Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ No Reason ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.
No Reason
Chapter Two
Yusuke was pissed. Well, actually, that's a major understatement. Botan had awoken him up early - eleven am - insisting that he had to get up for a mission. It was the bloody summer and he was waking up at eleven, how horrible is that? Anyway, Botan woke him up and he had to go see Lord Koenma. Pft, some Lord, he was a toddler for God's sake! Okay, but besides waking up at eleven, he was also planning on seeing his friend, a girl who is also his friend, not to be mistaken with `girlfriend'. But his plans were ruined and he wasn't even allowed to call her.
Botan rounded up the gang and they all headed to Koenma's office. Once there, Yusuke barged in and demanded what Koenma wanted. Well almost…
“What do you… Kagome?” The girl, now known as Kagome, looked up.
“Yus-kun? What are you doing here?”
“Me? What are you doing here?”
“Ahh, just in time. Please, take a seat everyone.”
“Koenma…” The other woman said with a growl.
“Shush, I'll get to that in a minute.”
“Shush yourself, toddler.” Kagome defended her friend.
“Kags, who is that?”
“Oh! Yus-kun, this is-“
“My name is Midoriko, I'm Kagome's mother, nice to meet you. Now Koenma-“
“Mother? But she-“
“Yus-kun, shut up. She's my real mother, God, you can be irritating sometimes.”
“Okay, everyone, calm down. Lady Kagome, Lady Midoriko, meet my Reikai Tentei. Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei. Now that that's settled…”
“We were going to talk about Naraku and how you reincarnated him.”
“Yes, yes, I know. You blame me for everything and I told you; it was an accident!”
“Blah, blah, blah. Why did you bring your Reikai Tentei?”
“So they can help of course.”
“Look, toddler,” Kagome started, “we just need to see Fluff-kins and we're set. You can make them accompany us if you seriously want to, but I'd prefer if they didn't.”
“Actually, this mission is optional.” Everyone looked up when Koenma said that.
“Optional?” Kurama asked.
“You'll be dealing with a very powerful demon. He's known as Naraku and you now know that I accidentally reincarnated him. He's trying to take over the three worlds.”
“Huh, so you admit it?” Koenma rolled his eyes at Kagome's statement.
“This mission may take a lot longer than any other mission, it took Lady Kagome and her friends-“
“They are no longer my friends and that was also because of the Shikon.”
“Acquaintances, three years. Except this time, he's got more power and tricks up his sleeves.”
“Optional, eh...?” Yusuke muttered. All of them were contemplating this thought. “Well, I'm in.” Kagome looked at him, her Yus-kun was going to get hurt she knew it. She frowned slightly.
“Me too.” The Reikai Tentei looked at Kurama and then they looked at Hiei, wondering what his response would be.
“Hn, yes.” And then as if they were forced, they looked at Kuwabara.
“Are you accepting or not?”
“Personally,” Koenma said, “I think one of you should at least keep the lesser demons at bay while the others are out. We could ask some of my contacts to help of course. So, would you like to do that, Kuwabara?”
“Great.” Midoriko said. “That makes five of us!”
“Yay?” Kagome asked. “Whatever, we have to see Fluff-kins!”
“Who's this `Fluff-kins' you talk about?” Kurama asked.
“Oh, sorry. He doesn't like when I call him that, but it's a habit. His real name is-“ By the time Kagome had started her explanation, they were going through the portal to Makai. By the time she was actually going to tell them `Fluff-kins' real name, he was standing in front of them.
“Sesshomaru?” Kurama asked.
“Fluff-kins!” Kagome squealed and ran up to the unsuspecting taiyoukai to give him a hug.
“Kagome, what have I told you about that horrid name?”
“Not to call you it in public, blah, blah, blah.”
“Precisely. Now, who are they?” He asked distastefully.
“Well, Koenma decided that his Reikai Tentei have an optional mission so only three of them came. But they're Yusuke, Kurama, and Hiei. And you already know `Riko.”
“Mmm, now, explain to me what is going on.”
“Well, the toddler reincarnated Naraku. Yes, we're all mad Flu- Sesshomaru, but the toddler's under qualified and extremely naive. So now we're hunting him down.”
“Do you have any idea where he would be?”
“I'm going to assume somewhere in Makai in a barrier scheming his petty schemes.”
“Most likely. You should be on your way.” He stated and they turned and left.
“Bye Fluff-kins!” Kagome yelled out and waved to the stoic taiyoukai.
As soon as they had left his property, Yusuke turned to Kagome and asked, “What was the point of coming here?”
“I had to warn Fluff-kins.”
“Whatever, so how are we supposed to find this Norku dude?”
“Naraku and I'll search him out.”
“How?” Kurama asked, curiously.
“Well, I need `Riko's help.” With that said she turned to Midoriko and gave her the puppy eyes. “You know you want to!!”
“I don't have a choice in the matter, Kags.”
“Yay! Wait… yeah, YAY! Okay, so we're nice and secluded? Yes, well, if any youkai attack, kill `em for us!” The boys nodded to the seated women.
Kagome unleashed her powers, all barriers gone. So did Midoriko who was sitting across from her. Kagome's pink and blue energy swirled around her and Midoriko's pale purple and sky blue swirled around her form. They sent their powers out, searching for barriers or miasma. Basically anything that had essence of Naraku all over it. They finally felt it coming from the East. They carefully brought their powers back to themselves and put their barriers up. They opened their eyes, which glowed for a bit, and looked around.
The dark form sitting on a throne like chair sat up and gasped. The pure powers that had just swept over him- now, it couldn't be… Yet, it was. `Midoriko, so you finally decide to show yourself, huh? This is what you get for locking me in that damn jewel for too long.' He looked over at his new ally.
“So, Naraku, they've come looking for us.”
“Indeed they have, Kaishi, indeed they have.”
“Shall we toy with them?”
“But of course.”
As you have undoubtedly noticed, it's not a songfic… unless I find a song I like and change this one… Or if someone recommends the song!!! *looks at reader menacingly* You know you wanna… And you must've noticed I'm changing some things… okay, they're subtle things, but still! It's being half-rewritten… not many things being changed.
Ooh! And you can still vote peoples! ((Current poll at current chapter!))
Kag/Kur? Kag/Yus? Kag/Hiei? Kur/Hiei ? Maybe an OC with someone? I totally forgot about Fluff-kins and Midoriko! They'd make a nice pair… hmm… meh, VOTE or I'll eat you…! :D