Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Foxes Love ❯ Locked Away ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 6:

Locked Away

It's been a week now and Kurama is advioding one question in partcular. Reason being is because Kurama is afraid of rejection. The question being: Why did you call me 'your firefly'?' Now, Kurama lays in bed tring to sleep but his mind keeps drifting to his favorite fire demon, Hiei.

Hiei, as always, is in his tree. He was thinking about Kurama's behavior, 'He keeps advioding that damn question. He's usually so open but now....it's like he's locking himself away.' Quickly he got up and disappeared to Kurama's.

Kurama was about to fall asleep when there was a tap a his window. Shooting up in bed his head whipped to the window. He could see Hiei in a crouched position on the windowsill. Getting up he went over to open the window.

"Hello Hiei. Why are you here?" Kurama asked. Hiei jumped into the window, '' Why wont you answer my question than I'll answer yours." Kurama sighed he really, REALLY didn't want to talk about it. "Hiei can't you just drop it. I really don't want to talk about it right now?" Kurama asked.

Hiei walked closer to Kurama and Kurama just kept backing up untill he hit the wall. Hiei walked up to Kurama cornering him, "Well? Are ya gonna tell me?" There was a loud knock on the door. Hiei jumped away from Kurama.

"Shuichi are you in there?" His mother asked. Kurama's eyes widened. "Yes mother. One moment." He called than looked at Hiei. "Well, your friends are here they said it was important." She called back.

Hiei was out the window in a flash and Kurama left his room to go downstairs. Yusuke and Kuwabara were at the door. "Hey, what's up man?" Yusuke asked. Kurama smiled, "Hello what brings you two here?" Yusuke looked at Kurama for a minute than snapped his fingers. " That's right Koenma wants to see Hiei." Kuwabara said.

Kurama drew back, 'Koenma needs to see...Hiei?' "Ummmm......alright." Kurama said confused. Hiei watched Kurama from the tree near the house....aka...his favorite tree. Hiei noticed the look of confusion on the Foxes face. 'Wonder what there talking about?' Hiei thought still watching them sit out front talking. "Has Hiei been around lately?" Yusuke asked. "Yes." Kurama said looking into the trees.

"Hey man you alright?" Kuwa asked. Kurama forced a smile, "Yeah, why do you ask?" "Oh, you just seem to be a little out of it." Yusuke said. Kurama shook his head and turned the other way. Yusuke and Kuwabara looked at each other.

Hiei saw the sad look on Kurama's face. 'Why is he sad? Not like he hasn't been sad for a while now but.....AHHH!!!!!' Hiei thought. Hiei jumped out of the tree when lighting hit the tree next to him.

He landed near Kurama, Yusuke and the baka. "Hiei?" Yusuke questioned. "Hn. What?" Hiei asked. "Dude where ya been? Koenma's looking for ya." Yusuke said to Hiei. "Hn, where do ya think." Hiei said.

Koenma's Later On

Kurama went w/ Hiei to Koenma's. Hiei dragged him along because he didn't want to go alone. (A.N.: He wanted to be w/ Kurama longer.) Koenma saw them come in, "Oh, Hiei you actually came I see." Hiei grunted and Kurama forced another smile. "Well, I didn't expect to see you Kurama." Koenma said. Kurama only smiled at Koenma. "Anyways, back to why ur here, let's see oh yes we found Mitsuka and she's locked up." Koenma said. "WHAT?! Where was she? How'd ya get a hold of her?" Hiei asked not sounding to happy.

Kurama pulled Hiei back, "Settle down Hiei and let Koenma finish." "Thank you Kurama." Koenma said smiling at him. Hiei grummbled something and looked away. "Anyways, we caught her escaping to Demon World. It was an easy catch." Koenma finished explaining.

Back to Kurama's Later On

"Well, at least she can't get to you anymore." Kurama said. Hiei hasn't said a word. "Hiei why wont you talk to me?" Kurama asked the fire demon who found Kurama's bed cozy to sit on. "Baka Kitsune. Why wont you answer my question I keep asking you?" Hiei shot. "Because I'm afaraid of rejection." Kurama whispered but Hiei still heard.

"Rejection?" Hiei questioned.

"Yes, Hiei. Rejection." Kurama sighed sitting next to Hiei.

"And who would reject you?" Hiei asked confused as to what was going on in the foxes mind.

"You." Kurama said bearily audible.

"Why would I reject you?" Hiei asked still confused.

"Because Hiei......I.....I love you." Kurama said and kissed Hiei.

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Well there you go that was that chapter. One more than the epiloque. This took me 3 days to write becuse I had no ideas but now i do and I can finish it. Well see ya next chapter.