Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ The Whole World's Leaning On Me ❯ Progress ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Whole Worlds Leaning On Me

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Yu-Yu-Hakusho…blah blah blah

Inuyasha: Ahem Lani *gestures to an unconscious Lani, with a BIG hat on to disguise the bumps* is not feeling well right now.

Naraku: *Laughs evilly* Yes! She had a umm…."accident" that me and Inuyasha here witnessed. It was terrible! Muhahahahaha!

Chrisyn: Idiots. I'll get them back for that…

Savannah: Yes…..they will pay!

Hiei: I agree. Even Lani shouldn't have to put up with that. Like I shouldn't have to put up with you!

Savannah: And just WHAT exactly is that suppose to mean? *Starts chasing Hiei around, then "accidentally trips and falls on him, as Kagome and Christyn slide away* Oops…*blushes so she resembles a tomato* Umm…..

Lani: Oww…..my head hurts….Oh my! *wolf whistling* Go Savannah!

Koga: Hey! I'm supposed to do the whistling here!

Fox: *bonks on head a little too hard* oops! Sorry Koga….but baka! Don't bother the author if you want to stay in this side story!

Koga: `Ya know…She's kinda pretty….Heck! She's perfect!' *Grabs both hands* Today, I claim you as MY woman!

Kagura: *snorts as everyone else breaks out in laughter* Wow…..at least you don't have to put up with him Kagome….

Sango: Erm….any ways, Lani is still a bit to umm….dizzy to tell you all this, so I feel that it is my duty/ The pairings are as follows: Inuyasha/Kagome, Sesshomaru/Lani, Savannah/Hiei, Fox/Koga, `Rin'/Kurama, and Sango/Miroku…WHAT! Lani! What the hell! This is NOT cool! *fumes and rambles on to Lani*

Kagome: Yes, anyway, the following people are available: Kagura, Naraku, *Inuyasha*, Yuske, Keiko, Kuwabara, Botan, Hiten, Kikyo, and anyone else you can think of from YYH or IY okay!

Miroku: Thanks again all! Please tell Lani in the review who you want as your mate okay! Hehehe! Sango darling!

Lani: Hahahahahha! There! So, anyway, I didn't do this to torture you Sango. I just felt sorry for Miroku-kun, so since you seem to-*gets bonked on head*

*Inuyasha*: Oh my! Uhh….Christyn, why don't we tend to Lani and you guys read the chapter okay! Thanks all!

Chapter 6: Progress

Last time:

Inuyasha just sat/lay there, holding onto Kagome, when finally, he matched her even breathing.

This Time:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Inuyasha's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

`Aaah. I love the way Kagome smells. Watermelon, lilies, r-death? Kikyo's here! Shit!' Inuyasha started to panick.

*~*Don't go to her! Dammit don't go to her! Kagome will hate you forever! Don't do it!*~*

Inuyasha however, as usual, completely ignored his good sense and released Kagome. He jumped out of the tree and started to run to Kikyo.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kagome's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Cold washed over her. She opened her eyes and saw that she was alone. She was wondering where Inuyasha was when she felt it. A corrupt energy. `Kikyo…' Kagome's eyes started to sting. `No! I will NOT cry over him anymore. I don't know what I was thinking. Inuyasha even looking at me the way he does Kikyo. But why does it hurt so much? I-I'll just head back to Kaede's.'

Kagome scrambled out of the tree and started walking through the forest to Kaede's. She had only been walking for 3 minutes when she stumbled upon the scene.

Inuyasha embracing Kikyo and whispering soft words to her. She watched as Kikyo started to slowly embrace him back. But that was enough for Kagome. She turned around and ran to Kaede's hut.

She didn't reach her destination however, when she just broke down and cried. She lay on her stomach, her arms folded and her head resting on them. Then, all of a sudden, she felt warm again. This calmed her down so much that she drifted off to sleep.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yuske's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Hey, I'm gonna take a walk," Yuske said after about half an hour. He exited Kaede's hut and started walking around in the woods. `Wonder where Kagome is…Well, at least now I know where she got that sama stuff. Kagome. Are you still in love with that idiot?'

Yuske stopped suddenly when he saw Kagome lying on the ground, body shaking. He ran over and scooped her up onto his lap, so her head rested against his chest. Soon she was asleep.

He picked her up bridal style, with her arms clinging onto his shirt in a death grip and her head still resting on his chest. He walked back to Kaede's hut.

"Hey, Kaede. You got somewhere I can put Kagome?" he asked as he stepped inside.

"What happened?" Miroku inquired.

"I don't know. I just found her on the ground crying, so I brought her back here," he replied.

Sango's, Shippo's, Miroku's, and Kaede's eyes suddenly became very cold and full of hate. "It was her then," Sango said coldly.

"Here child. Let us put Kagome in here," Kaede ushered Yuske into a private room. She went back into the main room as Yuske tried to release Kagome.

"No! Please…d-don't leave me…" she cried, her grip tightening on his shirt so he couldn't get her off. So, finding no other solution, he sat down, back against the wall (comfortably mind you), and wrapped his arms around Kagome. Slowly, he drifted off to sleep.

Lani: Well, sorry for the short chappie all! Hn….Hiei is rubbing off on me ne? well, any way, thanks for reading! And does anyone know wut Kuso means? Sigh, well, we still have available people in need of mates! Sooo, plz review!

Kagome: Umm….Lani what about the responses?

Lani: Im sorry people, but I am WAY to tired to do that this time, so on my next chapter, I promise to do that okay! Love yall!

Okay, btw…..if you review, I will send the next half of the prologue since it keeps on getting cut to your email okay! Gomen about that!


If any chapters don't show or are cut plz tell me! This really is making me mad man! Coz I dunno. This fic is my main one rite now since I finished Don't Leave Me so im pissed that it keeps on getting cut or not showing! Okay, also, if you review n your not a member, and you want the rest of the prologue, please email me your address or leave me your address. I check my mail almost everyday, so I will get to you very quickly! Ai-Lani