Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Future's Past ❯ The Next Morning and the Prep ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

"Pssss, Urameshi. Come on Urameshi, wake up!!" Yusuke heard right before he had his covers torn off and he was thrown to the cold floor.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?!?" Yusuke asked as he jumped up off the floor to face Kuwabara.

"Yusuke, it is time for breakfast. Also, the Lords and Ladies will be arriving in a few short hours; the Lady has sent myself and Hiei messengers this morning to inform us. Also she wrote that she would show us around the rooms the Lords and Ladies will be visiting," Kurama informed Yusuke.

"Yeah, whatever," Yusuke said as he pulled on his over shirt and shoes. "Let's get something to eat, I'm starved."

With that the four members headed down to the main hall. They walked around the halls the halls until a servant finally found the members and lead them to the main hall, from which wafted delicious smells.

They opened the door and were in awe of what they saw. The room they had stepped into was very large, and according to Kurama it was big enough for fully transformed demons to sit in.

"Welcome, My Lady will be right down," another servant informed them before leaving the room.

"Well, should we wait?" Kuwabara asked.

"No need for that, please sit," a voice said from behind them, causing them all to turn around and look.

"My Lady," Kurama said with a bow, while Hiei did a stiff, quick nod of the head.

The woman laughed and waved a hand at them, "There is no need for formalities, call me Kagome when we are in private. Only use formalities when it is required, they make me feel old," she added with a small giggle.

The others could only look at the woman standing before them, and could only conclude that she was anything but old. That's when something in Yusuke's mind clicked, "Wait, Kagome, is that you?"

"Yup, hey Yusuke, how are you?"

"What are you doing here, and why are you acting like a Lady? How the hell do you know of Miaka?" Yusuke asked with his mouth hanging half open.

"I'm not acting like anything Yusuke, I am the Lady of Miaka, and I have known of Miaka far longer than you have. Now, what do you say about getting some breakfast, then I shall show you around," Kagome said while gesturing at the awaiting cushions.

"Thank you, My L-Kagome," Kurama replied and seated himself, as well as the others after she sat down.

After Breakfast

"So, I suppose I should show you around now? Come on," Kagome stated as she stood up and headed toward the main hall door.

"Wow Urameshi, why didn't you tell us that your cousin was that important?" Kuwabara asked after Yusuke explained to him how he knows Kagome.

"I didn't know stupid, I still don't know how it happened," Yusuke said with a sigh.

"Alright now, this is the main meeting room," Kagome told all of the Detectives as she opened a door to show an even larger room than before, it was at least three stories high, and half the length of the football field.

"Now, if you follow me I will show you to the Lords' and Ladies' guest wing," Kagome said as they went down an unknown corridor.

The arrival of the Lord of Miaka

"Well, that's all of the areas that the Lords and Ladies will be allowed in," Kagome sighed at the end of the tour.

"Kagome," a deep mono-tone voice stated.

The Spirit Detectives turned around to see a tall man that looked remarkable familiar to the one that had been with Kagome before, except that he now had facial markings, silver hair, claws, and tail.

"Sess!" Kagome yelled as she gave him a hug. "How was your trip? How is Shippo doing? Is Inu-Yasha coming?"

Then the feared Lord of Miaka did something that none of the Detectives would have expected, he laughed, not a large laugh, but a heartfelt chuckle. "Slow down love, my trip was fine, Shippo and his family are as healthy as ever, and yes, both Inu-Yasha and Kikyo will be coming to the meeting. Does that satisfy all of your curiosity?" Sesshomaru said with a smile on his face.

Kagome nodded, and then Sesshomaru turned to the Detectives, "So I suppose these are ones sent from Koenma?" "Yup, and the one in jeans and the green jacket is Yusuke, remember the cousin I told you about?"

"Ah yes, the great Urameshi," Sesshomaru replied as he did a stiff, small head bob bow to each of the detectives.