Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Psycho's and F_D_C2003's CRAZY Killing Spree Story ❯ Shadi Goes Insane! ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

FDC: Ok, Shadi is scary!
Shadi: I am not!

Psycho: Yes you are.

Shadi: No I'm not!

Jou: Shiny things scare me!

Shadi: Huh...>_< That was just cruel!

All: *laughing at Shadi cuz he's bald*

Shadi: SO cruel...don't worry you'll all get yours.... *plots evil things*

Marik: e_e he couldn't plot if his life depended on it

Shadi: I can so and I'll prove it! I'll plot something so bad against you… you'll be scarred for life!

Marik: *smirks* I'd love to see you try

Shadi: Ok then! I will!

FDC: O...k... Anyone ready to get started then so Shadi can be proved wrong?

Shadi: Why don't you have any faith in me? T_T

Sha-chan (FDC's hamster): kush kush, kush, kush...

Shadi: Shut up rodent. Let me have some kind of happy time!

Noa: Shut up, you're not even making anymore sense!

FDC: Shadi's head is hollow.

Shadi: Really now? I didn't know you and I had the exact same brain…

Me: *lifts up cast iron pan* What was that?

Shadi: You are the Lord and Master!

FDC: Yatta!
Nyoko: ENOUGH!
Psycho: And, ON WITH THE SHOW!
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Bakura: Ok... so... the authoresses are gone.. we're stuck here with Shadi who is plotting evil things...

Marik: Who, once again, can't plot his way out of a paper bag...

Malik: He's just a big phony!

Nyoko: e_e not helping...

Ryou: We have to get them back and regain control! Mokuba will ruin everything!

Mokuba: *running around foaming at the mouth yelling rabid insults about death, chaos and how yoga is evil*

All: 0o
RavenFire: Someone give me one good reason why I shouldn't grab that 'kid' by the head and chuck him to the other side of the world…

Seto: Because I'm here, you ashy looking hairball.

RavenFire: Ok, new plan. Keep the kid and bury you alive under the ocean so slimy things can suck on your blood and give you herpes.

Jou: Alright already, can we attempt to have some peace around here? Something needs to be worked out here.
Nyoko: o_O that almost sounded logical, Jou…

Shadi: Bwhahahahahahaahahahahahaa.... *randomly disappears*

Malik: See I told you he couldn't plot for shit. The wuss chickened out!
*a sack of bricks randomly falls on Malik at his comment*

Malik: X.X
Marik: >.< how about… we just … stay around here and throw a party celebrating the loss of the bitchy authoresses who control this place!
Dragon_lover: We have to get them out, or else the apocalypse will come sooner than you expect!
Ryou: Are you trying to say that those two nutters are the world's peace keepers?!
Nyoko: DO YOU WANT TO LIVE OR NOT?! *hisses*
Bakura: Leave my hikari alone you…you…fuzzy pink cat-woman with freaky eyes!
Nyoko: *eye roll* Please -_-
Yamifanner: Well whatever we do, we'll have to do it at night so the risk of getting caught isn't as high.
Bakura: *is now dressed in all black complete with rope on his shoulder etc.* Ok let's go bust out some nutbars… again...

All: OK!

Yami: But first, Malik… do us all a favor and put some freakin clothes on.

Malik: >_O you know you're jealous of my superior good looks.

Yami: e_e yeah ok…
Lady_Washu: I beg to differ, Malik, but this is NOT the time to be talking about your “superior good looks”. Psycho might agree, but she's not here right now so put some damn clothes on and let's go!
Mokuba: Yeah! Get that bitch in check!
All: o_O
*meanwhile at the cells…*
Psycho: *etching her initials in the cell wall muttering obscenities* It's getting dark! How much freaking longer are those morons going to take?!
FDC: If I had my Sennen Earplug then I would be able to tell you, but those damn cops stripped us of everything…
Psycho: *sighs and slumps against wall* -_-
FDC: *Starts singing Easy Breezy while carving tally marks on the wall for every minute that passes by* ...and I'm Japanesey...

Psycho: How can you be so cheerful when we are in this dump… and that transvestite in the cell across from ours is giving me funny looks...

Transvestite: ^.^ *waves at Psycho*

Psycho: -.- *waves back*
FDC: I think it likes you!
Psycho: >.< *shudders* Hey… do you hear that?
FDC: *ears twitch* Yeah… sounds like… someone's coming… Could it be them? What are they doing?
Psycho: They're doing somersaults naked in a bathtub full of peanut butter… how the frick should I know?!
FDC: *looks out the bars* Its dark, can't see. If only RavenFire was here… she could see in the dark.
Psycho: *bashes head against wall* We're never gonna get out!!
~*Meanwhile outside on the roof of the building*~

All: *have made it to the roof and are now thinking of a way to get the two out without causing too much of a scene*

Malik: I have the perfect idea!

Dragon_lover: ok then, let's hear it.

Malik: Why don't we all do somersaults off the roof naked into a bathtub full of peanut butter!

All: ......

*crickets chirp*

Malik: Uh… ok then no...

Marik: *staring at Malik* What the hell is wrong with you?

Malik: I dunno, something just possessed me to say it.
Ryou: It's Shadi's doing again isn't it?

Yuugi: It can't be, is he really that smart? *is shrunken down to the size of a thumb*

Nyoko: Whoa... Yuugi turned into Tom Thumb! XD

All: *stare* 0_o
~* In the cells *~
Psycho: *looking glumly out the window, and suddenly sees a naked Malik doing a somersault off the roof into a random tub full of peanut butter* ((O.O))
FDC: Omg, it's like déjà vu! But where did that bathtub come from?
Psycho: That's just some freaky shit! MALIK!! WTF are you doing?!
Malik: Something possessed me to do it! I don't know what! *runs up and does it again*
*Bakura screaming at how Malik is going to ruin the plan is heard*
FDC & Psycho: o_O;;
Psycho: Is Shadi getting his revenge?
FDC: I don't know... but if it is then Malik is gonna get the worst of it...

Psycho: *yells up towards the roof* HEY YOU MORONS! GET US OUT!!!

Seto: *peers over the ledge* Shut up, or we'll all get busted!

*Suddenly a spotlight is shot on the group on the roof and are caught in the act and put in cells beside Psycho and FDC's*

Seto: This is just great and all because YOU had to scream! *gesturing towards Psycho*

Psycho: XP Shut up, you jacked off to a corn cob!

Seto: Huh....?

Shadi: *randomly appears in the cell with...Seto and the others* Hi!

All: oO

Malik: Where the hell have you been?

Shadi: Continuing the plot to your demise Malik-kun! ^.^ *is in an unusually happy, cheerful mood that is kinda creepy*
FDC: I have never seen him like this before…
Cop: *comes up to cell* It's you! *points to Malik* And here you are all naked and covered in peanut butter. What is it with you dancing on roofs covered in kitchen substances?
Malik: I can explain! The first one was a dare!
Cop: And the second?
Malik: The guy in the bathrobe made me do it! I swear! *suddenly realizes he's naked and blushes* =_=
Psycho: -_______- Kaiba can you just bail us out of here so we can go? This is humiliating enough without you lot here!
Cop: If you don't mind, we will be handcuffing you and taking you to the searching room.
*other cops come in, cuff them all and take them to a new room*
Nyoko: *struggling with cop who is at least a foot shorter than herself* >.> stupid mortals!
Everyone: *in the searching room and have all been searched one way or another*

Ryou: -.-+ I feel so violated!

Bakura: *has been placed in a straight jacket after his search because he attacked the cop that searched Ryou*

Mokuba: *has also been placed in a straight jacket for just being himself*

Seto: What is it you people are looking for exactly?

Cop: Things..

Seto: o_O Hold up, what kind of 'things'

Cop: Things that you need not worry about.

All: * have been searched*

Cop: Ha! I found it! The creepy guy in the bathrobe had it! *holds up a bag of party streamers*

All: O_O

Malik: Party streamers, Shadi? You're gonna have to do better than that.

Shadi: Bwhahaha… you will eat your words you fuck headed nudist! *disappears again*

Malik: I'm not a nudist, do you think I'm a nudist... I'm not a nudist! Wait.. what's a nudist?

All: >.>
Nyoko: *standing around in her thong and bra revealing all her 6'5” glory* When you're quite done…
Marik, Kurama and…Bakura?!: *all staring drooling* @.@
Psycho: O.o I didn't know Bakura had a fetish for youkos…
Yuugi: *from his thumb-sized self on the floor no taller than Bakura's ankle* HEEEY! UP HEEEERE! CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN WHY I HAVE BEEN TURNED INTO AN EVEN SMALLER MIDGET?!
Bakura: *looks down* Be quiet before I squish you, you annoying little fly buzzing in my ear -_-
Cops: *investigating Shadi's creepy bag of party streamers*
~*As the cops investigate the bag of streamers they come to life and strangle the officers*~

All: Yay! We're free!!!!!!!!!!

Streamers: *after they are through killing off the police, come to attack the others who are cheering*


Streamers: *wrap selves around the poor, helpless, and previously sexually harassed group and laugh hysterically*

Malik: O_O I didn't know that party favors could laugh, maybe they can talk too! Hey do you party favors think I'm a nudist?

Streamers: *wrap selves around Malik tighter*
Psycho: What is it with things coming to life?
Kitsune: We gotta run before we die! *grabs her clothes and leads the almost-naked hoard of people out of the building*
Ryou: *while running* How do we get rid of those possessed pieces of weird crap?!
FDC: I think only Shadi has the power to control them!
RavenFire: What if I try burning them?!
Nyoko: Or electrocuting them?
Bakura: Or sending them to the Shadow Realm?!
Marik: Only something with a soul can be sent to the Shadows you cream puff!
Yuugi: I will crush them with my midgetness times 2! *magically turns into a giant and proceeds to rip up the streamers* BWHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Malik: Hahaha haha! Alright! See Shadi, nothing you can do is working, so far I'm right! *another bag of bricks lands on his head and a trap door opens up below the group and they all fall in*
Psycho: You and your big mouth -_-

~*After about 3 hours of falling nearly everyone has fallen asleep and soon hit the ground hard and are rudely interrupted from their slumber. The place is hard, cold and dark and water can be heard dripping around in various places like in an old cave *~
Bakura: NOW where the hell are we? It's freezing in here, and I didn't even get time to grab my clothes from the cop station!
Psycho: That's not such a bad thing ^_~
Raven: This place almost feels like home! Besides the water, that is >.>
*suddenly clothes appear on everyone*
Yamifanner: Well at least Shadi has the decency to do that.
Malik: Does this mean I'm not a nudist anymore?
All: >_<!!
~* Everyone starts tramping through the cave-like place they are in, with the glow of Raven's fireballs being their only light. Suddenly a freaky cackling sound is heard up ahead… *~
All: *look around intently trying to find the source of the freaky cackling*

L_W: Who the hell is laughing like that, it sounds like a dying animal!

Noa: A curvey dying animal....

~*Chairs rise up out of the floor and everyone is seated and strapped into and are violently pulled into a room, like on a roller coaster. After a few minutes, they stop and are in a room where the being sits at the front and is the cause of the funky cackling*~

All: O_O YOU?!

~*At the front of the room is Dartz sitting on the ground cross-legged in a pink dress*
Psycho: AAAH!! IT'S THE TRANSVESTITE FROM THE CELLS!!!!! *runs off screaming incoherent obscenities making no sense whatsoever and disappears into the darkness*
Nyoko: X_X JUST what we need.
Jou: He really DOES look like a woman in that outfit… with the hair and all…
Pegasus: Would you mind explaining what the hell you are doing?
Mary Ann: And tell us where we are!
Kurama: And what the hell are you cackling about? 0_o
Kaiba: And…why are you in a pink dress?
Dartz: ^0^ Lalalalalalalala *stands up a twirls around like he's all pretty and stuff and throws candy at everyone*

Bishies: ARE YOU INSANE?!!

Dartz: Yep! ^0^ *runs around and glomps and/or kisses all the bishes* Woooot Woot!

Authoresses: *are eating candy*   @_@ FWOOOOOOOOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ryou: Dragon_lover was right! The apocalypse really IS coming!
Pegasus: It's never good when authoresses and/or fangirls get a hold of candy or anything containing caffeine, sugar or THC.
Kaiba: *still strapped to the chair* Or when we find Dartz acting freakily GAY dressed in pink…
Kurama: Or when Shadi possesses Malik to somersault off a roof into a bathtub of peanut butter naked…
Bakura: Or when party streamers try to strangle us…
Marik: Or when one of the two nutty authoresses who created this Osiris-damned place claims a transvestite who turns out to be Dartz is coming after her, and runs away.
Shadi: *appears out of the blue and makes the madness stop*

~*Everyone is free and all together and restored as normal as possible, except Mokuba who is still....duh...*~

Shadi: Well did you simpletons enjoy that?

Malik: What the hell was that shit?

Shadi: Well I was bringing the apocalypse early but I decided to stop before I ACTUALLY destroyed the world. Just to torture you.

Marik: You are an evil bastard.


Authoresses: *are still hyper and jump Shadi, bound and gag him and hang him upside down above a pot of acid*

Shadi: Uh, girls.. can't we talk about this?

Authoresses: *obsessing in their own sugar-happy induced worlds*
Dartz and other bishies: *gather around the acid pot and chat amongst themselves about how to carry out Shadi's death*
Shadi: Uhh… girls? Guys? You're not really going to drop me in this stuff are you…?
Malik: If you were some fucking saint who can disappear and reappear at will then why are you worrying so much, HUH?!
Psycho: 0_o calm down, Malik-kun…
Malik: Why should I calm down? He made me into a nudist! My naked body is going to be all over the news now!
Raven: It's because his bindings are enchanted.

Shadi: Yeah?! Well I can still do this! *summons more strangling streamers*

All: O-o
Dartz: *farts and all the streamers vanish as does the pot of acid*

Yami: Now look what you did moron! You made Shadi's death disappear too!

Bakura: e_e great another 'GENIUS' to be proud of.
All: *cough and splutter and gag from the smell*

Dartz: Oro? Lalalaala nyan nyo wooo!
Kaiba: This guy is even more insane than my brother -_-
Mokuba: *rolling around inside his straightjacket foaming at the mouth*
Nyoko: Sooo what do we do now?
FDC: Well I'ma go find Psycho, you nutbars can sort something out while I'm gone, ne?
RavenFire: Oh yes, yes we can have a great deal of fun here... by ourselves... with Dartz.. and Shadi....*laughs manically*

FDC: oO o...k... have fun! *runs off to find Psycho who ran away into the **dramatic pause** Unknown…*

Mary-Ann: OK she's gone... now what oh what should we do?

~*Everyone gathers around Shadi and Dartz who are both cornered and are holding onto each other for dear life as the scene fades out black*~
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~*~
FDC: Whoo hoo another chapter over and done with!
Psycho: And about time, too. Hope you enjoyed people, and don't forget to leave your comments!