Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Tearful Cinderella ❯ the fight ( Chapter 23 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
First up was me vs. Koori Tsars.
Koori is a rather bit of a weakling and well she was really easy to beat. She had charged at me and I dogged and kicked her in the back so she fell down on her stomach, stepped on her back and pointed my sword at the back of her neck. The rest of my appoints were easy enough to beat and the same went for Sango which shocked a lot of people. You see Sango was by no means weak but she always used the same moves and that made her too predictable but now she’s fighting more like me mixing different style together to make a kind of super style. Taking the best out of all of them though she still doesn’t know as many as me she’s more than a match for most of these people. Now it was the match to decide who would be the two who fought for the semi finals. Who ever won this would face Sesshomaru. Inuyasha vs. Sango. I already have my spot after out speeding Koga of the wolf tribe. That guy is absolutely obsessed with me, its really annoying. I turned to watch the match. They bowed to each other and they began. Inuyasha unsheathed his fang. He charged bravely but stupidly. Sango ducked and dived between his leges kicked him in the back of the knee and quickly got up and stepped on his back after he fell and pointed the tip of the sword at the back of Inuyasha’s neck. People were shocked she had never beaten him before. Sango lost at the match between her and Sesshomaru though but he wasn’t named second best fighter for nothing though if I have my say Sesshomaru will be third best and Hiei second. Sango sat by me out of breath. “Sorry guess this means there wont be a match between me and you.” Sango said.
“It’s fine.” I replied. I waked up to the ring and face my opponent . Sesshomaru. We bowed and the match started. He pulled out his sword and gracefully attacked. I blocked and forced his sword to the side stuck mine in the ground beside me and grabbed both his wrist in one fluid motion. He looked startled and new there was no way he would win this. I kicked up and hit him in the face moved my grip as he fell back to his bade guard and took his sword from his hand pulled mine out of the ground put my foot on his chest and crossed the swords in an x against his neck his neck. I was now Hiei’s opponent. People gasped once more shocked. Hiei now stepped into the ring and bowed I bowed back. The match began and I found myself on the defense then the offence as we fought the only thing that announced we were still here was the sound of metal on metal. We were going so fast that no one except each other could what was happening. I rather the blocked Hiei’s next attack slashed at the sword. Hiei not expecting an attack from that angle lost his sword and faster that even Hiei could see I had my sword against his neck. I had won. Everyone was shocked to silence as the referee shakily announced my win even Hiei himself.
“you are a most worthy opponent Hiei” I said and openly smiled like I had as silver. The whole audience gasped as this was the first smile they had ever seen from me. The king and queen who had come up to watch were gaping openly as there son, the one considered a best fighter since Midoroku was beaten. “though I must say there’s a slight problem with your title of being the best since Midoroku.”
“And what is that?” he said and looked at me accusingly.
“Your better.” I said sheathing my sword. “I should know she trained me. Its amazing what you can learn from dreams isn’t it.” I walked away. There were murmurs all around me as I did. Man was I glad Kagura, Kanna and the rest of my thrice dammed family didn’t show up. I cast a quick spell to make people incapable of letting the overhear or tell them that bit of information as the whole city had shown up as well as a spell to keep them form sharing it with anyone besides those that had shown up.

Well what do you think. I know I’m bad at fight scenes but its something I needed to do for the plot line.