Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Games of Deception ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Games of Deception
Author: Ryukotsusei
Fandom: Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho
Characters: Hiei/Kagome Higurashi/Keiko Yukimura
Prompt: 045. Lust.
Word Count: 6991
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Inuyasha belongs to Takahashi Rumiko and Yu Yu Hakusho belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi. I make no claims of ownership to either series, nor do I make any profit off of this fan fiction.
Summary: Kagome and Keiko believed that their affair could be kept quiet, not attracting attention. Neither of them could have anticipated Hiei's interest in their secret meetings, nor that he would use whatever tactics he deemed necessary to have them both. Hiei/Kagome/Keiko.
Author's Notes: There is Yuri contained in this fic as well as a M/F/F threesome lemon.
The soft sounds of footsteps echoed through the night air as the crept towards their objective hoping to remain unnoticed. Kagome winced as the gate creaked when she pushed it open, though it wasn't likely anyone was going to hear it at this late at night. "Come on, we've been waiting all evening for this. You don't want to back out now do you?" The taunt in her voice was unmistakable as she looked back at the slightly taller girl standing behind her. For a while they thought Yusuke would never pass out even though both he and Kuwabara had consumed enough alcohol for an entire football team.
"Who said I was backing out?" Keiko ran her hands over Kagome's shoulders, fingertips tracing along the thin straps of the bikini top before coming to rest on the bow and tugging it loose. The hints and suggestive comments that the woman had been throwing at her all damned day had been driving her crazy, not to mention the strange looks it had caused Yusuke to give them on more than one occasion. Often she'd wondered just what the man would say if he found out that she'd taken the miko as a lover though it wasn't necessarily something she wanted to consider. Just because the man was a pervert didn't mean that he'd approve of their relationship. A giggle escaped her as the straps came free, causing the bathing suit top to fall to the ground before Kagome had the chance to catch it. "We'll have to be quiet, just because Yusuke's passed out cold doesn't mean the others won't hear us."
"I still think you are being paranoid." Kagome tried to ignore the hands that were running over her bared nipples now, tugging on them gently. "Yusuke would probably get down on his knees and thank whatever God was watching over him if he knew what we were up to." More than once she'd caught him staring at the two of them, his gaze one of pure speculation. It wasn't hard to figure out just what he was picturing. Despite all that Keiko refused to tell him, though Kagome had a feeling her reluctance was about more than just worrying he'd be upset. The woman became positively livid when her boyfriend looked at another female's ass, leaving Kagome to wonder just how Keiko would take it if Yusuke said he wanted to fuck the both of them. "Come on, let's get in the water and then we can play."
"Paranoid huh?" Keiko let her tone become a bit mocking as she prevented her lover from walking away by slipping her fingers beneath the waistband of the bikini bottoms. "All I said we'd have to do is be quiet, you're the one who wants to go rushing off. No one's going to see us here so what happens if I want to play now?" Despite the fact that they were in plain site should someone come out of the house Keiko was certain that they wouldn't be seen since the lights were off and the walkway was shrouded by shadows. With agonizing slowness she slipped her fingers between the miko's folds, caressing the sensitive flesh pulling a pleased hum from the girl she was touching.
Kagome squirmed against those fingers for a moment, wondering just how far the brunette was going to take their play. It was rare to see Keiko in such a playful mood but Kagome was glad to see it, her lover was always so damned serious and this turn of events was a welcome change. Still, half of the reason for coming out here in the chill night air was to make sure they didn't get caught in the first place. When a frigid blast of air whipped around the corner the miko sighed heavily, trying to suppress a shiver. "Come on, it's too damned cold to be standing out here like this." Before Keiko could protest too heavily she'd removed the hand that had been tormenting her only moments before and led her towards the small pool house a short distance away.
It was pointless to protest when Kagome's mind was so clearly made up, though at the moment Keiko wasn't particularly adverse to going inside anyway. It was rather cold out after all and the pool house was heated, a definite plus in favor of going inside. Their footsteps sounded loud to her against the concrete as they continued to hurried towards their destination and Keiko was glad when they finally reached the doorway. As Kagome searched for her keys she couldn't help but fidget, now that they were unsheltered from the wind she was definitely noticing just how far the temperature had dropped. The sound of the door opening had her ready to hurry inside but Kagome's puzzled look stopped her. "What's wrong?"
"The door was already unlocked." Kagome turned to face Keiko, giving her a curious look. "We're you planning ahead again? I didn't know you were that impatient to get me alone again." It wouldn't have been the first time the brunette had set something up so they could have fun later, though it seemed rather strange since it'd been her idea to come out here for the night not Keiko's. Seeing the girl's surprise had Kagome's brows furrowing. "If it wasn't you then who was it? One of the guys maybe?" Carefully she extended her senses, examining the area to see if one of them was nearby however all she met was blankness which could mean anything from no one was out here to they were shielding themselves extremely well. But to what purpose?
Shrugging her shoulders, Keiko walked through the now open door and looked around carefully. They didn't dare turn on the lights seeing that they would be visible to the house, company was something she hadn't wanted. "It might have been, or maybe it was Botan while we were out. She did decline our invitation to go shopping today, though come to think of it all the guys did as well." Hearing Kagome walk in behind her and shut the door had Keiko moving towards the hot tub. The pool lights did little to illuminate the area but it was more than enough to keep them from accidentally tripping over something. "I wouldn't worry about it, no one is here." Nimble fingers worked at the ties to her own bathing suit, allowing it to slip from her body as she approached their destination. The scraps of cloth were laid haphazardly on a table nearby while Kagome set the towels aside for later. The bag she was carrying was dropped carelessly by the edge of the water as Keiko knew that the contents would be needed since it was a surprise for later.
"You might be right." Certainly Kagome didn't see anyone around, there was just the chance that someone had forgotten to lock up after they'd come out here earlier in the day. Either way she wasn't going to worry too much about it she decided as she kicked off her sandals and approached the water. Just before she made it to the edge however Keiko stopped her, holding her in place before she could go anywhere. "Impatient aren't you? And here I thought Yusuke was the only pervert in the group."
"Going after what I want is being perverted?" Keiko quirked a brow at the girl even as she began to slide the bottoms over the swell of the miko's hips. Only when Kagome had stepped out of the material did Keiko allow her to move once more, though her plans didn't include her lover submerging herself in the water just yet. The water swirled around her legs as she stepped into the steaming liquid, her hand closed around Kagome's as she led the girl towards the ledge. "Sit here."
A small smile played at the corners of her lips as Kagome stood defiantly for a moment. Sooner or later she'd give into the girl's demands but it was sometimes fun seeing just how far she could push the other woman. "And what will I get if I say no?" Even in the darkness she could see the smirk cross Keiko's face, the girl definitely liked being in control and on most occasions Kagome gave it easily since she preferred someone else taking the lead. The punishment that came with defiance only sweetened the deal for her and Keiko knew this. The steam swirled around them as they regarded each other before Kagome was abruptly turned around, a sharp slap to her backside causing her to gasp.
"Go ahead." The slap hadn't been exceptionally hard, just enough to give Kagome what she wanted. Why the girl preferred the submissive role so much was beyond her but Keiko didn't mind. It gave her the control that she enjoyed but could never achieve with Yusuke. "I can just as easily get what I want with you standing." Slowly she pushed on Kagome's shoulders until she was bent over, resting easily on the edge of the hot tub with her legs spread. As she knelt down on the submerged seat allowing the water to cover her body, Keiko planted soft kisses along the back of her thigh and slowly moved up to the girl's folds which were displayed so provocatively for her.
Kagome's eyes closed as the first touch of her lover's tongue hit her. Soft hands caressed her backside though they prevented her from pushing back into the featherlight touches. "Keiko.." Her voice came out as a breathy moan when her hidden jewel was captured between those soft lips she stole kisses from when no one was watching. The unspoken plea for more was granted as the touch intensified, Keiko's tongue swirling against the sensitized flesh in lazy circles though it still wasn't enough for her. Slowly Kagome pushed herself away from the cool tile, bracing herself with one hand as the other tugged on one of her hardened peaks. Her eyes drifted closed as she became lost in the sensations that Keiko continued to overwhelm her with.
Seeing that Kagome was so completely distracted Keiko reached over towards the discarded bag with some difficulty. Slowly she pulled the zipper aside revealing the contents she'd kept hidden from her lover, her fingers tracing over each object as she searched for the one she was looking for. Finally her fingers closed over the pink vibrator, one that she'd purchased last week when she'd heard about this little getaway that Kagome had planned. Of course hadn't exactly been looking for one that was waterproof at the time but now she was glad she'd purchased it. With how wet Kagome was Keiko knew that penetrating the girl with it wouldn't be a problem so slowly she pulled back, much to Kagome's disappointment. "Shh... be patient, I have something for you." Any further protests were silenced as she rubbed the thick toy over the miko's folds before slowly pushing it in, causing the girl's eyes to fly open. "Like that do you?"
"Oh gods yes..." Kagome pushed back against the toy, fully impaling herself on it just as a faint click was heard. As the vibration started a moan escaped her lips causing Keiko to snicker. "You.. cheat." No longer was the woman's tongue on her clit, instead the toy was taking care of that as well, not that she was complaining any. It was definitely a new experience, one she didn't mind in the least. Her walls were stretched deliciously as her lover pumped it slowly into her body, obviously wanting to torment her as much as possible. Why else would Keiko have draped herself over Kagome's back, effectively pinning her in place? The miko whined deep in her throat needing something more than what she was being given. "Please Keiko.. I need.. I.."
A smirk crossed his lips hearing the woman beg and plead for something that Keiko couldn't possibly give her. For months he'd suspected the woman of betraying the Detective with the woman she was pleasuring but this was the first time he'd had solid proof of the infraction. Not that he particularly minded what Keiko did, for her consorting with others generally wasn't his concern. However he'd been curious as to why Kagome would seek pleasure in the arms of another female. Time after time he'd seen the miko turn down the advances of other males, including the interest that Kurama had shown in her. Was it a reluctance to get into a committed relationship or something more? Hearing the two of them speak earlier in the afternoon had been fortuitous and it had been easy to slip away unnoticed. Concealing himself in the shadows had been simple when they'd arrived, though dampening his aura enough so that Kagome couldn't detect him had been a bit more interesting. Now however the apparition was willing to bet he could remove his shielding completely and she'd never notice.
When they began to undress each other his breath had caught, taking in the expanses of exposed flesh. Both women had bodies that even he could appreciate, though he hadn't expected to react quite so strongly when Keiko had begun touching the other woman. It hadn't taken long for the black pants to come undone, his hand wrapping around his hard length and stroking it slowly. The sounds of the miko's whimpers had his body aching, needing to go over there and sheath himself in her wet heat but doing so would bring complications. His legs tensed as another wave of pleasure swept through him as the girl tried to achieve the release that Keiko was teasing her with. His groan went unheard by the other two as he considered the repercussions that would come with joining them. No doubt Yusuke would be furious if he was to ever find out, but then again it wasn't necessarily his problem that Keiko was seeking company away from the Detective. More to the point though, it wasn't as if they were being blatant about their relationship either. It was quite likely that this could go on for another three years and Yusuke would be none the wiser.... unless someone should tell him.
The knowledge that he was aware of their little fun together would most likely be enough to gain Keiko's complicity, especially once she considered what he had to offer the two of them. His hand stilled as he watched the beginnings of Kagome's climax, knowing that once it was over the miko would only crave more. Shoving his indecision aside, Hiei stood up and pushed his pants completely off before stalking towards them with determination. Keiko was the first to notice him, her eyes widening in surprise when she saw him walking towards them. The miko was now pressed against the cool tile, whimpering slightly as she rode out the final moments of her release.
"Hiei.." Keiko stared in shock as their eyes met, knowing it was pointless to ask what he was doing there. Pure lust radiated from him in waves that even she could feel as he closed the remaining distance between them. Against her will her own gaze traveled down his nude body and she couldn't help but stare appreciatively at the erection that stood away from his body, leaving little doubt that he'd come to be satisfied. Still, this was her boyfriend's teammate, someone he trusted. There was no way in hell she could just give in and bed the man was there? Panic began to set in as her mind ran through the possibilities of what might happen if she were to say no. Would Hiei go straight to Yusuke and tell him about her relationship with Kagome? As of yet Kagome hadn't noticed him, instead pushing back against her hand again, hoping to resume the pleasurable touches she'd been giving her only moments before.
Reaching the two girls Hiei knelt down beside Kagome, capturing her chin in his hand and forcing her to look up at him. The shock there was plain to see but so was the desire as she took in his nude form and ran her tongue over her lower lip. "You know what I'm here for?" Briefly his eyes flickered over to Keiko's pale form, taking in just how nervous she was. Oh yes, it would be only too easy to convince her to go along with what he wanted. So long as she kept her mouth shut and did as she was told Yusuke would never learn about this or any other trysts the three of them might have for surely this would not be a one time occurance.
"But... I can't." Keiko shifted uncomfortably under the apparition's stare, feeling it burn right through her. While she couldn't speak for Kagome it would be crossing the line for her to sleep with Hiei. Seeing his gaze harden she turned pleading eyes onto him, hoping it would sway his decision. Keiko knew she was on her own in this one, Kagome was already running her hand along his thigh exploring. A flash of jealousy went through her for a moment before she shoved it away roughly. Kagome had wanted this particular demon for a while but had swore he'd never look twice at her. What they had together was convenient but Keiko knew she didn't have a permanent claim on the woman, if that were the case she'd have ended it with Yusuke a long time ago. "I can't cheat on Yusuke like that, aren't you supposed to be friends?"
"Friends?" Hiei barely spared the girl a glance as he assisted Kagome up onto her feet. As nice as it was feeling her mouth making its way to his cock when he came he wanted to be buried in her. Moving quickly he sat on the ledge where the miko had been laying only moments before and was pulling Kagome into his lap. "This has nothing to do with friendship Keiko and as far as you cheating on Yusuke..." Roughly he tugged on a pert nipple, smirking at the moan that it caused as his other hand made it's way down to the girl's sensitive folds. "You already are so unless you want him to find out about this little affair you are having I suggest you accept the situation for what it is. I intend to fuck the both of you before the night is out, or would you rather I leave and see if Yusuke wants to join the two of you instead?"
Any further protests were killed with that statement and Hiei knew it by the look in the girl's eyes. It didn't matter that she was reluctant now, by the time he was finished with the both of them they'd be eager to invite him to join them again. Slowly he raked he teeth along the sensitive flesh of Kagome's neck as she pressed back against him. "Spread your legs and let Keiko get a good look at you." His words were whispered but she complied easily enough, giving the other woman a perfect view of her center. Hiei placed his hands on her hips, raising Kagome just enough so that the head of his cock brushed her folds. "Are you watching Keiko?" Slowly he lowered the miko, his shaft inching deeper into her body with Keiko's eyes remained riveted to where they were now joined. "You like seeing me fuck her don't you Keiko? You can't deny it, can you?"
The apparition seemed to know exactly how exciting the sight before her was much to Keiko's dismay, she couldn't deny the man's words even as she wished she could. As his fingers spread Kagome lips apart to expose her clit, Keiko licked her lips anxiously. "Yusuke won't learn about this." It wasn't a question but a statement, something she deemed non-negotiable. Her eyes hardened as she met Hiei's gaze though Keiko knew that even if he were to say something she really didn't have an excuse to fall back on. All she could hope was that the apparition would uphold his end of the bargain. When the demon gave her a barely perceptible nod and slammed the miko fully down on his cock, Keiko moved forward once more. Now with one worry pushed to the back of her mind she could concentrate on more pleasurable things.
A smirk formed on his face as Hiei watched the human begin pleasuring the woman in his lap. Kagome's walls had tightened around him deliciously at the first touch of Keiko's tongue. It was difficult to move given their positions but that didn't stop him from grinding her harder into his lap. Occasionally the brunette's tongue would caress his shaft, licking the girl's essence off of his shaft and heightening his own enjoyment of the situation. How would it feel to have both of their tongue's on his aching member? It was something they'd have to try later, much later after he'd cum at least once with the girl in his lap. "You're so fucking wet Kagome, I'm beginning to wonder if you've been wanting my cock for a while. Or is it the fact that your girlfriend is eating you while I'm taking what belongs to her?" A glance to Keiko revealed the girl had a hand buried between her own legs, no doubt pumping her fingers deep inside wishing there was something more being pushed into that tight sheath. Kagome's breathing was now coming in harsh pants, signaling how close she was to her release once again and abruptly the miko's fingers found purchase in Keiko's hair pulling her closer. "That's it Keiko, make her cum on my cock."
Kagome was helpless against the duel onslaught and it wasn't long before she was crying out once again. She was near exhausted as she came to rest against the apparition's chest but he was far from finished with her yet. Suddenly Keiko pulled away from her as if by some unspoken command which only she could hear, leaving Hiei to lift her off of his erection. Thinking that her turn was over for the moment Kagome closed her eyes but they flew open once again when the apparition picked her up and carried her over to a table. "What?" Her back met the cool surface causing her to shiver slightly as she waited to see what they planned to do next.
Seeing Hiei take up a position between Kagome's legs, Keiko climbed on the table and moved to straddle her face leaving mere inches separating the two of them. Soft hands reached up and grabbed her hips, pulling her even closer as the apparition raised the miko's legs up onto his muscular shoulders. Only once he was certain she had a good view of what he was about to do did the demon begin pushing into that tight heat once more. The ache of desire intensified in her lower regions watching the girl being taken once again. As if sensing her growing desire Kagome skipped the teasing, going straight to it and sucking Keiko's clit into her mouth with lashing it firmly with her tongue. "Kagome.. oh fuck!"
There was no way for Keiko to move away even if she wanted to now that the miko had her where she wanted her. Kagome's grip tightened even as Hiei plunged deep within her body, surpassing any fantasies she'd ever managed to build up. Ruthlessly she continued her assault on the brunette straddling her face, knowing that the girl was close. Eagerly she plunged her tongue into the tight passage trying to bring her the same pleasure she'd been given earlier. Suddenly Keiko tensed, moaning her name while she continued to drive her tongue deep inside. The apparition wasn't far off from his own climax either Kagome knew, his movements were becoming more frantic, striving for his own release. A pulsating warmth filled her as Hiei slammed into her once more, emptying his essence into her waiting body. After a few moments he pulled free, his breathing heavy as he laid back into one of the lounge chairs with a satisfied grin.
Carefully Keiko pushed herself away from Kagome, not trusting her legs to work for the moment as she climbed off the table. The miko sat up moments later, her expression one of pure contentment causing Keiko to chuckle. She truly did look like the cat that had gotten into the cream at the moment and she didn't blame her. Despite the pleasure she'd been given there was no way she was completely satisfied just yet. If Hiei thought that he was going to tease her with the display he'd just put on and leave her hanging the man was sadly mistaken. If there was one thing she'd learned in her time with Yusuke, it was that those with demon blood had stamina to spare and Hiei should be no exception. "Kagome?" She gained the miko's attention and nodded her head towards the apparition who was gazing at them through heavily lidded eyes.
Kagome looked over to her friend, noting the tenseness that radiated off of the girl. It was obvious what she needed and Kagome was willing to bet that Hiei knew it as well, though he was going to force the girl to come to him after the protests she'd given early. Gently she laid a hand on the girl's shoulder, taking the time to nuzzle her neck. "Don't worry, he's not done with us yet." Kagome took Keiko's hand, leading her words Hiei with a mischievous gleam in her eyes, more than once the brunette had spoken of Yusuke's size and she was willing to lay money on Hiei being more endowed than the detective was. Already his shaft was beginning to harden again in anticipation making Kagome grin at him. As she took her place on the right side of the chair Keiko took the opposite, leaning across his body to kiss briefly. Their tongues brushed lightly even as their fingers began caressing the firm flesh, causing his hips to buck slightly in impatience.
As arousing as it was to watch them playing with each other, Hiei was more than ready to have them focusing their attention on him. Keiko was the first to break away, dipping her head down to wrap her lips around the head of his cock which was still bathed with Kagome's juices from just a few moments before. When the miko moved down Keiko moved to the side, giving Kagome a bit more access to his shaft. A groan escaped him as their tongues met, sliding against each other and his heated flesh for a few moments before moving away from each other once again. Through heavily lidded eyes he watched Kagome move away and wondered where she was going. Silently she walked over to the discarded bag, reaching into it to withdraw a long string of beads and a tube of some sort. His arousal spiked even higher as he realized just what she was planning.
Keiko tried to look behind her to see what Kagome was doing but was stopped when Hiei fisted a hand in her hair, keeping her head in place. His hips flexed demandingly, pushing the thick shaft between her lips as his hand guided her head further down. For several long moments he kept her pinned in place, causing her to swallow hard around the cock lodged deep within her mouth. After what seemed like an eternity he allowed her up once again and she took several ragged breaths of air before he forced himself back into her mouth once more. Forcibly he fucked her throat though for the moment Keiko was enjoying him dominating her in such a fashion. The filthy words spilling from his mouth as he demanded she take more of his cock in had the desire flaring even higher than before. Suddenly she stilled when Kagome's hands gripped her waist, pulling her ass up in the air.
"Let her go for a moment." Kagome waited for him to comply before releasing the hold she had on Keiko. The apparition watched her carefully as she adjusted the lounge chair he was laying on until he was completely flat. Only then did she take Keiko's hand once more, moving her into position. "Straddle the chair and bend over, I have a treat for you." Kagome smiled to herself as the brunette did as she was told, though it was a bit awkward Hiei had a perfect view of what she was about to do. Reaching down her hand closed around the small tube of lubrication and within moments she had her fingers coated in the cool liquid. Already Keiko had gone back to deep throating the apparition though his gaze was locked on Kagome's hands.
Seeing the slender finger tracing the puckered opened teasingly made Hiei clench his fists in an effort to keep his own body under control. Apparently Keiko was exceedingly good at keeping secrets, as much as Yusuke liked to speak of what the woman liked, this had never been mentioned before. There was no mistaking how much the girl enjoyed it however as she hummed her enjoyment of the touch around his cock. Slowly the finger slid into the tight hole, pumping slowly in time with the girl's motions around his aching length. A second finger was added, stretching the muscles and causing Keiko to whimper though whether it was in pleasure or pain he wasn't certain though Kagome seemed to be enjoying herself.
A quick look down to the apparition revealed just how close the man was to breaking and Kagome knew it wouldn't be long before Keiko had one of her fantasies fulfilled. Her fingers slid free easily enough allowing her to grab the string of beads and coat them with the slick fluid. "Are you ready Keiko? Shall we show him your little fetish?" No longer was Keiko working on Hiei's cock, instead she was looking over her shoulder with a near desperate look in her eyes. If she didn't do something soon her own fun was going to be ended and Kagome didn't want that at all. Gripping the first beads she slowly rubbed it against the girl's tight entrance causing her to moan heatedly before pushing it in. Ever so slowly she added more while Keiko's panting became ragged. It didn't help matters that by now Hiei had reached up between them and was now rubbing on the girl's clit heightening the sensations Keiko was receiving.
"Please!" Keiko moaned when Kagome had reached the end of the string, it wouldn't take much to launch her over the edge but it all depended on whether or not the miko was feeling generous. With agonizing slowness her lover began pulling the beads out, keeping her hovering on the brink. However when the two of them took pity on her tortured body, Keiko cried out as her climax hit her hard and her legs nearly gave out from under her. The final beads were removed even as Hiei was moving from beneath her and Keiko didn't have time to even think as the apparition pushed her onto the chair, forcing her on her hands and knees. It was a shock when his cock was roughly forced into her body but it felt better than she could have imagined with the preparation Kagome had given her. "Oh god yes! Fuck me Hiei!"
"With pleasure!" Hiei snarled even as he thrust forward, his body ached with the strain of holding back through the display they'd put on for him and now it demanded satisfaction. There were no worries about hurting the girl, she seemed to welcome the brutality he was putting into each thrust encouraging him to take her harder. His fingers dug into the soft skin of her hips as he rode her, taking pleasure in the way she was so tight around him. It was of no surprise to see Kagome moving once again, this time sliding beneath Keiko to take her own turn at pleasuring the woman as well. A cry filled the air when the miko's tongue latched onto the brunette's hidden jewel, causing her to clench around him to the point of being painful. The sounds Keiko made as they tortured her body were music to his ears and he knew that he wouldn't be able to last much longer, especially when he could feel the beginnings of her orgasm take hold.
She was dying, there was no other explanation for it but Keiko welcomed the feeling as her climax wracked her body. Hiei lasted only a few minutes longer before spilling his seed deep into her body. It was a relief when she was finally able to collapse and Kagome curled up beside her with an arm draped loosely around her waist. "That was... incredible." A lazy smile crossed her face at the amused snort that Hiei gave her statement. Truly, Yusuke had never been interested in trying this with her so it'd come as something as a surprise when Kagome had indulged her fantasies and now to have Hiei carry them even further was mind blowing. A light coming on in the house and then the sound of a door opening had Keiko sitting up quickly. "Oh shit!"
Quickly Kagome jumped up as well, bolting for the table where her bathing suit was laid out while Keiko was right beside her. Thankfully the other girl had the presence of mind to close the bag up and hide it, the last thing they needed was to have to explain just what those toys were doing here. A quick glance towards Hiei had her rolling her eyes, somehow the man had already put his pants back on and was now staring at the two of them with an amused grin. "I don't see what's so funny, if someone finds us in here we're in deep shit." A few more curses fell from her lips as she struggled with the ties on her top before warm fingers brushed her own aside. It was startling to see that the apparition was assisting them in covering up what had just happened, though Kagome knew it was likely that he just didn't want to fight with the Toushin over something like this.
Once the straps were tied in place Hiei turned the miko around and stared hard at her. "Quit with the theatrics, the two of you get in the hot tub and relax. He's going to realize something if neither one of you can calm down. We'll finish this later." Giving the girl a gentle push towards the water's edge he waited until she took her seat before returning to his own, quickly shoving the evidence of their playtime beneath his chair. Within moments Keiko had joined her and it was just in time too for the door opened allowing Yusuke to step inside. Confusion was clear on his features as he peered through the darkness, his hand groping for the light switch briefly before finding it. Hiei winced as the bright light filled the room and he couldn't help but snap at the man. "Turn the damned light off, it off for a reason you fool."
"Well excuse the hell out of me, I'd wondered where you guys disappeared to." Despite the apparition's order Yusuke decided to leave the light on, earning a glare from the man. It was slightly surprising to find the three of them together, though he couldn't find anything out of place. The girl's seemed a bit flushed but that could easily be explained by the steaming water they were currently sitting in. "So what's the occasion, usually you three wouldn't be found within five miles of each other voluntarily." Of course, that wasn't exactly true for the girl's seeing as they were fairly close but Hiei was another story. It'd been rather disconcerting to wake up to an empty bed, usually Keiko was the first one to hit the sack though tonight she'd just told him to go on to bed and she'd catch up later. Perhaps that was the reason for his uneasy slumber.
Kagome shrugged lazily, "I felt like coming out here to relax and Keiko decided to come with me. Hiei came in shortly after we arrived though he hasn't said much." It was difficult not to bite her lip anxiously as Yusuke scrutinized the both of them but she'd had quite a bit of practice lately in avoiding any probing questions. Hiei of course could be counted on to fend for himself in that area, Yusuke wasn't likely to push him for an answer. Despite the scare the detective had given them she found her exhaustion catching up with her fast due to the hot water and the strenuous activity they'd engaged in only minutes before. "I'm so damned tired, maybe it's time to call it a night."
Something didn't feel quite right to Yusuke about her explanation even if he couldn't put his finger on it. Maybe it was Hiei's appearance shortly after they'd arrived, why the hell would the apparition come to them for company? It didn't make sense unless he'd developed an interest in one of the girls. As much as Yusuke didn't want to consider the idea, it had merit, he just hoped that it wasn't Keiko. He'd hate to have to fight the apparition because he touched his woman, they might be friends but that was something he wasn't about to put up with from anyone. "If you say so. Here.." Yusuke tossed a towel towards the woman climbing out of the water. "You'll want to hurry unless you like freezing to death, it's fucking cold out there." As the miko wrapped the towel around her body the detective walked over to Hiei and stared at him. "So what's your story?"
"Not like it's any of your business detective but there was a weak demon lurking in the area. I dispatched it and then came in here to watch over these two since you were too busy sleeping to notice the trouble. Now if you don't mind I have better things to do now that you're here." Glaring at the Toushin he stood and moved next to Kagome who stared at him in slight surprise. "If you're inclined to accept my advice, get your woman inside as well before the storm breaks. I doubt either of you want to be caught in the snow that's coming." Seeing Yusuke's eyes widen he smirked nastily before following Kagome outside, a nod of approval was given to her when he saw that she'd picked up the bag they had brought. Let the detective think he was only there because he'd sensed danger. If the fool was too blind to see what was going on right underneath his nose that wasn't his concern. As the door closed softly behind them he noticed the miko shivering. Sighing slightly he took her by the arm and directed her towards the house, he hadn't been kidding about the storm coming. "Let's get inside, I refuse to talk where others can hear us."
"Talk?" Perhaps it was the cold numbing her brain but Kagome had thought everything that needed to be discussed had already been said. Still, the apparition gave her no answer as they continued towards the house. Only once they were safely inside and in her bedroom did the man turn to look at her though by the look in his eyes it wasn't talking that Hiei had in mind. Abruptly she found herself shoved up against the door with his lips closing over her own, his tongue ruthlessly plundering her mouth. Only once her eyes had glazed over with desire once again did he pull away, leaving her to try and catch her breath.
"Come, a shower will do us both some good." Not giving Kagome a chance to object, he pulled the bag out of her hands and tossed it to the floor before leading her into the shower. It was only by sheer luck that Yusuke hadn't picked up the scent of sex on them all, if it had been Kurama there would have been no hiding it from him. Hiei could only hope that Keiko had enough sense to realize that as well. Of course, nothing said that showering was the only thing they'd be doing in there which would leave little doubt in the others minds as to the claim he was laying upon the girl. Until they tired of each other none other save Keiko would touch her, not if they wished to live. Closing the bathroom door softly behind him Hiei allowed a smirk to cross his face, if Yusuke wasn't careful with his woman that vow could easily come to include Keiko as well.
The End.
This is a one shot that has the potential of turning into something more. It depends on how the muse cooperates and how well this fic is received. Thanks to everyone who reviews.