Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Old Friends in Old & New Places ❯ Talks ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

BKB: Thank you for all the reviews! I would like to ask you to please tell me if you find any errors that they're might be. Since I'm still not sure of the pairing, tell me your ideas, but right now I'm leaning towards a Kagome x Kurama pairing. If you have any complaints, or you just want to chat, my AIM sn is FireyxLunarVixen. I could use the company. WXR let go of my muse!! I need him * takes wolf*!! Here take the cat birdie!*hands over cat* Other people pay no mind to that. Well please R&R!


Disclaimer: I don't own YYH or Inuyasha, so you no sue.




"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" Inuyasha yelled as he saw a kitsune near Kagome and Sango, who were still in the hot spring.

"Damn, he beat me to it," Miroku muttered from behind Inuyasha, and the said hanyou snorted in discust, at the both of them.

"I haven't done anything wrong," Youko said calmly, and added a `yet' in his head.

"Yeah right you peeping tom! Didn't your mother ever teach you it's bad to watch girls while their bathing?" Kagome snorted disdainfully.

"Oh, so you can speak quietly, I was beginning to think you could only below out words," Youko said as a come back, which seem to only infuriate the girl further.

"Kagome, we can kick his ass after we get some clothes on," Sango said, gritting out the words.

"Really? Do you have to get clothes on? I, myself like the view very much." Youko smirked, as they both turned bright red.

"I'd have to agree with you," Miroku said, grinning like a madman.

"Grrrr!! Miroku, shut the hell up!" Inuyasha said still very pissed off.

"Why should he? He and I were just agreeing with each other that the view was great." Youko smirked, as Inuyasha's ears twitched.

Wait a minute ears? But by the sent of him he's an inu youkai, but they never have ears. Then that must mean, he's a hanyou!! Youko thought surprised, but hid it carefully behind his smirk.

"Who cares, you're a dead youkai!" Inuyasha yelled and lunged at Youko with full intent of murdering him.

"Wait! Don't kill him Inuyasha!" A small squeaky voice yelled out.

"Huh?" Inuyasha stopped in mid lunge, and looked over to where the voice was coming from.

That was when he saw Shippo heading towards the fight, on some other youkai's shoulder. Youko had no idea what Kurounue was doing here, and decided to attack the hanyou, while its attention was elsewhere. So, Youko snapped his rose whip out, giving Inuyasha only a moment to protect himself from the coming attack. Luckily for Inuyasha, that was all he needed to use his sword to block the attack that could have been fatal.

"Youko! Stop it!" Kurounue yelled, who was thoroughly pissed and embarrassed at this time.

"Why should I? I was just coming over here to-" Youko began but was cut off by Kurounue.

"To peep on those girls," Kurounue replied, and Youko shut up, knowing that with Kurounue pissed it would be bad to get on his bad side.

"Inuyahsa, don't hurt them!" Shippo cried latching on to Inyasha's shoulder.

"Why not??!!" Inuyasha yelled frustrated.

"Because we should talk about something before you decided to rid Youko of his head," Kurounue said, his eyes landing on where Kagome and Sango were, and blushed bright red, and turned his back to them.

"Uh huh," Shippo agreed, with Youko snickering in the background.

"Well then, why don't we go to camp then. Come on Kagome-sama, Sango-chan," Miroku began.

"WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE SO WE CAN GET DRESSED??!!" Sango yelled, absolutely furious.

"Why don't we just go?" Kurounue sighed exasperated, and embarrassed still.

"Alright, follow me. Kagome, Sango hurry it up," Inuyasha gritted out.

The guys left, Shippo jumping on his usual place to go on, Miroku's shoulder. As soon as they left, Kagome and Sango got dressed and headed back towards the campsite not saying a single word, for Kagome looked like she would kill this Youko guy.

When they got back to the campsite, they were surprised to see Inuyasha hanging from some nearby vines, with the tetsusaiga drawn, and was struggling to get out. Sango snorted, and Kagome wasn't sure if she should be pissed or laugh out loud, but either way, her anger diminished a little, a very little.

Youko looked over at the girls as they entered, both looked confused, until one of them snorted, and the other only smiled a little, but still looked thoroughly pissed. On the way to the campsite, Kurounue explained telepathically to him what was going on, and was surprised to see the one with the great pair of lungs was the surrogate mother. It was then Kurounue said that he should respect her, and he also said that the kit said that his okaa-san had a very bad temper, and it would be almost suicide to anger her, and the prayer beads around Inuyasha's neck proved it.

Shippo was sitting next to a tree between Kurounue and Miroku, looking quite confused and excited. HE couldn't decide whether to laugh at Inuyasha's helplessness, jump for joy at finding his real parents' old friends, or to go to sleep, because he was tired. In the end he launch himself at Kagome, who caught him, and just stayed there resting, but not sleeping.

Miroku was sitting down his back leaning against a tree, too lost in thought to notice the girls' arrival. He was wondering what these two youkai had to do with them, and hoped that they weren't some of Naraku's minions, after all the silver kitsune was very powerful.

Kurounue was also lost in thought, but a bit more aware of his surroundings. He was leaning up against a tree, wondering what Youko was thinking. He hoped that Youko wouldn't do anything stupid.

All attention was drawn to Kagome as she went up to Inuyasha and tried to help him out, her head was down, so no one could tell if she was angry or happy. Kagome saw that the vines wouldn't let go of Inuyasha if you tried to unwrap them, so she decided to try a different approach. Everyone watched in interest of what she was going to do.

"Osuwari," Kagome stated, calmly, as only the calm before a storm could, and down Inuyasha fell, the vines couldn't hold him up, so he landed with his face in the dirt.

"Damnit wench! Why'd you do that?" Inuyasha could barely make out as his face was stuck in a war of the tongues.

"Inuyasha," came Kagome's too calm to be good voice, and he looked around for help, his eyes landing on Miroku, who in turned sighed.

"Ah, Kagome-sama?" Miroku tentatively asked.

"Yes, Miroku-sama?" Kagome said tiredly, but she was still pissed off, and everyone could tell.

"Maybe it would be best to, ah, leave Inuyasha alone, and deal with the task at hand?" Miroku asked carefully choosing his words.

"Very well then," Kagome sighed, turning her gaze to Kurounue and Youko.

"Why don't we start with introductions?" Kurounue suggested.

"I suppose you already met Shippo-chan, well, the inu hanyou is Inuyasha, the woman holding Shippo is Kagome-chan, the monk over there is Miroku-sama, and I am Sango," Sango said.

"I am Kurounue, and this is my friend Youko Kurama. I apologize for his earlier actions," Kurounue replied.

"Why were you peeping on us in the first place?" Kagome asked, anger coming back as she remembered the incident.

"Well, I smelt you two and decided, that you might want some help cleaning yourself?" Youko responded, and seeing what she did to this Inuyasha, he didn't want to know what she could do to him.

Kurounue hit Youko on the head, for being an idiot, and Kagome and Sango were shaking in rage. Shippo had fled from Kagome's arms, and was on Miroku's shoulder.

"I'm sorry bout that, its just his mental condition, he's had it for centuries," Kurounue said trying to get them both out of there alive.

"Mental condition? He's a damn pervert!!" Sango yelled, and Inuyasha was grinning like a madman, they were going to get it.

"Ah, maybe we should get to the subject as to why you guys are still here?" Miroku suggested, it seemed the two perverts had formed a bond, and Kurounue was stuck in the middle of it, but was grateful. Shippo decided that it was safe now to return to Kagome's arms.

"We were looking for someone," Youko said.

"And, what exactly does that have to do with us?" Inuyasha asked suspiciously.

"Because this someone is with you guys. Shippo is the son of two of our friends, we didn't know of their passing until recently, and so we went out to look for him," Kurounue explained.

"Is this true Shippo-chan?" Kagome asked.

"Uh huh, my otou-san told me what they looked like, and they meet the description!" Shippo said excitedly.

"What do you plan on doing now that you've found Shippo-chan?" Sango asked, sitting with Kirara in her lap.

"We planed on taking him with us of course," Youko said.

"No," Kagome said.

"You can't do anything about it," Youko argued with her.

"What makes you think I cant?" Kagome questioned, standing up and putting Shippo behind her.

"You're nothing but a mere human, that's why," Youko sneered.

"And your nothing but a mere youkai," Kagome challenged, reaching for her bow and arrows.

"I'll have you know I'm the best thief there is!" Youko growled, his pride wounded, and he saw what she was doing, and started to use a plant to stop her from getting the weapon.

"That's even worse!" Kagome yelled.

She grabbed her bow faster than the eye could see and shot an arrow past Youko at the kugustu (does anyone know how to spell that, because I'm not sure it's Naraku's demon puppet.) of Naraku that was behind him, disintegrating it. Everyone stared at it in shock for a minute, and then the attack began.