Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A Shift in Destiny ❯ A Shift in Destiny ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A Shift in Destiny
By: PsychicRealms/Blue_Dragon2225( aka- Richelle E.H.)

*** I do NOT own Yu Yu Hakusho...man, but if I did....*sigh*


".. ............"




“Huh?” Kara said aloud, looking up to notice everybody staring at her. Her teacher sported that legendary frown of hers, you know, the one that makes you feel worthless and that everything you did was wrong.

“Miss Cahoy.” Mrs. Jankson said with exaggerated slowness. “Would you care to explain exactly why you weren’t paying attention...again?” Several students snickered at this. Kara just rolled her eyes at their immaturity.

“Ah...well...you see...” she started but Mrs. Jankson cut her off before I had a chance to explain.

“You know what! I don’t even want to her your excuse. I expected better from you, Kara. What has happened to you? You used to be such a sweet girl. Just go up to the office.”



Kara sighed dejectedly, collected her belongings, and left the class room with her head hung low. Ever since that fateful day last month her world had been turned upside down. Not once had she gotten a decent night of sleep in the past weeks. School was just the only place to get some rest around here. ‘If only...’

One Month Ago...

“Kara! Get your little behind out of that bed now!” Kara jerked awake as the shrill voice cut through her dreams. The blanket had pooled around her waist when she had sat up, the beads of sweat rolling down her face and neck were clearly visible. The memory of her dream still fresh in her mind. Flashes of what looked to be battle scenes crossed through her head. “Kara! Don’t make me repeat myself!” Shaking her head, the disturbing images gone in a matter of seconds, Kara tossed back the covers and hopped out of bed. She could literally hear her mother sigh in satisfaction over being able to control her daughter.
Kara slowly padded across the room to the connecting bathroom. After turning the faucet to the shower to the point of boiling, she went to gaze into her reflection in the sink mirror. Her eyes. She had always loved her eyes. They were a brilliant shade of dark blue with light blue and green mixed into them. The shape of her eyes, so everybody said, had always looked more Asian than anything. Her hair. Ever since she was a little girl she had been known for her beautiful long, thick, and straight dark blond hair. Kara remembered when her mother had told her that when she was 6, a woman had come up to her and actually pulled on her hair. Later the woman had said she thought it was a wig. But in the 7th grade Kara had decided that a change was in order. She begged and pleaded with her mother to let her get a new hair style. Little did her mother know, it would be more then she bargained for. Kara came back with shoulder length light brown hair with red highlights (compared to the preppy long blond hair with light blond highlights). Her mother practically died.

Her face. Her mother had told her she looked like her uncle more than anybody. In fact, if it weren’t for the female genes, she would be her uncle. At first, Kara had thought that an insult, but as time went by the prospect seemed more...exciting. Just think. She could be the reincarnation of her dead uncle! Her body. She never liked the way she looked. Short, thick skinned and boned, yet thin. The only thing she liked about her body was her legs. Trim, proportionally muscled, and not bowl legged (she hates the look of bowl legs, no offence).

Kara jerked herself out of her thoughts when she felt the steam from the shower hit her skin. She walked over to the wicker laundry basket next to the door and started to undress.


Kara gasped at the sharp sound. “What happened?” she asked to no one in particular. Looking around the bathroom she didn’t notice anything wrong until...the window. In the center of the small ventilation window was a small hole with tiny cracks surrounding it. Placing her fingers gently, she traced the outline of the obtrusion. Letting her eyes wander to the sink mirror she gasped in shock...again. A long, thin black arrow stood out proudly amongst the glass whilst imbedded in it.

Tiptoeing cautiously, as if someone were watching her, she grabbed a hold of the arrow and gave it a strong firm tug. Unfortunately, pieces of glass came loose and flung themselves at her when she pulled it out. “Eep!” she squeaked, flinging her arm up to shield her face. “Owie...” she whined as she noticed a rather large (she thought) piece of glass sticking out of her arm.

“1...2...3...3½...NOW!” Kara yanked out the glass and quickly bandaged her arm with a piece of cloth she had prepared for herself. After she was situated, she picked up the arrow, once again, from where she had set it. She marveled at the smoothness, and perfect way it was made. Something caught her eye. Bringing closer to her face she noticed words along the arrow. Finding where the message started, she read it out loud to her self.

“My dear Kara...be cautious. Misfortune is in your near future. So long ago since I killed your father, yet you some how managed to escape along with that wretched bitch. I shall have you...mark my words...


“Ahhhhhh! No! Leave me alone you beast!” Kara heard her mother scream.

To be continued...

*tell me what you think...it’s my first fanfic and i would love some advice...
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