Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tearful Cinderella ❯ Tragedy of the steps !!!!!! ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
I woke up to the sound of my ever persistent alarm clock. I looked at it and saw it said 6:00 and I shot up. If I didn’t hurry no breakfast for me. I scrambled to get dressed and I chose a black shirt that said "When life gives u lemons, throw them back at life and say I don't want your damn lemons!” in silver letters, black cargo pants and her trench coat. I dashed downstairs and quickly had a piece of fruit and dashed back up stairs put on her silver eye shadow and grabbed her bag and walked silently down the stairs and walked past the dining room when.
“Kagome come here and I mean this instant!” Called her step-mother. I walked over and looked at her.
“Yes step-mother.” I said not letting her know inside I was groaning with displeasure. My step-mother was smiling. Never a good thing.
“I thought you might want to know I pulled a few strings and now Kagura and Kanna are going to your school.” She said.
“Okay” I said. I turned on my heel and began to leave the room.
“Oh and if I hear one word of you displeasing my babies in any way it’s no dinner for a month.” She called out. I may not have said anything or had an expression on my face but inside I was cursing. I left and got to the school at 7:20 and I was still frowning. I went to the white garden as I found it was called. It was rather obvious and not the least bit creative. I sat there and began to curse.
“Why so bitter Kagome” Sesshomaru said. I knew he was there before he spoke but was too pissed off to give him any care.
“My stupid step-sisters are going to be going to this school and there going to find out I have a friend and going to tell my stupid step-mother that I was mean to them and I will have to do more chore’s on less food” I said.
“Sounds like to me you don’t really care for your step-family.” He said.
“Don’t” I said getting up just as the bell rang. I don’t know why I talked to him. I suppose it was just to vent out my bitterness so I didn’t get in trouble with Kagura and Kanna. ‘Oh how I despise them.’ I thought to my-self. I walked into the class room and saw only Hiei and the teach was there. I sat down still pissed off. Hiei loked at me obviously wondering why I was so pissed off but kept silent. I was thankful for that. Next in was Suuchi who noticed I was in a foul mood and didn’t attempt a conversation. Everyone else filled in I noticed some giving me odd looks. I didn’t care they were about to find out I’m sure everything about my life from Kagura and Kanna.
“Class we have two new student’s today Kagura Hinona and Kanna Hinona.” the teacher said. They walked in smiles plastered on there, well Kagura’s face. I don’t think Kanna can smile.
“Would you two tell the class a bit about yourselves.” the teacher asked them. Their eye’s landed on me.
“I am Kagura and I and Kanna are Kagome’s step-sisters” Kagura said pulling a loose strand of black hair away from her eyes.
“I am Kanna and I don’t like being told to do anything” came Kanna’s monotonous voice that could beat Sesshomaru’s any day. Everyone looked at me and I sighed and shot them all a glare. Most looked back to the teacher. Only Kurama and Hiei were still looking at me. I gritted my teeth glaring at them even more then turned my attention back to the teacher.
“Well since you two and Kagome are related I will…” the teacher trailed of when he looked at me seeing my glare knowing putting them next to me would mean death. “Put you next to kikyo so you don’t get distracted like everyone seems to who are too close to her.” I ceased my glare.
“But teacher we won’t get distracted by her in fact we will make sure no one else dose ether.” Kagura said.
“That is quite alright, I will just put you next to Kikyo.” he said. They did. Hiei looked at me.
“Would they happen to be the reason why you are in such a foul mood?” Hiei asked surprisingly with out glaring.
“What was your first clue?” I asked bitterly.
“The malicious look you gave Mr. Twashi.” he said looking back to Mr. Twashi. Suuchi looked at me then back to the teacher. I looked around and saw the girls were more than ready for war now. ‘Hmm I take it he doesn’t talk often. Come to think of it isn’t the prince’s name Hiei? Oh my god. I’m sitting next to a prince.
“Come to think of it, isn’t the prince’s name Hiei” I murmured knowing he would hear it since I knew he was a demon.
“Hn you are just now figuring that out baka onna” he said.
“Didn’t think about it.” I said. I remained silent the rest of the day till lunch. I saw Sango and I was really glade I didn’t have the same lunch period as my step’s so I could warn Sango about the problem. I got in line and got my lunch. I went to the tree we decided we would meet at every day and I sat and waited. Sango appeared and looked pissed off and the young man from yesterday had a hand print on his cheek. I put two and two together and figured he was the perverted monk. I noted a silver haired boy with dog ears following her and figured it was probably the hanyo. She reached me and sat down she must of noticed my dower mood because she asked if anything was wrong.
“Yes as a matter of fact there is something very wrong” I said.
“What” Sango asked?
“My step-sisters are here in the school” I said. “Who are they” I pointed towards the two boys.
“Inuyasha and miroku. They are the hanyo and the perverted monk I was talking about yesterday.” Sango said.
“Fair maiden.” miroku said taking my hand. I looked at him annoyed he was touching me. “Would you bear my chilled?”
“No” I said. “And if you ever ask that to anyone or do anything perverted near me I will do worse to you than I did to the last buffoon whom dared touch me without permission.” I then punched him in the stomach then need him in the balls. He passed out. The hanyo Inuyasha paled.
“Feh” he said. I quirked an eyebrow at him.
“Have something to say if not sit down and eat.” I said. He sat, and ate. Miroku woke up. “Sango would you fill them in why my step-sister’s presence is bad?” I asked. She explained why it was bad with out saying what I was knowing I didn’t want them to know.
“Man that’s not good we will have to be careful or we will get you in trouble.” miroku said. Inuyasha nodded.
“You’re being awful quiet Inuyasha.” Sango said.
“I just don’t feel like talking okay wench.” Inuyasha said. In a Milo second he found him self at the nasty end of my claws. “Never ever call her or me wench” I said darkly. He paled.
“Feh.” he said. I let him go and sat back down and ate. The bell soon rang and I sat in class with Sango and didn’t chat so I wouldn’t get in trouble. We were bound not to talk till 5th period since Kagura and Kanna didn’t have range or swordsmanship class but had this one. It sucked but I hate not eating. The bell finally rang and I went to range. I walked with Sango but didn’t speak. Unfortunately our friendship and the attention the richest, cutest boys in school were giving me reached Kagura and Kanna’s ears anyway. I reached class and I sat next to Sango. We talked for a while when the teacher came in.
“Okay class we will be teaching you the correct stance for using a bow today. I would really appreciate it if the two girl’s from yesterday would help.” he said.
“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt” the other girl said.
“Phweh sure whatever.” I said.
“Could I get your names please? I forgot to ask yesterday.” he said.
“My name is kikyo.” the girl said.
“Kagome.” I said. I spent the remainder or the class period correcting some of the most atrocious stances I had ever seen.