Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Shikon Miko ❯ Hiei And The Miko ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Shikon Miko
Chapter IV
Hiei And The Miko
This chapter will talk about the journeys of the Inu-gumi. It will talk about Naraku, we'll find out Hiei knows him, and we'll learn how exactly Kagome came to possess the full Shikon. Hell, Hiei'll even learn respect for the miko! By the way, this chapter is going to be long... I'm replaying the battles that I know from the episodes... not all of them, but most. Some will have little descriptions, and others will have longer ones.
Disclaimer: I do not own Yuyu Hakusho or Inuyasha. I do not make any money from writing these fan fics. I write them for my own enjoyment and the fact you'll tell me if they're good or bad.
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Hiei demanded an explanation about how she could possibly time travel, but Kagome said she needed to check on the others. Glaring, he said he'd follow her and expected an explanation no matter what. Giggling, Kagome said she'd gather the children and they'd go to a clearing in the woods to talk so she could keep an eye on the kids and make sure they didn't hear the conversation.
The fire demon nodded his consent, since he couldn't exactly get into her mind. He had tried, but she had a strong barrier. Though it appeared that she didn't know about it, and it wasn't her energy anyway. Kagome walked slowly back to the house and hesitated when she saw her father's car was there. Gulping in realization that she might run into him, she tensed and Hiei caught the scent of her fear.
He looked curiously at her and noticed that she was looking at a car in the driveway. What he didn't know, was that she had been avoiding her 'father' since the first day. She had never been alone with him. She was near panicking when Hiei dropped from the tree to land beside her. She instantly calmed and grabbed his hand as she walked toward the house.
He was too shocked for a moment to do anything before he started glaring at her. "Release me onna."
Looking down, she realized her hand was holding his and let go as she looked away blushing. "Sorry, I just wanted you to come help me find the kids. You have better senses than I do."
At that moment, she heard her name called and turned to see a man walking toward her. "Kagome!" Flinching slightly, but also near unnoticeably, she tried to smile. Though Hiei did catch her flinch.
"Father." She greeted politely with a bow.
The man reached him and turned to the man beside his daughter. "Who's this?"
Kagome gulped. "This is Yusuke's friend Hiei, he came over looking for him. Though Yusuke's not here, so I invited him to stay and talk while I took the kids into the surrounding forest."
Hiei seemed completely emotionless throughout her lie, but he noticed her nervousness and fear as she trembled slightly. Though not enough for the human man to catch. The man didn't seem to like him. "Why'd you invite him to stay if he's Yusuke's friend?"
"Ah... well Yusuke's my step-brother now, and I don't have any friends here... so I thought I could become friends with his. I mean if I'll be visiting from time to time, I'd like to have some friends here too."
"Can't you find any female friends?" Her father asked, looking at the dark haired demon.
Hiei watched as the girl unconsciously rubbed her hip. "I can ask Yusuke if he knows any girls I could meet." She suggested.
The man smiled. "He should, Atsuko tells me he has a girlfriend."
"Alright, but for now I have a guest I promised to entertain until he gets home, and I need to gather the children."
"Fine." The man sighed as he left.
Hiei now watched as the slight shaking stopped and her fear and nervousness disappeared. "That was close." Were her whispered words as she turned to him with a small smile. "Let's go get the children so we can talk."
The children were found in the living room where the boys were all playing 64. (AN I love N64!) Kagome told them that they were going to go outside for a bit, and Kohaku turned questioning eyes on her and she nodded. They all took off and returned with hidden items. At least hidden from her father items. Hiei could clearly see them. "Why are they bringing weapons onna?"
Rin giggled as she watched her mother's eyebrow twitch. "They'll be training Hiei. They don't get to too much and they desire to while we're away from the house."
He 'hn'ed like normal and followed them to some clearing. Rin decided that she wanted to stay in her mother's lap, so Kagome told her what they'd be talking about while the boys sparred. "It's ok mommy. I'll be alright."
"You sure?"
Moving over to a tree, she laid against the base and allowed Rin to arrange herself on her lap. Hiei dropped down and sat beside. "Isn't the girl going to train as well?"
"She doesn't train." Kagome replied. "Souta's just started training with Kohaku, but Rin's never had to know how to fight."
"Hn." He responded as he rolled his eyes. "An explanation."
Kagome sighed and settled herself in for a long talk. "It all started no my fifteenth birthday, and that was close to two years ago. It's Buyo's fault that it happened. He's my cat. Souta was too scared to go into the well house to find him, so I went in. A scratching noise was coming from the bottom of the sealed well, and Souta laughed at me when I screamed because the cat brushed against my leg. I told him he was the scared one, and then something burst free from the seals and pulled me down the well.
Everything around me was blue, and this giant centipede with a humans body, only it had six arms, held onto me. It was telling me I had something and to give it to her. I wanted it to let go, and I put my hands out to push it away and I saw a flash of pink. When I touched bottom I thought I had hit my head, but when I saw the arm laying behind me, I realized I hadn't.
I climbed out using the vines and was surrounded by a forest. I saw the familiar Goshinboku that lies on my shrine and went toward it. I found a boy pinned there. He had long silver hair and the cutest dog ears" gets a dreamy look "I just had to rub them. Anyways I had arrows shot at me and was grabbed by villagers.
When they got me to the village they called the priestess. They were all thinking that I was some type of kitsune, and Kaede tried to exorcize me. Then she said I held a resemblance to 'her'. That night that centipede demon came back for me, yelling at me to give it the shikon as it attacked the villagers. Kaede said to get it to the well, so I ran into the forest.
My cries for help woke Inuyasha from his slumber, and he was calling me Kikyo..." Hiei could see tears clouding her eyes. "I told him I wasn't her, and he took a sniff and told me I wasn't then told me she was prettier and smelled better. That's when the centipede came into the clearing. Kaede and the villagers stopped it from attacking me, but it broke free from them and grabbed me.
I had hold of Inuyasha's hair, and he told me to let go. I ended up doing that and throwing my hand out to stop the demon, and I blasted it's other five arms off. I stared dumbly at my hand, and the demon bit into my side. Can you get up for a moment Rin?" The little girl nodded and stood and Kagome raised her shirt. Hiei saw a deep bite mark. "That's where it came from. The demon bit into me and the shikon flew out when she threw me through the air." Rin now sat back down. "I was dizzy from being bitten so suddenly, and was trying to figure out what the gem was.
I landed near the tree and tried to get up to get to it, but Mistress Centipede used her coils to pin me to Inuyasha. She used her tongue and picked up the jewel to swallow it. She transformed and her arms reattached to herself. Inuyasha asked me to pull the arrow out, but Kaede told me not to. He said if I didn't, the centipede would kill me, and at least with him I had a chance. Given the choice, I reached up for the arrow and broke the spell of sealing that Kikyo had placed on him.
The centipede noticed and tried to squish us to the tree. Inuyasha used his claws and ripped through her coils while laughing madly, then he sliced her whole body into pieces. Kaede told me to find the glowing flesh, I pointed it out and she removed the jewel, and handed it to me. Inuyasha came after me and almost killed me, but Kaede placed beads of subjugation on him so all I had to do was say 'sit' and he crashed into the ground. The word was my choice, and I chose sit because he was inu.
It was the next day that I was attacked and kidnapped by bandits when trying to get back to the well. I threw the jewel outside of the hut when the leader destroyed the exit. Inuyasha came and saved me because he thought I had the jewel. It turned out that a carrying crow was using the bandit leader a host. The crow flew out and took the jewel. We got outside and Inuyasha handed me a bow and arrows that were out there. He told me Kikyo was a master archer and that I should be able to hit it.
Needless to say... I couldn't Kaede thought that since the jewel came from my body and was burned with Kikyo's, that I was her reincarnation... I am, but Inuyasha thought I'd be as good as she was. I wasn't. He dropped me when he realized I couldn't hit it. I ran after him to the village and saw it grab a kid. He shredded it with his claws, and I dove in to save the kid. I hadn't realized the jewel would cause the bird to reform together. It was flying off when I noticed it's foot was still holding the boy.
I took the bow and an arrow from a villager and tied the foot to my arrow and aimed it at the bird. I did hit it... but I also shattered the shikon. Inu and I went searching for the jewel, and the bird's head attacked us. A shard fell from it, and Inu flipped at me. That's how I know about demons and not about these 'other worlds' that you talk about. I had to hunt shards in fuedal Japan where demons still roamed with the humans."
Hiei had an eyebrow raised at the girl. "It was you who shattered the jewel?"
Kagome blushed and looked down. "I had never seen a demon before I fell through the well, and I had no idea how to use a bow. It was not my intention to shatter the jewel either. I was merely trying to get it back."
Her head shot up when she heard him chuckle. "What happened during your adventures then?"
She smiled slightly as the memories came to her. "Well after the jewel was shattered, Yura came after us. She was a hair demoness and couldn't be killed by destroying her body. I was the one who killed her. There was this glowing red skull and I had to smash it. Inside was a comb used to comb the hair of the dead, it had gained youkai somehow and created Yura. By destroying the comb, I killed her. After that, I met Inuyasha's older half brother Sesshomaru.
He wasn't after the shikon, he didn't need it. His power probably exceeded that of the jewel, minus the wish part. Heck, he could bring the dead back with his sword. But he was after tetsusaiga. It was a sword formed from their father's fang, Inutaishou had it made to protect Inuyasha's human mother, Izayoi. She was a hime. Tetsusaiga could slay a hundred demons with a single swing, using the technique called Wind Scar. You need to see where the demonic auras of yourself and your opponent collide and cut through the scar between the demonic winds.
Sesshomaru-sama was searching for his tomb which lies beyond the realm of the living, in hell. There was a black pearl in Inuyasha's left eye that opened a portal there, we all went through so Sesshomaru couldn't get the sword. Jaken, Sesshomaru's annoying toad demon servant, used the staff of two heads to open the pearl. He had used a dirty trick to get Inuyasha to tell him something he didn't remember. They made this unmother pretend to be his mom and she was trying to absorb his body and soul too.
I stopped him and Sesshomaru got the pearl from his eye. When we got there, we landed on these skeletal bird things. We made it fly to Inutaishou's remains and found Sesshomaru. He tried to pull the sword but couldn't, it's barrier fried his hand. I told Inuyasha to hurt his pride and ego by pulling the sword since he couldn't land a blow on the demon lord. The barrier didn't fry him, but he couldn't pull it either. Inu and Sesshou ended up battling, and Jaken attacked me. He knocked me back toward the sword, and I used it to pull myself up.
That's when I noticed that Sesshou was about to put his poison claws through Inuyasha. I went to run at them and stop him, completely forgetting about the sword in my hand, and it came out. That stopped him as they both looked at me. He used his speed and was in front of me in an instant. He told me to give him the sword, and I said no, that if he couldn't pull it out he wasn't supposed to have it. Inu told him to leave me alone, but he said that since neither of them could pull it out and I could, I had to die.
He turned his poison claws on me and I held the sword in front of me. The bones around me melted and fell on me, and I heard Sesshou say something about his mother and me, and Inu actually hit him. I broke free of the melted bones and yelled at Sesshou before handing the rusty sword to Inu. It didn't look like much, but I believed he could do it. Sesshou turned into his true inu form and poison dripped from his fangs onto the ground, melting bones and creating a poison mist. Myoga and I climbed up and out, as did Jaken.
Next thing I know, Inu and Sesshou burst out and he said I was going to die. I started crying, and he told me not to. I asked him if I was supposed to be happy that I was going to die, and he told me that I needed to shut up and let him protect me. Sesshou charged him and the sword turned into a giant fang. He cut Sesshou's arm in half, then cut it off... ok it was his leg at the time. Anyway, Inu then sliced his chest and he fell back off the remains and turned into a ball of light, I think Jaken jumped on a bird and left before we did... not sure. Myoga had ran like he always does.
We left, and Inu had his sword, but couldn't figure out how to work it. After talking to Kaede and discussing with Myoga the fact it was made to protect humans, specifically Inu's mother, we decided it was his desire to protect me that made it work."
"You went through all that for a sword?" Hiei asked.
"It's an heirloom from his father. The other thing he had of him... well he didn't get it till after he met me. We later learned that it sealed his demonic blood."
"What happened after the encounter with Sesshomaru?"
"Well.... we went looking for more jewels and found a man who was going to save a hime he was friends and in love with from her husband. A toad demon had possessed the Lord and I drove him out using fire, at Myoga's advice. By the way, Myoga is a flee demon and Inu's vassal. Then Inu killed the demon and I purified the shard. Next we met Shippo."
"I've been curious how you came to adopt a kitsune pup." Hiei stated.
"His father was killed for a jewel shard. The thunder brothers took it and skinned him. Shippo attacked Inuyasha and I at a battlefield that we were sitting at. The jerk actually wanted to eat near countless dead bodies." She shivered at the memory. "He even expected me to eat there. Inu hit him in the head and we took the shards back and I asked him why he tried to take them as I took care of the bump Inu gave him.
We were traveling again and he got the shards from me. He only wanted to avenge his father, and thought the shards could help him since he knew he wasn't powerful enough. I went after him and found one of the thunder brothers attacking him. In order to save him, I ended up getting kidnapped, though I did manage to hit him with an arrow. If I had my purification powers at the time, he could've been dead. The demon's name was Manten and his brother's was Hiten. Manten tried to kill me, and then Hiten appeared.
I told them Inu was in love with me and would hand over our shards for me. They believed me and took me to him in order to trade. I was stuck on a cloud with Manten, and Hiten started fighting Inuyasha. Manten was going to attack Inu when he wasn't looking, so I shoved him off the cloud. The cloud dissipated and I landed on him. It hurt, but could've been worse. Shippo saved me from being killed using his top, unfortunately it made him loose his strand of hair and he flipped. I made him loose two earlier. The ugly thing looked like a reptile and had almost no hair.
He flipped and started launching attacks in every direction. I tried to hit his shards with an arrow, but failed. Shippo bit into his neck, trying to get him to let me go, but it didn't work. He was saying how he'd kill us both and what he'd use us for. Inu threw tetsusaiga at him and it pierced him through the back, killing him. Hiten flipped out at that and attacked. Shippo had been injured by Manten when he bit him, and asked me to get his father. I grabbed the pelt, his father, and him, but a blast of lightning threw me away.
I dropped the sword and told Inu that when he caught me, but he yelled at me saying he didn't care, that I was almost killed is what mattered, and that he could kill Hiten without his sword. The problem was that Hiten has these fire wheels that allowed him to fly. Once they began fighting again, I realized that. I had my arrow, but no bow. Shippo transformed into one for me and I fired the arrow, destroying one of his wheels. It made them unusable.
I told Shippo that we needed to somehow get tetsusaiga to Inu because he wasn't doing to well without it. Shippo ran out to get the sword, so I ran after him. Hiten noticed and sent a lightning blast at us. He had gained Manten's powers when he bit into his head, fusing the jewels from his brother's body into his own. Inuyasha had been using the sword's sheath to block the thunder pike, and couldn't help us.
When he saw the blast hit, he freaked out and the sheath called the blade. Inuyasha pushed Hiten back and the sword flew into his hand, transforming instantly he sliced Hiten in half. He dissolved and the shards fell to the ground."
"How did you and the kit survive the blast?" Hiei asked while looking at her.
"His father's pelt. Somehow his father used foxfire and protected us, blocking the attack that had killed him." She smiled sadly. "I still have the pelt. It's in my room since Shippo normally sleeps with me. After that, I told Inuyasha that Shippo was traveling with us, he tried to argue with me, but I won."
"I heard of the thunder brothers, and I heard they were quite powerful... Sesshomaru was as well."
"Hai, they were. After that, the noh mask attacked me in this time. It was what caused those disappearances two years ago."
"So that's what happened? The team had been on a mission when it happened." Hiei informed her.
"Hai, it came from my shrine. He burst free from it's seals and I found out it had a shard. Apparently my shards awoke it. Then I met the soul piper. I saved a little girl's soul from being dragged to hell. I almost got dragged down, but I finally managed to talk sense into her and the piper let her go. Then we were attacked by spider-heads during Inuyasha's human night. Then Kikyo was resurrected."
"How was she resurrected?"
"A witch named Urasue used her dark magic and did it. Using her ashes and grave soil, and mixing it with clay and bones to create the body. When the body wouldn't move, she got mad. Kaede, Shippo, Inuyasha, and I were on our way there. I talked Inu into going and helping. Urasue broke the bridge we were on when she noticed me. She grabbed me before I fell and placed me in a herb mixture that was supposed to suck my soul out.
My soul started to come out but refused to leave until Inuyasha said Kikyo's name. According to Shippo, Kaede told Inu to destroy her sister's fake body so I could have my soul back. Kikyo's old wound appeared on her clay body, and she attacked Inu. It was after she killed Urasue. Inu drew tetsusaiga to stop Kikyo's arrow, but the sword was overcome. I guess when he screamed my body tried to call the soul back. The arrow disappeared as most of it returned, though a portion remained within her clay body.
They tried babying me after that and I flipped out at them because I was fine. After that we met Miroku. He was a lecherous monk and he tried to kidnap me, he failed at that but did steal my shards. We followed him and took them back. We also found out that he had a wind tunnel on his hand. It was a curse put on him by Naraku. We then learned that Naraku had tricked Inu and Kikyo into betraying each other. We separated when Inu and him fought. Inu flipped when I was joking and said I liked Miroku. We ended up going after another shard and bumped into him again. The shard was used by a painter to bring his painting to life. The shard was really tainted when I purified it, but the man gave his life rather than part with it. The ink that the shard was in killed him.
It was after that that we fought Sesshomaru again. I talked Miroku into traveling with us since we had a common goal. We were going after Naraku, though we were also still searching for shards. Sesshou arrived and was after tetsusaiga again. Naraku and he made a deal and Naraku gave him a human arm with a shikon shard in it so he could attach it to himself. He also gave him some poisonous bees. Miroku opened his wind tunnel on Sesshou, but was poisoned by the bees. Then Sesshou and Inu fought and he lost tetsusaiga. I had run off to get the antidote from my bag, and when I returned I shot a purifying arrow at Sesshou.
My power wasn't very strong back then, and after I hit tetsusaiga and reversed it's transformation, I fired at him. He caught it and snapped it in half. He tried to attack me, by Inu stopped him and told me to see to Miroku. I tried shooting at him again after I gave the medicine to Miroku. He told Inu to make me stop, but I thought I could stop him and fired again. He sent an attack at me, and I would've been killed if Inu didn't make it to me and shield me.
Miroku found out from Jaken that Naraku helped them. Inu allowed Miroku to carry me away and held off the oncoming wind scar. Sesshou shoved his hand through his back and it came out his stomach, but he tore off the human arm and took the sword back. When Sesshou left, he collapsed from his injuries. When he woke, he asked to be returned to the village where he shoved me down the well after taking the shards from while hugging me so that I couldn't return.
It was a few days later that they were attacked and Shippo hid in the well from the wolves that were chasing him. They were from some demon that guarded the forests. They were attacked after Kaede had told them about Onigumo..."
"Onigumo?" Hiei questioned in a deadly tone.
Kagome looked at him and gulped. "H-hai. Five hundred and fifty-two years ago Kikyo found an injured bandit and took him to a cave where she took care of him. His entire body was badly burned and his limbs were broken. He never would've moved again, but he came to desire both Kikyo and the shikon. He gave his body and soul to the demons and together they formed Naraku. He has a spider shaped burn mark on his back from when he was human. All of his incarnations or 'children' as he calls them, have the mark as well.
Anyways, Shippo dropped the jewel and it was laying on the bottom of the well. I sensed the jewel and dug after I jumped in, and I found it in my hand as I appeared in the fuedal era, next to Shippo. Inu apparently had jammed a tree down the well, and the wolves had found Shippo and were climbing down it until Inu showed up and pulled it out, throwing it down the other demon's throat. I climbed out of the well and saw him, then I turned to help Shippo over the rim and I felt him. Naraku was nearby. He used miasma and destroyed a lot of the land, but Inu survived and pulled tetsusaiga, dissipating it. That's when he saw the burn scar.
We ran into Kikyo again... shortly after that. She apparently survived her fall from the cliff. Inu went after her, and I had to stop her from dragging him to hell with her. I told her about Naraku, but she wouldn't listen. I kept calling out to him, but he couldn't hear me. By the time I got through to him, it was almost too late. He destroyed the soul collectors that held me captive and then Kikyo left. Next we met Sango.
We had come to a village where a shard was rumored to be. A centipede was using it to attack the village. They said that they'd hired a tajiya to kill it, but couldn't tell us exactly where the demon slayer village was. Only that it was 'somewhere' in the mountains. When we got to the village the next day, it was destroyed. We had seen the horde the previous night, they were headed to the village we sought. The village held shards from slain demons, and Naraku mentioned to the horde that the best slayers wouldn't be there. He called them to his castle to slay a demon so he could take control of Kohaku.
He used him to kill first his father, then the other villagers. That's when his weapon turned on Sango. She managed to block, and noticed that the lord was actually a demon. She was about to strike him when Kohaku's weapon was thrown into her back, then his mind returned to his control as the lord ordered his men to kill them. They were buried in the courtyard."
"How is it the boy still lives, and the girl died recently then?" Hiei asked. He actually found her story so far to be quite interesting.
"I'm getting to that. Well Sango didn't die, she only passed out. She climbed out of her grave and toward the castle when the young lord saw her. He had killed the demon because he realized what he was, and he was the prince so he became lord. Naraku ended up killing him and taking his place. Because of Naraku's lies, she thought we destroyed her village. She came after Inuyasha and had a shard in her back, it suppressed her pain and allowed her to fight as his equal. Naraku fled after taking my shards. Miroku had cut his hand off and it flew at me grabbing them and reattaching to him before we realized it happened. Miroku went after Naraku and we finally stopped Sango.
When we arrived at the other battle, Miroku was almost pierced by Naraku's tentacle. It turned out the thing was demon puppet and we got our shards back plus Sango's after we destroyed it. She said she'd travel with us to help find the shards. Then she told us how the jewel was created, how Midoriko gave her life to kill an evil and powerful demon. It was actually many demons that came together and created one. The water god wasn't really a big deal, he was a fake and easily killed... That's when Miroku was tricked. A mantis nicked his wind tunnel, and he went to Mushin to fix it. They were under attack when we arrived. Myoga was with us and said it was from a demon worm charmer that Mushin was being controlled. Miroku opened his wind tunnel and began sucking demons in with Hachi bracing him, he was prepared to be sucked into it, but Inu stopped him and told him if he opened it again he rip his arm off." She giggled at that. "Then he picked up tetsusaiga and somehow used the wind scar without knowing how.
Then we found Kohaku. He slaughtered an entire village because Naraku had control of him. He had erased his memories and told him too. He used a shikon shard to bring him back and control him, the shard sustained his life. He brought Kohaku through a barrier and only Sango could follow him. Naraku said that he wanted tetsusaiga in exchange for her brother. She neither agreed nor disagreed. There was a battle that night, and her brother was in it. Sango knocked the sword from Inu's hand and took off after her brother, following him to what was supposed to be Naraku's castle. We followed, and when we arrived, Sango was almost dead. She wouldn't fight her brother, and Naraku wanted her to kill him so his shard would become even more tainted.
He erected a miasmic barrier around us and told us we could all die. I watched as Sango gave Kohaku her only mask. It was to keep her from inhaling poison vapor while slaying demons. The shard purified at her noble act, and that's when it clicked. No one else could find Naraku... but I could. I quickly looked around and fired an arrow at him, purifying his arm. At the time, he had no idea that I was Kikyo's reincarnation. I then shot an arrow at his chest, and it destroyed his body, but did not kill him. He got away and took Kohaku with him as the castle vanished.
I made Sango stay with us, though she wanted to leave so her brother couldn't be used against her or us anymore. We all agreed that she had to stay, and so she did. Kirara had some of the miasma in her system though, and we had to go find a herb garden run by jinenji. We took care of the threat that was there and he gave us the needed herbs. Then we came to a village that had demon parts raining on him. The pieces were from a battle going on. Demons were fighting in a cave because of a spell. Kikyo showed up there and accidently destroyed the barrier, it allowed Naraku a new body. We went after him and actually got close to his castle. There were illusionary traps there, and only I didn't fall victim to them. I ended up meeting Kikyo and she tried to kill me and took my shards. We found out that she gave them to Naraku.
Next thing we know, an old sword smith shows up asking for Inuyasha to protect him. He was the one who'd forged tenseiga and tetsusaiga for their father. Sesshomaru came after him, and there was a battle and Inuyasha learned how to utilize the wind scar as he had used it on his brother. It was at that time that Rin found him. She cared for him and fed him, though he claimed to not eat human food. She was an orphan and was stealing the fish from the village. That village came under the attack of wolves, and she was killed. Sesshomaru brought her back with tenseiga. It wanted him to bring her back.
The wolves were Koga's and we arrived at the village to find them finishing off the humans. Koga then showed up and later kidnapped me because I could see the shards and they were at war with the birds of paradise, one of which possessed a shard. He himself had three. After the fight with the birds, he only had two. He protected me from the other wolves, and proclaimed he loved me during the battle, so I let him live. He became a great ali though he and Inu always fought because he loved to proclaim that I was 'his' woman.
Then we found out he could sever pieces of himself to make incarnations, though he called them his 'children'. First was Kagura, a wind sorceress. She used a trap and set Inu up so he'd dual Koga to the death. She appeared when she thought Inu dead, but he popped back up because he had to protect me. She managed to get away and I saved Koga from the poisons of the fake shard in his arm. Next was Kanna, she could suck people's souls out using her mirror. She tried to take mine, but it just kept spilling from the mirror. I was the one to stop her, Naraku, and Kagura.
When I had freed the souls from the mirror, I had Miroku open his wind tunnel, but they got away. Then there was Goshinki. He bit and broke tetsusaiga in half. He could see straight into your mind and know your thoughts. When tetsusaiga broke, Inu's demon blood took over so he could live. All he could think of was killing our enemy, not how, so he managed to kill him. I got him to revert back, then he had to go to Totosai to repair it. Sesshou found Goshinki's remains and had Tokijin created from the fangs. He used tenseiga to bring the head back to life, and the aura from the demon possessed the smith, Kaijinbo.
Inu killed him when he came after him, but tetsusaiga weighed a ton because his own fang was used to fix it. Sesshou showed up and dispelled Tokijin's aura by pulling it free of the ground. Then Juromaru and Kageromaru attacked us. With Koga's help we killed them, they were also Naraku's 'children'. Then we found out that he still had Onigumo's heart, and yearned to have Kikyo. That's around the time I realized my feelings for Inu... Then we ran into Kohaku again, another trap. He was ordered to kill me, but couldn't. He refused, and I know he paid for it. Then a moth demon attacked and formed an acidic cocoon around them.
His demon blood again came out, and we learned that his soul and human heart would slowly be devoured with continued transformations. He ended up killing human bandits, and Sesshou stopped him. I wouldn't let him near Inu after he knocked him out. I placed the sword in his hand and he reverted back to normal and Sesshou left. Totosai told him he had to go pierce Ryukotsusei's heart so he'd become more powerful than his father and be able to make the sword lighter so he could actually wield it. Hie demon blood took over during the battle when Naraku released the sealed demon from his enchanted slumber, he was put there by Inutaishou. I refused to leave Inu, even though he wasn't himself, and Inu managed to get enough control of his senses to get his sword.
He unleashed the true power of the sword upon Ryukotsusei. The backlash wave, it turns your opponent's demonic aura against them as well as the windscar, only thing is that your opponent's aura has to be larger than your own for it to work. He also gained the ability of having the wind scar twisting around the sword, so you don't have to be able to see it."
"I've heard of Ryukotsusei." Hiei mentioned.
"I've seen him." Rin chirped.
Hiei looked down surprised at the girl. "I didn't think you really talked."
"Normally I only talk to mommy or Shippo or Uncle Kohaku or Uncle Souta." Rin stated. "But I like you, and I think you'd make a good daddy."
Kagome started coughing and Hiei raised an eyebrow at her statement. A dark blushed stained Kagome's cheeks crimson, and she couldn't look at the demon beside her as she spoke. "I'm a little young to mate Rin." Even if Hiei seems to have the body of a God!
Hiei smirked at having heard her thought. "But mommy, I want a daddy!"
"Back to my story." She said before mumbling about kids and trying to force her into her relationships with hot men that she could never have. "Sometime after that, on Inu's human night, we went to Togenkyo. A supposed sage lived there, but he wasn't a true sage and had a jewel shard. He used the tree of the human faced fruit to gain power, and we ended up destroying the tree and the impostor sage. I thought Inu was dead and he picked on me. At the time Sango wasn't with us, she had to go repair her Hiraikotsu.
A little after that, Tsubaki showed up and cursed me. She broke into my mind with dark magic and used me to try to kill Inu, but I fought as hard as I could. When she was distracted, it lifted a little and Inu and I went to join the battle. Miroku couldn't break her barrier, but Kikyo went inside and warned her against harming Inu. When we got there, I shattered the barrier with my arrow. I almost died, then she compared me to Kikyo and I got mad, and began firing arrows at her. She sent her serpent at me to kill me, but I used my bow and threw it back at her, sending her curse back at her. It broke her spell completely, but she got away with the jewel. Naraku had given it to her to use for her spell. Then she used a powerful demon that could stand up to purification powers, but Inu used the backlash wave on her.
We won, but Naraku still held the jewel as one of his poisonous bees had taken it. Shortly after that, Kagura tried to betray Naraku, but her plan failed because she couldn't do it alone and Sesshou wouldn't help her. After that, Muso attacked. He was Onigumo actually, even held the heart. He kept coming after me because I looked like Kikyo. Naraku had to reabsorb him though, because he couldn't hold his body together without his heart at that time. Inu couldn't break Naraku's barrier, so he went to Totosai for training. We were told to go to the bat demons and kill the current guardian of their powerful barrier.
It was an eight year old hanyou, and Inu couldn't kill her. We found out that her grandfather had killed her father, and she threw him from her barrier then plummeted to the ground. Inu killed the old man and all the bat demons, but then Shiori asked us to smash the blood coral crystal, the source of the barriers power. It was extremely hard to do, but when he had done it, his sword turned blood red with power. Then the panther demons attacked... not very fun, and we killed their leader who had previously been dead. Sesshou and Inu actually worked together on it.
Then Naraku had set a trap to absorb Sesshou, but it backfired. He disappeared and hid, then the band of seven came after us when we tracked him to Mt. Hakurei. When we finally reached him, he'd discarded his heart and was more powerful than before, a lot more. The only way to kill him now is to destroy the baby incarnation, his heart. The baby had been split in half, one half turning into a kid, Hakudoshi, and the other remaining the baby, Akago. The baby tried to control me using my jealousy of Kikyo and my being upset at Inu. He failed though. Then we continually had to battle Hakudoshi.
Everyone thought that Naraku had killed Kikyo, but she wasn't dead yet. I saved her. After that, there were several more battles. We fought for the final shard within the world of the dead. I managed to again almost kill Naraku, and again I failed. Then we chased him into a stone statue a few months later and were almost melted by acid. Inu put our shard into tetsusaiga and I had to hold onto him to keep it pure so he could blast our way out. I got burnt really badly. Then there weren't any major battle to about three months ago."
"What happened?" Hiei asked curiously. Already he had some respect for this woman. She had lived through many things, and he already hated Naraku, because he was Onigumo...
"Naraku came after my shard. Kohaku was there too. I flung myself at the boy to hold him off while my friends tried to fight Naraku. I used most of my energy to take his shard and keep him alive, then I turned to Naraku. I was determined I'd get the shards from him..."
Slowly she stood from where Kohaku was now laying and turned to look at Naraku. She ordered Shippo to take the boy to the village as she ran to join her fighting friends. They had been fighting for an hour before she saw her chance. Pushing herself forward, she shot forth, concentrating deeply, she called purification into her hands and shoved them into Naraku's chest. Removing the jewel, she smiled as she felt the tentacles impale her.
Falling backwards, Inu caught her before handing her to Miroku and unleashing the wind scar numerous times at their opponent who decided to flee. Her wounds were deep and serious, but she continued to smile as her friends yelled, telling her how stupid she was. Her smile never fell, even when Koga showed up. He too yelled at her, but handed her his shards as she'd asked him to.
End Of Flashback
"How'd your friends die?"
"Sesshou and us had agreed on an alliance, and I was coming home. I had come to gather supplies, but mom told me about what Sano said, so I told my friends. I was on my way here when I felt it. I turned and saw the smoke from where I was. Shippo was coming with me, as I had adopted him by youkai law a month prior. I told him to go ahead with Kirara as I ran back to the village.
I arrived in time to see Sango and Miroku fall dead in front of Kohaku. They had just confessed their love and become engaged. I ran to them and sustained many injuries from running through the demons. Once I reached them I fell to my knees in tears, until I heard a scream. I turned and saw Rin. Jaken and the dragon, Ah Un, had died protecting her. On instinct I took hold of Sango's sword, charging it with my ki, and threw it at the one attacking the girl.
That's when I saw Inu and Sesshou fall. Half the village was already dead and I raced to them. Naraku vanished as he said he'd be back for me. I left that night. It had been morning, and I left that night, taking their things with me. I have Sango's slayer outfit, Hiraikotsu, and sword, Miroku's glove, beads, and staff, Inu's sword, haori, and prayer beads, and Sesshou's swords and boa. They're all inside my room." Tears were slowly falling down her face, and Rin had fallen asleep.
Kagome carefully laid the little girl down before throwing herself at Hiei and holding him. He tensed at the contact. "Onna, what are you doing?" He hissed at her.
"Please..." She begged. "Just hold me."
By the way she was crying, he could tell that she hadn't exactly mourned her friends' deaths. So he allowed her to hang onto him and even wrapped his arms around her, letting her sob into his shoulder. And if anyone other than the three boys who smiled at the scene, or the little girl who was currently sleeping, saw them, that person would have to die.
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