Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Freak Show ❯ Wakeup Call ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wakeup Call


Shippo felt oddly over-heated and he couldn't sleep. He cracked open a lazy eye and peered around to survey his surroundings. He first noticed that he was still in Kagome's sleeping bag and smiled happily to himself.

Then he also noticed that he wasn't the only one in her sleeping bag and that a very warm soft silver tail was encasing his little fox body. He looked at his mamma and noticed her fingers were curled in Kurama's silver mane and that Kurama's arms imprisoned Kagome's figure.

`What was that Kagome always said?' Shippo wondered to himself. He looked thoughtful for a moment as he released himself from his silvery prison and climbed out of the sleeping bag to snuggle up with Kirara for the remainder of the night.

`Three's a crowd.'

Kurama instantly noticed the absence of the warmth in his tail and without waking replaced the warmth by wrapping his tail around the teenager's waist. Kagome smiled in her sleep and snuggled closer to her, comfy pillow.

A few hours later, Sango and Miroku were watching the pair in amusement as they were cooking breakfast.

"Why do you suppose his hair is red again?" Sango asked Miroku curious about Kurama's appearance.

"Well I assume that he transformed into his youkai form earlier when he felt Kagome was in danger. Obviously she is pretty safe right now so he probably changed back into his calmer human form." Miroku answered wisely as he stirred the fire.

Shuuichi awoke upon hearing the conversation between those two and noticed he did indeed share a sleeping bag his lovely fellow time traveler. Her fingers were intwined within his red locks and his arms had trapped her body next to him.

He noticed she began to stir in her sleep and she mumbled something.

"What was that hime? (princess)" He whispered.

"You were so amazing." Kagome answered in her sleep.

"Was I?" Kurama asked trying to contain his mirth as he blew a red bang out of his eyes.

"Mmmhmm." Kagome agreed and then while in her dream-state she untangled her fingers from his hair and cupped his face within her palms. "Taste good too." She declared in her slumber and then she closed the distance before Kurama could process her latest comment.

She pressed her lips against his and just when he started to respond after getting over his surprise she had to ruin the moment by waking up.

Miroku hit Sango excitedly. Sango dropped whatever it was she was pouring and stared in wide eyed amazement at the entertainment.

Kagome opened her eyes. She was having the most fabulous dream and when she woke up she was kissing Kurama. The dream had seemed so real especially when he started kissing back, but the kisses were different that normal in her fantasy. She opened her eyes and realized it wasn't a dream that she actually been kissing a gorgeous guy from her own time!

She immediately pulled back and would have moved to the other side of the camp site in mortification if she wasn't confined to the sleeping bag. So instead she peered into Kurama's emerald eyes and noticed his red locks. "I'm so sorry." She mumbled.

Shuuichi flashed her a disarming smile. "I didn't mind."

Inuyasha walked into the camp at that moment and noticed a tense silence amongst his companions.

"What's going on?" He demanded with a gruff voice. He was tired. He had spent the whole night running through the forests trying to release his rising anger. They had to collect the shards and he couldn't keep losing his temper in front of Kagome.

"Nothing." All four humans replied at once.

Inuyasha glared at them all suspiciously. Then he noticed that Kurama was the red-haired human again. He looked over at Shippo to ask what really happened, but the lazy Kitsune was asleep by the fire cat.

"Keh." Inuyasha declared as he plopped himself onto the ground.

"Kagome, I need to talk to you." Sango told the younger girl as she grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the sleeping bag to retreat to the woods.

"Sure." Kagome managed to answer as she was pulled away from the guys.

"What was going on?" Sango demanded once she felt they were out of earshot of the men.

Kagome blushed and looked away. "I was having a dream."

"About Kurama? So you really do like him. You two are so sweet together!" Sango exclaimed in one of her rare girly moments.

Kagome smiled sheepishly. "Actually, I wasn't dreaming about Kurama when I kissed him."

Sango face faulted. "Who were you dreaming about? If you say Inuyasha I will clobber you!"

"No no! It wasn't Inuyasha. It was …..itwaskougaagain."

"Excuse me; you're going to have to repeat that. Did you say KOUGA?"

"Yeah, you remember I told you about having those kind of dreams about him." Kagome continued.

"I thought that was a phase. What about Kurama?" Sango asked.

"That's why I woke up. In my dreams Kouga never kissed that way. He was always rough, but this morning it was so sweet and felt so right. That's why I opened my eyes. It was great." Kagome sighed.

"But you were dreaming about Kouga!" Sango demanded.

"You have to admit, Kouga is pretty charming. I bet if he let his hair down it would be just as nice as Inuyasha's, maybe even Sesshoumaru's." Kagome continued oblivious the incredulous looks Sango was giving her.

"What about Kurama's hair? You don't think he has nice hair too?"

"Oh heavens, he has the best hair! Both ways, no way Kouga's hair is as nice as his." Kagome's stomach growled. "Let's go eat now, Sango-chan."

"I will never understand you." Sango grumbled as she followed her towards the camp.


The group continued on their trail after eating. Inuyasha was in the lead and kept throwing suspicious glances at Kagome and Kurama. Something happened back at camp and they weren't telling him.

Suddenly he caught what he would regard as a foul scent upon the air. Granted, it did not actually smell foul; just to Inuyasha it was foul.

"I sense jewel shards closing in fast." Kagome told the group and they took up their battle stances. Then Kagome relaxed. "It's Kouga."

Everyone else relaxed, including Inuyasha who decided that Kouga might be welcomed after all. He'd like to see his reaction to this new interloper.

"Who is Kouga?" Kurama asked puzzled. Shippo was sitting upon his shoulder and was about to tell him when the demon in question appeared and took Kagome's hands within his own.

Kurama felt himself containing a feral growl as he saw how the wolf handled HIS Kagome. Then he shook himself and tried to focus.

"Kagome, I sensed your presence and came to see you." Kouga leaned his head towards the crook of Kagome's neck and took a deep breath. Her scent always calmed his nerves. "You smell like fresh roses after a spring rain."

Then Kouga looked up and glared at the new member of the shard collecting squad and sniffed. Then he sniffed Kagome again. "You aren't supposed to smell like roses." He said softly.

Then he whirled around and was facing Kurama directly. "Tell me human, why the hell is your scent all over MY woman?"

Sango and Miroku backed away from the scene with Shippo not far behind. Inuyasha leaned against a tree to casually observe. Kagome tried to intercept the two young men from throwing any violent passes at one another.

"She is not YOUR woman." Kurama answered calmly.

Kouga snorted and flipped his ponytail back. Sango watched Kagome's expression after the action inwardly rolling her eyes at what Kagome was probably thinking. "Of course she is my woman. I claimed her. Therefore she is mine. Dog-boy is simply watching out for her while she does this little task."

"Well then he's not doing a very good job of it." Kurama replied.

Kouga whirled around and faced Inuyasha. "What's he talking about dog-turd? Have you not been protecting my woman?"

Inuyasha glared at the wolf prince. "She's got plenty of protection. Besides she is none of your concern."

"She's not your concern either." Kurama told Inuyasha in a threatening voice.

Kouga stood with his head swinging back and forth between Inuyasha and Kurama. He was unsure of which one he should pummel for spending too much time with his Kagome.

"Kukukuku, well isn't this a nice social gathering." A bodiless voice transcending upon the group from the trees.

Suddenly a baboon pelted Naraku puppet emerged.

"Naraku, what do you want?" Inuyasha demanded while unsheathing the Tetsusaiga.

"Same thing I always want. I have come for the miko and her shards." Naraku extended a tentacle towards Kagome, but Kouga grabbed her and hauled her out of harm's way.

"Don't you dare touch Kagome." Inuyasha ground out as he unleashed Tetsusaiga's power.

Half of Naraku's tentacles were sliced off, but they quickly grew back.

"What is that thing?" Kurama asked.

"One of Naraku's puppets. We must destroy the wooden doll inside of it." Miroku answered as he used his staff to deflect tentacles coming towards him in search of his three jewel shards that he had in his robes.

Sango released her bone boomerang into the puppet and sliced off a great portion.

Kouga rushed towards the puppet at the same time that Kurama unleashed his rose whip. At the same precise moment they destroyed the puppet and the wooden doll crumbled to the ground.

"Keh, that wasn't so hard." Inuyasha declared kicking the wooden doll.

"Where's Kagome?" Shippo asked.

Inuyasha, Kouga, and Kurama each gave the other daggers. "Great job of protecting her you wimpy wolf." Inuyasha spat out.

"Me? I was killing Naraku you stupid dog!" Kouga shouted in defense.

"Shut up both of you! She's over there." Kurama ran off towards Kagome's spirit aura. She was being held by a foul beast.

"Release her." Kurama demanded of the monster.

Inuyasha approached next followed by Kouga. They both covered their noses and moaned.

"The stench. What the hell is that thing?" Inuyasha asked.

"One of Naraku's detachments." Miroku answered also covering his nose.

"Hand me the jewels." The foul smelling beast demanded.

"Doesn't he know that Kagome is wearing the jewels?" Shippo asked Miroku in a whisper.

"I do not believe he can sense them, for his own stench probably blocks out sensing anything else." Miroku answered.

Sango was not bothered by the smell. Kagome didn't seem to be either. Perhaps, only males were affected.

Sango unleased her bone boomerang and shouted, "Hiraikotsu." The beast disintegrated but unfortunately, Sango's mark was a little off and she nicked Kagome in the arm.

"Ahh!" Kagome fell the forest floor in agony and cradled her arm to her chest.

"Kagome!" Everyone shouted and ran towards her forming a circle around her.

"I'll take you back to Kaede. She'll fix you." Inuyasha told her as he moved to pick her up.

"No way! With the way you travel, her arm will fall off!" Kouga objected.

"She needs to see Kaede!" Inuyasha argued.

"Actually, I think it would be better if I took her home to get this treated. We have better medical treatment where we are from." Kurama interrupted.

"You are from Kagome's village?" Kouga asked suddenly more interested in this red haired human.

"Yes." Kurama began unsure. He leaned over Kagome and began to manipulate the vines that were on a nearby tree. He used them to form a temporary brace upon her broken limb.

"Okay, we'll head back to Kaede's village and I'll allow you to take my woman home to care for. I'll carry her though. I'm the fasted and will prove the smoothest ride. Bye." Kouga scooped up Kagome in his arms carefully and then took off at breakneck speed.

The remaining members of the circle stared at one another in confusion.

"Okay, so it's back to the village it is." Miroku answered and the group began the trek back.



A/N: I love Kouga and I just couldn't resist giving him some love! ~Belle