Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ River of Crystals ❯ Cursed ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Darkness is a time that you have to develop a taste for. Its like a foreign food you try, you either like it or you don't. Sliding off of Kirara's back, she approached the barrier to the cave. Kirara transformed to her smaller form before running inside the cave. Kagome smiled and stepped past the barrier and into the cave. The Shikon no Tama began to glow a bright pink from around her neck. The Tama began to radiate a warmth from it she approached Midoriko's stone figure. Kagome stood a good ten feet away from the statue as she observed the scene.
Taking the Tama from the chain, she held it up to the statue. The Tama flashed once before it floated and settled within Midoriko. Kagome watched in awe as the statue radiated a pink before it turned to dust and vanished out of the cave. She could feel the barrier around the cave vanish. Kirara tilted her head and mewed as the cave lost its statue and barrier. Kagome covered her eyes as a bright white light came to stand in front of her. Removing her arm from in front of her eyes, she bowed low at the hips.
“Please stand,” the voice called out from the figure.
Kagome stood and gazed upon the spirit of Midoriko. The Tama had vanished and now she was before a legend. Midoriko kindly smiled at the girl before petting Kirara. Midoriko then turned her deep brown gaze to Kagome. Midoriko nodded her head as a sign of respect for the young girl. Kagome remained shocked; to be recognized and honored by this powerful Miko was an honor.
“You have finished your duty to the Tama,” Midoriko spoke. “Yet you have had no desire to wish upon it.”
“There is nothing I want,” Kagome truthfully said. Midoriko gave her a knowing smile.
“Your mind wishes for nothing, but your heart calls out to me,” Midoriko stated in a calm voice.
“I want nothing, I wish not to be selfish,” Kagome said, not wanting to act greedy. She had no desire to wish for power.
“You soul is still incomplete,” Midoriko commented.
“My soul can remain that way…I don't want to cause Kikyo's death,” Kagome said as she remembered her time in the cave with Kikyo.
“The dead Miko has lost her claim long ago…yet you willing allow her life,” Midoriko admired.
“She deserves a chance to be happy,” Kagome firmly said.
“You ask for nothing, but I will give you a gift if you like,” Midoriko offered.
“No disrespect…but what?” Kagome asked in confusion.
“I have no desire to live again, and you are incomplete. If I give you the rest of my soul you will never have to be incomplete or share a soul with Kikyo,” Midoriko explained.
“I…I am not worthy of such a thing,” Kagome stuttered. Midoriko reached out and gently cupped Kagome's cheek.
“You have set your love free, shared a soul with someone that you could've hated, and you have done nothing for yourself,” Midoriko observed.
“I made them happy…I gave them a chance at life,” Kagome answered the unspoken question.
“It is okay to love freely…but you must accept your needs,” Midoriko explained.
“Will I be changed?” Kagome asked.
“Your powers may grow a bit…but I will be but another life of yours from the past,” Midoriko explained.
Kagome stared at Midoriko in the eyes before she smiled and nodded her head. Midoriko pressed her forehead to Kagome's and in a flash she vanished. Kagome opened her eyes and realized she never closed them. Kirara looked up and mewed once before running out of the cave. Kagome reached up and touched her forehead; she felt four markings upon her head. Turning from the spot she stood she left the now normal cave. Walking outside she noted that it was a full moon.
“It seems that more time has past then we know of,” Kagome softly said to Kirara. Kirara mewed in agreement before they walked into the forest.
When they came upon a stream Kagome gazed into the water. She ran her slender fingers through her hair, which appeared a deeper shade of black. Widening her eyes, she noted that they contained a brown tint; she could now say she had hazel eyes. Reaching up she touched the four petals on her forehead, which reminded her of the same markings as Midoriko. Sighing she let her fingers touch the cool water. Shaking her hand dry she once again stood and chose to walk with Kirara at her side.
“Do you think the change is permanent?” Kagome asked Kirara. Kirara mewed and nodded her head.
“I suppose you're right,” Kagome whispered as she continued to walk.
Kagome stopped underneath a tree to rest as she contemplated her new position or soul. Bringing her knees to her chest, she rested her chin atop them in order to comfort herself. Kirara curled up beside her and Kagome smiled. They were only twenty miles from Kaede's village, yet she didn't want to fly. Hearing a soft thump, she looked to her right and noticed a piece of fruit by her hands. Her hazel eyes widened as she remembered her dream.
“So real,” Kagome mumbled as she picked up the fruit.
Holding the fruit in front of herself, she studied its crescent form, its ethereal white color. Shrugging her shoulders, she brought the fruit to her lips. The fruit remained a breath away in her hold. Hesitating she for a bit her stomach grumbled, she bit into the fruit. A little of the juice squirted out and she noted it was like a apple-grapefruit hybrid. Chewing she began to think about different parts in her life. She knew her place with Inuyasha was a sister, and Miroku and Sango were family, but Shippo. Sighed she swallowed her bite and bit again.
Shippo grew from an annoying little brother to a son she never had. She smiled as she thought about Shippo as a human. Her mind then drifted to other thoughts, thoughts of her as a Kitsune. Her eyes widened at the thought as she nervously darted her eyes around her surrounding as if checking for any telepaths. Relaxing a tad, she swallowed another bite of the fruit. When it vanished, she wiped her hands on the grass and looked up to the moon. She wished to be a Kitsune, but not a youkai. Leaning against the tree bark, she allowed her eyes to close.
`I wish I could be a real mother to Shippo,' Kagome thought as she drifted to sleep. Before she fully drifted into the darkness, she noticed a spike in ki.
Running through the woods was always a something that cleared his mind. These woods were unknown to him; they were a new territory that was owned by someone else. Slowing down to a quick pace, he let his small red eyes scan the forest. Sniffing the air, he noticed the scent of rotting wood coming closer. Furrowing his eyebrows in confusion, he turned around only to be smacked. His vision fuzzed and he was staring at doubles. He saw a man with an old club maliciously tapping the club into his palm. The man grinned before he brought it across the other's head.
The sun began to rise and it bathed its light across the unconscious boys body. The man stared at the boy dressed in black hakama and a black cloak to hid his figure. He studied the spiky hair and grinned. He had caught himself a youkai, by the looks of it, he could tell it's an elemental. Tying the hands together, he chained the feet and threw the boy over his shoulder. He began to walk back towards his caravan, where they would execute him for fun or try and chain him permanently.
Slowly opening her to the bright light of the sun she stretched. Snuggling into Kirara's side she noted that the Nekomata had transformed to keep her warm. Kagome sighed and sat up, it was time to get going. Inhaling the air, she began to spastically cough. Kirara lazily opened her own eyes and watched Kagome in confusion. Kagome pinched her nose and frowned.
“Man…you have to bath,” Kagome coughed as she stood up.
Kirara glared at her before her own eyes widened. Kirara mewed as she ran around Kagome in act to catch her attention. Kagome raised and eyebrow at the Nekomata as she ran around in circles. Kagome patted Kirara's head and once again ignored her. Kirara frowned and jumped at Kagome she effectively bit a part that wasn't supposed to be. Kagome yelped as she pulled her tail from Kirara's mouth and soothed the frazzled fur. Kagome stopped smoothing the fur and her eyes widened in shock.
“A…tail. I have a…tail,” Kagome whispered to Kirara. Kirara rolled her eyes and nodded her head in conformation.
`How the hell?' Kagome thought as she studied it.
She traced its form all the way, to where a tailbone would be. She pulled a piece of fur out of it to make sure she was awake. The fur was dark platinum leaving only the tip of the tail white. Closing her eyes, she began to count backwards from ten in order to calm herself. Hesitantly she reached her fingers to the side of her head. She ran her fingers over the smooth side of her head and she worriedly frowned. She quickly patted the top of her head and `eeped' in shock and excitement. She traced the form of her new ears, there were pointed like Inuyasha's except they went as thin and triangular. They were pointed at the top but more round towards the base.
Sniffing the air, she ran to find the nearest river or creek. When she heard the sound of running water she ran towards it. Stopping she fell to her knees and peered at her reflection. Her face showed curiosity and her eyes shined with confusion. Her hair was still a form of black; only that it was dark platinum. Her ears were the same color, save for the white tip of fur. Leaning in closer, she noticed that her eyes were no longer the prominent hazel; they were more of a dark blue with hazel around the pupil. Kirara ran up beside her and rubbed against her side.
“Strange…” Kagome whispered.
Kirara stared into the water and gazed at Kagome's reflection. Kagome's right ear twitched and she trapped it between her thumb and index finger. The left ear flickered and that's when she heard it, the scream. Wincing inside herself, she knew that type of scream. It wasn't the scream of an anguished mother, or the scream of a frustrated man in pain; it was a child's scream. The scream was the type that made you feel their pain and heartache.
“Kirara,” Kagome said before they both took off in the direction of the scream.
Her tail eagerly swished behind her as she stalked in the woods. Her eyes narrowed when she found a small child tied to a wooden post. Fallen branches and wood were surrounding him. She lightly growled when she found a bruise against his right cheek. She ducked behind one of their carts when she heard a man yell. Watching with careful blue eyes, she found what appeared to be the leader. He wore Houshi attire and carried a huge club.
“Hurry and burn the little youkai!” The man yelled out to the people that wear beginning to start the fire.
Kagome watched the boy's eyes carefully open and studied his surroundings. His eyes widened in panic and he bit his lower lip in nervousness. The man grinned when he saw the little youkai was awake. The man casually walked over to the boy and smacked him aside the head. The boy glared at him through blood red eyes and the man laughed. Kagome could tell those weren't the eyes of a child. A child's eyes would hold innocence and confusion. These eyes held a steady hatred for the man and held the instincts one needed to survive.
“What do you want?” The boy asked. If it weren't for the childish tone, she would have guessed him an adult. The man laughed at him and grinned.
“I am the youkai hunter. I kill all youkai no matter what,” the man answered with a twisted grin. The little boy held his face calm even though a hint of fear radiated from his aura.
“You're disgusting,” the boy spat.
“This coming from a youkai!” The man laughed.
“I kill to survive, not for entertainment,” the boy growled.
“Blood is blood no matter whose hand it's upon,” the man stated.
“So you take innocent blood?” The boy growled.
“Blood is blood,” the man stated as a person handed him a torch.
The boy looked between the man's torch and his eyes. He didn't know what was worse, that cold deadly brown or the raging flames of the fire. The man winced and dropped the torch into the pile of wood. The flames roared to life as he turned to look at the person that opposed him. His gaze turned into a hateful lust as he stared upon the woman.
“You're disgusting,” Kagome spat in mild anger.
“This coming from a Kitsune in Miko clothes,” the man snorted.
“I am what I am while you parade around as something that you're not,” Kagome calmly said as she began to approach them.
“You'll be roasting along with him,” the man promised.
“I think not,” Kagome assured as she aimed an arrow at the human. Her spiritual powers came to the tip of the arrow making it transform into a Hamaya.
“A Miko and youkai…interesting,” the man whispered to himself.
“I am a Miko, but I am not youkai,” Kagome assured as she fired the arrow.
The man blocked the arrow with his club, expecting it to be a weak shot he didn't brace properly. The speed of the arrow caused the club to fly out of his grip and smack him in the forehead. The man fell backwards and his arm landed in fire. He pulled his arm away and began to run around. He flapped his arm wildly in panic as he tired to extinguish the flames upon his right arm. Kagome watched in slight amusement as the man ran around like a chicken without a head.
“If I catch you killing innocents again…you will die,” Kagome promised before she vanished into the woods.
Kagome met up with Kirara in the woods. The boy was leaning against the tree and coughing. Kagome studied him and nodded to Kirara who went back to her kitten form. Kagome watched those blood red eyes meet hers. She warmly smiled at him and he stared at her in confusion. She handed him a cloth to wipe the black stains of the smoke from his face. He hesitantly took it and began to clean his face. He offered it back to her and she shook her head.
“What are you?” He finally asked.
“No thank you?” Kagome teased.
“…Thanks,” he whispered in partial shame.
“No problem, couldn't have a child torched…even though the fire wouldn't burn you…would it,” Kagome observed.
“I'm a fire apparition,” the child said.
“Interesting,” Kagome mumbled. She could sense the opposing forces within the boy; he held an ice aspect to him.
“What are you?” The boy asked.
“I am a Miko, but as of right now…not sure,” Kagome honestly said.
“You smell human…but you have an animal scent about you,” the boy observed.
“Well I'm Kagome,” Kagome introduced.
“Hiei,” the boy cautiously replied.
“How old are you?” Kagome asked.
“I'm six,” Hiei proudly said.
`Youkai children always develop faster then humans,' Kagome thought.
“Where do you come from?” Kagome asked.
“Nowhere,” Hiei answered.
“Haven't heard of it…” Kagome mumbled to herself.
“I'm an orphan,” Hiei muttered.
“Your welcome to stay in my village,” Kagome offered.
Hiei studied her and began to think about the offer. He hadn't eaten in days and was to tired to stand guard tonight. The last time someone offered him refuge he was almost killed. The offer sounded tempting and like a permanent offer. He bit his lower lip and sighed in confusion.
“No tricks?” He finally asked.
“No tricks…I promise,” Kagome gently assured.
“What about the other Kitsune?” Hiei ventured.
“I live in a human village and my son could keep you company,” Kagome suggested.
“Humans?” Hiei doubtingly asked.
“Yes, humans,” Kagome answered. “They won't harm you, ignore you but won't attack.”
“I'll come for awhile,” Hiei answered.
“This way then,” Kagome said as she turned with Kirara to leave. They had a long walk ahead of them.
Author's Note: