Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Entering Another Realm ❯ Down the Well ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own YYH or Inuyasha!


Down the Well

Blue eyes blinked over the edge of the well, uncertainty clearly etched on her face.
Kagome touched the edge of the well, hands slightly trembling. "What's wrong?" Youko
whispered into Kagome's ear. Kagome jumped back into Youko's chest and quickly turned
around to glare at him.
"Don't do that!" yelled Kagome, clutching her heart.
"You know, you've been staring at the well forever." reminded Youko, yawning slightly,
showing his pointed fangs.
"I'm..." started Kagome, unable to find a word able to describe her feeling.
"Scared?" offered Youko, earning a slight nod from Kagome. Youko wrapped his well-
muscled arm around Kagome's waist from behind and placed his head on her shoulder. "Don't
worry, I'm here for you."
"Thanks." smiled Kagome, for once not in a hurry to run from Youko's grasps.
"Plus, if the well doesn't work, you get to spend the rest of your life with me here in
Makai." stated Youko, earning a glare from Kagome. "If it does work, I'll follow you wherever
you decide to go." Kagome blushed slightly at that declaration but smiled nonetheless.
"What if it works for one of us and not the other?" Kagome asked, turning around and
looking into Youko's golden gaze. Youko smirked, allowing a sharp fang to protrude from his
mouth and glint in the morning sun. Kagome gave him a confused look, unsure why he looked so
happy all of a sudden.
"So, your afraid you'll lose me?" smiled Youko, bringing his lips dangerously close to
Kagome's. Kagome blushed a deep crimson at their close proximity. Kagome tried to put some
space between them, but was cut off when she felt Youko's lips over hers. Kagome was slightly
stunned, but Youko wasted no time in delving his tongue deep into her mouth. Just as Kagome
was about to respond back, Youko pulled back.
"Hn." Kagome growled, "Quite doing that!"
"Did you enjoy it? Not many can resist." smirked Youko, earning a punch from Kagome,
but he was able to catch her fist in midair. "I've kissed many." Youko stated, causing Kagome's
fury to rise, "But I have only loved once....and that is you." Kagome's fury quickly dissipated as
she looked into his eyes.
"Y-Youko." stuttered Kagome, face red with embarrassment from Youko's confession.
Kagome chose not to say anymore words, because she got on her tiptoes and pressed a soft kiss
to his lips. That was enough, because Youko understood the meaning behind it. Kagome slowly
lowered herself again and rested her head against his broad chest. "I was afraid to love again after
Inuyasha, but I still fell in love. I could resist you with no problem in the beginning, but it got
harder and harder. You cracked my last resistence when you said you loved me." Kagome
blushed. "No one ever said that to me except my mom, but that doesn't count."
"If the well truly separates us, you can count on me searching for you until the ends of the
earth. So, you have nothing to be fear. We'll be together no matter what." Youko assured, then a
playful gleam entered his eyes, all seriousness from before left his eyes. "But, maybe it would be
wise for you to carry my child to remind you of me." smirked Youko, earning himself a light slap
to the arm.
Kagome giggled softly when Youko gave her hurt look. "Come on then, let's try the
"I'll go first." stated Youko, jumping down into the well as Kagome closed her eyes.
Youko came back up a second later and shook his head. Kagome gulped and walked towards the
well's edge. Youko gave her a reassuring nod as Kagome closed her eyes and allowed herself to
fall down the well.
Youko quickly rushed down the well when he heard Kagome cry out in pain. Landing on
the bottom of the well gracefully, he noticed Kagome rubbing her butt. "Sheesh, I wish I could
do that." muttered Kagome, when Youko had landed as light as feather.
"Are you okay?" Youko asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Other than the fact my butt became pancakes." muttered Kagome, trying to get to her
feet when two arms picked her up and jumped out of the well. "Well, I guess I'm stuck here."
Kagome whispered dejectedly. "I just wished I could've said something to my family." Youko
gently deposited Kagome, as Kagome continued to rub her butt.
"How did you get here?" asked Youko, seeing the crestfallen look on Kagome's face.
"I don't know." replied Kagome. "I was just really angry last time! Inuyasha had pissed me
off! I wasn't paying much attention when I jumped into the well. When I got out of the well, I
was here, in Makai." Youko nodded his head and seemed to be deep in thought.
"Can this Inuyasha travel by the well?" asked Youko, and was answered by a nod from
"You know, this is the first time I have ever watched a demon think." stated Kagome.
"Sesshoumaru and Naraku are intelligent demons, but I never saw them thinking. Inuyasha, well,
he never thinks. I wonder if he even has a brain."
"I'm sure he has at least half a brain." murmured Youko in response, but still seemed to be
deep in thought. Youko continued to answer Kagome's questions while still figuring things out in
his mind. "By the way, the name Sesshoumaru sounds kind of familiar now that I think about it."
murmured Youko. "I haven't heard that name in a long time, that I didn't remember when you
first mentioned him. But lately, I've been doing some thinking, and I think I might know who
you are speaking of."
Kagome looked surprised at Youko's random thoughts. "You know Sesshoumaru?"
asked Kagome, eyes wide.
"I haven't met him, but I've heard of him when I was young." replied Youko, brushing
off the subject. "We'll speak more of it later."


~Feudal Japan~

Inuyasha was wandering aimlessly around Feudal Japan. "No Kikyou, no Kagome, no
shards, and no useless friends." muttered Inuyasha, flattening his ears against his skull. "It's all
that damn wolf's fault!"
Inuyasha brought his nose down to the ground and sniffed it doggy style. "Miroku, Sango,
and that brat." Inuyasha snorted, following the scent towards his friends. He stopped in front of a
large mansion and snorted. "Figures."
"DEMON!!!" screamed a human who happened upon Inuyasha. Soon, the whole mansion
was waking up. Inuyasha was barely able to dodge Sango's large boomerang as it zipped
through the air and straight towards him. Sango quickly caught the boomerang and threw it at
Inuyasha again.
"Die Inuyasha!!!" yelled Shippo, charging at Inuyasha, who just swatted Shippo away like
a pesky fly.
"What are you idiots doing?!?" demanded Inuyasha, when he noticed Miroku just standing
there, allowing Sango to hack away at him.
"Give me back Kagome-chan." snarled Sango, "And where's your dead lover?" laughed
Sango bitterly. "I never knew how stupid you truly were." stated Sango, stopping her onslaughts.
"I didn't know you were stupid until you brought the dead into our group and made the living
leave! I don't know what Kagome-chan saw in you. You're just a brainless and heartless
"Go Inuyasha." commanded Miroku, holding down Sango when she went charging at
Inuyasha again. "This is the last time I'm helping you."
"Let me go, houshi!" demanded Sango, "You're with that scumbag! I'll never forgive you!"
Sango growled when Inuyasha disappeared from sight. Sango wenched herself free, picked up
Shippo and Kirara and left. She dared Miroku to follow her with an angry gaze. Miroku closed
his eyes and sighed.
"Kagome-sama, please come back. Look at our group, if you still consider it a group. We're
falling apart without you. We need you." murmured Miroku, looking longing at Sango's
disappearing back.



"What is this???" demanded Kuronue, glaring at the stack of paper in front of him.
"We need your approval, Kuronue-sama." bowed the servant, cowering in fear, "Since
Lord Youko and his lady is not available. They had left you in charge, milord." Kuronue
dismissed the servant and glared at the piles after piles of paperwork. "Youko, you owe me big
time." growled Kuronue, sitting back down and read through the piling paper.
"Tea, milord?" asked a servant, bring a cup of tea.
"No." replied Kuronue as the servant quickly scuttled away. Kuronue was not in a good


"I got it." Youko suddenly interrupted Kagome's next question.
"What?" asked a confused Kagome.
"I think I have a way to get to where you want." smirked Youko.
"How?" asked Kagome, "Have you been thinking the whole time? But you were talking
to me, then how did you?" asked a very confused Kagome.
"Kagome, there is many great qualities to me you have yet to discover. One happens to be
the fact that I'm a genius and easily able to multitask." smirked Youko.
"Stuck up jerk." hissed Kagome.
"You can't deny that fact I'm a true genius." replied Youko standing up.
"What's your p..." Kagome started, but was cut off when Youko raised his youki energy
to half power. Kagome took a few steps back at the dramatic change in power. "How did you
improve so much?" Kagome asked, bewildered.
"I gain power with experience. It would seem, the defeat of Jiro has greatly increased my
powers." smirked Youko. Before Kagome could say another word, Youko had picked her up and
jumped through the well. Kagome slammed her eyes shut and wrapped her arms around Youko's
neck. A blue light enveloped demon and miko, transporting them through time and space.


Kuronue snapped his eyes open and smiled. "It would seem, old friend, your power has
been doubled. Is this the experience you got from Jiro or is this the power of love?" Kuronue
asked the stack of paper, "I guess it's a combination of both."
"Paper, we're going to be companions for a long time. I mean, a long, long time." sighed
Kuronue, smiling at the stack of paper. Kuronue glanced at the rice paper door, knowing there
were youkai listening into the conversation he was having with his new friend, papers.


"I'm glad to announce that Lord Youko has doubled his power!" announced the daily
gossiping cat youkai enthusiastically, earning applause to erupt from the crowd.
"No one will dare raid our villages now!" shouted one of the village youkais.
"Yes, we'll be the most powerful province in Makai!" added another.
"But," the cat youkai continued, "I am sorry to announce that Lord Youko is on vacation
with Lady Kagome."
"But they'll be back!" cheered the crowd, who was to high in spirit to be dampened by a
little negative news.
"Yes and Kuronue-sama is charge," the cat youkai continued, "but it seems he has lost his
sanity after one day." Kuronue landed quietly behind the unsuspecting cat youkai as the
villagers quickly scrambled back to what they were doing before. The cat youkai slowly turned to
face Kuronue and fell on his knees, begging for mercy.
"Stupid kitty." muttered Kuronue, "I'm not insane, and don't make fun of my papers!"


Kagome slowly opened her eyes when the magic died down. In one leap, Youko jumped out
from the bottom of the well. Youko gently placed Kagome on her foot as she scanned the area.
"Youko, we made it! You're a genius! How did you figure it out?" gushed Kagome, eyes wide.
"First off, I told you I was a genius." Youko smirked triumphantly
"Arrogant fox." muttered Kagome.
"When you first arrived in Makai, you said you were angry. Anger makes one blind, but it can
also increase one's power. So, I deducted from it that your power level must have increased a lot.
So I guessed that your power and that of the well clashed to rip a portal. "
"I get it!" exclaimed Kagome, "That's why you raised your youki! So your power would crash
with the well."
"It had to be very precise." added Youko. "I had to make sure our power level was the
same, so I used only half my power."
"Oh, jeesh, am I that weak?" Kagome asked herself. "If I am at my strongest and that's
only half your power, right now, wouldn't I like only match a quarter of your power?"
"Yes." replied Youko, "but you must realize how much more years of experience I had
more than you."
"Now that we're here. I want you to know. NEXT TIME YOU DECIDE TO JUMP
DOWN THE WELL, WARN ME!!! I could've jumped myself! Unless the time traveling had to
do something with me?"
"I don't know. Maybe it has something to do with you." replied Youko.
"Then why did you...?" asked Kagome.
"Because I felt like holding you." smirked Youko, while glancing around the area, before
his eyes widened slightly.
"What's wrong?" asked Kagome, worried at Youko's sudden silence. Youko is never
silent, so something must really be wrong.
"I'm....home." whispered Youko, causing Kagome further confusion.
"What do you mean....you're home?" Kagome asked softly.


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