Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Replaying History In More Than One Way ❯ A Date With Kurama ( Chapter 29 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Tbiris: T_T
Yusuke: Your marks mean that much to you?
Karasu: I agree, it shouldn't mean so much
Keiko: Plus if you were that worried you'd be studying now
Tbiris: Shut it. This entire chapter will take place from Kagome's point of view. And I BLOODY hope you appreciate it! Took me a long time to write it.
Chapter 29- A Date With Kurama
How could I honestly know that Hiei didn't want me to-inadvertently-tell Yukina they were siblings? He never warned me about it, so it can't be my fault. Kurama had taken Hiei aside and talked to him, about what I don't know, but it might have had something to do with that ice cream Kurama said he had to buy. Now I'm obligated to go on a date with Kurama, not that I mind of course.
Our relationship seems to be moving a little fast now though. Sure we kissed before, but we haven't known each other that long. It's only been two months since we met after all, and only five weeks since I saw him as himself and not Inu Yasha. I sighed and shifted slightly. This is so awkward; I guess I do have odd tastes though. Kurama and Inu Yasha are like opposites though, so what could they have in common?
“Kagome?” I looked up to see Kurama; I noted that he seemed a little worried.
“Hai?” He smiled at me.
“I wasn't certain if you were in the world of the living or not. Shall we go?” He offered me his arm. I hesitated for a moment, before I took it and allowed myself to be swept away by Kurama.
He led me to a park first; we sat on a bench beside a river. There were few people around and none of them were within hearing range. Trees and gardens in full bloom covered the area. I allowed the heat of summer to surround me, as it rarely had since I'd broken the jewel a second time.
“You wanted me to tell you about Karasu beforehand. Except we haven't had enough time to talk alone.” I looked at him, uncertain whether or not I should agree or remain silent. I could tell that the subject upset him greatly—his eyes remained fixated on the river, never once looking at me.
“I…I want to tell you everything. Every feeling I've felt for the past four hundred years (read that in the back of a French manga. I'm going with that. Live with it.), or fifteen. It began when I was Youko Kurama.” I listened patiently to his stories. His life as a thief, how he had met Kuronue and the two had become friends and almost closer than that, before his death. I could feel his pain at the memory as if it were my own.
I know that Inu Yasha can speak through him, but now I know why he can do that. They aren't so different, in both of his lives; Kurama didn't belong and lived a harder life than most. Neither was sure that they belonged in this world to begin with and had to live in between worlds. (1) I continued to listen to him as he continued into his current life and how he met Yusuke, his family, the Dark Tournament, his fear of Karasu and his involvement with Yomi. (2)
He turned to me after he finished recounting his past until he ran into me.
“You're crying,” he said, startled. I touched a hand to my face; I could feel the tears now.
“They're tears for you,” I replied, before I hugged him. It always felt right, being with Kurama. I felt his arms wrapping around me, holding me tight, like I was his lifeline. He tilted my head up and I felt his mouth on mine. I returned the kiss with my heart and opened my mouth slightly. I'm in heaven... I felt Kurama pull away.
“I told my mother I'd introduce you to the family.” I nodded, silent.
His family? Do they know about him? How would they react to me? I felt panic beginning to rise. He smiled as if he could read my mind. I briefly wondered if he could, but I realized that he probably knew that I'd be thinking this already.
“They don't know about me. They think I've been visiting a foreign school for an exchange program. (3)” I have to admit, it was a very believable lie. Kurama strikes me as a kind of person that could keep up with his homework and tests even if he missed a year of classes. Or did he tell me that? I can't remember. Anyway, I wish I could do that: juggle classes and Sengoku Jidai.
“We can go for lunch now if you want Kagome.” I think he noticed my silence and decided to act on it.
“It's okay Kurama, I was just thinking.” He quirked an eyebrow. I laughed; they seem the same, yet different. I knew not to tell him, there's no doubt as to how he'd react. I should just… keep my mouth shut.
“The past.” Damn, it slipped out. Kurama gave me his mysterious smile.
“You shouldn't dwell in the past, not when there's such a bright future ahead of you.” Kurama turned to look at the river again, and pulled me closer to him. I gave into my instincts and leant on his shoulder. There was a noisy silence around us as we drank in each other's presence.
“Kagome.” I looked at Kurama's face, his eyes were down and there was worry in his eyes.
“If…if we both come out alive…” He trailed off as he started to lose confidence in his words. I looked at him in shock. If?! If?
“We will come out alive,” I told him confidently. Kurama gave me a weak smile.
“I truly hope so. If we make it,” he began to fiddle with something in his pocket. He took a deep breath and said in a calm assured voice with a hint of nervousness:
“Will…will you be my wife, my mate? The one I'll live with for eternity?” He closed his eyes, anticipating my response.
I felt shock entering my bones and mind. I was so young to be married, what would Grandfather say? What would Mother say? I felt the starting of a fierce war within myself as my upbringing fought my love of Kurama.
“You can answer later, Kagome,” Kurama stated. I felt more weight on my ring finger. I looked down at it and saw a gold ring with leaves engraved into it. I nodded to him and gave him the best smile I could muster at the moment. I could sense a lot of turmoil in the future.
Kurama stood up, his face showing his relief and happiness, with the worry hidden behind it. He held out a hand to me, I took it and stood up.
“Where are we eating for lunch?” I asked curiously. Kurama's eyes flickered with amusement for a moment. I wondered what could have been so funny at the moment.
“Kaa-san's expecting us for lunch,” he replied. I felt like another pound of weight was added to my shoulders. I began fidgeting with my hair and skirt. Kurama took my hands and pulled them away from my face, before kissing me. I felt my nerves ebb away. He pulled away and smiled at me, I love it when he smiles like that. His eyes just seem to light up and all of the darkness I know he carries in his soul disappears. He kept hold of my hand and began to walk; I followed him until he stopped in front of a house. He opened the door, and I felt uneasy again.
The house was clean, there was a TV with a game console, and the kitchen must be close, since I can smell something cooking. The floor was carpeted in a light green with darker green walls.
“Onii-san! Kaa-san, onii-san's home!” I saw a younger boy, and I identified him as Kurama's stepbrother (4). A woman stepped out of the kitchen. I bowed slightly and introduced myself. She smiled and waved us in.
“Come in. I'm quite glad that Shuuichi's finally found a girl to show me.” I blushed at that praise. All mothers must be the same, concerned for their children and what they were doing. (5) I looked sideways at Kurama and saw a pink tinge on his face as well.
“Well, we can't let lunch get cold! You have to tell me how you met and how far along you are while we eat!” If possible, I think I just felt my face get redder.
“Kaa-san!” Kurama scolded. His mother just gave him an innocent smile.
I followed him into the kitchen, and my eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw what was on the table.
“ODEN!” Kurama and his stepbrother looked at me as if I was crazy. I felt slightly offended at this.
“What? I'm allowed to exclaim in joy aren't I?” I demanded. Kurama's mother giggled and I saw Kurama hide his smile. Had Kurama's mother gotten a hold of my mother and expected this reaction?
“Please sit.”
“Arigato gozaimasu.” I sat down beside Kurama, and his stepbrother sat beside his mother.
“Itadakimasu” we chorused before serving ourselves. We spent five minutes eating in silence, before Kurama's mother looked at us expectantly. I stopped eating for a while, and nudged Kurama.
“How did you two meet?” she asked.
“We went to the same school in America,” I lied. “ Shuiichi helped me adjust, Minamino-san.” Kurama's mother smiled at me.
“Call me Shiori. My step-son is Shuiichi as well.” Two Shuiichis, how does she manage? If she called them then they'd both come and ask what she wanted them to do.
“We ended up getting close. We're dating now and…” I blushed, unable to finish.
“I proposed.” I looked at Kurama, his voice had been quiet and a blush now stained his face.
“When?” Shiori's voice seemed awed. I looked down at my skirt and mumbled.
“Around five minutes ago. He offered me more time to think about it.” It suddenly went silent and Shuiichi had stopped eating. As I looked up, I saw his jaw drop. I do suppose it would be surprising for him. We only met two months ago and this is our first date, although they didn't know that. Well, it is hard to date when you're in Makai slaughtering demons. When will the day be over? I gave an inward sigh and started eating again.
My internal battle increased, and I began to feel more and more comfortable beside Kurama. I thought about him and all that he had done for me, even if he couldn't help me much with some things. He was always there for me, and now I felt like I always wanted to be beside him, forever. The battle started to turn and reasons to agree were appearing to me all of a sudden. It was ending. With every ending there is a beginning, and so I knew that this would turn into the beginning of a more intimate relationship.
“I have. I accept, Kurama.” The words didn't seem like my own, but like something was speaking though me, and yet it was I. I looked at Kurama, and saw him practically glowing, as was Shiori. I think that this day can only get longer.
Okay. First off, no complaints. It was extremely hard to write and edit this, if you think you can do better, give it a shot and send it to me. I may just replace it. Romance is not my strong suit, but I needed to write it to satisfy some people and to further the plot a bit. Hats off to Pen Against Sword who kept asking me if I had finished the chapter and if she could edit it yet.
Sesshoumaruobsessed: Well, she would have been…it was either Hiei or Kurama, so guess what she picked ^^.
Dark Inu Fan: IT WASN'T ME!!! IT WAS HIS FAULT!!! -points to little brother- and if you don't want me to agree don't say it ^^.
Jinenji: No Kuwabara ran out before the tape finished, but that's the manga -shrugs-. Yusuke knew, but he was just shocked that she spilled the beans. I didn't put how Kurama calmed Hiei down and I'd kill myself trying to write more chapters before this one. It's the last trip to Ningenkai before the quest finishes. I may add a few more chapters as I said before, details of other stuff, if people want. It'll be pretty bad though `cause it'll just be what I feel like writing…. so I think it'll be like I originally planned. You can guess again you know.
Kagorin: You have definitely not read By Any Other Name then. It kicks this story out of the `moderately good' section. Go and read it ^^. They will get together -fiddles with thumbs-
Kurama'sGirlRyoko: Well, it's not ASAP… I started something else `cause I just didn't want to work on this for a bit….
Ohiowriter: What was I mad about? I'm sorry my memory's fading, even though I'm still young ^^…
Kagome-reincarnation: Trying now…it's harder the further I go…some re more dialogue than description, but you should see the entire note in the sequel. First note I put in. MORE DETAIL, MORE PLOT! Hehehe… the sequel's turning out badly, like a shadow of this…
(1): He's a human with a demon soul, so he's placed around the same as hanyous.
(2): I have no clue what happens in Makai, I know Yomi was part of his old bandit gang back when he was Youko, so I'm not going in depth.
(3): It's a lie he hasn't used, and one I've never seen in fics, it's perfectly believable and I want to go on one.
(4): Once again, I'm working with limited knowledge; he's either his stepbrother or his half brother. I'm more inclined to believe he's his stepbrother since we meet him in the anime (got that from a site).
(5): Certain exclusions do apply.
Itadakimasu: said before eating
Arigato gozaimasu: Thank you (politely)
Chan: for females or children
San: equivalent of Mr./Mrs./Ms
Thanks to all MM. ORG and ILreviewers!
Beta Note:
And THIS time, it was not MY fault that she is late with next enthralling chapter of the RHIMTOW! Dang, that is one long acronym. Let me shorten it to Replaying History. Anyway, I DIDN'T DO IT! I am returning this same day to our beloved tbiris. And quite a good chapter it was. Can she get a hand here? I would like you people to tell tbiris that she needs to stop saying that she is bad at romance. We all know that she does very well!
Pen Against Sword