Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Christmas For Hiei ❯ Party Planning ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The next day.

"That sounds great Yusuke, when do you want me to come over?" Kurama was saying into the phone.

The kitsune had just stepped out of the shower and started getting himself dressed for the day, when the phone rang pulling him away from his early morning chore.

"Don't bother, just meet me at Kuwabara's." Yusuke replied, after a seconds thought he adds. "Is Hiei coming?"

Kurama was going to say 'yes', but something had changed his mind. "Hiei can't make it," He lied while pulling his socks on over his feet. "And Yusuke... I need to talk with you once I get there, but don't tell Kuwabara."
"Don't tell Kuwabara?" Yusuke repeated. "This sounds serious."
"No, not at all." He tried back pedaling his urgancy of it. "I just need a word or two with you, that's all, really."

The spirit detective sensed something more behind it, but he didn't push the issue. "Alright, but you'd better come quickly. I'm already out the door."

When he hung up, Kurama did the same and went back to what he was doing which is getting dressed for the day. 'Hiei will have a wonderful Christmas, I'll make sure of that.'
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Yusuke sat on the couch and slid his feet into his winter boots, then set about lacing them half way up.

Atsuko watched as though on pins and needles. "Now I want you to be careful, Yusuke." His mother was saying as she exits her peeping place in the kitchen. She'd been taking a little morning break, and after her scolding she lifts the white stick she's been holding back up towards her mouth where she is about to reunite it with her tastebuds.
"Yeah, yeah." Yusuke replied. "So what's to be careful from; it's not like I'm driving, Shizuru is- and she's a great driver." He had to look away to prevent her from seeing the smile of that lie on his lips.
"I just want you to be careful that's all, the roads are icy and slip-...."
"Smoke your cigarette and stop worrying so much," He cut her off then muttered. "I thought those things reduced stress." He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Sheesh, guy dies then comes back from the dead, and suddenly every step he takes is gonna pull him in six feet. Mom, I'm not gonna die again for a long long time." He waved over his shoulder while going out the door. 'That kiss'll keep her busy til I'm back.' He thought with a smile. 'Mother's are so easy when you do the unexpected.'
He rushes along the streets, humming a song he'd heard on the radio the other day, not even sure if the words were right but he doesn't care. As the spirit detective trotts through the streets he watched all the children playing, crying, complaining, and getting themselves into trouble for throwing snow at passing cars' windshields.
'The good old days of youth.' He laughed mentally.

"Yusuke!" He hears Kurama calling from somewhere.

"Took you long enough," The spirit detective said, and slowing down he waits for the red head. "I was beginning to think you weren't gonna catch up to me, so what is it that you wanted to talk about?" He asked when Kurama had caught his breath.
"It's Hiei," He paused looking for the right words.
"What? Is he in trouble or something?"
"Not that. It's that this whole winter and Christmas thing on Earth are really confusing to him, and it's making him aggrivated."

Cocking an eyebrow, Yusuke smirked crossing his arms. "So what are you saying, you want us to drop the whole holiday so Hiei won't feel left out?"
Kurama shook his head. "Quite the opposite, I want us to make a bigger deal out of it, and try to include Hiei in as much of it as we can."
"Now you've lost me; he'll never go for all that holiday junk." Yusuke remarks; and returns to his trail to Kuwabara's house. "And personally, I can't see Hiei decorating a tree-...then again," A huge grin spread across his face. "I can just see him trying ta put that star on top without any help!" He burst into laughter.
Kurama was growing restless with his friends joking, but he went on asking for help. "My family is going away to celebrate Christmas, and with luck, I talked them into letting me stay at home. We'll have the whole place to ourselves so we can do Christmas the way we like."
Hopping up on a cement brick wall, Yusuke thought over what Kurama was saying and smiled impishly. "I got'cha, make-out Christmas party- not a bad idea." He hops down off of the wall and takes off running the rest of the way to Kuwabara's house.

"Yusuke that's not what I meant!" Kurama called to his back then sighed his exasperation. "This isn't turning out as I had initially planned."

The kitsune didn't have time to think about the rest of the party, right now he had to worry about the right kind of gift to get the fire demon, but what would he like? Stuffing his hands into his pockets Kurama walks on to Kuwabara's house.
A solid red car sped along the streets of Japan. Shizuru let go of the steering wheel, so that she could light up a cigarette; the car swirved a little, but Kuwabara leaned over into the front seat and held onto it until his sister took it back.

The scratchy voiced male sighed then regained himself saying. "Would you watch it, we're not exactly trying to die here!"

Letting out a puff of smoke, Shizuru looked through the rearview mirror. "And it's people like you that make the road unsafe for people like me, because you're driving too slowly." She swirved out of the way of an oncoming car. "Watch it asshole!" She called out the window.

'Oh yeeah, my mom had nothing to worry about.' Yusuke thinks fearfully, slipping his seat belt on. He made a mental note to say 'Hello' to Botan when she comes to reap him again.
Shizuru glanced beside her to the passanger side at Kurama, who looked a little distracted at the moment. 'Hm?' "Hope you don't mind my smoking in here, Kurama?"

Looking up suddenly, he smiled the comment off. "Oh no, the cigarette is fine, it's the smell of your brother's feet that I can't bare."

Shizuru laughed along with Kurama and commented. "He got you there little brother."

"What?" Kuwabara shot back. "I'll have you know my feet smell pretty ok! And I'm sick of everybody making me the butt of their jokes." He slumped down into his seat crossing his arms.

"Aw calm down Kuwabara, it's not a big deal." Yusuke said patting him on the thigh, making his red headed lover blush and relax a little.

'No. My real problem is what to get Hiei.' Kurama thought and Shizuru looked at him, cocking an eyebrow.

'Oh I see now, he's thinking about Hiei.' Turning her attention back to the road she thought. 'Well it's a good thing I'm here, those two could never help him.'

When the car parked outside the shopping mall, Shizuru announced the arrival and they all vacate the car.

"Finally, my butt was beginning to fall asleep." Stated Yusuke, falling into step with Kuwabara. "I'm gonna replace everything I own when I get in there." The spirit detective says wholeheartedly.
"Yeah right Urameshi, everyone knows you're broke." Kuwabara stated very matter-of-factly.

"Ha! All I'd have to do is bat my eyes and you'd give me a hundred on the spot." Retorted Yusuke. "I mean, I know you're bi', but you treat me like a girl just this once."
Following behind them Kurama was grabbed on the shoulder from behind. "Hey you, how's about I help you pick out a gift for your friend Hiei? I mean, that is why you've been so quiet, right?" Shizuru questioned.
"Correct as always, do you know what I should get him?" The thankful male asks.
"Hmm, big selection. We'll be here all day." The brunette stated.

"I just hope Hiei doesn't try to contact me in the mean time." Said Kurama walking beside her towards the mall.

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At Kurama's house. Hiei appeared at the kistune's bedroom window, and pushed it open climbing inside. "Kurama?" He calls out doesn't receive an answer. Using his jagan eye he skimmed the place seeing that it's empty. "Good." Creeping in a little less soundlessly he walked over to Kurama's bed. There was a book sitting on it called The Joy of Christmas.
The fire demon scoffed at the title, and knocks it to the floor sitting down in it's place. "How is it that everyone can be so perfectly childish because of a few stupid days?" He was grumbling to himself.

Sliding a small box from his pocket, he removes a piece of cloth out along with it, and a book he'd swiped from the local library during the night.

'Now, how did the instructions say to do this again?' He wondered. Placing the box at the edge of the fabric.

Opening the book, Hiei looked over the pictures then proceeds to roll the box up in the fabric then. He smiled at his work, then begins folding in the edges. Looking the book over that was infront of him he took note in the bow around the gift.
"Where exactly am I going to get on of those things?" He wondered out loud, then a thought occured to him, and he reached up yanking his head band free. Holding the box in one hand he slipped the headband over it with the other hand tied it off.
"There." He smiled a fang toothed smirk at his work then placed the gift under Kurama's mattress. 'I don't get the point of all of this, but if it'll make you happy.'

"Shuichi," A woman's voice called upstairs. "is that you?"

Hiei hadn't noticed anyone coming into the house, being distracted with his project and all. He looked around for a place to hide then slipped under the bed.

"Shuichi?" She opened the door and gasped. "Huh, I thought I heard someone up here, oh well." Closing the door behind her, Kurama's mother heads back down the hall.

Hiei sighed and came from under the bed. 'Nothing is worth all this.' He took the box from under the mattress and glared down at it. '..........' He walked to the window and disappeared.