Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Light ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers Note: I Do Not Own Yu Yu Hakusho.

Blue Light

Chapter Six

The mourning came with silence in the girls room. The images of brown eyes kept haunting them along with voices whispering all around them.

Botan awoke with a jolt, her breathing shallow and short while sweat poured down her face.

It was so hot!

Botan growled.

And the dreams were also getting worse by the hour.

Botan couldn't take it anymore. She got out of bed, throwing her sheets somewhere far away from her.

Botan looked down at her clothes. She could see part of the problem-her nightgown was long-sleeved and high necked and went down until it reached her ankles.

"Well, this will not do!" Botan scowled. She grabbed the hem of her gown and flipped it over her head so that she wore her sky-blue beater shirt and some boxer shorts that she borrowed from one of the suitcases from the boys room (which is why she had gone to their room the night before).

"I cannot believe how short this things are," Botan exclaimed to herself, pulling at the waistband. The black-boxers stopped just at the bottom of her rear.

Botan did hear that Kuwabara had done the washing, which would explain the boxers size and length.

"This is so degrading..." Botan sighed.

"There won't be any boys around so I'll just go into the living room and watch something on the T.V." Botan said to herself.

Botan opened the door and walked to the large sofa that was across from the T.V. set. She threw herself on the couch, grabbing the remote from the coffee table.

She needed to clear her mind of the dreams.

Pressing the power button, the T.V. clicked on with a weather channel. "It seems like it's going to be raining purple again." The weather demon sighed as he said this.

"And the tournament has been delayed until further notice," the demon sighed once again.

Botan sighed, looking out the window to see that he was right.

It was still purple rain.

Botan growled as another stroke of heat hit her. "What is wrong with this weather?" Botan turned off the T.V. and walked to the window and opened it.

Botan sighed with relief as the cold breeze flowed into the room. She bent down so that she was propped up with her elbows on the window pane. She took out her hair-tie so that her hair flew down to her knees and that she could catch some wind.

She closed her eyes.


Botan screamed as Kuwabara marched in with, totally oblivious that Botan stood in nothing but a shirt that told everything and shorts that could be his. He stood looked at the doors, "Now which one of these rooms is Yukina's?"

Botan was just about to run to her room when in came Kurama and Hiei. So, with speed that seemed Hiei-like, she dashed behind the door just as Genkai came in.

Botan hid there in agony.

"Hello, there, Botan." Genkai said, though she didn't come around.

Botan popped her head from behind the door, her face lit with a smile and her eyes closed.

"Hi, Genkai! How are you this mourning?" She said cheerfully.

Genkai was faced sideways to Botan but her eyes did glance her way.

"Are you okay?" Genkai asked, unemotionally.

Botan opened her eyes in surprise. "Um, I'm fine. Thank you."

Genkai raised a brow, "Well, I meant about your clothes. You weren't up to anything last night, were you?"

Botan's cheeks flared up fast and hot.

"N-No-" Botan muttered, waving her hands in front of her frantically.

Genkai nodded and walked off. "I suggest that you change before one of these boys notice that-"

Too late...

Yusuke came bounding in with a growl and muttering about how it was too early in the mourning. His eyes were on the ground so Botan tried to quickly tiptoe away to her room. It was a good thing that the other boys were facing the other way.

However, Botan had just barely reached the door knob when a person stepped right between her and her way out.

Botan's eyes traveled upward until she met Yusuke's brown eyes.

"Uh, he, he, he..." Botan laughed nervously. She gripped her short-shirt down but to her dismay, her chest showed so she quickly let go and bent her knees so they touched. Her arms were crossed in front of her, trying to hide whatever skin that most don't see on a daily bases.

Yusuke grinned as he looked her up and down. Botan's hair was down, which really accented her eyes and her face. Her shirt showed every inch of her upper body because it hugged her snugly. Botan was tall but she never showed the legs Yusuke saw before him. Her legs gleamed with shine and looked smooth as silk.

Yusuke smirked, closed his eyes, turned, and opened the door of Botan's room with his hand.

"Mourning, Botan." He said smoothly.

Botan muttered something about the same as she walked to her room. Right before she was fully in the room, Yusuke opened his eyes to look at her behind.

"I like that view of you, Botan, to be honest with you." Yusuke laughed, "Especially since your wearing my boxers!"

Yusuke laughed and then Botan called Yusuke a jerk, slammed the door, and hit Yusuke's head. This had Yusuke flying down to the floor.

Yusuke sat on the floor dazed but smiling, rubbing his head. "I guess she didn't like that compliment to much."

"Yes," Genkai said as she passed Yusuke, her eyes bowed. "My student is an idiot."

Yusuke growled as he looked up at his teacher. He jumped up in surprise, "You're a HAG, again!"

"So your not stupid, just dumb." Genkai said, walking to one of the seats. "And I'm talking about what you said to the girl, not your comment to me. Even though that alone was stupid enough."

Yusuke growled. "Whatever." Yusuke then sat up as he looked at Genkai.

"Hey, Genkai? Are you going to tell everyone what you told me?" Yusuke asked.

"Yes. And a little more." Genkai looked at Yusuke for a moment before speaking. "Have you told anyone about this?"

"No." Yusuke said. He then gave her a questioning look, "Why did you ask Keiko if she was having weird dreams?"

"Like I said," Genkai answered, "I will tell all after everyone is here."

Yusuke stood up, rolling his eyes. "I see no difference."

Keiko and Yukina both heard Kuwabara shouting out for them to wake up. Shizuru, clearly not liking her wake-up call, strolled out of her room with a pillow and wacked Kuwabara straight in the face!

As Kuwabara was crying, Keiko and Yukina emerged from their rooms. Kurama and Hiei stood up from their seats and offered it to them.

Hiei avoided Yukina's eyes, walking straight to the corner of the room. Everyone knew that Hiei was still trying to ignore the girl-to keep her from the truth that he was her brother.

Yukina was oblivious to the facts but was disturbed by his behavior. She didn't know why the fire-demon wouldn't talk or look at her. She assumed, though, that he was just that way and nothing else. She had asked Botan over and over again but all she got from the ferry girl was that Hiei was a knuckle head with a hidden heart.

Yukina didn't really understand what she meant by that but she took it.

Kurama sat on the two-man couch as he listened to Keiko and Yukina talking about the weird weather. However, Kurama's attention started to wonder to his own thoughts.

Until he felt someone slide down next to him.

Kurama blinked from the sudden interruption and turned to see Shizuru slouched down next to him, yawning.

"Hey Red..." Shizuru said through her yawns.

Kurama's cheeks shaded pink, his mind racing to yesterday.

Koenma walked in through the door, as a teen, and without his assistant ogre.

Yusuke sat on the one man couch as Keiko started to talk. Of course, they started to argue once again.

Something about walking to a room...

Kuwabara recovered from his pain to pull up a chair next to Yukina.

Genkai came to the front of the room with Koenma close behind.

Genkai was about to say something when Botan opened her door to join. She had on a pair of blue jeans and a long-sleeved sweatshirt.

Yusuke smirked at her demure; laughing that she had put on an outfit that would cover her the most.

"Sorry," Botan said as she sat on the other one-man couch across from Yusuke.

Genkai didn't say anything, just rolled her eyes but didn't look at her.

"I have a story to tell you all and its very important that you listen." Genkai paused and then began the story that she had told Yusuke the day before.

As she told the story, the boys just listened either inattentively or not (Just Kuwabara wasn't listening due to the fact that all he did was stare at Yukina).

However, the girls eyes widened in disbelief. They looked at each other, exchanging looks. And as Genkai reached the part of the fight between Isis and Kinda, Shizuru's eyes flamed.

Surprised at a leap of power emitting from her, Kurama looked at Shizuru round-eyed.

Genkai started talking about Isis falling to the ground, Yukina gasped (Kuwabara now into the story because he heard something about fighting), and Keiko's eyes were filling with tears.

Botan had started crying as well, but her face was down so that no one would see her.

Yusuke noticed, nevertheless, seeing water falling from face to her lap. But he couldn't tell for sure.

As Genkai came to a finish, Botan looked up, alarming Yusuke, who saw her tears. Yusuke then noticed that all the other girls were crying as well.

Keiko had her hands pressed down in her hands.

Yukina's crystal tears fell interminably on to the floor and all over the couch.

Shizuru had closed her eyes but her fists were balled up in her lap, her knuckles were white.

Botan left her face open to all, her eyes strewed with sadness and angst.

All the boys, except for Koenma, just gazed at the girls in confusion.

Yes, the story was sad but these tears were beyond sad.

"Reef..." Botan looked up at Genkai, her pink eyes glittering in sorrow. "His name was Reef..."

Genkai didn't say anything, just kept her eyes lowered.

Botan shook her head and looked down. "We had a dream about him," Botan whispered.

Koenma's head shot up, "We?" He asked.

"Yes, me and the girls. They - Reef and Isis - haunted us in our dreams." Botan said with much difficulty. She kept choking on her words because her mind would flash to the images of Reef and Isis.

"So its starting already..." Genkai said with sigh.

"And so quickly," Koenma said with concern. "The Earth is moving fast."

"Yes." Genkai agreed. She turned to Keiko, "Why I asked you if you dreamt anything unusual is because you have no powers unlike the rest of us. You are fully human and with that, your more in tune with her soul then we would. Your spirit and ki are low so its more transmittable, easier to catch for her to catch onto thoughts."

Koenma spoke up, "There had been a prophecy foretold that the Spirit Detective would lead us to the next Guardian of the Blue Light-"

"And with my help, don't forget that, lad." Said a loud, Irish voice.

Everyone turned around to see Jin, the fast-talking Irish leprechaun and his teammate, Touya.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Yusuke said with a smirk. "I thought I got rid of you."

"Missed you too much, Spirit Detective." Jin said with a pearly white smile.

"Jin and Touya here are going to help us in this situation." Koenma answered the questioning looks of the group. "Jin has also had dreams because of his ability to call up the winds. The Earth uses the wind as a form of communication. Touya, here, was the first to detect the sign of change in the Earth."

Jin walked in with a large smile on his face and his blue eyes twinkling and laughter as Touya followed from behind.

Jin stood to the side of Botan. He looked down at her, and then did a double take.

"Well, now. Why is such a beautiful lass as yourself crying?" Jin asked her, placing an arm across the back of Botan's chair, placing his other hand on her armrest and then leaned down to look her straight in the eyes.

Yusuke's brows shot up at this.

Botan, caught off guard, blinked up at the smiling red-head and blushed.

"Well, u-um..." Botan leaned back as Jin leaned in even further more.

"Me names Jin." Jin grinned slyly down at her, his blue eyes dominating her pink orbs.

Botan blushed, "Hi. I'm Botan..."

They remained there for a moment until Genkai coughed for their attention.

Botan turned her head away quickly except Jin stayed in the same position. He did turn his head to look, though. "Sorry to interrupt. Carry on," he said with a grin.

Botan just looked down at her lap, all flustered up, and had started fiddling with the hem of her shirt.

During this incident, Touya just stayed by the door. His eyes were cast down, arms crossed and stood leaning against the door.

Touya suddenly felt eyes on him so he looked up to see a set of auburn's peeking at him from behind the couch.

It was Yukina.

Yukina had seen his fight with Kurama but she didn't see what she saw now, up-close like this.

He was so... handsome...

Yukina blushed as she stared at him from behind her seat.

She had wanted to see the color of his eyes. She felt her heart race as Touya raised his eyes to meet hers.

Her surprise met his coolness.

Ice blue like an Alaskan glacier.

She had never seen such calmness and impassiveness.

Yukina gave a small squeak and then shot back down as quick as she could. She could feel her heart raging fire.

She knew he was still watching her.

Yukina blushed again and tried not to think about him.

"The Earth's portal connects in three ways; the Demon world, the Spirit World, and then the to the Earth itself." Koenma said. "The Blue Light is what keeps the barriers where they are now. If these three worlds collide-"

"Chaos..." Botan finished. "The demon world was to keep the black-hearted and the darkness from the Earth's regions. It also kept those who despised the human race or feared them. It rather kept the balance of bedlam. Humans aren't used to the power demons are possessed with so they wouldn't understand anything about demons."

Botan looked up at astonished faces.

"What?" She asked in confusion.

"How did you know that all?" Yusuke asked.

Botan's brow furrowed as her mind wandered through her thoughts.

"Well, when I was younger... I remember someone told me a story about why the worlds were seperated." Botan suddenly smiled cheerfully. "But it was such a long time ago! I can't remember much of it."

"Well, you got it right." Koenma said. "You also probably read about it in your Book of Enma."

Botan blinked, "Your right! I think I might have read something about that..."

Koenma nodded, "The Book of Enma began after Reef and Isis's baby was born. It was said that since the Earth swallowed them both, their baby girl was born from a blue rose."

"Oh... So that's why her stomach was glowing before the earth ate them!" Kuwabara asked.

Shizuru shot her brother daggers. "I can't believe I'm related to you." She scowled.

Kuwabara blinked. "What?" He said.

Shizuru sighed and shook her head. "I still can't believe I haven't disowned you."

"Now," Koenma said. "This purple rain you see before you-"

"Are spirits, am I correct?" Kurama asked. "Shizuru told me that."

"Yes, that is right." Koenma nodded. "I know that Shizuru has a sixth sense like her brother. See, Reef had a best friend named Kin who married one of your ancestors. She was a Spirit Guide or in other words, a Medium."

"That would explain my very cool Spirit Sword!" Kuwabara gleamed.

Everyone sighed as Kuwabara jumped up and started to flex the "muscles" he "believed" he had.

"There lost because the barrier between the Spirit world and the two real worlds has weakened. Hasn't it?" Shizuru asked slowly. "I could hear them asking me where they were, how they got there, or whether or not they were going to get home."

Botan blinked. "So that would explain why it was so hot this mourning."

All eyes turned to Botan in confusion.

Botan's cheeks started to burn when she saw Yusuke smirking at her. "Well," Botan said. "When something wrong goes on with Spirits, Ferry Girls will feel the air turning humid or become hotter. No one around them can feel it but themselves."

"Spirits now wonder around and looking for things, or people that have gone on with their lives. Most humans do not understand and will start to fear and things will fall apart." Koenma looked at Genkai who was leaving the room. He started to speak again to lure the attention to him so Genkai could escape with out being noticed.

"The world is held together with the power of the Blue Light. She is the earth's heart and works like one at that. She gives the Earth colors, protection, and life." Koenma paused for a moment and added, "That where we come in. We need to keep the demons in this world to keep from entering through Earth's portals. We also need to find the Guardian of the Blue Light so that the guardian can lead us to the next Blue Light."

"Wait," Yusuke said. "Who is the Blue Light now?"

"That, my friend, I honestly do not know. I do, however, know that the Blue Light now is losing power and her grip on the Earth."

"Well, can you give us anything about who is the next Blue Light?" Keiko asked.

"I can only tell you that it's a girl and that she hold great power." Koenma eyes gazed at the faces that stared back at him.

"And I mean great power..."

Thanks For Reading!

Please Review! More Reviews, the faster I get the next chapter up (its not a threat but a definite promise...Hahahaha)!

Island Sweetheart