing, Kuronue-san.”

“Wait!” The bat demon followed the miko into the corridor, and grabbed her arm. He was shocked at how little flesh was beneath the fabric.

“What is it?” she asked, and blinked as her vision went fuzzy. It had been happening recently, but she just had to focus and it would disappear...

“Kagome, there's something wrong with you, isn't there? Are you sick?”

The miko felt herself sway, and Kuroune grabbed her tightly.

“Didn't he tell you? I'm fasting as punishment.”

“You mean Yoko?” Kuroune laughed at her blasé way of putting it. “Wait! Fasting? How long for?”

“Two weeks. I need to go now...”

“Two weeks??” Kuroune spluttered, watching the miko traipse down the corridor, occasionally putting out a hand to steady herself. “What is that fox thinking?”


Yoko was sick and tired of hearing about the poor miko and her condition. He deliberately avoided her, changing direction whenever he caught her scent. He was not a complete monster- he knew she couldn't survive two weeks. That was the point. He was stubborn, having always been spoiled and given his own way since the day he was born. He did not like the way this miko had swanned into his life and changed everything. She would apologise. He wanted to see her beg on her knees for forgiveness, and then he would finally be the master of her.

But the damn girl was also stubborn. She had not approached him once. She had not asked to speak to him. After three days he had expected her to cave. Expected her to swoon and cry and everything else ningen onna were supposed to.
But there was none of it. Even Kuroune had confronted him, with his superior knowledge of humans, telling him off. One week would be too much, he said. Two weeks is simply ridiculous. A life sentence.
He would wait it out. If she wanted to kill herself, so be it.

Kaoru couldn't take it any more. Kagome was literally a shadow of her former self. At night she could hear the girl's stomach cry with emptiness. Her bones were hard and brittle even through the cotton of her sleeping yukata. Her skin was so white it was almost transparent, like watery cream.

the sixth day, the neko-hanyou waited until everyone was out of the kitchen. Then, she quickly prepared some porridge, and had to literally force feed it to the miko. Once Kagome had tasted it, there was no going back. She finished the bowl and begged for more, even hungrier than before. Of course, it was at that moment Bancho decided to look for Kaoru to complete some task, and caught them in the act. She raised her rolling pin, delivering a swift crack to Kagome's skull. The miko could just make out Kaoru's cries and yelps of pain as she too was attacked, before she lost consciousness.

When the miko finally came to, Bancho mocked her weakness, trotting out her favourite line- her mother must have been a house-trained pet. Kagome thought of her hard working mother, supporting her ji-chan, Souta and herself. Her mother, no doubt mourning the sudden loss of her daughter. Tears pricked at her eyes and Bancho howled with laughter. The miko didn't care. She wasn't crying because of the piggy hanyou. She missed her family. She wanted to be home.
She did cry when she saw the blood trickling down Kaoru's hairline and the bruises marking her pretty face.

“I'm so sorry Kaoru,” she wept, “Please, let's not be friends. I don't want to drag you any further into this!”

“Poor Kagome, I'll always be your friend!” the neko hanyou smiled sadly, embracing the girl tightly. “Why don't you go speak to the master? Apologise for doing wrong- I'm sure he'll forgive you!”

“No way!” Kagome said forcefully, causing her to cough again. “It's his stupid fault I'm in this state! He should have just left me alone!”

“Oh, Kagome-chan!” laughed Kaoru, “You don't really mean that!”


When Kagome opened her eyes, she smiled, knowing she had made the week mark. Her smile quickly disappeared when she realised she had another week still to go.

Truthfully, I don't know if I can make it. But there's no way I'm saying sorry to that kitsune!

It took her much longer to move, and her actions were further slowed by the blow Bancho had given her. A large bump protruded under her hairline.
A servant had recently gone onto other employment, and a new one had taken her place. Thankfully this meant Kagome no longer was the first to rise. She felt sorry for the new servant, a bull hanyou, but she was strong and managed the burden well.
The miko was carrying baskets of clothes to their respective rooms. Kaoru had ensured she had the lightest, so Kagome simply had to focus on putting one foot in front of another. There were many staircases and the corridors were dark and confusing. She finally reached the fifth floor, and had to stop for a rest once she reached the top, panting a little. Her fever had broken out again and she felt incredibly hot after climbing the stairs. Closing her eyes and clasping the basket to her chest, Kagome leant against the wall. She felt pressure squeezing on her brain, making her light headed and sore.

Yoko hadn't seen her for a week, so it was a surprise to see the miko as he came down the stairs with one of the elders. Kei was caught up in the conversation, babbling about heirs and the like as they descended the stairs. The girl seemed unaware, as she leaned against the wall, a basket held limply in her arms. She looked like wood nymph, with her dark hair spilling around her face and skin blending into the rice paper wall.

Yoko answered Kei's statement a little more loudly than necessary, and saw the miko jerk out her slumber. She glanced upwards, and seeing the two silver kitsune coming towards her, dropped her basket in shock. She immediately fell to the ground, scrabbling to squash the silks back into the carrier.
He did not spare her a glance, having observed her enough, but once he had escorted Kei to the second floor where the elders were meeting, he gave a false pretence and slipped back up to the fifth floor.
The miko was in the exact same spot, at the top of the staircase. The basket was upright and the clothes folded, and the girl was braced over its handles.

“Are you planning to stay there all day?” Yoko remarked, having stealthily climbed the stairs.

Kagome coughed in response, covering her mouth as her breath rattled in her ribcage. The kitsune stood above, arms folded as always, waiting on a response. She finally glanced up at him, and he was taken aback by how gaunt her face was, how deep the purple circles under her eyes had became.

“I can't get up...” the miko muttered, her eyes fastening on his feet. Stupid white slippers. I'd like to hit him with them.

“What?” Yoko asked. He had heard her, but could not understand the meaning.

“I can't get up!” Kagome shouted in frustration, hitting her hand off the ground. “My legs have gave out, and any time I try to move I feel sick and the place spins! Are you happy??”

“Why would I be happy?” Yoko remarked. He reached down, grasping her under the arms and yanked her to her feet.

“Ooooh...” If she'd had control over her own body, Kagome would have picked the sick option. At least he'd have looked stupid and smelled for a bit. Instead, the sudden movement had made her head spin, and she fainted on him.


Yoko caught her easily, registering how light she was compared to a week ago when carried her from the desert. The miko was like a bag of cotton wool as he hoisted her over his shoulder. He paused on the stairway- to return her to the kitchen and the punishment of Bancho was to ensure her early demise.

I can get a few more coins out of her yet,  the kitsune reflected as he turned and ascended the stairs to the seventh floor. There was a empty room near his own, around two tatami wide, used in the older days by guards. Now it was empty, devoid of anything but a rolled up futon in the corner. Yoko kicked it deftly with his foot, making it uncurl onto the floor. He placed the miko down, careful not to dump her as before, aware that she was out cold and looked like death already- no need to speed up the process.

After a quick journey to the kitchen to instruct the grey neko hanyou of where to find the miko, Yoko headed to the sacred temple on the castle grounds. Shiro-san, the oldest silver kitsune alive, was patiently burning incense at the small shrine, watching the smoke curl up into the spring air.

“Yoko,” he smiled as the prince drew closer. He was the only person, save Kuroune, that didn't use an honorific with him.

“Shiro-san,” Yoko dipped his head. He had been brought up to respect the priest, and was very fond of the older youkai. “I apologise for not visiting sooner. Royal business, you know what it is like...”

“I understand,” Shiro placed his hands together in prayer and clapped before leaving the shrine. “I assume this about the rosary? Would I be correct in thinking we have a miko in our midst?”

“Yes,” Yoko replied darkly, “And said miko is currently unwell. I was hoping you would accompany me, your knowledge of humans and medicine being far superior to mine...”

“Oh?” Shiro walked with the bandit king back to the palace, tucking his hands into his long sleeves, “Is she injured?”

“Not injured exactly...” Yoko let the words hang in the air, and under Shiro's unflinching gaze, he felt a shard of shame.

Karou was there when they arrived, stirring a thick soup to keep herself busy. She immediately backed away from the futon and pressed her head to the ground as they entered, but Shiro waved a hand at her, softly telling her to rise.

“Oh dear...” the priest spoke, as he sunk to his knees next to the miko. Her skin was taunt over her bones, her eyes ringed with black. He placed a cool hand on her forehead to feel it burn under his fingertips.

“This isn't just a sickness, is it?” he asked. Looking at the neko hanyou, who was biting her lip, he asked, “When did she last eat?”

Karou swallowed, her silver eyes darting to Yoko was was standing near the door, arms folded. She mouthed the words, but didn't dare say them.

“A week? Oh, Yoko!” Shiro sighed deeply, and the kitsune prince felt the shard prick a little deeper.

“Well, this soup is good to start with. She can't have anything solid for a while. Be a dear and go fetch a pitcher of water, will you? She looks parched,” Shiro instructed Kaoru, who immediately darted off, glad to be free from the oppressive atmosphere in the room.

“What were you thinking, Yoko?” Shiro asked, as he spooned some soup. “Most humans could barely last three days. She must have survived on sheer willpower alone.”

Three days?  It seemed so pathetic to Silver Prince, yet looking at the miko, he could see the truth in it. Shiro gently raised the miko's head, easing it into his lap as he tested the spoon against her lips. He made it look so easy, and showed no fear what so ever.

“I did not realise they were so weak,” Yoko replied softly.

Shiro made a small tutting sound, then nodded to the mat beside him. “I need you to make some medicine while I feed her.”

Yoko obeyed without comment, his pride already abashed by the one youkai he respected so much. He diligently fetched a bowl and spoon from his chambers, and sat across from Shiro, manipulating the required seeds and flowers. He mashed the ingredients, watching as the miko accepted the soup without opening her eyes.

“She's spent,” Shiro remarked, “It will take her many days to return back to full strength.”

Irritated even by his favourite mentor, Yoko couldn't hold back a retort- “Wouldn't it just be easier to let her die?”

Shiro regarded the prince silently as he laid the miko back down, adjusting her clothing and bedding. “Starvation is a bitter and dragged out sentence, Yoko. And I will not let this innocent child die due to neglect.”

His words were like pine needles against the bandit's skin, but they hit his heart. He tried not to look affected as he mashed the medicine into a fine powder.

“They aren't as bad as you think, you know...” Shiro commented, wetting a cloth and placing it on the miko's forehead.

“Ningen?” Yoko questioned.

Shiro laughed. “No, miko. I loved one, once.”

Yoko started, almost dropping the bowl against the ground. Shiro's laughter increased at his expression, and he smoothed the miko's hair from her face.

“It was long ago, in the time before the barrier split the Ningenkai and the Makai, and we all lived in harmony- well, most of the time. I was young, powerful, and respected by the village I resided by. As was the custom, they left me weekly offerings in exchange for protection. As no youkai dare drew close, the miko of the village was rather useless, and treated as an oddity. She became poor, but still always left me a small token offering, whether a spoonful of rice or a fish head. She could have resented me- most humans would have- but her heart was too pure.”

Shiro paused to smile down at Kagome.

“I watched her, week by week, as she became thinner and paler, and the offerings became smaller and smaller. Hers were worth far more than the sacks and barrels left by the wealthy merchants, because she had so little.
Of course, the food offering meant little to me- I could hunt as well as any other. I began to leave my offerings in the miko's house, so as soon as she returned home, her table would be laden with food. I think at first she thought it was a trick and refused to eat- but soon the hunger overcame her. But she always thanked me personally for each meal.
Soon, the villagers began to wonder why the offerings were disappearing so fast. Of course, they walked in on the miko eating said offerings, and she was branded a thief, and the men chased her out the village with spears and fire. She ran to my shrine, begging for help, and I remember watching her fall, watching the men jump on her, kicking a defenceless woman. Something cracked in me, and I appeared in my spirit form, chasing the men away. I'll never forget their screaming and crying with fear. Only the miko stayed, reaching out for me, thanking me with grateful tears. I realised I had become lonely, and wanted a partner. And so she became a legendary fox's bride, and I loved her until she died of old age.”

Yoko had been so absorbed in the story he had ground the medicine to a fine powder.

“Not your average bedtime story,” Shiro winked, reaching out a hand for the bowl, “I'll take that, it should be reduced enough by now.”

Wordlessly Yoko gave the medicine to the priest. He didn't know what shocked him more, the fact Shiro had been in love, or the fact it was with a ningen- a miko, of all kinds! He looked at the lifeless girl on the floor and suppressed a shudder.

Shiro carefully touched the miko's lower lip with his thumb and so opening her mouth, sprinkled a little of the medicine on her tongue. “Perfect timing,” he smiled as Kaoru entered with two heavy jugs of water. She placed them down slowly on the mat, careful not to spill a drop.

“My dear,” Shiro spoke, and Karou realised he was talking to her, and dipped her head quickly. “I'll give you the burden of nursing our poor miko back to health. Feed her several spoonfuls every hour, and every three hours, give her a little of this medicine. Let her drink as much as possible, and keep wetting the cloth on her head.”

“Hai, Shiro-sama,” Kaoru bowed several times, so glad to have a comrade willing to save her friend.

“Yoko- the rest is up to you,” Shiro said as he stood. “She cannot work like hanyou if you want this secret kept. My suggestion is make her a personal servant of yours- leave the heavy work to those who can manage it. Let her sleep in this room, make sure she gets three meals a day and at least five hours sleep.”

Yoko grimaced, but then nodded in understanding, rising to walk the priest back to the shrine.


When the miko awoke, she was in some small unknown room. Kaoru was by her feet, mixing something, her grey ears twitching as she sensed the girl wake.

“Kaogme-chan!” Karou exclaimed, as the miko struggled to get up, “Take it easy! You're very weak. Here, I've got some soup for you...”

Kagome was so ravenous so didn't even question where she was or what was going on. She greedily took the bowl from the neko-chan and tipped it back, letting the liquid slip down her throat- it didn't go fast enough.

“Steady, my dear...” A new voice entered the room as the shoji screen door was pulled back. Kagome didn't bother acknowledging the intrusion until the bowl was empty. She lowered it slowly, gasping for breath. The exercise tired her, and she sunk back down. The voice belonged to a silver kitsune, who was incredible old and wizened. His long silver hair was braided down his back, and he wore simple navy shrine robes, reminding the miko of her ji-chan.

Karou bowed to this new kitsune and slowly backed away from the futon, her eyes fixated on the floor. Kagome wiped her lip with her yukata sleeve, feeling self conscious. The kitsune glowed with spiritual power, and even with the rosary, Kagome could register it was great.

“Miko-sama,” the kistune smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. He sunk slowly to his knees and put a cool hand to her forehead. “Good, the fever has subsided a little. I know you must be famished, but cramming yourself with food is not the solution. We must take small steps at a time to ensure your health.”

Kagome couldn't help but frown as the kitsune removed his palms. Who was this youkai? And why did he treat her identity with respect? As if reading her thoughts, the youkai laughed and introduced himself. “I am Shiro, the Silver Kitsune Clan's priest. I made your rosary.”

The miko blinked, feeling a mixture of rage and confusion swelling inside her. Before she could grab the priest and make him remove the rosary, Yoko slunk into the room. Kagome started at his presence, all previous thoughts vanishing as she remembered how she fainted on the stairs.

“How is she, Shiro-san?” Yoko asked, and Kagome was shocked to hear him use an honorific with this youkai. Yoko, showing respect?

“Much improved,” Shiro remarked, “Her fever has broken and she has some colour about her face. But how do you feel, my dear?”

Kagome was a windmill of emotion, but the priest's resemblance to her grandpa and his calming spiritual presence began to set her at ease.

“Better, thank you, Shiro-sama,” she replied, inclining her head, “May I ask, how long have I been unconscious?”

“Five days,” Shiro answered, “It was a bit touch and go for a while there. You had developed...I don't know how the humans word it, but a deep chill had set into your bones. Combined with your...fasting, your body was very weak indeed. But thanks to Kaoru's excellent tending and Yoko's medicine, we soon sorted you out!”

“Thank you so much for guiding me, Shiro-sama,” Kaoru exclaimed from Kagome's side, her eyes moist as she bowed to the floor.

“No problem at all,” Shiro nodded, “And now my dear, let us leave Yoko and Kagome so they can have a little talk...”

The miko glanced at the King of Thieves, and could tell by his widening eyes that he had no idea about this “little talk”. Kaoru squeezed Kagome's hand before bowing to Yoko and leaving the room. Shiro rose slowly, inclined his head with a smile to Kagome, and patted Yoko on the shoulder before shutting the shoji screen door with a definite clack.

Kagome never thought she would see the kitsune uneasy- it didn't seem a word that fit his character. But as the kitsune gracefully knelt down, she could detect the tension in his body. The miko cleared her throat, feeling suddenly exposed in her light sleeping yukata. She wasn't wearing any underwear for some reason (she only could hope it was Karou that had undressed her).
Yoko silently watched her, and she was damned if she was going to speak first. Pulling the covers up to her chin, Kagome stared the kitsune down, before he sighed.

“And this is why we are in this situation. You risked your life to defy me, and yet again I had to bring you back from the brink.”

“Please tell me this is not a lecture,” the miko snapped, feeling herself fizzing. “Surely even you must see you were in the wrong here!”

Yoko rolled his eyes, and reached into his hair. Kagome automatically tensed, remembering the rose that turned in a whip, but the the kitsune simply removed some seeds and placed them in a nearby bowl.

The bandit leered at her. “Do you really think I would go to the bother of saving you just to kill you now?” he asked.

“In my experience, crazier things have happened,” Kagome retorted.

The kitsune shook his head with exasperation, and using a nearby spoon, started to squish the seeds. Unable to think of anything else to say, Kagome watched him work, until the contents of the bowl resembled dust.

“Medicine,” Yoko explained, drawing closer to the miko, “Open your mouth.” She felt her skin prickle to be left alone with him in this room. His eyes were like candlelight in the darkness, drawing her in.

“I can take it myself,” she scoffed, holding out her hand for the bowl.

“You do not know the right quantity,” the kitsune said smugly, “And we would not want all Shiro-san's hard word undone now, would we?”

Kagome swallowed as Yoko pinched the powder with his fingertips. She felt her cheeks flame- had her fever returned?- as the kitsune eased her head onto his lap. Her heart beat faster as the scent of roses surrounded her and the soft silk of the kitsune's tunic brushed her cheek.

“Open,” he commanded, and too weak to protest, Kagome parted her lips. The slight touch of his finger brushing past her lower lip and touching her tongue sent electric sparks all over her body, and she struggled to remain composed. The medicine was acrid and she choked, coughing and spluttering until Yoko propped her up in his arms and tipped a cup of water to her mouth. She swallowed deeply, the coolness drenching her and making her light headed.

“I must say, I prefer you weak and helpless, miko-sama,” Yoko remarked, putting down the cup. Kagome made a defiant noise and struggled in his grasp, but he held her tight, and she soon panted with the effort.

“Easy now,” he said, more gently. He laid her down on his lap, instead of the futon as Kagome was expecting. Confused, she looked up at him.

“You are as stubborn as me, miko-sama, and that is the problem. I am used to others respecting and obeying me- and you do neither. You may not believe me when I say this, but your punishment was not intended to kill you. I truly believed you would crumble after a few days...as always, you continue to surprise me...”

Kagome blinked at this information, unable to take it.

“In other words, you wanted to break me? You wanted me to become subservient like all the others?”

“Yes,” Yoko nodded, “And when this did not happen, I allowed you to slowly destroy yourself. I was naïve about the abilities of the human body, and for this I am sorry. I pushed too far. On reflection, I realise it would be impossible for you to carry out your duties while fasting. For this, I am also sorry.”

Am I dreaming? Is Yoko apologising? Wow, Bancho must have hit my head really hard.

“So, I have decided to listen to Shiro-san's advice. You will reside in this room from now own, as my personal servant. I have one already, and you will replace her. The work will be demanding but considerable lighter than in the kitchen. And if you are struggling with something, I wish to know. Reasonable?”

“I think I'm tripping on this medicine,” was all Kagome could manage.

Yoko laughed, and the sound reverberated through his chest and through Kagome's body. She had never heard the kitsune laugh before- never seen warmth reach his eyes. She truly believed she was dreaming, and so didn't protest when the Silver Prince tucked her into bed, arranged a wet cloth on her head and wished her goodnight.


Kagome awoke with a thumping headache, and was grateful for water within reach. Too tired to find a cup, she slurped straight from the jug, her eyes adjusting to the new room. It was small and bare, with only the futon to furnish it. The only light came from two narrow slats high up on the stone wall, and she could see daylight. Rubbing her eyes, the miko felt sticky and dirty. I need a shower, she thought. Her hair was slicked to her head, and her yukata stuck to her uncomfortably. Thankfully, in the corner of the room was her working yukata. Kagome almost cried when she found her underwear hidden in the folds. After checking no one was lurking in the corridor, she used the damp cloth and water from the jug to freshen up before changing into her clothes. She still couldn't manage the obi herself- she wondered how close Yoko's room was? Someone mentioned it was on this floor- or had that been part of the dream?

Yoko apologising! My imagination must have really went into overdrive!

The corridor was dark and unlit, and most of the rooms were locked or empty. Just as Kagome was about to give up, she heard footsteps coming up the staircase.
Thinking it was the Silver Prince, Kagome tensed, and her heart began to thud erratically. She put a hand on her chest, willing herself to calm. Happily, it was Kaoru who entered the corridor, carrying a tray.

“Ahh, Kagome-chan, you're up!” Kaoru beamed at her. “You look so much better!”

“Thanks to you, Kaoru-chan!” Kagome offered to take the tray, but the neko hanyou laughed and shook her head, ushering her back into the room.

“What time is it?” Kagome asked as they knelt down, after giving her friend a hug.

“Hour of the snake,” Kaoru replied, gesturing to the tray. Kagome's mouth watered as she took in the miso soup, grilled fish and rice balls.

“Shiro-san says you should be able to handle solids now...” the neko hanyou laughed as Kagome crammed the balls into her mouth, gulping back the soup in between bites.

After the rushed breakfast, Kaoru assisted Kagome to dress, and took her to the stream to bathe. The miko enjoyed the cold water as it woke her up and washed away the humidity.

“I've never been so happy to wash my hair before!” Kagome grinned, and Kaoru stood guard by the water, enjoying her friend's frolicking. Just as Kagome was drying off, the bull hanyou, the newest servant, approached them.

“Kaoru-chan, Bancho is looking for you two,” she said, her red eyes carefully diverting from the miko's naked body.

Kagome hurriedly got dressed, glad the bull hanyou wasn't as nosey as the others. At least she'd remembered to put her ears back on.

“For both of us, Hotaru-chan? But Kagome is Yoko-sama's personal servant now...” Kaoru trailed off, biting her lip. The miko paused as she fixed her sleeves. Wait...I didn't dream that part?

“The Master left with the bandits this morning for an expedition,” Hotaru explained. “Bancho was very insistent that she wants to see the two of you.”

Kagome watched as her friend's face turn from concern to dismay. “Don't worry, Kagome-chan. We'll sort something out.”


“About time!” Bancho shouted, as they entered the kitchen. Kagome was stunned to see a group of servants, about seven or eight, surrounding Bancho, each carrying a cloth sack over their shoulders as if they were leaving on a trip.
Kaoru went to speak, but Bancho's thundering voice eclipsed her.

“We've been requested help from our neighbouring lands, the Washi clan.” A murmuring broke out among the servants until Bancho hit her rolling pin off the table. “Silence! As Yoko-sama and the bandits have left, there is less work here anyway. The Silver Kitsune have close ties to the Washi clan, so now is the time to honour your master. Those gathered here will travel there today. They are preparing to celebrate the birth of their new heir, and need all hands available. The horses and carts are ready, so get a move on!”

“No...” Karou shook her head, grasping Kagome's shoulder. “You can't go there, Kagome-chan! Tell Bancho that Yoko-sama's requested you to carry out tasks for him here!”

The miko was surprised at the agony in her friend's eyes, but couldn't help but feel excited at the chance to leave this castle.

“Don't worry, Karou-chan, I'll behave, I promise. Just show me what to do! I feel much better now, I won't be a burden!”

“That's not it...” the grey neko started to explain, before Bancho cut in between them.

“If you think I'm letting you troublemakers go together, you're mad!” Bancho grunted.

“Weakling, get moving. Silver eyes, you're staying here. We're got meals to make for the Elders, hop to it!”

“But Kagome can't go!” Kaoru interjected, as Bancho held the miko's arm in a vice grip, marching her out the room.

“The master isn't here, so she's not a personal servant today. Now shut your mouth Kaoru, or do you want another beating?!”

“I'm okay!” Kagome mouthed to the friend, giving a wave. She felt bad that Kaoru was suffering again because of her, but freedom was so close. How could she miss this chance to learn more about the Makai?


Kagome expected the journey in the small, confined carriages to be awkward, but they only spoke enviously of Kagome's rise in ranks to Yoko's personal servant.

“It's because she's so exotic!” one inu hanyou claimed. She had golden eyes and white hair, like Inuyasha, though she wore it in bunches. Kagome found it difficult to look at her, yet comforting to be in her presence.

“Blue eyes are pretty uncommon here,” Hotaru remarked. “Are hanyou just as outcast in the Arctic clans?”

“Y-yes,” Kagome nodded, wanting to fit in with these girls, but feeling like a fake in doing so.

“Guess there's no where in Makai we fit in,” the inu hanyou laughed. Her demeanour was very different from Inuyasha's, who resented his state in society. This girl, Naka, seemed to have accepted her lowly status, and knew how to take it lightly.

I wonder if she's in anyway related to Inuyasha? I'll need to pluck up the courage to ask her...

It took two hours in the horse drawn carriages. Kagome wondered why, as hanyou, they didn't just simply run, like Inuyasha would have, but she guessed it was something to do with the status of being Silver Kitsune Palace servants. Plus, by the time they reached the palace, they would be less fit to do their work.
The Washi Clan lived high up in the mountains, as to be expected from birds of prey. Their castle was not as grand as the Silver Kitsune Palace, but it was much more heavily fortified, with spikes everywhere on the walls, and a drawbridge. The carriages rattled over the bridge, a thick fog clinging to the water underneath and making Kagome's skin stand on end.

The atmosphere here is not pleasant- not at all.

As much as Kagome had hated being trapped in Akaso, she at least knew it. This place was new and intimidating, and she was without anyone she knew.

I should have listened to Karou-chan...

The other girls didn't seem bothered by the air, and chattered away excitedly as only females could, wondering if the guards at the palace would be handsome, and whether the royals would be as beautiful as the kitsune.

“I doubt it,” said Hotaru dreamily, “No one is as perfect as Yoko-sama!”

Kagome spluttered, then managed to cover it with a cough. Sure, she could admit Yoko was beautiful, with his golden eyes and silver hair, but he was so...cold. And his personality sucked.

Apart from that one time I saw him laugh,  Kagome thought. But even that was fuzzy because of the medicine. No doubt I made some of it up.

The guards and servants were of course hanyou as well, and the females preened as these new males helped them with their bags. There were female servants as well, of course, but Kagome's new friends were only interested in the 'fresh meat'.
They were shown to a small but clean room where they left their belongings, then were instructed to the kitchen. Again, it was not as large or impressive as the one in the Silver Palace, but it was still the size of Kagome's whole ground floor at home.

The Washi Clan servants were dressed in forest green yukata, all bearing the crest of the Bronze Eagle. Despite Hotaru and Naka giggling over the good looking ones, Kagome couldn't help but feel a coolness emanating from them. The others found this intriguing and made them play hard to get as well. Kagome just got on with her work, keeping her head down. The aura of this palace was certainly very different from the one she was used to- she just couldn't put her finger on what it was.
They worked diligently for many hours, preparing lavish food for the feast that was to celebrate the birth of the new born heir.


Kagome carefully carried her trays, making sure she didn't draw any attention to herself. She had no one to protect her here, and she owed it to Kaoru to be careful.
The feast was being held in the Great Hall, a cavernous round room, with a long wooden table. The Washi Clan were distinctive for their large, bronze coloured wings and razor sharp claws. Kagome didn't find them handsome in the slightest, no matter how the other servants swooned. She managed to place all her trays down onto the table without spilling or upsetting anyone, and slowly made to back away and return to the kitchen when a booming voice echoed in the room.

“Welcome, welcome. I formally open this celebration, on today, the birth of my first son!”

All servants paused and bowed, so Kagome followed suit, clasping her tray against her chest. She had just caught sight of the speaker, clearly the Leader of the Washi Clan. His wings were humongous and outstretched, bearing many scars from battle. His robe was emerald green and encrusted with glittering bronze plates, like a scaly armour.
The miko's neck was getting sore as the youkai continued to talk, but she sensed from the stillness of the other servants it would be rude to move when he was speaking. Finally, he seemed to reach a conclusion-

“And now, my wonderful family and friends, a special treat, to mark the occasion! Bring the human in!”

Kagome couldn't help but react at this, and pulled a muscle in her neck as she looked up. She gripped her tray, expecting to have to use it as a shield against the guards. But no one was looking at her, or anywhere near her direction. Instead, every eye on the room was fixed on the two youkai guards as they dragged in a semi-naked boy in chains. The miko flinched as she took in his frightened expression. He had a young, pretty face, and must have been about seventeen years old.  His dark hair clung to his skin, and his cheeks were stained with tears and blood. He had lacerations all over his exposed chest and arms, and was covered with only a loin cloth.

Kagome felt the atmosphere change from relaxed to charged. The Washi Clan sitting around the table began to squawk appreciatively, some ruffling their feathers, other scraping the table with their claws. Their blood-lust was evident as the boy was pinned to the table, handy cuffs locking his hands in place.
A quick glance to her fellow servants proved that the hanyou were not reacting in the same way as the guests. Kagome was relieved to see disgust and repulsion marked on their faces. Yet no one moved, too caught up in the moment and frightened to draw attention to themselves.

“More wine!” roared the Leader, and Kagome saw Naka, who was nearest with the jug, hastily fill the glasses at the table with another servant, visibly shaking. The miko saw from the Leader's fanged grin that the hanyou servants were also part of the entertainment- their discomfort adding the the lust.

“Now, I want everyone to enjoy this wine, because the next cup we drink...” the Leader paused, grinning, “Will be the human's blood!”


Kagome walked, as if in a nightmare, down to the sleeping quarters with the other servants. The giggling and flirting was long forgotten as they walked in silence, shoulders slumped.

Everything Yoko warned me about the Makai was true...I was an idiot to think otherwise!

The miko was trembling uncontrollably as she settled in her futon, pulling the covers up to her chin. No matter how she tried to block it out, images kept flashing in her vision, like polaroid camera shots. The boy screaming as talons raked down his chest. The guests whooping with glee as his left arm was torn off. The horrible realisation when the Leader untied his obi to reveal a throbbing erection, and the moans of pleasure from others as the boy was brutally raped. Finally, the roars as his heart was ripped from his chest, and served as dessert.
Kagome was drenched in much more sweat than she had been with the fever. Her body was frozen, as if ice had lodged in her veins. If she had been a little scared of the Makai before, she was terrified now. In comparison to this place, the Silver Palace seemed like a safe haven, not a prison. But here, she truly was trapped.

Sorry if this chapter was a bit dark, I was going to put a warning, but it would have spoiled it ^^

Thanks again to everyone reviewing and following this fic, it makes me so happy!

I have the first 6 chapters of this completed, so after that, the updates might slow down a little while I catch up!



Diane: thanks, I didn't realise my spell check had two different variants of Kaoru's name saved.

Emeraldmoon14: Thanks, hope you liked this one!

Jieun-Yesul: Thanks very much!

Valleygoat: Haha the good old potato sack! It might have helped a little! Thanks!

Anonymous Perspective: Ehh...it's up to you whether you think it's a bad punishment lol. Yoko is pretty nasty ne? Thanks, it was fun writing that part! Haha that's why it's more fun, because she can't blast him apart!

Fierynightangel: I don't think Yoko will be taking the rosary off any time soon my dear! But don't worry, Kagome will prove her worth!

Foxelemental: Thanks, I'll work hard!!

Guest: Thank you very much!!

chibi moon baby: Poor Kagome, I'm not too good at giving her an easy time hehe! Ah you should, so much to see and do in Japan! I'm in the countryside in Gunma, but it's two hours on the train to Tokyo so can't complain!

Saholia: It will come...but it will take a bit of build up hehe!

EgyptianAssassin: Aww it makes me happy to hear that ^^ Glad you are enjoying!

Guest: Ahh, really? That makes me want to tear up! I love hearing that my writing can move people, because I love it when a fic does that to me!! Thanks so much, I'm pretty much living happily at the moment!

Punkish furball: Glad to hear it! YES, Yomi will appear- I like him too! He actually has quite a big part, but you won't see him for a few chapters yet!

Tinabug: Yay! Haha you'll have to wait and see...

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