Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ EVEN ❯ DAY2: surprises ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I don't own anything but the plot and the oc's
Max ran down the corridor, she was not having a good day. Some guys had decided to pick on her. Thought it didn't matter to her she was faster than average girls more flexible and agile thanks to her training so a retreat wasn't a problem her temper was. She ran down another hallway where she bumped into kaiba, Bakura, marik, and Malik. “Damn, I don't have time for this” she looked back and saw them round the corner she got up and ran past them; she was cornered by another group of guys.
“Looks like we caught the gaigin.” she took a few steps back `don't hurt them there not worth it' the way they where looking at her was really creeping her out. “Back off.” She half growled half hissed at them. She turned around kaiba and the others where looking at her. Well Bakura was smirking.
The group was moved in closer, there jeers where earning another growl/ hiss from her. “that's it” she yelled she ran at the wall an used it for leverage and lands on two guys shoulders jumping down from there and runs past the others. Until she's turns the corner and is out of site.
Later that day.
Tea had gotten out of practice and the guys where walking her home. “Guys I'm perfectly able to walk home by my self.” She said annoyed “we just don't want a repeat of yesterday” Yami supplied as they walked around the corner. She stopped “I'll think I'll get a drink she said walking into a snack bar the others quickly followed. “welcome to bliss I'll be your waitress for today what would you like Te'?” Said a familiar voice. “Gem, the strawberry smoothie and what do you guys want?” Tea asked looking at there shocked faces. “Hot chocolate and a chocolate chip cookie” said mokuba. “Hey who's the kid?” she asked tea she was ignoring the others. “He's kaiba's little brother.” Tea said smiling “nice to meet you” gem said mokuba smiled again. “Be back in a second it's almost time for my break anyway” she said going to pick up there order.
When she came back she sat down “one strawberry silk hot chocolate and a cookie, and my favorite a latte and a blue berries dragoon crepe.” She said her black dress suited her. As she set down Bakura looked at her “so what's up with those boys chasing you gem?” The others looked at her questionably “I really don't know” someone came up to her “hey I need your help?” she had a blue pony tail “sure be right back” she said smiling pulling the other girl with her.” They both looked around “wander what that was about?”
“Botan what are you doing here.” max said in a hushed whisper. “You have a new mission, there are three spirits around here with a power that would give you trouble, koenma needs to speak with these guys, and since you're around more he decided to let you do it.” Max shook her head “yuske didn't want to do it so blab that I was around this area.” She shook her head in agreement “basically yes so what's the story with those guys?” max looked back at the group she had just left “tea the brown haired girl her friends where being mean to her she wanted revenge so I agreed to help.” Botan was horror struck “you did warn her?” she nodded her head “yes I did.” “Are the others here” max asked quickly “no just me” “here meet me at my apartment” she handed her a piece of paper and hugged her “stay there ok there are a lot of creeps in this place.” She said nodding to a pair of guys that had just came in “go through the back” she said as she walked back to the group she new botan could defend her self but she didn't want a commotion like I caused at the mall. “M who was that?” said tea interested Bakura had been staring at her for the entire time finally spoke up “she looks familiar” “oh tan she's one of my teammates” she quickly covered her mouth “I should get back to work ja ne” as she hurried back behind the counter. “she's hiding something” her boss had told her to go back with her friends that her shift was over. She walked back `please don't ask please don't ask please oh please don't ask' she said mentally. “team mates?” “we both worked as detectives “she said gingerly that was easier, they didn't look for sure “ok don't we have a poetry assignment tonight she asked breaking the silence “oh damn” joey and tristan yelled loudly as they ran out of the bar “did I say something wrong?” desperate hiding her smirk. As they left she could feel the faint power reading of a demon “she shivered “you ok “Yugi asked looking up at her she shook her head and broke away from the group “c-ya” as she took the detour and headed toward her apartment.
Bakura sat watching people entering and leaving the bar no one caught his attention for to long. Then a girl dressed in black her hair down and bangs blocking her eyes so no one could see them she had hair as white as his hakari tinted blue. “she looked around the room finding her target and heading toward them most of the room stiffened at the sight of the girl walking toward them Bakura was sure he knew her. As the girl stopped and took a seat at a table he recognized a charm it was similar to the one axis had been wearing also the one gem had. “I need some information “she said curtly and motioned to go to the back room. They followed her like obedient puppets after a while he heard some crashes and screams the girl walked out obviously pleased with her self she wiped the side of her mouth with her sleeve as she walked past Bakura he saw what she had wiped off was bright red blood . the bar keeper went into the back room helping the others to there feet as they saw the destruction that that girl had caused. The room was wrecked and pined to one of the guy shirt was enough money to fix up the place ten times better.
The next day none of her friends made it to school dry axis had been on the over hang this time in baggy pants and a base ball cap. Sprayed them with some chemical that changed there hair color mai and serenity couldn't even escape.
Though kaiba and duke both had dark hair they're faces were a deep green gem didn't even try to stop her laughter it was to funny though most of the school was scared she continued laughing. These where the toughest guys in domino and she was the only one laughing “ watch it” Bakura growled as he walked past “ditto most of the other guys said. Then marik made a big mistake he pushed her there was a small boom before they noticed that little gem had basically pinned him to a wall “uh oh” said tea “you slipped again” max was trying not to smile “tanks for the lessons” as a teacher called for her in the office. To which she happily went.
When she returned every one else had done there poems and it was her turn. “um I don't know who wrote this poem but it has floated around the u.s. for years.” Joey looked up smiling despite his green hair.
“one bright day in the middle of the night too dead boys got up to fight one was blind and the other couldn't see so they both got a dummy for a referee back to back they faced each other took a sword and shot each other a death cop heard the noise and shot the too dead boy if you think this lie isn't true ask the blind man he saw too”
most of the class was laughing the other wanted to know how she knew such a morbidly funny poem. She didn't seem that kind of person.
The teacher laughing “every one gets an a” she said at lunch Ryou asked her what she said been mumbling about, all she said was “evil,” she was shivering in anger” she said clearly “what?” she suddenly stood up from the table dragging most of the table with her as she put them in a room and locked the door “have fun” said axis they new her voice but if this was axis where was gem?
After they had managed to get out of the room they ran to the principal's office yelling about gem and hurt and imposter in her classes. The principal called her house and got the answer machine then they decided to just let them go they high tailed it to her apartment though mostly fallowing tea and met the door the blinds where partly open and all they saw was a foot. “Bakura unlock the door” tea more frantic than before. He didn't budge so she grabbed marik's knife and popped the lock what they found was a unconscious max with a dozen roses by her a puppy trying to rouse her, that growled at the intruders not taking the time they called the 911 to bring some one here.