Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / One Piece Fan Fiction ❯ Who's Who ❯ This Author Needs Help, Like Now! ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 2:
This Author Needs Help,
Like Now!!
Bob: Lacy, what the heck are you doing?
Lacy (pretending to cry and hold something in her hands): Oh, I'm practicing for when I win an Oscar. I want to thank all my English teachers, the Yu Yu Hakusho gang, the Yu-Gi-Oh group, and the One Piece crew (I own none of these shows), all of you inspire me sooooooo much (sniff, sniff). And I want to thank N20000 for reviewing. This chapter is dedicated to you and you laugh, it funny.
Bill: Hey what about us?
Lacy: What about you?
Bob: Aren't you going to thank us?
Lacy: No, the last time I talked about you guys in my story I was sent to the Happy Happy Town.
Bill: You mean the mental hospital?
Lacy: Shhhhh. They don't know that (points to the readers) they still think that I am mentally sound.
Bob: Yeah right!
Bill: After what you did in your other story is proof that you are insane.
Lacy: Fine, I will admit that I am not mentally sound. Just let me write the rest of the story.(talking to the readers now)Sorry `bout that. Dumb and Dumber over there make me write really long intros and endings but not that long of the story part.
Bill (pointing to Bob): Ha you're dumber
Bob: No you are dumber!
Bill: No you are
Bob: No you
Bill: No you
Lacy: I give up! You are both the dumbest muses ever!!!(Mental stability is going haywire, Lacy's going to crack!) HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, You're dumb, and you're dumb (points to Bob then Bill). HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (points to herself) I am Dumb!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…
Abruptly Lacy stop laughing and passes out from the lack of oxygen.
Bob: Did she die?
Bill: No, let me call the mental hospital, so they can pick her up. (Bob then takes out a red phone and presses the first speed dial button)
Bob: Why do you have the mental hospital on speed dial?
Bill: That's why. (points at the semi-conscious Lacy)
Bob: Hey, look the mental officer is here, wow that was fast.
The mental officer walks into the room, slaps Lacy to wake her up, give her a packet of sugar, a pen and her notebook.
M.O.: Here finish this chapter then we can go to the Happy Happy Town.
Lacy: No! Never!
M.O.: (threatens Lacy with a big giant needle) Oh really.
Lacy: Fine.
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`Yo Yo Yo Lacy,
This is Hiei writing to you. And let me just tell you something, I know about your reputation. You put innocent anime characters into your stories, then they go insane, and make you look like a person who's sane, but I know that you are insane. I'm watching you, and the first sign of anime characters going crazy, I'm going to slice up your notebook with my sword. Then you'll be screwed, you won't have anything to write on so then we will be free of you. MWHAHAHAHA
P.S. If you read the first frickin line then you will know who I am.'
“Why did you write Hiei's name instead of yours?” Kuwabara asked after reading the letter.
“Because, if lacy takes this letter personally, then she will take it out on Hiei and not me.” Yusuke replied smartly.
“But won't she know that the style of writing is different?” Kuwabara asked again.
“Yeah right. She's a nut job. Didn't you read the paper this morning, `Crazy Author Passes Out From Laughter'” Yusuke told the dimwitted Kuwabara (in fact, Kuwabara isn't even dimwitted, his light's completely out, if he has a light at all)
“She's a nut job!? Wow, I didn't know that, she seemed pretty sane in her other story.”
“That because she had her Ping-Pong Advisor Gigi make sure she took most of her meds. And why do you think that she had you died your hair green?
“Cause the chicks love the green hair. Two chicks even said that my hair was looking good.” Kuwabara bragged proudly.
“Kuwabara, did you happen to notice that the `chicks' had off switches on their backs?”
“WHAT! O That author is so going to get it!! No one messes around with Kuwabara!”
“Except for the author.”
All of a sudden, everything went black and a deep voice said, “Yusuke Urameshi, Kuzuma Kuwabara. Come with me please.”
When the darkness evaporated Yusuke and Kuwabara were in…
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In Domino City
Kaiba Mansion
“Hey Seto. Come look at what we got in the mail.” Mokuba shouted excitedly.
“ If it's another one of those novice dueling competitions tell them `no thank you'” Seto responded.
“ But Seto, it's from Noah. He wants us to come visit him.” Mokuba replied
“Oh no, I am NOT going into one of those virtual reality worlds again.” Seto argued
“Well to bad! You're going whether you like it or not.” Mokuba then pulled out a tranquilizer gun then shot Kaiba. “I was going to use it on the author if she goes crazy, but Seto needed it more ^^. Now, get Seto into the helicopter and put that straight jacket on him.” Mokuba commanded. < I wonder if Yugi and his friends want to come to, I'll probably need their help keeping Seto under control>
Little did Mokuba know, that the letter wasn't sent by Noah, but from the crazy Author. MWHAHAHAHAHA `cough, cough' evil hairballs
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Bill: How can horse demons have hairballs?
Bob: Don't know, it just proves that Lacy is legally insane.
M.O.: I think that I should take her to Happy Happy Town now.
Bob: That's a good idea
Bill: Yeah, we'll take care of things around here (smiles evilly)
Lacy: Be good to the readers (holds the empty packet of sugar). My review, good review, MINE ALL MINE!!!!
Bill: Now that that lunatic is out of here (talking to the readers) .You are all under my mind control, you are all going to review! Review I say review!!!!!
Bob: I think we have another nut case on our hands.
Bill: Sorry, I always wondered what it felt like to be crazy.
Bob: So did you like it?
Bill: No, it's fun for a while, but then it gets annoying.
Bob: Yeah right, you love being crazy and you know it.
Bill: No I hated it.
Everyone: JA NE!
(A/N: Hey, you now what's really sad, 65 visits and only two reviews. I don't care if you like it or not, flames or no flames I just want reviews, or do you never want out find out if Luffy finds two piece, and what happens to Yusuke and Kuwabara, and does Seto go crazy or not. It's just one big mystery that you can solve if you review my story. So you must review or not story for you. PS right now I am calm. I can't write stories when I am calm, so you must review to make me crazy, then I can write and you will know whats happening.)