Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Little Meilin ❯ My past, my present ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me...maybe...at least, not yet.
A/N: The part is a flashback and will continue to be a flashback unless otherwise noted. For those who wish to know, I don't know how I was inspired. Maybe it's because the anime creators make these guys so perfect that you can't help but wonder what life would be like with that person. It could also be because I'm obsessed...nah...
Where we last left off:
"Koenma wishes to see you," he asked. Finally, I gave in. We went to this so-called Spirit World...
...I sat down in a chair.
"Welcome, Guardian of the Shikon Jewel," a voice greeted.
I turned around, and started laughing like crazy.
Now on with the show..
iiiiii are thoughts.
uuuuuu is Yoko talking to Kurama and Kagome
+llllll+ is Kurama talking to Yoko and Kagome
-aaaaa- is Kagome talking to Yoko and Kurama.
"Kagome?" Kurama asked, wondering why I was still laughing.
Koenma was just a toddler. He had a pacifier and "JR" on his forehead. To me, he didn't look like he was the ruler of Spirit World.
"Sorry," I smiled, "it's so adorable!"
"Anyways," Koenma replied, sitting down at his desk, "I've notice that you have been traveling back and forth between this time and the Fuedal Era. Can you explain your story to me? According to my records, you were born in that time period."
"Yes," I nodded, "I was adopted by my mother after I was found in the well house at the shrine when I was five. She found a note explaining that I needed to be in the care of someone that could be trusted. My mother kept me at the shrine, until my demon powers and characteristics disappeared and remained dormant until my 15th birthday..." (insert Kagome's story)
"After I became I demon," I continued, "I had a relationship with Inuyasha until a few months before my daughter was born. That's how I came to be here today."
"Where is the Shikon Jewel?" Koenma asked.
"Where it belongs," I answered. Like I was going to tell Koenma all my secrets...Yeah, right.
"But..." he continued.
"No," I said sternly, "the jewel is in my possession and that's where it will remain. I was deemed worthy of possessing it, and I will continue to possess it. No one is taking that away from me."
"I want you to join the team and become a Spirit Detective," Koenma said, "You have amazing powers, being a priestess and all. You are a valuable asset to the team."
"I will join on one condition," I countered, "I will help in these so-called missions, but I will not be used. I wish to be available to protect my family and my daughter."
*End Flashback*
"Stupid Koenma," I said as I broke the communicator.
He didn't even keep his promise. I was used day by day, doing these long missions away from home. Because of him, I was not able to be home to protect my family from Naraku. It was his fault that my mother, father, and brother were killed. It was his fault that Meilin was captured.
I ran through the woods and came to a clearing. At the top of the hill, I saw a castle. I ran to the castle, hoping I could get some assistance from its inhabitants.
"Who goes there?" a voice called once I knocked on the door.
"I wish to speak to whoever owns this castle," I announced.
"Who are you?" the voice asked again.
"I am Kagome!" I called back. The door opened, revealing Jaken, Sesshomaru's servant.
"Jaken," I said, "it's good to see you again. Is Sesshomaru here?"
He nodded and led the way to Sesshomaru's den.
"Who is it?" a voice growled. Sesshomaru.
"Mi'lord," Jaken answered, "I have a Lady Kagome here to see you."
I opened the door, finding Sesshomaru seated in a chair. He looked exactly the same. Of course, he wasn't wearing his armor and stuff anymore.
"Go find them Jaken," Sesshomaru commanded.
"Yes, mi'lord," Jaken replied, hurrying away.
"I haven't seen you in ages, Sesshomaru," I said.
"Of course it has been ages," he replied, his face showing no emotion, "what brings you here?"
"I need some help," I explained, "Naraku is alive. He took my daughter after he killed my parents. He wants the jewel and will kill her if I don't comply with his wishes."
There was a knock on the door.
"Bring them in," Sesshomaru called.
First came in Rin. She looked a lot older, about my height. Her black hair grew down to her waist. She had dog ears on top of her head, meaning that she was turned into a half demon. She still had her childish face and a look of innocence in her eyes.
Next came in Shippo. At first, I didn't recognize him. He grew a lot taller, taller than me, actually. He still had his short red hair and his fox tail. He looked more cuter than when I first saw him.
Lastly, came Inuyasha. He didn't change at all, except to grow even more beautiful. That's what I called Inuyasha and Sesshomaru, beautiful. I also called Yoko the same.
Yoko, Kurama. Please don't be mad at me for leaving.
"You guys!" I squealed, hugging each in turn.
"Inuyasha," I smiled at him, "Naraku is alive. It seems we were a bit careless in making sure that he was dead. He took Meilin, Inu. I need your help to get her back."
"I'm sorry, Kagome," he replied.
"Why?" I asked, shocked.
"For everything," he explained.
"And Kikyo?" I inquired.
"She's dead, Momma," Shippo explained, "She got killed by some demons a few years back."
"Sorry, Inu," I whispered as I hugged him again.
I turned and faced Sesshomaru.
"Here's what I need from you..." I started...
Kurama came in and found me in the room, crying like crazy.
"What's wrong, Kagome?" he asked. He sat beside me on the bed.
"Everything!" I sobbed, "I have a daughter, Inuyasha hates me, he tried to kill me, what am I going to do?"
"You do know that I am here for you, Kagome?" he asked me.
"Really?" I whispered.
"Yes," he replied, "Yoko and I are here. What this creep did to you, I hope he gets what he deserves. No one deserves to be put through this pain, not even you. I will be here for you; for you and your child."
I looked up at him. He really does care for me.
We both do, kitten a voice purred. Yoko.
Kitten. I like the sound of that.
Kurama held me and kisses me. He wiped the tears from my eyes. I rested my head on his shoulder. We just sat there, wondering what the world would bring.
*End Flashback*
A/NThere you have it. Another beautifully well written chapter if I do say so myself.Kurama and Kagome mate, but I won't bewriting the details. I'm sure you can imagine it. Next chapter iscoming real soon, tomorrow I hope. Until then, read and review please.