Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Freak Show ❯ Shard Hunters ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: This may get confusing but I will be switching back and forth when Kurama is in human form to calling him Shuuichi or Kurama. When he is in Kitsune form I will switch back and forth between Kurama and Youko. This may be confusing, but just remember that it is all the same person! ~Belle


Mrs. Minamino was not pleased at all with her son that lacked a license, driving her car. As soon as Shuuichi pulled up in the driveway the front door swung open and his mother was obviously worried. First off, she hadn't seen her son in days and then she wakes up to find the car missing.

"Hello mother." Shuuichi greeted pleasantly, trying to ignore the rage in his mother's aura.

"Where have you been?" Mrs. Minamino declared.

"I told you that I was going on vacation with Kagome's family. Well I returned home last night, but Kagome had a family emergency so I rushed over there." Shuuichi replied in a calm, apologetic tone.

Mrs. Minamino's anger disappeared from her countenance and she rushed towards her son to envelop him in a loving hug. "It is alright son, just do not do that again. Next time wake me up. How is your girlfriend?"

Shuuichi could feel his cheeks redden at the comment. Internally, Youko was making fun of his embarrassment. "She's better now, just had a rough night. She went out of town again so I won't be seeing her for a while."

"Long distance relationships are always hard." Mrs. Minamino agreed while leading her son into the house. "Yusuke called earlier this morning."

"Really? I may be having to spend more time with him lately." Kurama replied.

Mrs. Minamino laughed lightly. "Oh yes, doing Spirit Detective work no doubt. You and your friends have quite the imagination Shuuichi."

Kurama wanted to roll his eyes at his human mother. She would never believe his tale about what he actually does with his friends unless she was to witness it herself, and that was not going to happen.


The group in search of Shikon shards left Kaede's village soon after Kagome's return. In the lead, Inuyasha was next to Kagome who was pushing her bicycle along with Shippo riding in the basket. The dog demon was pretending not to notice Kagome playing with some sort of plant ring on her finger.

He could smell rose boy's scent all over the ring. It was a way of marking one's property. He would not let that bother him though. He had that dead miko, what's-her-name. Yeah, he obviously didn't care that Kagome had moved on.

"What you messing with Kagome?" Inuyasha asked, keeping the curious undertones out of his voice and pulling a Sesshoumaru by keeping his face impassive.

"This is a ring Kurama gave me." Kagome answered showing off her ring with a smile. "Wasn't that sweet of him?" She asked. Shippo nodded his head, agreeing that it was sweet. It was especially sweet because like Inuyasha he could smell the Kitsune's scent used to claim property upon the ring.

"You realize what that ring means, right?" Inuyasha finally asked. He knew Kagome would hate to be viewed as property and this time the fox had screwed up royally.

"What?" Kagome questioned pleasantly, enjoying the cool breeze on the air as it sent her long dark hair fluttering behind her.

"It is a sign of ownership. The fox is claiming you as his property." Inuyasha replied, crossing his arms in front of his chest and giving off a victorious smirk.

To his surprise, Kagome's face took on a dreamy expression as if she was pleased by the notion. The hanyou's hands immediately fell to his sides in shock. "That makes sense." Kagome replied, much to Inuyasha's annoyance. She wasn't even mad at the fox for being possessive! She always threw such a tantrum whenever he was!

Miroku and Botan were walking side by side away from Kaede's village towards the rear of the group. Miroku had been speaking with Lady Death for some time now, much to Sango's annoyance. Sango and Hiei were walking in the middle and the demon huntress tried to look as though the situation behind her caused no grief.

"You see mistress Death, my life is cursed. It is a hereditary curse that has been passed down since my grandfather. It was caused by the evil demon, Naraku." Miroku was explaining as Botan granted him her complete attention.

"My days are very short and I will be sucked into this air void on my right hand. That is why I seek a woman to bear me a son, so that if I fail, he might destroy Naraku in my stead." Miroku explained. "It is also the reason I can not pursue a serious relationship with my dear Sango." He replied gracing the woman in front of him with another wistful glance.

Botan was nodding her head in understanding. She really did sympathize with the monk. Lady Death had already reached inside her kimono for her spirit rulebook. Surely there was something that could allow her to help this young man.

"I need more time. We are so close to destroying Naraku, but I am afraid that I will not survive long enough to aid my friends." Miroku admitted. Once again, his gaze fell upon Sango's form that was walking several paces in front of him. How he wished he had more time so that he could be worthy of the affections of that huntress!

"I understand. I'll see if there is anything I can do." Botan told him with a smile. She was confident she could find someway to help him.

Further up, Sango released an annoyed growl at Miroku's blatant flirting with the blue-haired woman. Why didn't Kagome warn her she was bringing another female?

Hiei was amused by the woman who was growling beside him. "Something has unnerved you, Sango?" He asked observantly, keeping his eyes straight ahead, but watching her reaction from the corner of his eye.

"Nothing is bothering me, thank you." Sango replied through clenched teeth.

"It would have nothing to do with a certain monk would it?" Hiei continued, undaunted. As he was confident that he had stuck the nail on the head.

"Fine. I am annoyed that he flirts so much. He claims that I am the only one he is serious about, and yet as soon as any pretty girl comes around he follows her around like a lost puppy." Sango explained.

"Hey!" Inuyasha whirled around to face her, his sensitive hearing picking up on the puppy comment.

"I didn't mean to insult you Inuyasha." Sango placated the hanyou. Inuyasha crossed his arms in front of his chest in annoyance and turned back around to resume his conversation with the time traveling miko.

"I have an idea." Hiei informed the huntress. He had a sudden streak of mischievous thinking rack through his brain. "You could make him jealous."

"Would you help me?" Sango pleaded with hands clasped together in front of her making her look as though she was begging.

Hiei had a brief flicker of panic flash across his face. "I didn't mean me!" He hissed quietly before regaining his cool and looking emotionless and bored once more.

"Come on, you'd be perfect and you're really the only logical choice for me to flirt with realistically." Sango explained.

Hiei ran his fingers through his short, spiky hair frustrated. She had a good point and it was his idea. He released a disgruntled sigh. "Very well."

Miroku and Botan had lapsed into silence. He was watching Sango and Hiei converse up ahead. He had to admit that his stomach was clenching tight at the thought of the two becoming close. Hiei had barely spoken to the group and it was obvious that he and Sango were now carrying on a private conversation.

Botan followed his gaze after noting his silence. She shook her head at the sight before patting Miroku on the arm. "Worry not, Hiei is not a threat. Why I don't think he likes many people other than his sister and the other Spirit Detectives. And it took a long time for him to even admit that he considered them his friends."

Botan removed her hand quickly when she heard the foreign sound of the fire/ice apparition laughing. "But then again, I could be wrong."

Miroku looked at her with wide violet eyes before running to catch up with Sango. "Hey Sango, it is a lovely day." Miroku greeted.

Sango turned cool chocolate eyes towards him. "Yes it is." Then she turned back towards Hiei and he said something that Miroku couldn't quite hear and the two shared another laugh.

"Hey guys there are four jewel shards, heading this way." Kagome announced while pointing to the group's left. Inuyasha unsheathed Tetsusaiga while Kagome notched an arrow onto her bow.

Sango readied her giant boomerang and Miroku took up a fighting stance with his staff. Hiei and Botan moved off to the side to observe the group's tactics. Or rather, Botan moved out of the way, and Hiei wanted to watch.

Suddenly Kagome relaxed her bow and replaced her arrows in her sheath. The other's eyed her imploringly. "It's just Sesshoumaru." She replied, but the others did not put away their weapons as the demon lord of the Western Lands came onto the field.

Inuyasha had his father's fang before him, ready to engage in battle with his estranged brother. Sango and Miroku looked back towards Kagome in question. They were unsure of the reason why she seemed so at ease before the demon lord. He was friends with Youko Kurama, but he wasn't here this day.

"Kagome, I have collected these shards off vermin that dared to trespass into my lands." Sesshoumaru announced, walking towards the miko and ignoring the others in the group. His golden eyes focused on the ring Kagome possessed and he nodded his head in understanding. He now realized that Youko was not in their group at present and would not be for a while since she possessed such a ring.

"Where is Youko Kurama?" Sesshoumaru inquired of the archer.

Kagome met his gaze straight on. "He is back home taking care of other matters." She answered cryptically.

Sesshoumaru inclined his head towards the two new members of the crew. "Friends of his?" He asked her once more.

Kagome nodded.

"What do you want brother?" Inuyasha finally demanded, unhappy to be ignored.

Sesshoumaru directed his attention to his brother briefly. "Nothing more than to check up on the progress of my friend's future mate." He answered, he turned back towards Kagome and gave her a brief pat on the shoulder before turning on his heals and starting to leave the travelers.

"Wait!" Inuyasha called after his brother, giving him reason to pause momentarily. "Do you have any news on Naraku's whereabouts? There are not many shards left and he has been missing from the holy mountain for weeks now."

"I am unaware of his present location, but I am seeking that knowledge now." Sesshoumaru turned to address his brother directly, since the matter was serious. "When I discover his location I will inform you all so that we may destroy him together." Sesshoumaru had decided weeks ago that in order to defeat Naraku, he would need to join forces with his brother, the miko, and the wolf prince.

"We look forward to seeing you again, Sesshoumaru-sama." Miroku replied, determination becoming an apparent emotion in his eyes at the mention of Naraku's demise.

Sesshoumaru turned to regard him and offered a brief nod before leaving the group and returning to his human charge and loyal servant.

"I assume that was Sesshoumaru." Hiei announced as the companions remained in silence after the tai-youkai's departure.

"He is lord of the Western Lands, Inuyasha's half brother, fellow enemy of Naraku, and friends with Kurama."" Sango explained to the demon beside her.

Hiei replied with a thoughtful, "Hn."


Kurama and Yusuke were sitting a bench in a neighborhood park watching ducks swim around in a pond.

"So, you want me to ask junior if you can rejoin the Spirit Detectives temporarily?" Yusuke asked, trying to process his friend's request.

"Yes, I need access to some of the files in Koenma's office. I am aware that the only way to look in those files is to either be dead or work for the agency." Kurama explained.

Yusuke shrugged. "Sure, whatever, I'm sure he'd love to have your help. We miss your calm, calculating demeanor when we are facing a cunning foe." Yusuke admitted. "What kind of files are you looking up?"

"Just some information regarding a friend." Kurama answered deciding he needed to change subjects before he revealed too much of his agenda. "Ready for school?"

Yusuke groaned and placed his head into his hands. "Why did you have to remind me? Keiko keeps talking about it. She's so excited about being an upper classman this year."

"I'm sure it will be fun." Kurama tried to console the boy.

Yusuke looked back up and met Kurama's green eyes with a hard stare. "You realize your fan club is going to be really disappointed to discover that the heart throb Shuuichi Minamino is no longer available."

Kurama couldn't help but laugh at that. "Thank God!" He exclaimed, but then he stopped laughing for a moment after catching Yusuke's expression.

"Perhaps you should hire some body guards for Kagome then, her life may be in danger." Yusuke replied in a tone that was either sarcastic or somber. It was hard to tell.

Kurama's green eyes twinkled at the thought. "No, I will simply request to accompany her everywhere, due to her delicate health." He replied with a brilliant smile.

"And you used to tease me about Keiko." Yusuke admonished rolling his eyes at his love-struck friend.

"I did not realize what I was missing before." Kurama answered in all seriousness. "Let us leave this park. I promised my mother I would do her grocery shopping."

"You going to walk?" Yusuke asked, he knew that his friend didn't have a car or a license.

Kurama shook his head and pulled a set of keys from his pocket and jingled them. "Nah, I don't think Hiei will mind if I borrow his wheels."

"If you keep up this behavior you won't need to work for the Spirit Detectives to gain access to those files, because you'll be a ghost!" Yusuke cried before roaring with laughter.


Thanks for reading & reviewing! I could use some input as to who the group should fight in the next couple of battles. Should we meet up with Naraku or one of his many goons? What will Botan think of Kikyo? How will Kagome survive Shuuichi's fangirls when school starts? ~Belle