Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Angel of Death ❯ Stupid Fox! The Unexpected Arrival of an Old Friend... ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2
Stupid Fox! The Unexpected Arrival of an Old Friend...
"Ouch," said a voice. "What a hard tacking hit in the ass."
"Hn," muttered Hiei. "Yeah, laugh all you want."
A taller than average crimson headed guy stepped out of the shadows carrying a backpack slung over his shoulder. Mukuro, who was helping up the still flustered Hiei, scanned their guest from foot to head. He was wearing tan leather boots, loose jeans and windbreaker the color of the sun-filled sea. His dark red hair swept past his shoulders and gleamed in the moonlight. The towering figure, seemingly etched in the full moon behind it, was truly a sight to behold.
"Did you miss me that much?" asked the youthful, if not girlish voice.
"Stupid fox," grumbled the indignant Hiei. "What are you doing here anyway?"
"Is that the best way of greeting a visitor? Let's say, I have forgotten Makai hospitality after being away for quite some time. Seems to me, all the extensive pains I took to get here are all going to waste, especially because my best friend is being very nice to me."
"Hn," Hiei folded his arms across his chest. "You already know each other, right? Good. Come on, the house's this way." He disappeared leaving Mukuro and the newcomer quite alone, but not before leaving a crushingly whispered, "We'll talk later."
Mukuro faced the man. "It is a pleasure to see you again, Kurama, untimely the circumstance may be."
"Same here." answered Kurama, bowing slightly in greeting.
"Would you two hurry up!" hollered an annoyed Hiei. "It's not like you're walking in the moon, you know."
"Come," said Mukuro. "You do know him well enough to understand what he meant to say was he is glad to see you?"
Kurama laughed. "That's hospitality for you!"
He followed Mukuro through the thickets and into a fairly large occidental house. Kurama nodded to himself in approval as he passed through the halls. Impressive designs, he thought. Simply furnished yet elegant regal and well...palatial? It is well kept, too.
Kurama entered what seemed to be the den where Hiei was slouched in a divan. Mukuro motioned for him to sit which is what he did in his usual refined manner.
"You haven't eaten, right?" asked the more or less much calmer Hiei.
"Oh no! Don't bother on my behalf." protested the auspicious guest.
"You heard him," Hiei said imperatively to Mukuro. "Give him our best."
She stepped out of the room. Mukuro shut the door behind her and made off to the kitchen. The two friends were left alone.
Kurama whistled. "Is that how you speak to your master?" he teased the short fellow with black spiky hair, who was scowling. "I can't believe you just order around one of the most powerful people in Makai. No wonder you don't even drop by and check on your sister."
"I don't order her around and she's not my master." answered Hiei in a tone which more than hinted an indignant edge on it. "And I do watch my sister. Not that I need to with that ugly Kuwabara sticking his head into her business. I don't really understand what she sees in him."
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. You see-"
" But I don't gain much in a few minutes of spying. And that's why you're there for."
"Oh, okay."
"What are you waiting for? Talk."
"Umm...let me see... Master Genkai wanted all of us to preserve her home, to leave the nature there pristine, you know about that, right? Well, my university decided to turn the place into a wild life reserve. My colleagues and I will personally handle it."
"Is that what you call Biology? Or whatever course or crap you're taking up?"
"Yeah. I like to pursue botany, naturally, and being part of that activity will help me in specialization. And speaking of courses, Kuwabara managed to get hold of one. Computer Science, I think."
"Hn. What do I care about that loud mouthed imbecile?"
"He also got himself a part time job to help out his sister. She isn't as miserable as she was before. Shizuru is quite grateful her brother is changing for the better."
"I would never like to be in her shoes. Imagine having a grotesque ape for a brother."
"Anything else? What about Keiko? She was to become a sensei, I think."
"Yes, she already finished her B.A.E as the Magna cum Laude. In fact, she's starting on her Master's degree now. That girl really is something. Remarkable, having both brains and beauty."
"Strong enough to keep Urameshi under leash."
"Yusuke is very lucky to have her. And I can see you're just as happy with Mukuro."
"Hn," Hiei avoided Kurama's meaningful look. "We have a lot in common. But Yusuke is the exact opposite of Keiko."
"What about your sister? She and Kuwabara are fairly opposites, too."
Thoughtful as he may look, Kurama's remark was rather pointed. Hiei shot him his dagger eyes and Kurama made a quick step back.
"Ah... Speaking of Yusuke, he's still struggling through Forensics."
"It's the science of criminology and investigation. He really enjoys being a spiritual detective. He was fired though, so I guess he wants to continue that job in our world even if it's less dangerous and challenging there."
"You need to study for that?"
"Well, Yusuke is sore about it, too. He didn't think Chemistry and Genetic Engineering would be involved in this line of work."
"Yeah, whatever."
"Botan still visits once in a while. Koenma we haven't seen since that time we last saw him."
The two chatted for a while filling each other with current events of each world. Hiei may not admit it, but he pretty much enjoyed it.
Hiei glanced at the exquisitely blown crystal clock adorning the glass table beside him. 8:30 All this chatter is making me hungry. Again.
Just in time, the door swung open and Mukuro's head popped up. "I see you two are enjoying gossiping."
Kurama grinned good-naturedly but Hiei indignantly frowned at her. " We are not some old women sharing old wives' tales," he said. "It's only fair I should know about what's going on out there."
Mukuro wore a knowing look. "Dinner is served." she simply said.
"Come on, Kurama," Hiei said gesturing. "The dinning hall's this way. By the way, what did you cook?"
"Fresh wuffles, the newly harvested rice and truffelec stew." <What on earth are wuffles and truffelec stew?>
Hiei pulled short from his walk. "Wuffles and truffelec?" (ala na ko isip, eh. SORRY!)
"You did ask for the best?"
"Yes, but..."
"Next time, I suggest you do the cooking, then you yourself can decide what to prepare. Besides, you already ate a while ago."
Mukuro resumed her direction towards the dinning room. Kurama paused to look curiously at the sulky, stationary Hiei. When he detected the tempting aroma of the stew, he just shrugged his shoulders and followed the hostess.
Hiei just stood there his chin slightly pushed forward in a pout. I've been waiting for the new rice for so long. I wanted to have the one from the first cavan of this season from the south. And truffelec? Goodness knows how rare those mushroom like vegetables were. And those hard to catch wuffles. You'd have to wait for late winter during which these fish will flock near the shore to breed. That's the only time you can catch the fast, darting creatures. Not that he won't be able to buy some more tomorrow. He just feels a little bit jealous.
"What are you doing there?" asked Mukuro. "Aren't you coming?"
"I know how huge your appetite is so I prepared some for you as well."
"I didn't ask you. Very well, have no other choice but to eat it."
Hiei moved from his position. He brought up the rear muttering unintelligible things about good expensive food going to waste and bossy vain wives who keep beating around the bush. Mukuro and Kurama were chatting amiably as a guest and host does.
"Then you'll stay here tonight," said Mukuro.
"I'm grateful of your hospitality, but what would Hiei say to that?" Kurama turned to his friend.
"You're not going anywhere tonight. Nor tomorrow morning either." came the answer. "Haven't finished interrogating you yet."
"Master of the house speaks." said Mukuro.
Kurama chuckled. "I guess, I have no choice."
The three finally reached the dinning hall and had begun eating. At least, Hiei and Kurama did. Mukuro sat there seldom giving a remark or so but mostly keeping silent.
"This is really great," said the very delighted Kurama presently. "It's been a long time since I've eaten some of these. That was in Yomi's place some three years ago. And never as well prepared and as tasty as these, too."
"You flatter me," said Mukuro, her lips curved slightly. "Those wuffles are fresh from the wharf. Hiei himself picked them up early this morning."
"Hn. You're lucky you came today," Hiei said darkly. "Otherwise, I would have gobbled them all up."
"So I heard you have a big appetite," said Kurama. "How come you're not growing any taller?"
"Ha-ha. You haven't answered my question yet."
"Which is?"
"Why are you here? You're usually too busy studying for exams one after another,"
"Ah! Speaking of exams, I took the last of mine for this term already so I'm scot free."
"I notice you keep on evading that topic."
"Ah heh he."
"Alright. But...um... swallow your food first so you won't choke."
"Is it that shocking?"
"You would know. Might as give it to you in full blow."
"My mouth's empty. Are you happy now?"
"Yukina got engaged with Kuwabara."
"Finally," said the elated Mukuro. "I have heard much about their love story. Though it wasn't exactly told in an enchanting manner." She looked pointedly at the sheet-white Hiei. "Isn't that nice?"
"Who ever said you have to? You haven't even shown your face to Yukina. She doesn't know you are her brother."
Hiei was seething. Steam was practically forcing their way out of his ears. "NOBODY IN HIS RIGHT STATE OF MIND WILL EVER LET THAT GOOD FOR NOTHING KUWABARA MARRY HIS SISTER!"
Mukuro calmly wiped clean the water Hiei spilled in his outrage. "Who ever said you are on your right mind, Hiei?" she asked coolly.
"Aurghh!" Hiei tugged violently at his white streaked hair. "WHERE IS MY KATANA?!?!"
Kurama and Mukuro ignored Hiei as if he was a child throwing a tantrum. Kurama just ate, cocking his green eyes at his friend. She, however, continued cleaning up the mess he was making as if it were all a normal spectacle.
With that he exited through the nearest window. Good thing it was wide open. I doubt he'd hesitate in breaking the glass if it was close. Mukuro called after him. "Mind you, don't soil your clothes!" She shook her head as he vanished from sight.
"See, why I didn't want to break the news?" Kurama said sheepishly. "Aren't you being too cynical? You have to admit he does love his twin very much."
"Then why withhold from her the truth?" Mukuro asked.
"Maybe he's insecure."
"If he wanted to have a say in that decision of hers, then he should have told her the truth. I understand this Kuwabara did a lot of things for Yukina and Hiei owes him a lot for sure."
"Hiei doesn't really hate Kuwabara. Well, at first he was quite disgusted. He saw Kuwabara as a loudmouth bravado who can't even think. He steadily began to accept him as a companion. He is grateful of his saving Yukina though he certainly doesn't show it! But it really does make him sick seeing them together and being sweet."
"I don't think Hiei entirely hates the idea of wedlock. Perhaps it's more of pride. He couldn't bear seeing his sister with his supposed rival. I know only a few people knows about Hiei's secret and he probably imagines you and Yusuke will be teasing him often."
"That's true!"
"I've never seen that Kuwabara and my sister-in-law. I have seen Yusuke, of course, Koenma Daiou and that funny girl Botan. I might want to see the rest of the gang."
"The why don't you go to Ningenkai, then?"
"I don't think Hiei will like that. I get the impression that Hiei wants other people to know his married as much as he likes to inform Yukina of their relationship. I don't mind at all and I don't want the whole of Makai to know either."
"Well, Kuwabara is a tall and lanky fellow with a longish bony face. His eyes are small but his nose and mouth are rather big. His hair is the shade of a carrot."
"Hmm... According to Hiei, he is clownish. He even claims that in comparison to your friend I am dazzlingly beautiful. Oh well, I guess his opinion of Kuwabara is that low. On the other hand, he was sucking up to me that day because he wanted me to cook some dish, I think."
"But Kuwabara has a good heart whatever Hiei might say. He might be the weakest but when he sets his heart on something no one can match his grim determination. I doubt he'll love Yukina any less if he finds out she's the twin of Hiei."
"Never say die, I think you call it. No matter, I see your finished. I'll show you to your room."