Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Never say: It can't get any worse ❯ When it comes together ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'M SO SORRY! I know I was supposed to work on 'I am woman, Hear me roar!' but I got sidetracked by this chapter . . . it just wouldn't let me stop typing!!!! ;-;

This chapter will be confusing. All will be answered next chapter. --' I know it's not as good anymore . . . my writing quality is deteriorating.

Once again I'd like to inform you about the fact that I don't have a beta reader. I don't want one. So my spelling and grammar are all screwed up.

Well . . . okay . . . some people don't like Shippo and some do. I am one of the latter. So if you don't like Shippo then . . . . . don't read this story. shrugs



Defafaeth Mechqua AKA Amethyst

Never say: It can't get any worse.

Chapter 10: When it all comes together.


Shippo looked around fidgeting worriedly as he and Yusuke walked deeper into the woods. "I hope we find mama soon." The fox murmured.

Yusuke patted the boy on the head. "Don't worry kiddo. We'll find yer ma."

"I hope so Yusuke. I hope so."


Kagome bit her lip as she stared at the rope suspending her fellow human being upside down. "Oh . . . . . what do I do?" She said nervously. "If I touch the rope the black fire will hurt Kuwabara!"

Hiei blinked from his leafy perch high above the human girl's head. Hurt Kuwabara? Yes that was part of the spell he placed on the orange head but why wasn't she damaged? The spell should've knocked her unconscious for trying to free the baka.

"Umm . . . Uh . . . kuso (1)! What do I do? Hey! Kuwabara who did this to you anyway?!" Kagome called out.

". . . . . ." Kuwabara was out cold. The cats were feeding from him once more.

"Shimatta (2)! How do I counteract the spell on the rope?" She murmured with a sigh. She closed her eyes with her brows furrowed in concentration.

\\"Bro! Hey small fry!" I called out into my home. "Hi where are you!?" I called again as I took off my sandals and placed them carefully away.

"'Ome!?" I feminine voice called back.

"Sanga? Is that you?"

A black haired girl of eleven with disarrayed bangs poked her head out into the hallway with a grin. "Hey 'Ome! Come on in! Hi's gonna do this cool spell!" She said.

"WHAT?!" I cried out in surprise. "He isn't supposed to perform spells when there's no one supervising!"

My brother poked his head out above Sanga's head. "That's why I waited for you! If this spell goes wrong I don't get the blame." He explained calmly. "Welcome home Ka'ome."

I smiled gently and replied. "Well at least you waited."

"Of course!!" They chirped in unison before ducking back into the room.

I chuckled as I entered the living room. In the middle of it was a low table with a small wooden puppet, a long coarse rope and a book with a large violet eye on the cover. Hi sat on one side with Sanga seated beside him. "So what is this spell by the way?" I asked the other two as I took a seat.

My brother opened the book and flipped through it. "A variant of a restraining spell. This spell is cast on the rope so that it causes the person tied to the rope excruciating pain when someone touches the rope. It also renders the person who touched the rope unconscious until the spell caster chooses to awaken the person. Very handy for villains for those rescuing type situations where you want the hero to think you're an idiot for not having a lot of guards around to guard the kidnapped person or such and such."

The girl across from me sighed. "He wanted to test it out with a live bird and a squirrel." She said accusingly as she poked his head. "Sometimes I wonder why I'm even with him sometimes!"

"Be-cau-se you lo-ve me Sanga!" Hi said in a sing song voice.

Sanga sighed in aggravation, "Love-hate relationship!" She exclaimed. "I don't know what do to with him anymore."

"Well I know plenty of things you could do with me . . ." He said slyly wiggling his brows.

I tilted my head to the side and asked. "What things?"

My brother grinned. "Well in the shower, for example - "


Hi rubbed the large lump on his head and groaned in pain as a furious Sanga loomed over him with her hand balled into a fist. "Oooooww! What was that for Sa-chan!?" Hi asked in a wounded voice.

Sanga glared, "You've already corrupted my pure and innocent soul. I shall not have you destroy your sisters you conniving demon!" She growled.

The spiky haired boy grinned. "That's why I love you so much." He sighed contentedly. "You're the only girl - aside from mama and Ka'ome - that can hit me so hard and fast that it would be impossible for me to dodge it in time. Why when we grow old and decrepit together I bet you'll still be able to hit me as hard as you do!"

She shook her head. "No we won't Hi." She murmured wistfully. "I'll grow old and decrepit. You on the other hand will retain your youth for centuries to come then as I wither away in my old age you will leave me."

Hi glared. "No I won't! I won't leave you! I love you . . . you know that!" He growled.

A sigh. "Sure Hi. Whatever makes you happy." Sanga murmured sadly.

"Why do you think I'm taking the fucking mage thing!?" Hi glowered darkly. "It's hard as hell especially for ones born without the 'maje majik'. I'm taking it so I can find a spell to prolong your life! It's been done! I can cast it on you and - "

"Don't be foolish Hi. Prolonged life would only be a curse without prolonged youth. I would live forever but I would fade away into nothingness as my body aged and deteriorated to dust. Eternal youth can not be majiked - only a god give such a gift and only to those whom deserve it."

Hi glared at the table. He grabbed his mage book and started flipping through it furiously.

"Ah! Sanga! By the way. Has Maru come home yet?" I asked trying to change the subject.

Sanga shook her head. "Nope! Or else we'd've asked him to supervise us."

"Oh. By the way how is Miroko's foot, Sanga?"

"Much better! One sip of Sessho's beef stew and he just felt just fine."

"That's great. Do you know where Matsuko or Kiyoshi is by the by?"

Sanga nodded. "Hai (3). Don't you remember? They went on the continent with Higurashi and Minamino."

"Oh yeah!"

"A Ha! Found it!" Hi exclaimed gleefully. The boy was always so easy to distracted.

Sanga reached out and curled a lock of her boyfriend's black hair around her finger. "Found what?"

"The spell for the rope thing." My brother said. He took Sanga's hand and brought it to his lips to kiss the back of her hand - then flipped it over and licked her palm.

The raven-haired girl snatched her hand back then gave him a dry look as she held her hand in front of her. "I shall forever cherish the saliva you licked out into my palm koibito (4)." She said dryly.

Hi laughed. He swooped over to give her a peck on the cheek. "I'm glad you feel that way sekushi (5)." He said grinning in a charming yet boyish manner.

"Ergh!" Sanga growled. "Stop that! You're such a jerk! You won't even let me mad at you!" She huffed.

I giggled. "Hi I'm really sorry but I have a test tomorrow too and I really have to study so . . ."

"Oh! Sorry nee-chan (6)! Don't worry this'll only take a sec." He said apologetically. He took the rope and started chanting. "Sysumie Zavian Vebeini Quia Wenxellos!" A flash. Then the rope started to burn black; Hi tied the rope around the puppet and as soon as he completed the knot the fire dispersed into thin air. "Yes! I did right!" He exclaimed happily. "Now I need someone to touch it! Oh I know! Wait for me while I get a squirrel!" He bounded towards an open window and vaulted out into the yard.

"Wha?! I thought we agreed on no squirrels!" Sanga grumbled in annoyance.

"He should go through the door next - Sa? What are you doing?" I asked as she reached to grab the rope. Before I could do anything she had already grasped the rope and a coil black fire wrapped around the bear and herself. The puppet got singed black whilst Sanga fell into a dead faint.

A thunk brought my attention back to the window. "Hey I got the - WHAT THE!? SANGA!!!!!" Hi cried. He dropped the struggling squirrel in his hand and dashed over to his fallen girlfriend. "Sa! Sa!" He turned to me with a glare. "Why didn't you stop her?!"

"I'm sorry Hi. But there was nothing I could do." I said apologetically. I smiled encouragingly, I was confident that my brother could reverse the spell.

"Ergh. Oh well I had to practice the removal spell anyway." He muttered. Laying down the fallen girl carefully onto the floor, he turned towards the puppet, placed a hand to hover over the rope and started a new chant. "Kyune Smeqlima Krywelon Aivaz!"

We waited and waited. But nothing happened.

"What the - ?! Isn't that the incantation to remove the spell?" Hi growled in frustration.

I scratched my head then took the mage book and read the passage over. "Hhhmm . . . It doesn't say what the removal spell is. Oh I know! Let me try something!"

Hi nodded his head, the picked up Sanga's still form and held her tightly to himself gently. "Start whenever."

I nodded back and then turned to the rope. I held my hand above it then chanted. "Sollenew Auq Inibev Naivaz Eimuss!"//


"Oi! Hold still! This won't hurt a bit!" Inuyasha barked at the Souten's squirming dragon. The hanyou whipped out a wicked looking blade and grinned. "Not a bit."

"AAAAHHHH!!! SOUTEN!!! HEEEEEEELP!!!" Koryuu screamed thrashing against the ropes holding him down.

"Don't worry Koryuu! It'll hurt like hell for only a few minutes." Souten cooed gently stroking the dragon's scaly forehead. "Don't you worry. I'll make it up to you. I promise!"


Kagome's eyes snapped open, she shook her head and walked half-asleep towards the rope coiled innocently around the tree. She placed a hand upon the coarse rope and opened her mouth.


The miko turned towards a familiar figure trotting towards her. "Hey Sango." Kagome said dropping her hand to her side.

The taijiya stopped before the priestess and looked quizzically at the suspended man hanging covered in fish products suspended from a rope under a pit of starved looking cats whom were clawing at the said man. Sango blinked. "Um . . . What is he . . . ?"

"Oh that. I don't really know how that happened but I found him there. Although hew was conscious when I first came across him . . . but then I touched the rope and black fire slid up the rope and hurt the big guy. I just don't know what to do . . ." Kagome said trailing off.

"Hhhmm . . . Let me try . . ." Sango murmured rubbing her chin she reached out and touched the rope. Black fire coiled around the rope then traveled up the coil and seemingly squeezed the orange haired man (he screamed in pain), at the same time Sango fell back into a dead faint.

"Sango!" Kagome cried reaching for the fallen taijiya. "Sango!" She cried shaking her friend.

Up in the trees Hiei closed his eyes when a searing pain nearly fried his brain.

\\I grabbed a nearby squirrel with ease and shook my head sadly as the small fur ball tried to escape my grasp. "Sorry small fry. Nothing against you." I said apologetically. "But this is all in the name of majik!"

I walked back to the window I jumped out of slowly. Why did Sanga have to say all that stuff?! Why'd she have to be so pessimistic?! I'd NEVER leave her! Not for all the power in the world, not for my own life. Stop loving her indeed! Yeah right, I'll stop loving her all right. I'll stop loving her the day after Never! I scowled then jumped back into the open window. "Hey I got the - WHAT THE!? SANGA!!!!!" I cried. I dropped the struggling squirrel in my hand and dashed over to Sanga. "Sa! Sa!" I turned to my calm sister with a glare. "Why didn't you stop her?!" I growled.

"I'm sorry Hi. But there was nothing I could do." She said apologetically. But she still was smiling that damned encouraging smile she always smiled when she thought she knew I could do something. She wasn't in the least unnerved by the fact that Sanga was unconscious. She probably didn't even know I'd never even tried the spell out - much less the counteracting spell. Dammit it all to hell and back.

"Ergh. Oh well I had to practice the removal spell anyway." I muttered roughly to cover up my own nervousness. I was scared. What if I said the spell wrong?! Laying down the fallen girl carefully onto the floor, I turned towards the puppet, placed a hand to hover over the rope. I was so scared. What if I pronounced a syllable wrong? One wrong syllable and I just might as well drown myself for all that matters. I looked over at the book and studied it before I started a new chant. "Kyune Smeqlima Krywelon Aivaz!"

We waited and waited. But nothing happened. I was hyperventilating inside. What did I do wrong? She should be awake! Did I pronounce something wrong? Oh no! Kyune was pronounced Kun! Or was it Key-un? Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap. What did I do wrong!? "What the - ?! Isn't that the incantation to remove the spell?" I growled in frustration. I KILLED MY BELOVED!!!!

Damn sister. Ka'ome only scratched her head then took my mage book and read the passage over. "Hhhmm . . . It doesn't say what the removal spell is. Oh I know! Let me try something!" She asked with pleading eyes. My sister naturally had what mages called the 'maje majik'. A natural majik force all mages had - well not all. There were some mages who don't have it but can still create majik. They just have to work ten times as harder as regular mages do.

I nodded my head, the picked up Sanga's still form and held her tightly to myself gently. "Start whenever." I murmured.

She nodded back and then turned to the rope. She held her hand above it then chanted. "Sollenew Auq Inibev Naivaz Eimuss!"

Oh shit.//


Sesshomaru looked down the corridor and walked down his threshold bored to death - well that would be one's assumption if one looked at his face but one can't really tell when looking at his glacier-like façade. Deep down inside though he wanted to take two of his clawed fingers, sink them through his eyes sockets and stir up the contents in his brain till he got lucky and cut off the nerve responsible for thinking.

You're not still looking for your brother are you? Angel Rin asked floating up to his nose with her 'I'm-so-innocent-there-is-NO-way-you-can-resist-me-so-just-do-as-I-say-and- spare-yourself-the-humilliation' look.

=My Lord Sesshomaru!= Devil Jaken squawked shoving Angel Rin to the side. =Violence is a very good way to solve your - !=

HIYA! The little Rin shouted as she kicked Jaken out of the way. MEANIE! BLEGH! She stuck out her tongue then hid behind the side of Sesshomaru's nose when the green toad flew back growling.

Sesshomaru mentally sighed. He was going crazy. Then suddenly he stopped mid-step and faced the west, which meant that he had to pivot to his right side. The taiyoukai closed his eyes.

\\"Sollenew Auq Inibev Naivaz Eimuss!" Were the words I heard when I arrived at my domicile. My eyes widened in fear before I flew to the living room, I slammed the shoji screen open and burst in - it was just as I feared.

The spirits of the undead circled the room cackling and shrieking the songs of the undead while a powerful wind spiraled around in a contained tornado. The deafening song raged in a furious tempo, which swirled around the room like a whirlpool, full of the savage dead whom refused to acknowledge their cease of existence in the physical plain. The room was as dark as and seventh pit of hell but through the darkness I could make out the huddled forms of Ka'ome, Hiei and Sanga in the middle of the room crouching low - It looked to me that Sanga was unconscious. Hiei and Ka'ome had their heads ducked down so as not to look into the eyes of the damned dead and be possessed by their maddened souls. Since I wasn't inside the storm of crazed spirits I couldn't see spirts' eyes.

"KA'OME!" I shouted. It was futile the raging call of the undead swept my words away as soon as I opened my mouth. "Shimatta!" I cursed. I got on my fours, closed my eyes and with all the dignity I could muster crawled gracefully towards the trio in the middle, scratch that! There is NOTHING dignified about crawling.

Spirits swirled around me angrily shouting in my ear, cursing me and swearing threats should I decide to help the three in the middle. I continued crawling forward, I took a risk and opened my eyes then looked up briefly to see if I was going in the right direction. I was. I quickly closed my eyes and lowered my face to the ground moving forward with all the haste that I could muster while enduring the fierce sting of my hair whipping in my face. Note to self: Get a hair cut.

Finally, after an eternity I reached the three. I took Ka'ome into my arms then drew Hiei and Sanga near. To their credit neither of the two conscious were startled by my appearance. From inside my coat pocket I drew my polished sliver-gold flute, placing it to my lips I started to play.//

Sesshomaru jerked back to reality. He blinked and backed up two steps before jumping out the window in search for something he couldn't remember.


Hiei jumped down from his hidden branch in the tree with supple grace. He didn't know why but for some reason he didn't like seeing Sango unconscious. It made him nervous for some reason. The speed demon approached the tree where rope was and placed a hand to hover over it before saying, "Kyune Smeqlima Krywelon Aivaz!"

He waited. Nothing happened. The demon blinked in surprise. /What did I do wrong? She should be awake! Did I pronounce something wrong? Oh no! Kyune was pronounced Kun! Or was it Key-un? Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap. What did I do wrong!?/ "What the - ?! Isn't that the incantation to remove the spell?" He growled in frustration. /I KILLED MY BELOVED!!!!/ Hiei shook his head confusion written all over her face. Where did those thoughts come from?

Atsume - no - Ka'ome - no - Kagome walked up beside Hiei and held up her hand. And said in a ringing voice, "Sollenew Auq Inibev Naivaz Eimuss!"

Sesshomaru burst out of the bushes with Youko trailing in his wake whom was shortly followed by Kouga and proceeded by a Inuyasha (who had blood in his hair on a side note).

The spirits of the undead circled the center of the clearing cackling and shrieking the songs of the undead while a powerful wind spiraled around in a contained tornado. The deafening song raged in a furious tempo, which swirled around the room like a whirlpool, full of the savage dead whom refused to acknowledge their cease of existence in the physical plain. The sky clouded over so that it was as dark as and seventh pit of hell but through the darkness they could make out the huddled forms of Kagome, Hiei and Sango in the middle of the grassy plane crouching low - It looked to them that Sango was unconscious. Hiei and Kagome had their heads ducked down so as not to look into the eyes of the damned dead and be possessed by their maddened souls. Since they weren't inside the storm of crazed spirits they couldn't see the spirits' eyes.

Sesshomaru stumbled forward. "KAGOME!" He shouted. It was futile the raging call of the undead swept his words away as soon as he opened my mouth. "Shimatta!" he cursed. He got on my fours, closed his eyes and with all the dignity he could muster crawled gracefully towards the trio in the middle, scratch that! There is NOTHING dignified about crawling.

Kouga and Inuyasha made to follow but Youko grabbed his arm. The wolf looked down impatiently but the kitsune (7) just looked up and said, "I don't know how he isn't being ripped apart by the spirit wind but I do know that if you follow you just might die and that won't do any good for your people."

Kouga growled but stayed put.

Spirits swirled around him angrily shouting in Sesshomaru's ear, cursing him and swearing threats should he decide to help the three in the middle. He continued crawling forward, he took a risk and opened his eyes then looked up briefly to see if he was going in the right direction. He was. He quickly closed his eyes and lowered his face to the ground moving forward with all the haste that he could muster while enduring the fierce sting of his hair whipping in his face. 'Note to self: Get a hair cut.' Sesshomaru thought.

Finally, after an eternity he reached the three. He took Kagome into his arms then drew Hiei and Sango near. To their credit neither of the two conscious were startled by his appearance. From inside his kimono he drew a polished sliver-gold flute, placing it to his lips he started to play.


1 Kuso = Dammit! / Shit!

2 Shimatta = Damn!

3 Hai = Yes (primarily anyway).

4 Koibito = Lover, boyfriend/girlfriend.

5 Sekushi = Sexy (I'm not sure if I used it right though --').

6 Nee-chan = Informal form of big sister.

7 Kitsune = Fox.