Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Alternate Universe Twist ❯ Into Enemy Territory ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Trunks: "SMG is still not back from her trip, but she sent a new chapter for her fans! And she also sends a message saying she's using her most recent flames to cook dinner. They're quite useful."

SPECIAL THANKS!!!: To DJ, he once again helped me through tough writer's block times. You're the best, DJ!

For name confusions...

Japanese version/American version

Yugi Motou/Yugi Motou

Ryou Bakura/Bakura Ryou

The Other Yugi/Yami

The Other Ryou/Yami Bakura (Bakura) (I haven't seen Ryou or his yami in the comics yet so I'm not sure about this one)

Seto Kaiba/Seto Kaiba

Anzu Mazaki/Tea Gardener

Katsuya Jounochi/Joseph Wheeler (Joey)

Hiroto Honda/Tristan Taylor

Mokuba Kaiba/Mokuba Kaiba

Malik Ishtar/Marik Ishtar (I think. This is the most confusing name for me!)

The Other Malik/Yami Malik (He wasn't created by the Millenium Rod, but by Malik himself)

Shizuka Jounochi/Serenity Wheeler

Sugoroku Motou/Salomon Motou (Yugi's Grandpa)

NOTE! If anyone has seen the entire Yugi manga, please tell me if I got anything wrong in my name list here. The story will be a mix of names.

**Lookalikes so far**

*From Saiyan Moon Goddess (OC/s)*
1. Koneko - Marlene/Saiyan Moon Goddess

*From Yu-Gi-Oh!*
1. Nessuro - ???
2. Neil - ???
3. Prince Umi - Ryou
4. Cerulean - ???
5. Zukoi - ???
6. Max - Pegasus
7. Korosu - Bandit Keith
8. Jono - Jou

*From Yu Yu Hakusho*
2. Kage - Hiei
6. Zorro - Kurama
9. Akira - Botan
10. Maki - Koenma
11. Iwa - Kuwabara
12. Jin - Jin
13. Yuke - Yuseke

/Yugi to Yami/

//Yami to Yugi//

*Yugi to BMG*

**BMG to Yugi**



~Alternate Universe Twist~ By Saiyan Moon Goddess

~Chapter 10: Into Enemy Territory~

Still sitting in his all-mighty throne of darkness, the evil entity was getting bored. He yawned.

"With the oracle's aid, Yugi will fulfill his porpuse in the Prophecy of Light, and quickly to boot." He smirked. "I think it's about time I make things harder for him."

He opened a small sack, where he kept his monster coins, and took out three silver coins. He tossed the coins one by one into the air. Landing in front of him, the coins formed into three monsters. He gave them orders through telepathy, then waved his hand dismissing them. They bowed and disappeared in three puffs of smocke.

The evil one turned to the boy sitting beside his throne. He had his head down, exhausted and, apparently, distracted. He frowned at this.


The boy jumped a few feet, falling down again and cowering before his master.

The dark one grinned at this. He loved the smell of fear in the air.

"You know what to do, slave." he told the boy. "Go now."

"B-but..." the boy stammered.

"Are you questioning my orders again?" the master growled. His slaved shook his head slowly. "It's good to know. But just to make sure you don't fail..." He took out an ebony black coin from his sack and threw it at him, full force. The coin hit the boy's forehead and entered his skull. He yelled in pain and grabbed his head, falling to his knees.

The dark one stared at his groaning servant. "He took it well." he said to himself, and turned back to watching Yugi and his friends.

After the intense fight against the monsters, Yugi and the others decided to rest up a little. Yugi used his healing powers to take care of everyone's wounds.

"From this point on, it's only an hour to Kotao's castle." said Kage.

"Good, I can't wait to get out of here." said Jou.

Yugi sat, thinking to himself, until...


**What is it, Black Magician Girl?** he answered her.

*Great battle you guys fought back there. You, Koneko, and Kage fight very well. Too bad your toughest challange is yet to come.*

**Gee, thanks.** Yugi said a bit sarcastic.

*Is something wrong?*

**No, just tired from healing everyone. Sorry.**

*That's okay, but I must warn you. I had the most terrible vision. The dark one is planning something to bring you down.*

**Like what?**




Yugi tried again and again to call BMG back, yelling her name. But he couldn't even feel her presence anymore.

'What could've happened?' Just then, his worries were intterupted by a high pitch, distant, scream. His head snapped up and immediately he ran to the direction of the noise. The others followed.

Yugi ran as fast as he could, and left the others behind.

"He's fast for a little guy." said Jin as the group tried to catch up to Yugi, to avail. Soon, he was out of sight.

[SMG: ^-^ "Nothing a little training from his girlfriend (in the story) can't do."]

Once Yugi got through a part of the forest, he came to a clearing. There he saw two monster standing over a fallen girl. She looked pretty beat up and, apparently, the monsters weren't done yet. Yugi recognized them. They were the Patrician of Darkness and Lizard Soldier. The readhead, red-eyed, girl cowered before them.

"Oh, please, leave me alone." she pleaded with teary eyes. "I was just looking for food."

The monsters smirked at her. "Don't worry, little girl." said Lizard soldier. "We found food. And it right...HERE!" They moved to attack her again.

Yugi glared a them and stood between them and the girl. "Get away from her!"

The monsters looked down at him. "Where did you come from, tiny?" said Patrician of Darkness.

Oh, that hit a nerve. A vein popped on Yugi's forehead and his eyebrow twitched. If there was something that actually made him angry even before he became a fighter (excluding when bad people hurt his friends) was when people made fun of his height.

"What did you say?" he growled low. He felt his own power growing. So he calmed down before he lost control.

Patrician of Darkness and Lizard Soldier ignored the question though and stared at him hungrily (not the way sick perverted people think). They even drooled. They laughed at him. "It will be delightful to tear your bones apart!" said Lizard Soldier.

"I'll eat you piece by piece, the white meat first." said Patrician of Darkness.

The monsters lunged at the purple-eyed teen. The girl behind him screamed in fear. "I break your bones first." Yugi muttered. He unsheated his katana...and it was all over in a few seconds.

Neither Patrician of Darkness nor Lizard Soldier stood a chance against him. They both fell before his feet, groaning in pain from all the serious wounds he gave them.

"I'm giving you this last chance to leave." Yugi told them.

The two injured monters nodded, staring at him with both immense fear and respect. They stood up and ran away like hell was chasing them as fast as their wounds let them.

With the danger taken care of, Yugi sheated his katana and turned to the young girl. She looked a few years older than him. She had red hair curled up in the ends, big, emotional red eyes, and peach-colored skin. She wore old rags and was all dirty. To Yugi, she seemed familiar, in a way. But he couldn't think about it at the moment. His head was full of thoughts.

The boy offered the redhead a hand and helped her up. "Are you alright?" he asked.

"Yes, thanks to you." she said sweetly, giving him a cheerful smile. "You're my hero." Next thing she did was completely unexpected by poor Yugi. She kissed him on the lips! Yugi froze for second, eyes wide. Soon he realized what she was doing and pushed her away a bit too roughly.

"What did you do that for?" he almost yelled. The girl looked like she was about to cry. He sweatdropped and quickly apologized. "I'm sorry, don't cry." he said. "You just took me by surprise. Please, don't do that again. I already have a girlfriend. She's the most beautiful and wonderful thing in my life."

"Awww." The girl pouted. "But I guess I'm not surprised. You're cute." Yugi blushed at that. "My name is Lily, and I'm eternally grateful to you."

Koneko and the four soldiers finally arrived at the clearing. "Yugi!" Koneko called but stopped when she saw who he was with.

Lily smiled and waved at them shyly. "Hi."

"Who is she?" Kage asked.

"Guys, this is Lily." Yugi introduced her. "I just saved her from a couple of monsters. Lily, these are my friends: Koneko, Kage, Jou, Jin, and Yuke."

Koneko stared suspiciously at Lily for a second, the scolded Yugi. "How could you just run off like that?" she said. "You left us behind and fought without us! Can't you be more careful? What if the monsters you fought against weren't weak? You could've gotten hurt!"

With all the words she said, she truly sounded like Marlene. And Yugi missed her a lot. He smiled sheepishly and laughed nervously. She worried about him.

"Sorry about that, Koneko. I promise I won't do it again."

"Yugi." Everyone turned to Lily. "Is there anything I can do to repay you for helping me?"

"Oh, there's no need for that." Yugi said.

"But I insist!" said Lily. "Where is your group heading to?"

"We're going to Kotao. Would you like to join us? It's a dangerous journey, but we can't leave you here. We'll drop you off at the nearest village, if that's okay with you."

"I'll be glad to go." said Lily. "And maybe I can be of some help too."

That smile of hers didn't convince Koneko or Kage. They knew something wasn't right about the redhead.

"Your help is not needed-" Koneko was interrupted by Lily.

"I think you'll find my help quite interesting. I've been to Kotao's castle before. I know the fastest way there."

"That sounds great, Lily." said Yugi.

She bowed respectfully. "I'm happy to help."

Yugi turned to the others. "What do you guys think?"

Jono, Jin, and Yuke nodded and said they had no problem with it. However, Koneko and Kage were hesistant about it. Lily seemed useful, but they still didn't feel good around her. They couldn't detect anything evil about her either. That was frustrating. Realizing that Yugi was staring at them oddly, the blonde and the soldier gave in and nodded to their small leader.

Now guided by the poor, but beautiful girl, the group continued on their way to the enemy city. Along the way, Yugi picked up some fruits from trees nearby. He offered Lily an apple.

"Here, when those monsters attacked you, I heard you saying you were looking for food." he said.

Lily took the apple smiling at him. "Thank you. It's true, I haven't eaten in days." She pressed the apple to her red lips.

Yugi stared at her. "You look quite well for someone who hasn't eaten in days."

"I'll say." Koneko muttered to herself. "Too well."

"Would you like to share this apple with me, Yugi-chan?" Lily said taking a bite out of the apple and offering it back to him.

"No, thanks."

"But, it so goooooood." By this time, Lily dropped the apple and latched herself onto his arm.

"Lily." Yugi hissed, blushing at the lack of distance between them. Lily leaned over and whispered some things to him on his ear. Yugi's blush turned crimson and his eyes went as wide as dinner plates. He tried to push her away, but she was like glued to him. He then tried to ignore her flirting.

'Think of Marlene. Think of Marlene. Think of Marlene....Marlene, help!'

In Yugi's dimension, Marlene was fuming while staring at the tv. The others kept their distance, afraid of her. She looked bloodthirsty and really scary.

"Why that-!" she yelled. "Who does she think she is?!" A red aura surrounded her.

The boys, however, were making curious comments about all this. Though only Hiroto and Katsuya were cheering Yugi on. Katsuya was barking and yelling: "Go Yugi, you sly dog!" That only angered Marlene more.

"I knew you were dog." Seto told Katsuya.

"Shut up!" the blonde yelled.

Yami, Bakura, and Malik (the yamis) were the only ones staring at the tv calmly. Being conected to Yugi, Yami heard everything Lily whispered to his aibou. He managed to keep his cool, but his cheeks turned red. Still, he kept staring at the redhead.

'Now where have I seen that girl before?' he tought. 'Lily, even the name sounds familiar. I don't like this.'

Getting over her anger, Marlene just stared at the tv in suspicion. 'There's something amiss about that girl. I know it. Yugi's too trusting for his own good sometimes. Watch your back, Yugi.'

Back in the AU...

"This is it?" Yugi asked. Before the group was a huge castle, or the back of it anyway. And surrounding it was a tall, thick rock wall.

"Yes." said Lily. "With the path we took, we surrounded Kotao's village already. All we have to do now is climb the wall and were inside. But be careful with security. The queen has many guards around the place."

"I got to hand it to you, Lily." said Yugi. "You really knew what you were doing. Now, can you do me a favor?"

"What could that be, cutie?" Koneko glared at that. She felt the redhead was getting too comfortable too soon.

"First, don't call me that." Yugi replied. Lily was starting to get on his nerves if she didn't already. "And let go of my arm. I can barely feel it."

"But for your cute looks, your arm feels surprisingly strong." Lily said seductively. She brushed her lips softly against his cheek, making him blush and shiver. "I can't let it go."

A vein popped in Koneko's forehead in frustration and impatience. She went over and roughly, also suprisingly calmly, separated Yugi and Lily.

"Cut it out." she told Lily in a low tone, though everyone heard her. "You're getting more than annoying and I think Yugi's got enough of your stupidity. You bother him again and I'll be on you like a wolf on fresh meat. You got that?"

Lily shrunk at Koneko's furious look. The blonde truly daunted her. So she backed off and nodded a silent yes. Koneko turned back to Yugi, who smiled at her gratefully. He motioned her to come closer. She did.

"You didn't have to be so rough." he whispered to her. "She has gone through a lot today."

"Are you sure about that?" Koneko whispered back, raising one eyebrow. Not waiting for a response, she walked pass him.

Yugi turned back to rest of the party. "Uh, let's get going, guys. Any idea on how to climb that wall?"

Kage looked up and the big massive wall. "There's no way to climb it by hand. It's too tall." He touched it. "And the rock material is too smooth. The only way to climb it would be making a human latter."

"I got another idea. Can you use your telekinesis and lift me up to the top so I can watch for any danger on the other side first?"

Kage nodded and concentrated. He used his mind powers to lift Yugi into mid air slowly. Once he reached the top of the rock wall, Yugi placed both hands on it and looked over it.

To Be Continued...

Trunks: "SMG sends a sorry note because she has a huge emergency. She has a lot to do this week. Her worries will lessen on wednesday, maybe. She hopes you enjoyed this chapter and please be patient. Next one will come."

Kagome: "And once again. Another thanks to DJ for his great ideas. SMG says she's also sorry for missing out your story, but she has to read a novel for a school exam on tuesday and a VERY IMPORTANT karate exam. If she doesn't pass it, she'll be very drepressed. See ya on the next chapter!"