Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Blue Eyed Beauty ❯ First Encounter ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Blue-Eyed Beauty
By: Kiba/KibaSin
Summary: Kurama had always expected that Hiei would find someone to love him one day. But, he never thought his life would be the one to turn upside down the day it happened. [Hiei x Kagome; Yu Yu Hakusho/Inuyasha; Drabble series]
Disclaimer: I do not own the Yu Yu Hakusho or Inuyasha series.
Genre: General/Romance
Rating: T
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First Encounter
Kurama felt a smile touch his face as he moved closer to the room at the end of the hallway. He had been certain his friend would be gone for at least two more weeks, but the sound of the shower running made it clear to him that he had managed to complete his mission early. And, no doubt, wanted to rid himself of the stench that some unruly demon had left upon him during the battle.
Really, he supposed it should not have surprised him. Hiei always was the type to attack first, and, if his opponent managed to live long enough, ask questions later.
Merely wishing to wait for the hybrid to finish his shower and ask him how his mission for Mukuro had went, Kurama did not allow Youko's sudden shift in his mind to distract him. He immediately twisted the doorknob once he reached it, and opened the door with relative ease. The old hinges squeaked a little from use, but the sound was so slight that Kurama shook his head and cast his eyes upward.
What the—?!
`Holy?!' Youko's shout easily reflected how Kurama felt.
Stunned into silence, Kurama could do nothing but stare at the woman nestled deep in Hiei's sheets. The woman herself did not shock him, but the mere fact that there was a woman sleeping peacefully in the hybrid's bed did. And, though it seemed like only a second ago he began to stare, she shifted enough that he finally realized she was unclothed as well.
`How the fu—?!' Youko began.
The door connected to the bathroom swung open suddenly. Steam rolled out into the area, as the hybrid himself stepped into the room and turned his crimson eyes upon the fox standing stupefied in the doorway. He instantly growled, “Get out.”
“Hiei?” Kurama questioned. Who was that woman? Where had she come from?
“Get out,” Hiei stated again.
The woman upon the bed shifted a little, clutching the sheet around her as she whispered, “Hiei…
Kurama sensed the new energy crackling in the air soon after the woman spoke. It hung around her, stretching out and caressing Hiei's stiffened form as his anger rose. But, Kurama refused to budge, as a new question sprang from the end of his tongue. “What is she?”
Get out!” the hybrid snapped.
Recognizing the threat, and feeling the hair on the back of his neck rise, Kurama finally jerked his hand to pull the door shut. It was instinctive, something under his very skin telling him to listen to his friend immediately, and he blinked rapidly afterward.
`Don't be so surprised, Red,' Youko called. `At the moment, I don't think anyone would want to come between that pipsqueak and his mate.'
Again, Kurama was left stunned.
Hiei's… mate?