Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaying History In More Than One Way ❯ Stories of the Past and Present ( Chapter 18 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Tbiris: So, here's chapter 18. Hope you like it
18- Stories of the Past and the Present

Everyone from Sengoku Jidai and some others hung on Kagome's every word.was watching the fourth match, and the name caught my attention. Urameshi, which I had been told of beforehand by Yusuke's girlfriend, whom he fears."hits hard," Yusuke muttered. There were quite a few chuckles.looked at him and I saw Sango behind him."

Flashback $-

A shape-shifter mimicked Yusuke, hairstyle and all. Yusuke twitched the sight of his 'twin'.one's mine." Yusuke cracked his knuckles in anticipation. There was only one slight difference between the two combatants when they stepped up into the ring. One had wings. The wings proved to be a bit of a problem, however, he was nothing compared to Jin. For one, he didn't have his own special attacks. In fact it looked like he couldn't manage any spiritual attacks. Yusuke kept attacking him with his shotgun, to no avail.
time Yusuke threw a punch, the shape-shifter dodged and countered. Finally, Yusuke managed to land a punch on his right arm. The shape-shifter froze for a second, before changing into Hiei. Of course, it was nothing compared to the real Hiei. Yusuke hit the demon with several shotguns before the shape-shifter realized that it would lose if it continued to stay in that form (I'm not insulting Hiei!!!) Yusuke hit its arm again, and it froze, for a longer time than before. Then Yusuke had an idea; he hit its arm again before charging a rei gun. The attack was successful in destroying the demon. Yusuke searched in the crowd, looking for a certain someone. He saw Keiko sitting between the girl and Shizuru. He winked at her and flashed the victory sign; a blush reddened her face and gave Yusuke a feeling of accomplishment.

End Flashback $-

"Afterwards, it was Hiei against his father, that was a battle between family. It wasn't very pleasant to watch." Hiei snorted.was actually quite pleasing to kill him." Hiei looked at the sky. "My life wasn't and isn't the best, growing up in Makai with no parents" Hiei closed his eyes. "Yes, it was like growing up as a hanyou Inu Yasha." Inu Yasha jumped up, startled.
Is he like damn Goshinki?!" Inu Yasha cursed. Sesshoumaru shook his head.is no natural ability amongst ice nor fire apparitions to read minds." Kagome shrugged.saved my life, though."a Jagan," was the curt reply. Sesshoumaru looked slightly surprised.that so I've heard that the operation itself kills more than the Jagan." His repect for Hiei had grown a few notches after hearing that he had lived through the operation and lived to use it.
match was won through pure luck and Kurama is the best actor I've seen for a while. After the match ended, I went to talk to them."the idiot of the group started to ramble about his stupid honor code about not hurting girls and that they all need protecting," Yusuke added.shut him up pretty fast." Kurama chuckled.rosary, eh?" Inu Yasha asked. Kuwabara nodded grimly.hurt like hell, especially if she uses it regularly." Kuwabara nodded, in complete agreement.TO CURRENT DISCUSSION PLEASE!" Kuwabara and Inu Yasha immediately shut their mouths.
decided that one of them should check if I was capable of protecting myself. They sent Kurama and I nearly hit him with one of my arrows." Kagome winced at the memory. "I healed the damage and answered a few of his questions before he left. I was left to my thoughts for a while before I followed the sound of Kurama's footsteps. When I entered the room, I answered a few more questions, and then I felt him." Kagome's eyes closed and she recited Naraku's words.full moon, the alliance, a hanyou, a youkai, two taijiya and powerful spiritual energy. You've brought all the conditions for a wish to be made on the Shikon to have it disappear' Naraku told me that after Hiei nearly got killed by Kanna. He would have made the wish if I hadn't shattered it, so now we're searching for them again. Oh! Before I forget, I need you to tell my past self something in the future." The gang leaned in.
"The shards are spread throughout Makai, there may be some in Ningenkai though Kikyo, don't lose yourself in hard times." Kikyo looked confused at the advice, but she heeded it, even into the future times.

"So, how did you defeat Naraku the last time?" The way Yusuke said it was as if it was a toss up question, yet his eyes were serious. Miroku sighed and rubbed his right hand, where the Kazanna was once located.
"Pure luck, our team coward joined the fight and sacrificed himself."
"Myoga-jiji," Kurama whispered. A huge grin spread across Yusuke's face.
"How about that! Let's toss toddler breath in the final battle then!" His face had a friendly greeting with a fist. Out of habit, Yusuke yelled.
"What was that for baba!" After he removed his head from the ground, he noticed that Genkai hadn't moved at all, which could only mean Yusuke turned around slowly to get slapped in the face, courtesy of Kagome.

"He stopped Enma Daioh, Yusuke."
"Yah, but you still lost your temper when he mentioned she had bad luck with her comrades since they all had to disappear at some point, although the way he said it suggested that he meant lovers. I didn't get it until I saw Inu Yasha," Yusuke smirked. "You have a soft spot for animal ears don't you?" Yusuke flew into a mearby tree, Inu Yasha looked perplexed at Kurama's slight blush that had appeared after Yusuke's comment.

"Anyway," Kagome sounded extremely annoyed. "The final battle, as Miroku said, was pure luck when Myoga-jiji distracted Naraku long enough for us to be able to do simultaneous attacks. Sango and Sesshoumaru cleared away all the excess demons and Saimyosho while Miroku used his holy powers to ward off several demons. Inu Yasha, Kikyo and I attacked togerher. Naraku's demonic appearance shattered and Onigumo was left. The human who gave his body to demons. The detachments fled, and are still at large." Kagome left out the fact that they would later be killed by the detachments. She had changed the natural course of history enough already. "We completeed the jewel and I gave it to Inu Yasha. A failing on my part, he nearly killed me to revive Kikyo but the Shikon no Tama substituted another soul, so that she could still live. It seemed like I still had something to do with my life. The jewel didn't disappear as we had planned, so it could've remained and caused even more damage. Then Onigumo told us to burn the jewel with his body, to repay for the damage he had caused. It hadn't occured to us that Onigumo's soul was tied to those of the demons, and that's why we're in this predicament." Kagome sighed.history repeats," Mother said quietly. Yusuke twitched.toddler was right! At some point history will replay itself!" Yusuke snorted.more than one way, too," Kuwabara added. "The shattering, Naraku and the tournament. Man, life's tough."dug yourself into this mess, it was the only optional mission, yet you took it." Genkai stood up. "You've probably gotten rusty, lets kick that out now." Yusuke started spluttering and protesting.all need to practice dectective." Hiei left his tree and looked straight at Sesshomaru, a challenge in his eyes. Sesshomaru's reply was to place a hand on Tokijin and shift into a fighting stance. Hiei followed suit and tossed his cloak aside. Kurama politely asked to spar with Sango, the thrill of fighting a taijiya boiled in his blood. Youko was around a hundred years younger than this era (AN: I know some people think otherwise, but this is what I read at the back of the manga, so please bear with me). Miroku and Kikyo worked together to help Kagome perfect some of her powers. Shippo, Inu Yasha, Souta, Grandfather and Mother were left to their own devices.

Grandfather and Mother watched the fights with worry or amazement. Souta, well he watched the mixing of two dangerous chemicals: an impatient Inu Yasha and bored Shippo.

There's another one done... getting close to half point now.

I'm glad that some people on mm.org have begun to talk to me!!!!
ff. net

Birdy06- This count? I don't want to write Kuwabara's fight, cause he can be smart or stupid. Your choice.
Shadow Fox777- Hiei's ice and fire blood are extinguishing themselves, putting him at a point where he will have no reiki, and thus die. Maybe, maybe not, you'll just have to see. The questions are part of the story. I'm looking at By Any Other Name by Deviant Nature as an example and trying to add small questions that seem like they mean absolutely nothing, but will matter later on. I don't know much about Sessho, I only saw one episode and the third movie in jap with him. In those the subs say 'I' when he says 'Sesshomaru' when referring to himself, so I left it how i wrote it... which varied from point to point.

foxfire02- If noone reads the author notes, I won't bother saying it anymore. So I'll say it loud and clear at the end of the review replies.
sesshomaruobsessed- You'll see next chapter.
Shadowvixen90- You're doing a good job, don't worry!
mdizzle999872 - He is, starting from the end of the Sensui Saga, episode #... well somewhere in the 90s.... and in Manga #17 (or 27, can't remember)

Thanks to all reviewers (too many for me to list now!) I have to thank you all for getting me this far, with 112 reviews!!!
mysterylady_tx- thanks, its means a lot to me to just hear from someone on mm. org after so long...
thanks go to all reviewers on mm. org and what i said to mysterylady_tx applies to you all ^_^.

Next Chapter: Hojo

The pairing IS Kur/Kag, I tried for a love triangle and failed miserably. PAIRING: KUR/KAG!