Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Bark went the Hiei ❯ the bug book ( Chapter 4 )

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Cub: howdy yall, I’m back with the fourth chapter for bark bark went the Hiei. I hope you like it. Hope you guys start to send reviews so I can finish this story. Oh, I have another story that I’m gonna put up on mm.org. it was late, I was real bored, and had paper in front of me. It’s just random dumb stuff, people trying to kill Jin, and him being real stupid and annoying. You got anything to add Hiei?
Hiei: zzzzzzzzzzzzz…….zzzzzzzzzzz…….zzzzzzzzzzz.
Cub: interesting point of view Hiei, anyways, on with the story.

//Yuusuke’s room//
Yuusuke: so, how should we begin this little meeting?
Hiei: how about figuring out what’s wrong with me!
Yuusuke: that sounds like a good idea. How do we figure out what’s wrong with the mutt?
Hiei walked over to were Yuusuke sat, turned around, and kicked him with his back lags.
Yuusuke: hey, that hurt!
Hiei: good
Yuusuke: why I otta…
Boton: boys, boys, calm down. I have the perfect thing to help Hiei.
Boton opened a pink bag she had and dumped a mountain of books on Yuusuke’s floor.
Yuusuke: geez Boton, did you swipe ALL the books from spirit world library or what?
Boton: oh drat, were did I put it?
Kurama: uh, Boton.
Boton: I know that I brought it.
Kurama: could this be…
Boton: oh, were is it?
Kurama: is it ignore Kurama day?
Kuwabara: no, I thinks that’s on the 23rd.
Kurama sweat drops.
Kurama: Boton, could this be the book your looking for?
Boton looked at the book Kurama held in his hand, it had various bugs on the cover.
Boton: splendid, this book should help us find the bug that bit Hiei.
After about 45 minuets of Boton scanning her book for blue demon bugs, Yuusuke and Kuwabara poking fun at Hiei, and the others trying not to let Hiei maul their legs, Boton shouted.
Boton: here we go. The sonjowa crawlers, it says here that they like cold, dark places. There supposed to be nocturnal, and very poisonous.
Keiko: but that doesn’t make sense. Hiei isn’t poisoned.
Boton: no, but they can have spells put on them so they can do different things. So I guess some one put a dog changing spell on the bugs and sicked them on Hiei.
Kurama: but who would want Hiei to be a dog? Wait, do you still have your powers?
Hiei focused his powers on a chair, trying to set it on fire, but nothing happened. Everyone stared at Hiei in disbelief. Hiei was a powerless puppy dog.

Cub: so, Hiei, how’d ya like it?
Hiei: zzzzzzzzzzzzz……..zzzzzzzzzzzzz……..zzzzzzzzzzz
Cub: Hiei, wake up! You stupid mutt. (pokes Hiei in the side) that’s it, your going to the vet to get spade.
Hiei: (all sleepy like) wha… what happened.
Cub: (on the phone with a vet) yes, I’d like my dog spade, uh hu. Yea, cool se ya.. Ahhhhhhhhh. (get’s takeld by Hiei)
Hiei: she didn’t mean it.
Cub: (in a painful voice) please review.