Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moaning to Wake the Dead ❯ Moaning to Wake the Dead ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own either Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho
The strangest mission ever - He had died of old age, which was strange for youkai and even stranger for hanyou. Hiei watched the human he had been ordered to escort to the Makai cry and clutch the red clothing Lord Sesshoumaru gave her. She leaned over and gently kissed the lined face. “Goodbye, Inuyasha. It wasn't meant to be.” Then she took a bow from a red-haired kitsune and aimed it. Miko-ki stronger than any Hiei had felt powered the arrow, which flew towards the hanyou and purified his body into dust. “A miko who was friends with youkai?” Definitely the strangest mission ever.
Hiei watched her drinking more mead and getting drunker. Who knew Inu youkai celebrated funerals of family with food and drink? She was definitely tipsy. Frankly, it was a wonder she wasn't dead herself from the mead. It was made from the honey of Makai wasps. He raised an eyebrow as she approached him. “Hi. Are you really the Reikai lapdog? Sesshoumaru says you are.” Hiei growled. “I do not have to see you safely back to the Ningenkai.” “But you will. You have pretty eyes.” He stared as she just smiled at him and took another drink of mead.
Daadddy… Mama's being mean to me. Hiei looked singularly unimpressed. At Sasuke's age he had lost count of the number of his kills. The word “mean” would have been too gentle to register. “What did you do, Sasuke?” Sasuke looked down at the ground. “Nothing.” “Sasuke, get back here this instant or I'll give your butt a pink hand and put you in the corner until the three worlds combine.” “What did you do?” Hiei heard a shriek followed immediately by another. “Now we get to explain to Yusuke how his daughter got her hair cut by fire,” Kagome said.
Yusuke's 5 year old came around the house at a dead run. Hiei grinned. Her hair was half long and half short. The smell of burning filled the air. “My hair, wahhh.” “Big baby moaner. Akiko's a big baby moaner - moaney baby.” “SPIRIT GUN.” Hiei watched in shock as his son disappeared in light. When it faded Sasuke was on his butt but sitting up. He looked singed around the edges. Akiko blew imaginary smoke off her finger. Hiei looked up at Yusuke's deep laugh. “See, Keiko, any daughter of mine will definitely be able to take care of herself.”