Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ A YYH Gang ❯ First Mission ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
'Are you sure she's ready, Koenma?' Yusuke asked. 'you couldn't do it without her.' he answered. 'We've gone on plenty of missions before this,' Yusuke said. 'What makes this time so special that we suddenly need her?' Koenma jumps up on his desk and points at the screen. 'That's why. Do any of you boys know what that is?' You look up like everyone else and recognize it immediately. The boys have no clue. 'Amaya, tell them what it is,' koenma told you. You shrug and say, 'its a portal bomb(once again, making this up) There's only three in existence. The other two are in the vault. If it is detonated, then not only will it destroy everything within a ten kilometer radius, but it'll also tear open a huge hole between human and spirit world. The result? Complete chaos.' 'And how do you know all of this?' Hiei asked, the first time you heard him speak. You're reluctant to answer wen koenma does for you. 'She stole both of them when she broke into the vault two years ago.' You flinch when you hear him bring that back up. once again, everyone is staring at you in amazement.'So you've found the third one?' you ask, trying to change the subject. 'Not only that, whoever has it set the timer. it goes off in less than three hours. 'And you need me to disarm it?' 'You're the only one who knoes how,' Koenma answered simply. 'Are you sure you can trust her with this?' Hiei said, not bothering to stay quiet. 'She might try to steal this one too, or worse.' you glare at him and say, 'If you think you can disarm it, then go on without me, but i guarantee that there is only one way to do it. The slightest wrong move and: boom. You're all dead. unless you've forgotten, i'm human. i don't want any demons in my world whose soul purpose is to destroy it. We're losing time, lets just go!' koenma shows you where it is on the screen and adds, 'Theres a barrier around the building, you can walk through easily enough, but your portal can't go inside the barrier.' 'What portal?' Kurama asked. 'This one,' you say carelessl. Waving your hand, a portal appears, just big enough for you to walk through. 'You guys coming?' you ask before stepping through. they all hesitate a moment before following. 'This place is swarming with demons, I can smell them,' you say in disgust upon arrival. you suddenly feel yourself picked up and you jump away. 'What's your problem?!' you shout at Hiei 'Time is important, we can't slow down for you.' 'Believe me, I'll run.' you suddenly smile slightly and add, 'You think you can keep up?' it suddenly goes deathly quiet. no one ever asked that to Hiei, who was known for his speed. in silent agreement, you both crouch down into running positions. 'i won't lose to a human girl,' he said angrily. 'First time for everything.' 'Just say go.' you smile confidently and hiss, 'Go.' you two speed of, leaving the other three to chase after you, At the beginning, you're neck and neck, but then you look at Hiei and say, 'You're holding back.' 'So are you.' you two push yourselves to the limits, and to hiei's shock, you seem to just disappear ahead of him. by the time he catches up to, you're at the door and have killed all the demons around it.you two wait for the others silently. It was awhile before they caught up. in the meantime, Hiei just glared, and you glared back. When the others finally reach you, you begin the search the inside for the bomb, meeting demons all along the way. You agree that you would find it faster if you split up. Hiei, however, refuses to trust you and won't let you go off on your own. So you and hiei are running down the halls and slicing through demons, noticing the numbers steadily increasing. 'We must be getting closer.' you say, but hiei just ignores you. you reach door and goin in, you see everyone else fighting a demon who appeared to be the leader. hiei helps them fight him off while you go to the bomb in the middle of the room. 'how long does it take to disarm the thing?!' yusuke shouted over the fight. 'Half an hour!' you shout back. 'And how much time is left on that thing?!' 'Twenty minutes!' 'you better work fast then.' kurama shouted. you work the top off and your fingers weave through the wires, trying to find the ones you need. one by one you pull them out until all you have left is to disconnect and remove the magical core. Soon, only thirty seconds are left, and you can't find it. Ten seconds are left and you're still searching. 'hurry!' they're all shouting at you, they had killed the leader only moments before. Five seconds are left and you finally spot the core's soft glow. With dexterity and speed you never knew you had, you pull at all the wires connecting it. One second left and there was no time left for precaution. you close your eyes, grit your teeth, grab the core, and rip it out, disabling it with no time left. your left hand held your right in pain, the core still clutched in your fingers. You force force your fingers with much difficulty to unclench your fingers and it rolls off your hand onto the floor. you turn your back to them, trying to regain your composure. 'What's wrong?'Kurama asked. 'I'm fine,' you mumble. Yusuke, seeing what was wrong, grabs your hand and turns it palm up for everyone to see. you hear a chorus of gasps and Kuwabara looks he's going to be sick. Since you grabbed the core with your bare hand, it burned you badly. You're hand was blistered with patches of red and black all over it. you angrily snatch your hand away and shout, 'I said I'm fine! Let's just take this back to Koenma. You pick up the bomb, but hiei takes it from you. 'I don't trust you with this.' you scowl at him and say, 'I would think that I've proven myself.' You scoop up the core in a special bag, but Hiei takes that from you too. You just glare at him and summon your portal.(since the leader is dead, the barrier is gone) you all end up back in Koenma's office. 'Good work everyone,' he said, 'now i just need someone to take those down to the vault.' Before Hiei can say or do anything, you take the stuff back from him and say, 'I'll do it!' koenma nods and you head for the door. on the other side of the door, you stop a moment and listen. 'You're going to let her in the vault alone?' said Hiei, 'Who knows what she'll do in there!' 'Remeber, Hiei,' said Kurama, 'the vault is the most heavily guarded place in Spirit World. She wouldn't try anything if they're warned that she's coming.' You sigh and say, 'If only they knew.'