Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Just Another Fic.......... ❯ Word........ ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Just Another Fic....


Disclaimer: I don't own anything!!!!!*mean people!!!*WAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y_K_V4391:Herro why don't you start us off for once.


Everyone:*stares at Herro*

Duo:Let me do it let me!!!

Shadow:Just let Duo do it.


All*fall over*

Inuyasha:Can't you remember anything?!

Miroku:*moves closer to the girls*

Y_K_V:*stares into space*What.......oh yea fine.

Duo:Now what?

Trowa:What do you mean what!Do something.

Duo:O.k*does nothing*^____^

Yugi&Yami: e____e/-___-

Shadow:*feels something on her butt**screams*AHHH.......Get it off me!!!

Joey:Oh.....no you don't you pervert!*tackles Miroku down to the ground*

Miroku:O.ko.k I give!


Yami:Mr.Quiet actly spoke.

Herro:*eyes Yami*

Yami:*eyes back*1__1

Kuwabara:What you say star boy!!?!
Yugi:What I do?

Yami:I said Mr.Quiet not Mr.Ugly!*talking to Kuwabara*

Kuwabara:I was talking to the big Yugi!*talking to the small Yugi*

Yugi:What's wrong with my hight!!!

Yami:My name is not big Yugi it's YAMI!!!Or in your case Pharoh!



All:o00o calm down Yugi...*starts to fight with one another anyway*

Tea:*yells to the top of her lungs*Can't we all just get along and be friends?

All:NO!!!!!!!!*all go's back to aruging*

Shadow:SHUT UP!!!!


Yusuke:Y_K_V,why did you bring us here.......again anyway?!

Y_K_V:-___-! I'm glad you asked.

Duo:Don't get mad get glad!!!^___^

Quatra:Your alittle last their buddy.

Inuyasha:Try a lot late!

F_D_C:......Oh...yea........Come on childern!!!

Y_K_V:o.k as I was saying you peepz are here because Iwant to give are reviewers some words of wisdom!!!

Yusuke:And how does that involve us?

Y_K_V:Well no one would want to listen to me alone so.........I brought ya'll here!And besides I'm so alone here and I could so I did.

Hiei:And why here all the time?

Shadow:Because it's nice and roomy here.

Y_K_V:And also because I can I did and because it's MY REALM!!!!^__^

Tea:So the words of wisdom are going to be about friendship???

Y_K_V:sure.........what ever you say Tea...Wufei!

Wufei:*looks at Y_K_V*

Y_K_V:You know what to do right?
Wufei:Yep sure do.*eyes Shadow*

Shadow:*eyes Yusuke*

Tea:Are we playing a game or something?*starts to eye everybody*

*And until everyone eyed each other*

Kurama:*eyes Quatra*

Quatra:Right!Release the ravid dragons!!!*releases a ravid dragon on Tea*

Tea:*looks up*Friendly dragon*

*dragon swallows Tea whole*

Tea:Are we still playing a game??

All:*pretents she is not there*

F_D_C:Plan kill Tea finished!!

Shippo:Where did that dragon come from?


Kurama:A......dragons from little dragon eggs which froms from big dragons which come froms mre little dragon eggs......^__^*smiles*

Y_K_V:0overy well put Kurama.

Shippo:o.k............fine then.

Y_K_V:o.k then the first words of wisdom are*smiles evily*All men are insuperior to all women!"

All men or boys in room:*cough cough*Bullsh**

Quatra:Hey, it dose'nt say that all men are insuperior to all women!

F_D_C:You know he's right.It saids that most men are insuperior to all women.^^

Y_K_V:Sure......my bad.:)

Kuwabara:Thats what I thought.

Shadow:Hey,your one of the insupperior men!And he's.........just about the only one that is.......here.

Trowa:Yea well......

Yusuke:Yea well............what?

Kurama:Next words of wisdom!

F_D_C:"The furture belongs to those who believe in the desruction of their dreams/nightmares!"Uh.......kewl


Shadow:Next are*reads sliently*"You are reason why some animals eat their young."Oh.........Kurama!Here you read this one and read it toward there.*points toward Kuwabara*

Kurama:*reads what it saids*0o You are the reson why hey do that are'nt you!Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Y_K_V:Are you o.k Kurama you can stop laughing you know...


Y_K_V:*glomps Yami for no reson at all*^__________^


Yami:But that was so true!



F_D_C:*Hugz Hiei*


Kuwabara:What did you say?!

F_D_C:He said the true!Y_K_V!

Y_K_V:o.k *knocks Kuwabara out with a math book*^___^ My least favorite subject.*And kicks him to the side*

Tea:*talking from inside the dragon*Ah......guys that was'nt nice!!

Inuyasha:I know.....(^____^)

Tea:*looks around*Ah....guys I'm starting to think you did this to get rid of me...and I think I'm starting to get digested.0o


Miroku:Don't worry I'll get you out!

All:You would'nt dare...!

Miroku:Nah...just said that.....to make her think.!!!And thinking is good very good which actly very very bad in your case you know.


All:*walks away from Tea like nothing ever happened*

Tea:*is screaming while getting digested*

Wufei:Next words please.

Y_K_V:o.k o.k here read Quatra.

Quatra:o.k*0o confused*"Life is short......Be bad;do bad; do very!Be curel!Be destructable!Inquire.Know how to hate!!!!YEA!!!I feel much better!

Duo:Go Quatra!


Shadow:Alrighty then.....And how does that make you feel?

Trowa:*stares at Shadow for avery long time*

Shadow:What I was just kiddening!SH.....



Yugi:never mind.





Y_K_V:o.k then read this then Inuyasha oh and Herro read this.^__^


Inuyasha:"Help me to resist temptation....especially when I know no one is looking."Hell nah...you knew this is more Miroku!

Miroku:What what did I do???*nearing the girls*

Joey:You know what you've done now away come the gilrs e__e

Shadow:Thank you Joey.

Y_K_V:Now you Herro.

Herro:"Never moon a werewolf."Hell no you did not!Grr.......*starts to chase Y_K_V*

Y__KV:I'm sorry!I could'nt help it!!AHAHAHahahahahhahah......

Hiei:O.k well while Y_K_V is getting chased by Herro I think it would be best if I started to rap up....o.k thats done please R/R!^^And now I have to go clean up after sparky my dragon HERE GIRL*calls to his girl dragon that eariler ate Tea*Bye BYE!