Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Entering Another Realm ❯ Youko Admits His Love ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own, so you don't sue.

Requested by Sanayo2007


Youko Admits His Love

"B-be QUIET!" yelled Kagome. "You have the decency to tell me to be quiet, when you
just dropped me like trash!? You are so dead!" With that, Kagome without thinking, summoned a
blue whip. With it, she lashed out at both Kuronue and Youko, not caring who she hit.
"You really did rub off on her." called Kuronue, as he dodged another blow.
"Who would've thought she would of picked up the whip." replied Youko, as he
sidestepped another blow. Just then, a servant turned a corner, and when the whip came in
contact with her, she immediately disintegrated.
"She's not kidding around, is she?" asked Kuronue.
"Nope." replied Youko, as he leaped out the window followed by Kuronue. Kagome, in
her rage as she charged at Youko, was unable to stop herself in time, and toppled out the window
as well. Not to mention the fact, it's from a very high altitude.

~Youko's POV~

My eyes widened when I noticed Kagome had followed us down from that height. She
was falling. Without a second thought, I rushed towards her, as Kuronue called. "Stop! The
But I couldn't worry about that now. My mind could only think of one thing. Save
Kagome. No, I don't have a one-tracked mind. I can actually multitask, but this time, I guess I am
one-tracked. I wrapped my arms around Kagome, just when she was about to hit the ground. I felt
the purification singe my arm, as Kagome seemed to come out of her stupor.
In a second, the whip was gone, and was replaced with an onslaught of tears. "I-I'm so
sorry!" cried Kagome. "I-I didn't mean for this to happen. I was just angry."
"I'm fine." I replied, as I clenched my teeth to keep from crying out in pain. The
purification really did hurt. "Quite crying, I don't die that easily."
"I'll just leave you two now." called out Kuronue, and in a flash, he was gone.
"Come with me." pulled Kagome, as she dragged me into my library. "I know the book is
here somewhere."
"What are you looking for?" I asked, as I closed my eyes, trying to ease the burning pain,
as I lounged on the couch.
"Aha! There it is!" called Kagome triumphantly, as she started reading the book. "Ok,
Youko, hold still."
"What are you doing?" I questioned, without opening my eyes.
"Healing your arm." replied Kagome with an obvious tone. "And your calling yourself
smart." I held back a growl at her insolence, as she held onto my arm. I quickly relaxed under her
feather light touch.
I felt a warm light embrace my arm as the pain slowly eased away. I opened my eyes to
the sight of Kagome breathing with difficulty. Her next action surprised me to no end, as she
leaped up onto me and embraced me in her hug. I didn't push her away, but neither did I return
the hug. I was just plain shocked and a bit confused.
"I can't believe it worked!" cried Kagome happily.
"You can't believe it worked." I stated, as I pulled Kagome apart from me, so I could
look into her eyes. "You mean you never done this before."
"Yea, and it worked!" cheered Kagome happily.
"So what your saying is, you were using me as a guinea pig?" I asked slowly with a cold
edge in my voice.
"Sorry." sniffed Kagome, as she hugged me again. "I swear that I will never attack you
again, or I will be struck in half by lightning, never find true love, get...."
"That's enough." I called. "I got your point."
"Eaten by a huge slimy worm. Drawn to the depth...." continued Kagome as if she didn't
hear me.
"Women!" I called.
"Kagome!" replied Kagome. "Of hell, and never get...." continued Kagome after
correcting me. I thought of the only thing that came to mind, I silenced her with me lips. Ah
peace at my own expense.
I was surprised when I felt myself enjoyed the taste of her mouth, and even more
surprising, she hadn't slapped me or pulled away. The not slapping me part can be understood, as
she just swore it. But what about not pulling away. I smirked against her lips, as I delved deeper
into her mouth. My tongue entwined with Kagome's as I flipped us, so Kagome was underneath
me instead.
I nibbled on her lower lip with my fangs, as I pierced her delicate skin, a drop of blood
oozed out. I quickly licked it up, and broke apart for air. Kagome looked to be in shock, as she
licked her bruised lips. "What was I doing? More importantly, what were YOU doing?"
questioned Kagome, as she fumed.
But she contained her anger, as she got out from underneath me, and stomped out the
door. Not bad, her scent is enticing. Fine, it's settled then. She's mine. I smirked, as my fang
glinted in the sunlight. Plus, she seems to be very powerful, just lacking in practice. But that can
be easily fixed.
She is not going home, ever. "Liked that kiss?" asked Kuronue, as he leaned against the
door frame.
"How did you know?" I asked, though I already knew the answer.
"Kagome's bruised lips, and carries your scent in her mouth. And hers in yours. So, do
you admit you like her?" asked Kuronue.
"Yes, she's going to be my mate." I replied, surprising Kuronue, as he lost his balance.
"Oh? When did you realize you liked her?" asked Kuronue.
"Lust at first sight, which I pushed back. But just now, I realized I have more than just
lust for her." I replied casually.
"Took you long enough." snorted Kuronue. "But will she agree?"
"Who cares?" I asked, as I walked out the door.
"Youko will be Youko." I heard Kuronue sigh, as he closed the door to the library.


~Feudal Japan~

"Feh!" snorted Inuyasha, as he destroyed another demon. "Where's the shard, Kikyou?"
"I don't know." replied Kikyou in a helpless tone. "I can't see any shards."
"What?!" yelled Inuyasha. "You have been leading me in circles! Saying he has it, but
then saying you can't see it!"
"Inuyasha." called Kikyou in a soft voice. "Are you angry with me?"
"N-no." stuttered Inuyasha. "Maybe I should get Kagome."
"Your going to replace me with her?" asked Kikyou with emotionless eyes.
"N-no." stuttered Inuyasha again. "She'll just be the shard detector. The sooner we get the
jewel, the sooner I can be human for you."
"Really?" asked Kikyou.
"Positive." replied Inuyasha.
"Fine, but she better only be a shard detector." warned Kikyou.
"Of course." replied Inuyasha, as he drew Kikyou into his embrace, and sealed it in a kiss.

~With other group~

"What if Kagome returns, and we're not there?" asked Shippo, as the three of them
walked through the forest.
"Good point Shippo." praised Miroku. "You are wise for your age."
"Stop." called Shippo suddenly.
"What's wrong?" asked Sango.
"Inuyasha. I smell him, and clay lady." replied Shippo, as he pointed to the kissing
couple. "I thought we got a head start. How did they get in front of us?"
"He's a hanyou." replied Miroku obviously, "but the question is, why are we running into
him? Are we bound to him or something?"
"No way." replied Sango. "Me bound to him, I'll rather die."
"Sango, you can't die, I need you." cried Shippo.
Everyone quickly focused their eyes onto Inuyasha and Kikyou, but they weren't there.
Shippo crawled over to the large Inuyasha/Kikyou crater and peered in. "Wow, I can't
even see them." cried Shippo in an awed tone. "That is so cool!"
"Ah, Shippo, we should close their graves." reminded Sango. "While Miroku makes them
an epitaph."
"How about....
Here lies Inuyasha and Kikyou.
A clay doll who we all know.
A hanyou with bad sense.
Though he is also quite dense.
Both deserve what they got.
Though the Shikon is what they sought.
Hurt Kagome, they did so ruthlessly.
Talking behind her back so cruelly.
Death is what they deserved.
So this place is reserved." finished Miroku, as he bowed and said a prayer.
"And you call yourself a friend?!" yelled Inuyasha, as he crawled out of the whole with
Kikyou on his back, just as Shippo dumped another handful of dirt down.
"Run!" yelled Shippo, as the three quickly left, as Inuyasha's eyes glowed red.



"Ah, I feel better now." sighed Kagome. "I wonder if the sits work from here. Oh well.
But what happened earlier? Did he really meant what he did? Or was he just toying with me, and
using me?"
"I can assure you, he is not." replied the all too familiar voice, as Kagome turned to
golden eyes.


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Thanks so much for the reviews! I am really, really busy, so please forgive me for the late