Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Entering Another Realm ❯ Kurama’s Illness ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own YYH or Inuyasha


Kurama's Illness

He paced back and forth, back and forth, before running his hand through his hair in a frustrated manner. "Damn it, what's going on?" he demanded, clenching his fist in an aggravated manner.

"Yusuke, please, sit down." his girlfriend pleaded in annoyance. "You're not helping Kurama by digging your own grave." Keiko muttered as Yusuke continued to pace back and forth. Yusuke grudgingly took a seat beside his girlfriend when Hiei, his other friend, threatened to run him through with his katana if he didn't stop his useless pacing.

"Hey, Kuwabara, you're spiritually aware, aren't you?" Yusuke sneered, feeling the urge to provoke his best friend. "So why don't you do something useful for once and tell me what's happening to Kurama right now!" Kuwabara gave his friend a flabbergasted look and snorted in an undignified manner.

"Yes, I'm spiritually aware, but I'm not a psychic or a doctor." Kuwabara retorted while crossing his muscled arms across his chest. "Anyway, Kurama should be fine; he's a demon, isn't he?" Yusuke seemed pacified for the moment by Kuwabara's reminder. Sadly, it didn't last long before Hiei contradicted Kuwabara's theory.

"Kurama is not himself." Hiei snorted, but a slight hint of worry shone in his usually emotionless, ruby eyes. "He's almost completely…human." Kuwabara and Yusuke gave Hiei a confused look, but Hiei didn't explain any further. The four of them soon fell into an uncomfortable silence as they patiently (for some of them) waited for the newest update on their friend's condition.


"Miroku, they're closing in." Inuyasha warned as he prepared his Tetsusaiga. Miroku nodded his head as he gripped his prayer beads, ready to release the wind tunnel at a second's notice.

"Remember; don't do anything rash until we save Lady Kagome." Miroku thoughtfully reminded his companion in a low whisper just as a white blur jumped right pass them. "There they are! Stop, demon!" Miroku yelled. "Release Lady Kagome this instance."

Youko gracefully landed on a tree branch as he regarded Inuyasha and Miroku with a cold, calculation glare. "Human…and half-breed; don't stand in my way." Youko warned; a cold glint in his golden eyes.

"Release Kagome," Inuyasha growled, eyeing the snoozing bundle Youko was carrying in his arms. Miroku slowly edged closer to Inuyasha and gently elbowed him in the gut, earning an annoyed growl in response. "What?" Inuyasha hissed, never taking his eyes off his opponent.

"He kind of resembles you, don't you think?" Miroku asked in a hushed tone. "Is he your OTHER brother? If so, maybe you can talk him into letting Lady Kagome go." Miroku whispered his thoughts. "I want to avoid this fight if possible. I'm sensing a powerful aura from him."

"Stupid, I only have ONE brother." Inuyasha replied. "And he's a HALF-brother. If you haven't noticed, HE'S a pure blood fox demon!" Inuyasha growled, turning his attention from Youko to Miroku.

"It's not wise to turn your attention from your opponent." Youko advised, "You could be rolling in your…" Youko stopped mid-sentence when Kagome slowly cracked an eye open.

"Are we there yet?" Kagome asked while trying to rub the sleep from her eyes. "I'm kind of getting hungry." Kagome sheepishly admitted. Youko smiled in amusement and playfulness as he gently set Kagome on her own two feet.

"Why are you smiling at the enemy, wench?" Inuyasha harshly demanded; a vein popping as he waited for an explanation. Kagome cocked her head to one side as she lifted any eyebrow. "DON'T GIVE ME THAT LOOK!" Inuyasha yelled, clenching his fist.

"Youko, is he your brother?" Kagome asked out of curiosity. "He looks like you…a lot." Youko snorted in disdain as he eyed Inuyasha from head to foot. Inuyasha bared his fangs as he took a threatening step towards Youko. Youko remained unfazed as Miroku tried desperately to hold Inuyasha back by the scruff of his neck.

"No, I don't have half-breed brothers. I don't have siblings…period." Youko added as an afterthought as Kagome made a small 'O' with her mouth.

"Damn you, you stupid fox!" Inuyasha growled, flinging Miroku off of him before brandishing Tetsusaiga with renewed vigor. "I'm going to beat the crap out of you!" Youko narrowed his eyes as he gently pushed Kagome behind him in a protective manner.

"Inuyasha, wait!" Miroku yelled, "Maybe he means no harm to Lady Kagome! Inuyasha, if you don't stop, you're going to be the one that harms her!" he cried desperately as he tried to get up from his sprawled position.

"Please stop fighting!" Kagome pleaded as Inuyasha swung recklessly at Youko, who effortlessly dodged each blow. "Youko, please, I don't want you to get hurt!" Kagome cried. Inuyasha growled as Youko's face expression softened at Kagome's words.

"Damn it wench; who are you helping anyway?" Inuyasha asked through gritted teeth. "You ungrateful…bitch…I'm saving you and you're worrying about the well-being of your kidnapper!"

"Listen here, dog-boy," Kagome yelled, eyes narrowing at the insults he had been throwing at her. "First off, it's Kagome - not wench or bitch. Second of all, WHO asked you to save me? Lastly, Youko's my future mate, IDIOT!" Kagome growled, causing a smile to spill across Youko's perfect features.

"What did you do to her, you bastard?!?" Inuyasha demanded as his eyes took on a crimson hue. Youko flexed his claws slightly before a thorn-whip formed in his outstretched hand.

"Game's over," Youko stated coldly, before he mercilessly lashed out at the hanyou. Inuyasha yelped in pain when the thorns on the whip bit into his flesh, to only tear away a chunk of his flesh a fraction of a second later.

"Can't we just SIT down and TALK about this?" Kagome yelled in an attempt to cease the fighting. Kagome blinked when Inuyasha was suddenly pulled to the ground with a loud thump after the beads around his neck glowered.

"Damn it, Kagome!" Inuyasha growled as Youko snorted in amusement.

"Was it something I said?" Kagome asked as she blinked her eyes. "Anyway, please, let's just sit (bam) and talk. Please, Youko?" Kagome pleaded, giving him the puppy dog eyes. Youko relented, much to the relief of Miroku, who was positive that Inuyasha would be dead if the fight went on for a minute longer.


"He's weak, but he's going to make a full recovery." the doctor said cheerfully. "But I must wonder, where did he get all those wounds?" he murmured to himself, getting an uneasy look from Kuwabara and Yusuke.

"Can we go see him now?" Keiko asked, earning a nod of approval from the doctor. The four of them ambled into the hospital room as Hiei scrunched his nose in disgust.

"Hey Kurama," Yusuke greeted softly as his eyes fell on the red-head. Kurama gave them a smile when everyone fell into silence, a grim expression on their face. Kurama sighed softly as he closed his emerald green eyes.

"Guys, I'm not dead yet." Kurama whispered in a dry voice. "No need to mourn for my passing." Kurama joked slightly as he reopened his eyes. Hiei regarded his best friend with a cold look, belaying his inner turmoil.

"Fox, what is going on?" Hiei demanded in a frigid tone, earning a glare from Kuwabara and Yusuke. "I'm sure you should know something about your body. Why aren't you healing?"

"I'm not really sure," Kurama admitted in a tired voice. "My power has been greatly diminished."

"Is Youko sick?" Kuwabara asked, earning a smack upside the head (courtesy of Yusuke). "It was just a suggestion," Kuwabara muttered under his breath as he rubbed his sore skull.

"No, Youko's not sick." Kurama assured Kuwabara. "But…"

"What?" Hiei growled in annoyance.

"Youko seems to be fading." Kurama grimly replied, "And he's the source of my power."


TBC ;)

Next chapter dedicated to whoever can guess what's happening to Kurama. ;) Unless, of course, you prefer cyber cookies! (DR: I'll take the cyber cookies!) -Sigh-