Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ The CoolClub Vs. the Idiot Club ❯ The Carsalesman's Escape and his Great Plan ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: In Chapter 1



<Pokemon Speech>

`Author's Notes'

Chapter 3

We See the Carsalesman tied up and gagged in a Chair while the Idiots are off searching for the Cools (I gotta get out of here but how?) Carsalesman thinks to himself he looks around and notices that one of those morons left a Knife laying on the Table beside him (Perfect) using his Feet `which are free' he manages to get the Knife into his Hands and slowly but surely cuts himself free

He stands up and rips the Gag off "YOWCH!!!!!" he yells and then looks around for a way out he then notices a conveniently placed Box of Fire Crackers and Dynamite "hehe I got a idea" he goes over and grabs all the Stuff and in a Span of 10 minutes has the Entire Idiot club meeting house wired with explosives "this will teach those jerks not to Tie me up and not buy a car from me" he smirks and somehow finds a way out of the place and he disappears

About five minutes later David, Kuwabara, and Ash walk into the house. Ash looks around " hey David when did you put all the decorations in?" `bombs mwhaha' "hmm I didn't maybe Misty did or Tae" David Replied. Ash shrugs and heads into the main room not even noticing there prisoner has escaped. David and Kuwabara fallow and suddenly David realizes what's those Decorations were and that the Carsalesman is gone "OHHHHHHHHHH SHIT!!!!!!!"


The Carsalesman is seen smirking from aways away holding a remote in his hand he walks off to find his friends.

Meanwhile back at New Island Danny is walking the Layout of the Island which the Cool Club has renamed Cool Island he seems to be doing Inventory and Land servation Ninja is Perched on his Shoulder on duty with him "Danny what are we doing again?" Ninja askes "we are looking around the Island to try and find out where Mewtwo's Old Cloneing Machine is and anything else that we can use on the Idiots to keep them from bugging us" Ninja nods and they continue looking around.

Later Shadow is skating around the Island for fun when he noticing something swimming like mad toward the Island "What the hell?" he stops and watches in come toward the Island Though Shadow doesn't know who it is till he gets here.

It's the Carsalesman "um Car guy where have you been?" the Carsalesman looks at Shadow " buy a er the Idiots caught me just before we teleported but luckily I took care of them for awhile we wont see them for a few weeks hehe" Shadow Grins "Good job Car Guy Mai was wondering where you where" the Carsalesman nods and head into the Interior of the Island

Shadow looks on as he goes inside " he may be annoying but in some ways he's just as cool as the rest of us" Shadow Skates off and disappears around a Corner to find something to do

It looks like the Carsalesman made it to the Island what will happen next find out next time in Chapter 4 Shadow and the Carsalesman Vs. Sonic and Trucksalesman `new character'